BB Pearl Flip :: 8220 Recent Onset Of Rapid Battery Drain / Even When Phone Is Off
Aug 31, 2010
My T-Mobile 8220 (which was replaced in April because the Bluetooth quit) worked fine for several months (under light use) and then the battery, which was previously long lasting, started to drain rapidly. It began draining 20-30 percent in 24 hours even when the phone was turned off. I thought it was because the battery was over a year old, so I bought an apparently new one, a RIM-branded C-M2 (from EMTC, Inc., for $9.95 including shipping). The new battery performed the same as the original (which was about 14 months old). I've kept everything turned off when the phone is on except the minimum (e.g., no wireless, GPS or Bluetooth service running), reset the phone and updated the software to v.; no change.
I then talked to T-Mobile customer service, who considering what I had already tried, had no further suggestions. The CS tech felt there is most likely a problem in the phone's hardware. (The phone is now out of warranty.)As a last step before updating the software to v. .308, recommended in this forum, I drained the battery 100 percent a couple of times, which in each case took about 2.5 days. Still no improvement. In fact, upon completing charging immediately after those two cycles, the battery completely drained essentially overnight.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is the phone on the way out or have I more likely been dealing with two bad batteries?
I've used my Bold 9700 every day since I got it back in November. I typically charge it every 2nd or 3rd night with the wall charger while I sleep and have been very happy with the battery life. Two days ago while in my office, I noticed the battery was very low, so I used the USB cable to charge it. It seemed to work well, but the charge didn't seem to last as it needed to be charged the very next day. I chalked it up to the possibility that it didn't fully charge from the USB connection, so I plugged it in to the wall charger last night as I typically do. This morning it was fully charged, although I did notice it was a little warmer than it usually is. Now, 6 hours later, with almost no use, the device is completely dead! At first I thought it had shut off, but I just plugged it in to to find the device boot up once power was supplied. I checked the device status and it says it has 2% power. Does anyone know what may have happened or have any advice for things I can check?
I bought a BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220 off Kijiji and every time I flip open my 9220 Pearl Flip I have to enter a code for it to allow me to use the phone. The phone will not allow me to disable the password function. Beside where it says Password: there is a red lock symbol and the word Enabled. I want to be able to use the phone without having to always enter a password.
I am trying to update my App World and my BBM to BBM 6 but they never get updated even after rebooting my phone several times. I tried installing them through all the possible ways. Through my phone, through the mail that the website sends and USB but nothing seems to be working. My device is listed in the supporting devices.
I have a 8220 and i get an error when i try to start it up now i have tried reloading software with rogers and with out and it wont let me it goes through the steps then it says cannot connect to the device.
Hey everybody,I have a Pearl Flip 8220 with Movistar in Mexico,the problem is that I had EDGE couple hours ago in this same location and now it switched to GSM.I've tried resetting it for like 5 times and it still doesn't work?
I am using a Pearl Flip 8220 (T-Mobile unlocked version) in INDIA.Recently I gave the handset for OS reloading as I was getting a 'Call Failed' message frequently. None of the repair shops could resolve the issue & hence I decided to wipe the existing OS (on my own) and reload the latest one by downloading it from BB website for my carrier (Airtel). I wiped the existing OS using BBSAK and tried loading the OS.But since then I have been facing issues and not able to do it. While trying to load the OS, the handset restarts automatically, for some reason, and the loading ends abruptly. I have observed that this happens while the applicaion tries to load 'net_rim_cldc.cod'.
I have a BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220. I'm having the worst time trying to send pictures messages, so I'm wondering if anyone here can help me. I've visited other forums, and I've tried sending as MMS. But it still isn't working. It just shows a small red 'x' almost the exact moment I press send.
Newly i got this phone and still exploring it. Tried out the camera and took pictures and the pictures show like x-ray colour. I tried to change through the options but the picture taken still appear the same.
I have not abused this phone nor has it gotten wet. I've tried two different batteries and two different chargers and it still yields zero response. Not even a charging light when i plug it in. I literally put it in my pocket while it was fully functioning, took it out an hour later and it was off. Now i can't even get the bricked screen of death. I haven't taken it apart yet but i have a feeling i'm going to have to. I just got it from a friend and he just downloaded the newest os to it. It had a 2 gig memory card in it but there was nothing on the card as i only had it for a week before this happened. I hadn't signed up for internet service yet and the only thing i downloaded to it was one cd via windows media player. The cd was a legit cd purchased from a label not limewire...
