IPhone :: 4s Severe Battery Woes?

Apr 10, 2012

I left my iPhone 4s (iOS 5.1, no jailbreak or anything, purchased early January) charging overnight last night for about 10 hours. This morning, when I unplugged it at 8:30 AM, it was at 100% battery life. I used it lightly for the next four hours, playing music on it for about three of them and doing a few web searches/responding to a couple of emails on 3g (WiFi and Bluetooth were disabled). By about 12:20, the battery was down to 40%. At 12:28, and 37% battery, it shut down and gave me the "dead battery" screen when I tried to turn it back on. Needless to say this was a pretty big inconvenience, since I expect it to last me the whole day. When I got home this evening, I plugged it back in, and as soon as it turned on it showed 37% battery. What's going on? I'm charging it up fully right now, but I really need it to work and I'm hoping the same thing doesn't happen tomorrow (although at least I'll bring my charger with me just in case).

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Severe Battery Drainage With 4s And 4 Since Recent Update To 5.1?

Mar 19, 2012

Most recently having severe battery drainage on my 4s and also my partners 4, is this possible due to recent 5.1 update or could it be associated with an app update ? Which there have been several since 5.1 was released, I,m not sure also but my new iPad possibly maybe showing similar effects. As mentioned this all has happened over the last few days. Could there be a conflict with an App and iOS 5.1 ? This has become so frustrating as my battery only now lasts a few hours before re-charging. Can Apple please look into this issue, as I,m sure there must be other users with same issue. Please find a fix for this problem.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5

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BB Curve :: Password Woes - Make A New Email Account?

Oct 9, 2011

I have forgotten my password... and need to make a new email account. The message I get is that a new password has been successfully delivered to your device .... BUT WHERE ????

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HTC Desire S :: Severe Lag After Official ICS Update?

Oct 5, 2012

I recently did the ICS RUU update from the HTC Dev site, all good generally but phone now suffers from severe lag at times, mostly during intensive 3D games but often during typing (I use SlideIt). Same games, same SlideIt, same phone, performance fine on Android 3, but I'm thinking of downgrading unless there is a fix for this. Games often pause themselves when the going gets tough, and sometimes bomb out to the home page.

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Galaxy S6 :: Severe Lag On Phone After Deleting A Theme

Oct 31, 2015

So every time I delete an installed theme on the device it goes through an extreme lag session. I check the cpu and see that it does some heavy load for a while like several hours. I have to restart the phone to have it operate normally, but I dont know why that happens all the time every time I delete or erase a theme. It was like this from the start since I bought the phone and I hope I'm no the only one experiencing this because I can't find any data on Google too.

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BB Bold 9000 :: Call Fails And Severe Overheating

Feb 15, 2010

Had the Bold for just over a year, using Telstra in Australia and OS No Facebook, have googlemaps but I exit whenever I use and have removed most apps.

Three times now the phone for no reason has got that hot that even in a holster on my belt, I felt the heat. The unit get's that hot that it drains the entire battery life in approx 5 min. I remove the battery, let it cool completely and then replace. Telstra don't know what the issue is and as it hasn't happened when I take it back, they will not look at it. Using the THB full car kit, the unit generates a lot of heat slow charging in the car kit cradle and on a heavy day I will get 3-4 hours use before flat, or I have to turn it off and let it cool down.

I have to soft reboot the unit evry 2nd day to stop the black wheel of death and the amount of Call Failed has increased to an embarrassing level. I have reported all these to Telstra and they are investigating.

I have since spoken to another user on Telstra with a Bold and upon describing my problems, he recounted a similar problem with his unit. His Telstra rep informed him that there was a problem batch of Bold's in Australia 12-18 months ago that had a known problem. They replaced his free of charge and he has had no such issues since and a massive increase in battery life. I recounted this our corporate Telstra rep to no avail.

We have 17 Bold's in the fleet, of which 11 came at the same time. Of these 11, 7 have the problem as described as above. Is this a common problem and how do I get Telstra to address ?

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Galaxy S6 :: Severe Lag With Google Calendar And Gmail Widgets

Apr 10, 2015

I use both the Gmail inbox widget, which let's me preview and scroll through current mail without opening the Gmail app, and the Google Calendar widget which allows me to preview my calendar in agenda mode.

Both widgets have extreme lag in scrolling. Calendar has lag and sync/updating issues.

