IPhone :: Will4S Be Sold With Ios 5.01 For It Life Cycle

May 19, 2012

I went to buy a new 4s and asked what iOS are they in box?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1

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IPhone :: Sold On EBay

Jul 19, 2010

So i told my 3GS on ebay and am currently using iPhone 4. But i did the erase and restore on my 3gs. should i ship it this way (screen says connect to iTunes) or should i activate it and then ship it?

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IPhone :: Apple Stores Sold Out?

Jun 24, 2010

Has there been any official word yet that any of the Apple stores are sold out?

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IPhone :: Sold IP / Craigslist / Best Way To Get Most Money Ultimately

May 21, 2010

I've sold my iPhone (1st gen) on Craigslist before to great effect ($225 last year at this time), so I know the benefits of Craigslist (local), but is between it and eBay, is it really the best way to get the most money ultimately? What do you think? I'm basically going to go with whatever the consensus is here and sell it that way. I personally don't have an eBay account but I have a friend who has one with alot of positive feedback so I can use that if necessary.

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IPhone :: 4 Sold UNLOCKED Through Uk Apple Store

Jun 15, 2010

Does anyone know any more about this? Apple seems to be saying it's fully unlocked (carrier and nation).

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IPhone :: Sold 4 On New Line - Can Buy Another At Full Price?

Jun 28, 2010

I just sold my new iPhone 4 that I bought after adding a line. I was wondering if I can buy another iPhone for that line at full price? Has anyone done that with success?

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IPhone :: Apple Store Sold Reserved Phone

Jun 24, 2010

I reserved a 16gb black Iphone 4 online last week for pick up today at the Garden State Plaza Apple store.. I showed up around 9pm because I was working all day.. The "genius" at the door tells me they only have 32gb phones left. If I wanted a 16gb I would have to come back later and they MIGHT be able to hold a 16gb phone for me when it comes in and they don't know when that might be. This is ridiculous, the closest apple store to me is an hour drive away and I work crazy hours.. If I order a phone online I won't get it till mid-July.
The manager at the store basically told me tough luck and if I wanted a 32gb he would give me one after waiting in the huge line that the people who did not reserve a phone were waiting in. Any one have any other ideas of how to further go about this? It is almost like a bait and switch to the 32gb..

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Samsung :: Sold More Phones Than Apple?

Apr 27, 2012

Samsung shipped 93.5 million phones in the three month period, while the former champ Nokia managed just 82.7 million. Of the shipped Samsung phones, 44.5 million were smartphones, which beats Apple's achievement of 35.1 million smartphones. This puts Samsung on top both in terms of both total phones shipped and in the number of smartphones.[URL]..

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BB Torch 9800 :: Phone Being Sold At 50% Off After One Week

Aug 17, 2010

BlackBerry Torch at Half Price After Only One Week.I don't want to sound like a doomsdayer, but this doesn't bode well for RIM at all. I really hope RIM can get its act together and win back users. I don't want to see RIM go under because I really like my BlackBerry and don't want to have to switch to something else should RIM go out of business and my BIS suddenly cease.

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Samsung :: Galaxy Nexus Being Sold Direct?

Apr 24, 2012

Today in the Google Blog a very interesting post popped up:We started shipping Nexus phones more than two years ago to give you a pure Google experience and access to the latest Android updates. Today, weve started selling Galaxy Nexus (HSPA+) from a new Devices section in the Google Play web store, so you can quickly and easily purchase an unlocked version of the phone. We want to give you a place to purchase Nexus devices that work really well with your digital entertainment.

Galaxy Nexus by Samsung runs the latest Android software, Ice Cream Sandwich, with Google mobile services, Google Play and new features like Android Beam and Google+ mobile hangouts. It also offers a 4.65 HD Super AMOLED display that�s perfect for watching movies, playing games or reading books on the go.

First available in the U.S., Galaxy Nexus costs $399 and arrives at your door unlocked, without a carrier commitment or contract. You can use it on the GSM network of your choice, including T-Mobile and AT&T. It also comes pre-installed with the Google Wallet app which lets you easily make purchases and redeem offers with a tap of your phone. Best of all, we'll give you a $10 credit to get you started with your new mobile wallet.

We�ve come a long way since the first Android devices started hitting shelves three and a half years ago and since the launch of the first Nexus device. More than 300 million Android devices have been activated globally. We�ve worked with developers and content partners to launch Google Play, offering more than 500,000 apps, millions of songs and books, and thousands of movies. And we�ve implemented new customer support services to improve the purchasing experience on Google Play. We�ve taken all of this into consideration in designing Devices on Google Play. We hope to bring it to more countries soon.

