For a while now my home button has been sporadically unresponsive - I'd press it a couple times and then it'd work. This morning however, it won't respond at all, which means once I enter an application I can't exit it at all. I can't reboot it by pressing the Home/Wake buttons together either, since obviously the home button isn't working, and I'd rather not restart it every time I want to do something.
I think this is more a hardware problem than anything else and means I might need to get my phone replaced, but it's out of its 1 year warranty period. I kept dropping it, even with a case on.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1, cracked screen, I dropped it a lot
The home button on my 4S is completely unresponsive. Additionally, when I turn the phone off, it restarts all by itself. I've tried a few times to reinstall software, but that hasn't corrected the problem.
Is anyone else with a jailbroken app having a problem with the home button not always responding to clicks? Sometimes I need to click it 2 or 3 times. Seems like a software issue too.
Also on sbsettings when i adjust brghtness it changes, but when I turn the phone to sleep and wake it up, it's back to the old brightness.
I have an iphone 4. I have tried closing all open apps, restarted the phone but the home button (the big circle button on the bottom) is either VERY s.....l.....o.....w or unresponsive. What gives? What can I do? Feel like I'm gonna break the phone by pressing so hard willing it to work!
The home button on my iPhone 4 is sometimes very sticky (unresponsive) the only way to get it working is to smack the phone sharply on my hand several times. i have looked for any muck in the connection strip, vacumed it, blowen it with dry air but still it happens every day.
Can apple do anything to fix my home button? Am not expecting a new phone or anything as mine is out of warranty but I need some aid in knowing what to do to help fix the home button on my current iPhone 4 16gb
My iPhone 4 dropped in the water. I tried to switch off it but sensor and home button momentally stopped working. There was no any tools to open back side and take out the battery. So it was switched on about 5 hours. After 5 hours I totally disassembled and dried all parts. It starts working but... Now battery does not working. I changed the old battery but nothing changed. When it plugged in to the computer via USB cable (without battery) It tries to switch on but rebooting every 10 second. But with battery, it tries to switch on and sometimes it loads everything and there is all my application and data but it reboots momentally. So there is little difference when it switching on with battery and without battery. Other parts working properly.
I have had my IPhone 4 for about a year now, about 3 months ago, I noticed a white substance eluding from underneath, I assumed it to be glue. It has now completely covered the home button square and makes it appear very unsightly. A couple of days a go I noticed how the home button feels like it has sunk into the phone, you are only now able to push it partially down to use it. Multitasking now is fairly intermittent.
I recently bought an apple 4S 16GB phone and been using the same since last about 20 days. Recently for no apparent reason, my iphone 4s went completely blank, neither power nor Home button worked. I had to press power and home button simultaneously to reboot and get it started. It happened twice in a span of 3 days. I am using Vodafone 3G services in India. Its quite annoying to find your phone in a vegetable state and wait for 1-2 minutes to get it rebooted every now and then.
this problem is only occuring in Apples Photos application.
when i open the photos app, it works fine does not crash. however when i close the app, then open it again it crashes and is completely unresponsive. this problem started since i updated my iPhone 5 to iOS7.1. Â
To resolve this problem, i have to terminate the app then re-open it again. but i dont want to hav to do this everytime.
IPhone 5c was sporadically charging and now completely unresponsive to charger. !! I tried the removing of the lint but nothing changed and now it's not charging at all! I need this phone due to my work. What should I do?
Suddenly, today, while checking email, the screen on the device when completely white (there was absolutely nothing on ther screen - I've read that the WSOD often has a symbol or something on the screen, this was strictly white)So, I pulled the battery from the device for a couple of minutes. Upon replacing the battery into the phone, the LED lights up for a couple of minutes and then the screen proceeds with the typical reboot screen... the "blackberry" with the loading bar. Once the bar is full and loaded, the screen goes black and the LED turns off. From here, the device is completely unresponsive.
I have a Sony Z3 and out of the blue yesterday the touchscreen became completely unresponsive. I have restarted countless times (with power & volume up button), fully charged, given it 24 hours and have just tried a repair using Sony Bridge.
I've got an issue with a HTC Sensation. The touchscreen will not unlock whatsoever. The phone turns on fine, new notifications pop up on the top bar and the screen on/off button at the top works fine, but the silver ring at the bottom will not pull up to unlock.
This happened afew weeks ago, I took out the battery, left it out for a few hours, put it back in, did a factory reset and it worked. I've since installed a few more apps and accordingly, the screen does not work at all, I've tried pulling the battery but to no avail, nothing will work, I'm still getting messages through and phone calls but can't unlock the screen to answer!
Does anyone know of any way to bypass the lock screen at start-up so I can just do a factory reset again??? I have tried starting up in safe mode, but this doesn't work.