It was like this on my Edge (exchanged for regular S6) and on my new S6.

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Huawei Nexus 6P :: Severe Delay In All Kinds Of Notification Until Wake Up Phone Screen

Jan 8, 2016

I am seeing this issue increasing on daily basis. My phone is usually in my pocked (not in doze) or some times lying around on the desk (dozed/not dozed, but still notification should deliver late). But I have noticed that in both situations, I don't receive any notification until I actually turn on the screen.

As soon as I turn the screen on, notifications start to come in all together.. (around 4-5 notification comes together). It seems that they were pending to be delivered but were never delivered to the device until I woke it up and data connection restored.

I understand that in doze mode, notifications are delayed but are delivered, but in my situation they are not even delivered until I turn on the screen and wait a couple to 5 seconds.

- I am on Stock Android without anykind of root (systemless or regular).
- I don't have any kind of advanced battery saving mode on or app installed (greenify or clean master etc).
- I don't have battery optimization for whatsapp still no notification comes in
- I see it on both Wifi and LTE..
- Cellular notifications like sms, mms or calls are not affected with this issue, they come on time.

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IPhone :: Charging The Battery Constantly (dock, USB Cable) Affects The Battery Life Of 4S?

Mar 24, 2012

I have already read enough of this great forum post, I hope in the future to helpbeginners like me, one day we had to IOS (formerly had a Galaxy S2) and now we are more than comfortable with my 4s!I have the cell phone constantly charging, either in the Dock, when I go to bed, Through The cable in my university (when I'm in class or on the computer in the Library), this because the phone if consuming battery (I have the iOS 5.0.1) and hate running out of battery (no phone) when I'm away from home.Then the doubt (I've already searched in many forums) is whether this is detrimental tothe battery of the phone, or simply when the iPhone detects that is loaded, just stops receiving load and nothing happens:

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1

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IPhone :: My Battery Needs Daily Charging - Save Battery Life ?

Jun 27, 2012

Just purchased iPhone 4S and it's sucking the life out of the battery. I've read several posts to turn items off to save battery life and nothing seems to be working.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: 4 Powers Down With 35% Battery And Does Not Give Any Low Battery Warning?

Apr 19, 2012

My iPhone 4 powers down with 35% battery and does not give any low battery warning?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: 4s Displays Battery Is Charged, But Battery Has No Charge

Jun 25, 2012

My iphone 4s battery was dead, so I replaced a battery bought over internet. Now when I charge the phone ( using usb cable plugged to the power outlet on the wall) on right top corner it displays "battery is charged" (battery icon with a plug) but % of charge remains at 5%.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: 3GS Battery Is Bad - How To Salvage A Bad Battery

Jul 23, 2010

So I returned my iPhone 4 yesterday and got shamefully put down by apple with the white announcement lol. But regardless. My 3GS has terrible battery life. Like really bad. I've barely used it today from 10am and it's at 40 percent and that's literally mostly asleep. My question is , is there any way to salvage a bad battery? By using a specific charge cycle to maybe boost it up a bit? I just need a temporary fix while I use this phone.

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Nokia :: N900 Struggling To Save Battery - Not Get More Than 6 Hours Battery Life

May 14, 2010

So had my N900 for a little over a week now and overall I'm pretty impressed. Great phone, but still very much a work in progress. One of the main issues I have at the moment, other than no turn-by-turn navigation (sorry, had to mention it), is the battery life - or lack of!

On an average weekday I use the phone to send a few texts (no more than 10), scan the news sites (no more then 20-30mins total) and catch up on my RSS feeds (again, no more than 20-30 mins total). I'm not using the media player at all and I may make one or two short calls.

Bottom line is that I'm struggling to get more than 6 hours battery life out of it. I know smart phones are thirsty, but I don't even get to listen to music on my way to or from work!Here's what I've already done to reduce battery consumption:

Removed active widgets (such as ForcaWeather) from desktops and replaced with web shortcuts.Reduced screen brightness to 2 barsDisabled GPS & Network positioningDisabled IMDisabled BluetoothI've heard some mention reducing the amount of active desktops, but I think that kinda defeats the object of having a N900. May as well buy a lesser phone if you need to strip out all the functionality to get though the day. I'd be satisfied with 8-10 hours medium use. At the moment I'm getting around 6 hours at light use - got to be something I'm missing.