Posted by Andy Rubin, Senior Vice President of Mobile and Digital Content

Part of me is curious in thinking, did Google finally have enough of carrier involvement and lacklustre software updates. Are they trying to retake back their channel and get the store working. We all know Apple's retail model is a direct success. I would love Google to adopt apple's approach and tell the carriers to take it or leave it and sell direct as well.

After the Galaxy Nexus I will admit that i've been turned off Google.
When all the different variants came up like Yakju and Yakjuux etc etc etc I immediately was left with a bad taste in my mouth. Was Google updating this phone, or was it Samsung Canada.

I want this to restore the perception that "Nexus" devices are Google devices, through and though


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RIM :: Blackberry Playbook 4G LTE No Contract Sold Unlocked?

Aug 16, 2012

I'm not familiar with purchasing phones in Canada but I've been asked to get a Playbook 4G LTE. If I walk in to a Rogers or Bell store and buy a no contract Playbook is it carrier unlocked? Or do I have to request an unlock at time of purchase in store?

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IPhone :: Are Unlocked Phones Sold In The Apple Store Factory Unlocked

Mar 11, 2012

are unlocked iphones sold in the apple store factory unlocked?

iPhone 4

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Will New Bionics Sold Have The OTA Update

Dec 13, 2011

In other words, will it be up to the "distributor," of sorts, to update the Bionics prior to passing them on to the customer? This of course pertains to the Bionics "on the shelves," as I would think any Bionics shipped from Moto would be updated prior to shipment.

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IPhone :: 4G Sold / Locked In Japan Can Unlocked Outside Of Japan?

Jun 15, 2010

Is iPhone 4 sold by Softbank in Japan locked in Japan & unlocked outside of Japan?
The iPad sold by Softbank is exactly like that. Inside Japan it is locked to Softbank but outside of Japan you can stick any micro SIM in it.
I need to know if the iPhone 4 is like this or not.

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BB Bold :: Its Stuck On Reboot Cycle?

Aug 19, 2010

about a week ago my bb was dropped into a cup of tea (which had sugar and milk in) and i quickly took out the battery and stuck it in a bowl of uncooked rice for a few days. It was working about 2 days ago, except the keyboard was sticky so I turned it off and got some isopropyl alcohol cleaner and followed some instructions on how to open it all up and clean it which i did. Before i cleaned it i turned it on and the loading screen came up, only it gets to about 5 or 10 percent then restarts itself which it then proceeds to do over and over. I have looked into this problem and it seems i need to reinstall the os?

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HTC One M7 :: Stuck On Bootloader Screen - How To Get Out Of This Cycle

Sep 6, 2015

So I fell asleep with my phone when i woke up it was on the bootloader screen, I thought this was no big deal and just had it reboot as it boots up it goes directly back into the bootloader. Ive tried everything apart from factory reset.

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BB Curve :: It Got Stuck In A Reboot Cycle

May 11, 2011

Recently I updated my BBM app, and my phone got stuck in a reboot cycle, I was able to solve that problem when I installed the Desktop Manager, and all was well. However, about a week after I fixed my phone, my regular text messaging started acting up. It first started where I would have one person's entire conversation copied in my main messages. Now it's just getting worse. For instance, I texted my mom, and on my main messaging screen under today, there's are about 15 copies of the same conversation. It does this with EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION I HAVE. Then, it starts to not even show up in my main messaging, and the only way I can receive my texts are if I go through the notifications button. It's not that my texting doesn't work, it's just that all of this is EXTREMELY annoying, and difficult to deal with.

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BB Storm2 9550/9520 :: The Obsolete Cycle

Aug 13, 2010

I think its fair to say not all is well in BB Land for many Storm users. 23 months ago the Storm "revolution" began. 11 months later the Storm 2 appeared. And, now, after only 9 months, AT&T has released the Torch. Within all that time countless Android devices have surfaced, the iPhone has held its own, and many other companies have tried to take a piece of the smartphone pie, as well. There's so much temptation out there. I, like many of you, have a sweet-tooth for tech, so when I see another device release with the hype, performance, praise & sales to back it up, I no doubt feel the envy. I remind myself that my Storm2 still functions well and gets me through the day. A new device may provide some fun for a bit, but ultimately, its not going to revolutionize my day by all that much. Now, here's when I do some math.

Storm1 release day $200 something
Accessories $100
T-Mobile contract Termination Fee $200
Verizon's monthly access in advance fee $60
I don't remember on what, but prob spent more that day...
Signed up for 2-year contract...
Approximate Monthly Bill $130 x 11 = $1430
11 months later
Storm 2 purchase w/accessories $377.66
Signed another 2-year contract.
Approximate Monthly Bill $130 x 10 = $1300

So, I figure Since I signed on with Verizon in October of '08 (21 months ago) I've spent about $3700 to carry the Storm 1 and 2. I think its fair to say, at this point, the Storm 2 is soon to be Obsolete. From all indications, a "refreshed" Storm 2 with enough memory to run OS6 is all I have to look forward to this year, and if I want that for the promo price I'll have to begin another 2-year contract. And how long will it take before the next Storm device is released? See, here's my problem. These companies come out with new phones all the time. Its not just once a year anymore when we see these dazzlers appear. The 2-year contract feels like a trap at this point.