Recently my Ray's touchscreen has stopped working completely; the screen its self works, as do the volume and power buttons, but it won't register any touch - I can't even unlock the slider. Tried all of the usual things, recharging, leaving the battery out etc. In the end I used the repair tool which installed ICS, and that actually worked for about two days, but the same problem just came back.
I have upgraded from a Curve to a Torch 9850. I have had the new phone for nearly 3 weeks and noticed that occasionally the back button and menu button would not work. In the beginning it was once or twice a day but this weekend it has been an all day event. The phone is fairly useless like this. It occurs with all applications as well as text and BB messenger.
So this morning I took my Xperia Play out of its charging dock, to find that the touch screen is now completely unresponsive.I have tried updating and repairing the software through the PC companion, but the screen is still completely unresponsive. The phone is still (technically) working, and can be navigated by using the PS controls, but the touch part of the screen is not working.
i upgrade the last version for my Xperia Play but unfortunately the touch screen is now completely unresponsive, The phone is still (technically) working, and can be navigated by using the PS controls, but the touch part of the screen is not working.
Yesterday i dropped my storm and it shut off completely, no cracks on the screen nothing. I did a battery pull repeatedly and charged it over night, at first the red light would blink whenever i hit the power button and now its completely unresponsive, no red light at all. Will not even show its charging, my computer will not detect it.
all of a sudden, after my dinner this evening, my S6 edge was completely unresponsive.
pressing the power button for 7+ seconds, as per Samsung, did not work at all. totally black screen, no response. pressing the volume DOWN button, power button, and the home button, also to no avail. on the other hand, while on the phone to TMobile's customer service to report this non-functional brand new phone,
i was continuing to press the abovementioned buttons frantically. well, while i was talking to TMobile via my landline, the phone eventually booted up. this was VERY haphazard. The only thing i recall reading about this was to press the power button for 7 seconds, which Samsung had said was the equivalent of pulling out the battery.
right. that's bogus. that did nothing for me. yet, by pressing the volume up or down button PLUS the power button PLUS the home button,
i don't know exactly which combination eventually worked, as i was trying various permutations, eventually, the phone booted up. this does not give me confidence in this phone.
What eventually i did to make this phone boot up eventually. all i did was to be on the phone with TMobile and press the power button plus the volume up or down button, plus the home button, and eventually, it rebooted and came back to life.
A couple of months ago I was using my iPhone in my room normally. I locked it and put it on my bedside table, when I went back to it I found that my sleep button was very hard to press. I figured it might be temporary and have waited until now. It is now completely unresponsive and I can no longer press it at all. Both of the water damage indicators are white from what I can see and the actual device has very minimal damage from regular use.
I am having an issue with the 950s screen responsiveness and hoping a few other ow red could confirm if they are also so I know if it's a bad screen or something else.
When the phone is laying flat on a hard surface the screen is completely unresponsive. As soon as a pick it up everything is fine.
The other issue is in regards to the keyboard which seems to be hit or miss on recognizing input near the edges of the screen.
I suspect it could be the tempered glass screen protector but I don't want to remove it if others have the issue if there is a known software issue.
The sleep button on my iphone 4s is stuck / unresponsive. it also has a small scratch on the top, that couldnt have caused the damage.. i have never dropped my phone, so id like to know if apple will replace my phone even with the small scratch..
My friends iphone 4 left his phone charged and suddenly his phone shut down and cant be on anymore. it is all blackscreen ... the blackscreen is like when ur phone is off. my friends phone can go to DFU mode i tried restore it using itunes. but it keep give me error code and i have try to solve all the error code but it still cant works ...
My buttons seemed to have stopped working properly. In order to adjust the volume using the side button, I have to shut down the phone and then restart it. It will work for a while and then stops working and I have to go thru the process again. The home button just works whenever it wants. It doesn't fix the problem when I restart the phone. I can slide my finger in a circle around the button and it still doesn't work.
My phone came up with a message asking if i wanted to update to the new software so clicked ok, it seemed to be taking ages and then suddenly went off. Now when holding down the power button and the home button it is still not working and wont restore?
have had my iphone for almost 1 and a half years, and about 8 months ago my home button started wrecking; i would press it and it would either not open the iphone (take it off sleep mode to show lock screen) or the button would get stuck in and would start the voice control.. then about one week ago my vibrate button wasnt vibrating, even when i got a call or message or alarm... around one year ago, my camera started wrecking; like i would go into it and it would be blurry, and over the past year it has been getting worse and worse, and now i cant use my back camera at all.
I have been having this bro;em yesterday and also today when i woke up. My Verizon iPhone 4S touch screen is un responsive sometimes then it workes other times. My Sleep/WAke button also doesnt work. My phone thinks that my sleep button is always being pushed so if my touch sreen is working i can do anything becuase my phone puts it self to sleep when i unlock it. I was on IOS 5.0.1 and then updated to IOS 5.1.1 thinking that this would help me but i didnt.