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BB Storm 9530/9500 :: Battery Pull Without Actually Removing And Reinstalling Battery?

Apr 2, 2010

Is there a way on the 9530 to simulate a battery pull without actually removing and reinstalling the battery?

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LG G4 :: Battery Stats Report - Phone App Listed As Higher Battery Consumer

Aug 18, 2015

Since acquiring a G4 recently I've noticed something weird going on with the phone's battery stats report. For some reason the Phone App is always listed as the highest battery consumer, even in circumstances when the screen should definitely be at the top with upwards of 4 hours of SOT.

Here's a shot from today after being off a full charge for about 15 hours and 1.5 hours of SOT (a good chuck of this was overnight idle).

This is happening on every full recharge even after rebooting and full charging in an off state.

However, the GSam report looks much more normal and closer to what I would expect to see

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Motorola Xoom :: Battery Capacity - Battery Life Decreased After A Month

Feb 9, 2012

know the battery capacity of the XOOM (MZ601), mine is 3260mah Reason for the question is my xoom, replaced about a month ago used to give me 5 days life, now its 2 days, and thats just scraping in.... No SD card, same apps, same usage pattern

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IPhone 5s :: Going From 9% Battery To 1% Battery

Jun 19, 2014

if my iPhone 5s battery is going from 9% and then to 1% is that something i should worry about or not?

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Nokia :: N95 Battery Gauge Inaccurate - Software / Battery Error?

May 3, 2010

I've got a Nokia N95 with the latest 35.0.002 firmware and a brand new genuine Nokia BL-5F battery. When I first got the battery I cycled it twice to calibrate the gauge as recommended. However, it shows 100% 7 bars until the battery is almost discharged, when it will drop about a bar every 10 minutes until it no longer switches on. This is quite annoying as I don't know how much battery I have left. I'd like it to stop lying to me and drop steadily according to how much charge is left. Also, if I discharge the battery a bit by, say, browing the web so the battery gauge is still showing full and then plug the charger in for a few seconds and unplug it again, it then shows me the true battery level by dropping a couple of bars. However, it will get "stuck" at this level until the charger is connected and disconnected again.It shows full for about two days of heavy usage - WiFi, 3G, GPS and all that, upon when the gauge drops. Is there a way to calibrate it better or should I flash the phone again? Or is the battery faulty?

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BB Curve 83xx :: Battery Life Lasts A Few Minutes - Tried New Battery

Feb 16, 2010

I gave my sister my old curve its about 1 1/2 yrs old. the day i gave it to her the phone worked just fine but after she flew back home the battery would only last her a few minutes. i told her to try a new battery but it still has not changed anything. i even got her to upgrade to 5.0 just to see if it would make any difference but it doesnt.

she barely uses any apps, and mostly uses the phone for emailing.on standby it will every 10minutes or so the battery life will go down by 10%, and after a few texts or a minute or two on a call the phone will just die. she can pretty much just use it when its connected to a power source.Seems like a phone issue but there is no warranty on it

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BB Curve 8500 :: Battery Draining Fast / Tried Battery Pull

Jul 2, 2010

My battrery has been running low quickly . For instance, I charged it yesterday and when it was done charging I made a phone call. I was on the phone for about 11/2 minutes. After I got off I looked at my battery and it was down 1/2 a brick. I've tried removing the battery for awhile, but it doesn't seem to help. I talk on it a lot through the day so I can understand it needing charged at night, but 1 minute off the charger and it's already losing power? I don't use the internet that much, but I do play games. The phone is about a month old. Any advice?

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BB Curve :: Improve Battery Life/long Lasting Battery?

Dec 13, 2011

Okay, so I'm on the move a lot, travelling to and from University each day which can take anywhere between 1-2 hours getting there and getting back. I'm always on my phone during travelling as there isb't much else to do and I like to keep in touch with friends. I use Facebook and the internet a lot on their and I understand this is why my battery runs down so quick. Using it for I'd say 3 or so hours and the battery is done, I usually take my usb cable to uni so I can charge it ready for the journey home. Is there anyway I can get the same usage out of it and not drain the battery so much? I am thinking of getting a new battery first off as I'd say the current one would not be able to achieve good life againt, but is there long lasting batteries I can get?

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BB Storm :: Battery Is Inserted The Screen Shows A Battery With A Red Cross?