Honestly, I don't mind spending the money on technology. Its one of my favorite things in life. But, at some point, I need to be real with myself and admit that I can't be happy with any phone for half the life of a contract. It would be wise for me to let a contract expire for once and see what the market is like. It would even make more sense for Blackberry to make a phone that doesn't get left behind after 9 months, yet RIM only houses their devices with enough specs to compare with outdated technology. How much does that turn you on? How much does the new Torch commercial turn you on? Its a vicious cycle.

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BB Bold 9700 :: In Constant Restart Cycle

May 9, 2010

my battery died and now it just keeps showing the red led light then shutting off?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Power Cycle / Rebooted Itself

Feb 10, 2010

Twice yesterday afternoon and once this am my 9700 power cycled / rebooted itself. This is a pain as I have berry buzz and have to reconfigure my profile as the settings are gone after a power cycle. Do I have a virus? I have Quickpull installed but not configured to automatically run. Do I need to install Quickpull? Any help would be appreciated.

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BB Curve 83xx :: Non Stop Reboot Cycle

Feb 16, 2010

I am not real sure about the exact os number I am using but I do know its 5.0 something. I cant get to about screen fast enough to let you know. But anyway it is in a reboot cycle and will not stop. This worked great for 3 or 4 months then all of a sudden when I woke up this morning it is in a constant reboot. I have tried the tutorial blog on how to recover but it is not working. Anyone have a recomendation for me. or point me to another option to fix this?

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BB Bold :: 9780 Keeps Restarting With Wiping Cycle?

May 16, 2012

The issue I am facing is that my Bold will power up, load 2/3 of the way, then proceed to a white screen with a wiping status bar. It will then freeze around 54% (not always 54%, maybe 48%, sometimes up to 50%), reboot, and repeat.Blackberry is recognized in Loader and Desktop Manager however will fail to connect to JVM because it will repeat the wiping. It does load the software (only if I catch it with the red LED and screen off). I tried the latest desktop manager and the latest updates. I've pull the battery many many times for long periods of times.

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BB Curve :: 9360 Stuck In Rebooting Cycle?

Sep 2, 2012

My wife's phone has just got stuck in a rebooting loop after an appworld upgrade.

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BB Torch :: 9810 In Boot Cycle When Bluetooh?

Jun 26, 2012

My 9810 has not worked since December; less than two weeks after I purchased it. The phone had a very hard tumble. Since that tumble I have the following issues:1.Phone crashes and goes into a reboothing cycle whenever Bluetooth is turned on. 2. Phone crashes when I attempt to switch from my old Blackberry to it3. The camera no longer works. Says something to the effect of not being able to open or locate viewfinder.I have been told I need a mainboard but I have not being able to locate one. I paid almost $500 for this phone. I could really use some help figuring out what could be the issue and locating replacement parts. I did not buy the phone from the network I use here in Jamaica so they are not willing to help. I am an avid BB fan but is not keen on buying another BB in light of the difficulties I have encountered trying to locate a board. Seems like there are no replacement parts available for this phone anywhere.

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BB Torch :: 9860 Stuck In Reboot Cycle?

Feb 29, 2012

My phone is stuck in the reboot cycle, it reachs about 25% on the bar and starts the reboot all over again. I have pulled the battery, and tried to restart in the safe mode, neither option has worked.

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Samsung :: Alltel Hue 2 - Cycle Text While Typing With T9

Apr 21, 2010

I just got a new Alltel Hue 2 and my GF has the doubletake and both of our phones do this. When you are texting with T9 is there a way to make the "0" cycle the words instead of having to select them from that popup menu?

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Motorola :: Electrify Freezing On Power Cycle

May 26, 2012

I have owned my Electrify for about 4 or 5 months now. I have a nice Otter box on the outside to protext the phone. Honestly never dropped. I love this phone but now during the power cycle that it does once a day, it freezes up on starting up. I have to pull the battery to get it to start back up. I haven't done a factory data reset or anything with it yet. I would like to get feedback before I waste my time and data doing so.

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IPhone :: 4s Won't Complete "checking Mail" Cycle

Jun 11, 2012

My 4s won't complete updating cycle. I've powered down and restarted, and that wheel just keeps spinning.