I have an 8220 flip (with T-Mobile) that has stopped responding half the time. Some of the time it works perfectly -- and then, without warning, the screens go dark (both inside or out, depending on whether I have the phone open at the time) and the red "you have a message" light comes on, and stays on for about ten seconds. Then everything goes dark for a bit, and then the screen goes white, with the spinning clock in the middle. After ten or fifteen seconds, the screen goes dark again and the red light comes back, and the cycle repeats endlessly until I take out the battery.
Sometimes replacing the battery fixes the problem; sometimes it doesn't. The phone seems most likely to be lucid when fully charged, but swapping out the battery for another has not worked.
My 8220 just displays the T-Mobile logo on a white background on the external screen. I updated it today to the .305 and didn't notice this screen issue till just a hour ago. I deleted the vendor and both my favs files I saw in the java folder. No PC at home with internet so I'll try this again at the office. Any advice for this predicament?
I'm new to the forums but my pearl flips keypad lighting has completely stopped working. When i turn the phone on there's no lighting behind the keypad, however the main lcd is fine. I've had the phone for about a year, normal wear and tear.My question is if it's possible to get the lighting back? will purchasing a new keypad get the lighting back or is it a main board issue?
I'm having a serious battery drain problem with my Neo. It seems to drain very quickly within 8 hours sometimes less, and when it gets to about 30% it will suddenly say "no sim card", the battery icon flashes red and then all power goes completely and have to recharge. When the 'phone is switched on and idle, it gets VERY warm, never mind about being used.
Over the past 2 days my battery life is worse than ever, and I've had my Bold for a few months. I installed a few new apps - Xobni, PowerBoss, and the new version of BBM. I uninstalled Xobni and PowerBoss, so the only new app left on my phone is the new version of BBM. Anyone else experiencing recent battery issues or have any suggestions for me?
After only 2 minutes on a phone call or 2 minutes of surfing the internet, my battery drains to ZERO and the phone shuts off. If I pop out the battery and reboot, I have about 50% of battery life remaining. If I make a call or browse again, the same thing happens? the device software is
For the past week or so my Torch has been having rapid battery drains from about 50% where it beeps and says "battery depleted, switching off" and turns itself off!
Sometimes it wont turn back on until plugged into the charger, while others it will turn back on again after a while, and shows 50% battery again. But if you try and do anything like use the camera, surf the net or go on facebook, it turns off again. The fact it still shows 50% just before 'draining' and again when turned on tells me this is not a real problem with the battery but something to do with software?
I have tried restarting the phone, turning it off and doing battery pulls, doing battery pulls while it's turned on or while its turned on and plugged into the charger I have disabled the compression storage option, checked my CPU usage which seems normal (nothing is running using a lot of CPU), deleted apps which I thought may be causing the issue (with reboots in between), no apps are open in the background running all the time...
Recently App world asked me to do an upgrade to When I did this, the App world icon had disappeared from my phone (not hidden or anything, it was visable in application management, but the icon was nowhere on the phone). I found a forum which suggested I re-downgrade back to app world version to solve this issue. That is what I did, and the app world icon reappeared.
Since these app world updates, this is when the battery drain issue on my phone has been occuring.My phone Blackberry OS is: 9800/
I am in Australia, so not sure if this affects any OS updates or anything. who knows anything about the best way to resolve this issue. Having an unreliable phone is frustrating, and very inconveneient when out with no charger (no one wants to have to carry their charger everywhere, nor should they.
battery draining while using GPS in the car? Yesterday I drove for two hours and went from 99% to about 48%, all while charging (no other apps running, auto-brightness, no bluetooth, etc.) The charger isn't the fault as I tested it with my wife's M8 (using same apps, etc.). The M8 reached 100% and stayed there. I've since purchased a 2.0 quick charger (which I've yet to use) but why the performance would be drastically worse on the M9. I ran a check disk on my SD card (Sandisk Ultra 64GB) and so errors were found. Outside of the car/GPS use, battery seems close to the M8 but, if anything, a little worse. I can live with that but cannot have my phone drained after a long drive in the car.
I have recently started experiencing rapid battery drain on my 9700. If I charge it to 100% and unplug it from the charger when I go to bed, when I wake up its on critical battery (no bars left). During the day it lasts from morning to about 4pm.I first tried a security wipe to get rid of all my apps. No luck.
I then updated my OS to the latest version (.545) and I'm still having the same problem.I have no apps running, apart from the default five. I only get about 10 emails a day and make 1 or 2 calls.So, is it the battery or the phone itself?