May 22, 2012

When the battery is inserted the screen shows a battery with a red cross.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Get Battery Notification To Come Up When The Battery Is Full?

May 9, 2012

How do I get my battery notification to come up when the battery is full?? I know it use to do that but now I can't find where it went to?

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Motorola Defy :: Invalid Battery Message Battery Won't Charge

Aug 4, 2011

Both my wife and I have Defy's owned for 4 months and upgraded to Froyo 2.2 some weeks ago.both working normally.Then yesterday my phone, for no obvious reason, came up with the message "Invalid Battery.Your device battery is invalid and cannot be charged. Replace the battery with an origional motorola battery." Also the battery symbol at top right of display is black, not green, and has a? mark in it. I have checked my battery, which came with the phone, and it is official Motorola with hologram. So is my wifes.I tried swapping the batteries and while my battery works perfectly in her phone, her battery in my phone gives the same errors.I then tried a master reset....Twice! Both successful, wiping all my data, and requiring me to set up the phone again, but problem still remains.

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: Battery Losing Up To 30% Battery On Reboot But Got No Answers?

Feb 18, 2012

I posted about a problem with my battery losing up to 30% battery on reboot but got no answers so am hoping somebody will test their phone for meWhen my battery drops to just below 50%, if I reboot by pressing and holding the power button for about 8 seconds, on reboot, my battery has dropped to as little as 13%, even if there was 48% left prior to rebooting.I originally thought this was happening after tethering but it has turned out, it does it regardless of how much or how little I use the phone and even without tetheringI am on stock 2.3.4 XEU, manufacture unlocked and wondered if some kind soul would be kind enought to see if they can replicate the problem.It needs to be the 9100, complete stock and not rooted really as I am trying to determine whether it's a hardware issue or software issue.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Battery Monitor Do Not Add Up To Total Battery Drain?

Nov 29, 2015

Nexus 5, 16GB, MRA58N (stock, not rooted). Sometimes the power percentages shown for each process in the battery monitor do not add up to the total battery drain? I am finding that sometimes they add up to within 1% of the total shown.... and sometimes they are WAY off with as much as 30% of the displayed battery drain unaccounted for. Since I don''t have access to the battery terminals, I can't determine independently whether the percentages shown are simply inaccurate, or whether there are missing processes (ie., processes not shown at all in the battery monitor).

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Nokia :: N73 Battery Heating Too Much And Never Shows Battery Is Full

Apr 28, 2010

Need Help/Suggestion from Mobile Gurus right here .I have 1 Year Old N73 ME and I mainly use it for Calling and Texting. Very Occasionally I use it for Music/Gaming and Browsing the Web.The phone is completely in excellent condition

The problem is that: While charging ONLY the Battery gets too much HOT and it never shows Battery is Full (Charged it for Max 1 Hour 45 Minutes) This problem suddenly appeared, so I formatted the Memory Card as well as Hard Format/Reset the Phone, but still the Battery is heating too much

After disconnecting the Phone from Charger, the Battery is FULL and I can use it without any problem and as usual. The Talktime right now is around 2.5 Hours and Standby time is around 2-3 Days

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Nokia Nseries :: Replace N8 Battery With A Higher MAh Battery?

Dec 17, 2011

can i replace my n8 battery with a higher mAh battery?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Sending SMS After Low Battery Followed By Battery Recharge

Jan 10, 2010

I have a problem with my tour.after I get a low battery notification and the radio turns off I charge my battery and then afterwards I can't send SMS.I can send and receive emails, receive SMS and surf the web, but until I do a battery pull I cant send them.Seems kind of weird that this would be normal. After the battery is charged, what is the purpose of preventing me from sending?Is there a fix?

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BB Bold 9000 :: False Low Battery After Battery Pull 5.0

Jan 24, 2010

I recently upgraded to v5.0.0.411 and have had almost no problems so far. One problem I have had though is whenever I do a battery pull my battery instantly says it's drained upon starting back up. Today it went from 50% to 15% after one pull. I know it is a false reading because recently it went from around 50% to 3%(the yellow low battery light was flashing when I turned it back on as well), however, I was able to use the phone for hours after this and it remained at 3%. From what I've read I'm thinking this might be a problem with the battery or battery contacts? But it's strange that it started happening as soon as I upgraded my OS to 5.0. Any suggestions or info?

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