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Lumia 1520 :: How To Get Phone Out Of A Freeze / Reboot Cycle

Dec 20, 2014

My Lumia 1520 (ATT Version) has had this reboot cycle problem for about a week now. It started a week ago when it was at 2%, died and when I tried to charge it, it started freezing and rebooting and freezing and rebooting. Originally I thought it was a power issue because it always had 2% when it restarted. I got it home to my Nokia original cord plugged into my surface pro charger and charged it and fiddled with it like turning it on airplane mode, deleting unread messages before it restarted, etc. But then recently its been doing it more and its been doing it while at 40%, 12%, etc. Even when its plugged in. It seems to get very hot every time I do this. During all of this, I have Xbox music songs I have pending download. I was going to let those finish over WiFi but it won't let me turn on WiFi. I'm wondering if the 53 pending downloads could be causing this issue but I'm not sure. I'm running the latest dev preview and cyan. I have a ton of apps and music and all that installed on my SD card.

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Samsung :: Intensity U450 - Stuck In A Reboot Cycle

Feb 15, 2010

Have tried holding various keys in an attempt to access a BIOS screen or some such thing to no avail (why aren't cell phones more like computers?). As for how my phone got to this state...

-I wanted to add custom ring tones to my recently purchased Samsung Intensity but found that texting them to myself via vzwpix.com led to a significant decrease in quality and the costs would quickly add up as I attempted to fix the issue by editing the sound files in Audacity and texting newer versions to my phone

-To get around using vzwpix.com, I found a method of putting the files directly on the phone by installing the phones drivers to my computer using Samsung PC Studio 3 and moving them directly to the phone using Qualcomm Product Support Tools. The method is copy+pasted below for reference

-After a while I got the ring tone to how I wanted it and went to delete the experimentation files on the phone. I had done this in the past through the phone's interface without issue (though an attempted file rename had caused a quick freeze which was solved by removing and replacing the battery), but this time it froze when attempting to delete the final file

-The phone would not respond to any keypad presses including the power button, so I chose to restart the phone by removing and putting back in the battery

-The phone will no longer pass the "Verizon Wireless" screen and reboots after hanging on that screen for ~7 seconds

Pasted below is the complete method I used to transfer the files for reference. Other smarter methods may exist, but given the issue I had with vzwpix.com, my lack of a mircoSD card, and my desire to avoid media messaging charges I elected to go with this method. Credit goes to ch from the Mobiledia forums for figuring this out and typing this up. It works beautifully aside from the issue I have had. I suggest that anyone who chooses to use it remove sound files from the phone only through QPST and not through the phone's interface.

Software required:
1.Samsung PC Studio
2. QPST (Or other software to allow you to browse the phone's file system)

1. Install Samsung PC Studio (Will only be used to install drivers for the intensity)
2. Change USB Port Map to "Modem" on your phone
a. Go to Settings & Tools > Phone Info > and then press the # button.
b. Enter 000000 for the lock code.
c. Select option 2 "Port Map"
d. Select option 4 "USB"
e. Select option 4 "Modem"
3. Plug phone into usb port.
4. Go to device manager and install drivers for the unidentified devices
a. The drivers will be located in C:Program Files SamsungSamsung PC Studio 3
5. Start QPST EFS Explorer
6. Browse to brewmodmr on the phone
7. Delete MrInfo.db
8. Drag and drop your mp3 ringtone files into this directory
9. Restart the phone.
10. A new MrInfo.db file will be created. Copy it to your desktop.
11. Edit the file with notepad. You should see an entry for each sound file in the directory, followed by |0|0 or something like that. For the first file change the second 0 to a 2. For the next file change that same zero to a 3, and so on. I guess the second zero just needs to be a 2, 3, or 4.
12. Copy MrInfo.db back to the phone in same directory.
13. Reboot the phone and your mp3 will show up under the "My Ringtones" menu.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Stuck In Boot Cycle?

Jun 12, 2012

Greetings, my phone recently froze on me, and I couldn't even reboot by holding down the power button. Instead I opted to reboot via the Power Button + Volume Down method. This forced it to shut down, but upon rebooting, the phone is now in a loop. It shows the Droid at launch, then makes it to the red eye, but after sitting on the red eye a moment, it freezes, then restarts the cycle again.

Things I have tried:

Forcing another reboot via Power + Volume Down Going into the Boot Mode Selection to use Normal Power Up Going to BMS and trying Recovery (Wiped data/factory reset) Attempted to enter Safe Mode (Didn't seem to work, cycled again at eye) Fastboot Lastly, tried launching to Tools in BMS. Same as above.

At this point I am at a loss as to what to do. I would like to not have to send this out, and to fix it here, but is it comes to that, I guess I'll take it to Verizon and see about getting it shipped out, and getting a replacement.

Oh, also this is a stock phone, the only "modifications" I had was Go Launcher and Go Lockscreen. I was, when this happened, going to check my Google Reader app, and that is when it froze on me. (Never had it happen before this)

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