Can anyone advise how to install the desktop for a BB Pearl Flip? Is it any different from any of the other phones? I read something about it needing a Media Card?
I have a Nokia 5800 xpressmusic mobile and its about 7 months old , I charge up the phone and the batery lasts between 6-8 hours with very little use ? the phone is just draining the power from the batery . At first I thought batery dyeing so I put another one in , charged it up and the same happened again,About a 2 weeks ago it did get wet fell in the sink and I dried it out and waited a few days befor I switched it on and it worked perfect no problems until a couple of days ago. I can put batery in and charge it switch phone on with no problems , I even took the batery out to see if the batery was dyeing on its own with no problems put it in my friends phone and it lasted as it should , so is this a software problem in the phone or is it earthing or something to cause a drain?
I recently purchased a Blackberry Pearl flip 8220 and I noticed that the battery usage was extremely low, I would charge the phone all night into the morning and when I wake up I turn it on for use. Since I noticed it had a problem with battery usage, I pulled out the battery and saw that it was a "generic" battery not from Blackberry CM-2, So I purchased a brand new factory made CM-2 Blackberry battery. The problem is, I still have the same issue, I charge the battery all night into morning and the battery only lasts a few hours at most. I charged it all night last night and already from 11am - 3pm the battery is half-dead and I have hardly used it! I'm trying to find out if anyone knows what could be causing this to happen? Is it common for this phone to use battery life so abundantly
Yesterday I did an update to several programs including Google and noticed major battery drain. I was not sure which program did it but checked Battery in Settings and saw it was the screen causing the drain. Apparently when the Google program updated, it changed the setting for automatic brightness adjustment to ON. I turned it off and the battery is fine. I keep brightness set to about one quarter to one third brightness. I think the battery life is great and I can easily get thru the day.
Is anyone else experiencing the life being sucked out of their battery after the recent version 5.1.1 iphone software update? Last update to 5.0 did the same thing, but there was a patch released a few weeks afterwards. Any info on when a patch for this most recent version update will be released? Thanks!!
Has anyone noticed a bad battery drain on Sprint running .484 over the last 2 or 3 days or so? I don't know what the deal is, but I have been charging my phone over night, and within 2 hours, and barely any use at all, it drains to about 80%.I don't know why. I am not doing or running anything different than I normally do. Was just wondering if anyone else has been experiencing the same thing?The only thing I can think of is maybe they are doing something with the towers where I live, NJ, and that is causing my phone to search for a signal more, thus causing a drain.
I received my Flip 8230 today and have not yet had the chance to activate it and probably won't until tomorrow or Friday. I've been playing with it though to get a good feel for it, and I've noticed that there's no browser installed nor is there any MMS folder or option when sending a picture. I did a search on both issues and found one thread in which it was suggested to resend the service books to remedy the browser problem, so I'll do that as soon as it's hooked up.
What worries me more though is the lack of an MMS folder or MMS option when trying to send a picture. (I can't actually send one of course since my phone isn't activated yet, but the option should still be there.) I did a search on that as well and did find a couple threads about it, but neither really contain an answer to the problem. How do I fix it? I'll be pretty sad if I can't do MMS with this phone.
I've decided that I'm going to sell my Flip on ebay, but I'm having some problems figuring out how to remove all my info from the phone. I don't want to delete the OS and have to reinstall and all that, I just simply want to remove my own personal information that I've put into it.From everything I've read, I simply go to Options > Security Settings > General Settings > Wipe Handheld. On my 8330 I can find this perfectly but on my 8230 it's nowhere to be found? That option is just not there and I can't find it anywhere else either. I know the phone had been restored to factory settings when I received it so there's gotta be a way to do this. Any ideas anyone? Running v4.6.1.234 ETA: Okay, I just went back into General Settings and scrolled down to a few random things listed under Services.I see that when I click those, I'm given the "Wipe Handheld" option. I'll give that a try!
After losing network connection blackberry pearl flip keeps restarting...i turned off all the network connection and once i went to turn them back on the phone just went into reboot mode...i then have to download the OS upgrade in order for my phone 2 come back on...but once i do this im right back to no connection and ultimately doing the same thing over again...
The speakerphone isn't working for my phone, which also includes the ringer and anything not including the earphone speaker. I dropped my phone and it cracker and only the speakerphone was working. I opened it up and a few things became disconnected including the ear speaker and camera so I reconnected them and they worked but then speaker stopped working after I had taken it apart. Did I somehow manage to disconnect that or ruin the connection? Any tips would be appreciated I think that the speaker is located on the plastic housing that the keypad is attacked to but im not sure.