IPhone :: Wifi Symbol Should Be Next To 3G/E Symbol
Jul 15, 2010
I think that the Wifi symbol, when present, should be right next to the 3G/E and not replace it. Most of the time I'm on 3G because of Sweden's excellent coverage however I'd still like to see whether I'm on 3G or EDGE when connected to a Wifi network.
i charged my iphone overnight and it is turned off. i noticed for the past few days that the plug symbol when an iphone is fully charged never appears. the iphone seems to be still charging. but when i turn on my phone it says that it is 100% charged. why wouldnt the charging symbol change into the full plug symbol when fully charged?
I have an icon at the top of the screen next to the bluetooth one that I don't recognize. It's an @ symbol with a little + symbol in the top left quadrant of the circular bit diametrically opposite the tail on the a. It is there all the time.
The WiFi is connected - and says so - but I have no Internet or BBM service. Some days it works and others not. The WiFi is definitely connected to Internet because I have access on my laptop.
The WiFi symbol has stayed greyed out even though it says it has connected to my WiFi, home network. It is similar to what happened during the outage that happened.I have reinstalled the software (OS 5) O2 won't allow upgrade to OS6. I have deleted the WiFi connection and re installed, but still it won't go white and it is affecting my mobile data usage as my phone is using the network signal for internet rather than WiFi.
ive been using my wifi since i got my blackberry 2 weeks ago, but today the symbol has gone grey which according to the instruction book means my device is connected to the internet but does not have access to blackberry services over the connection, does anyone know what might have happened?
Just done latest E71 firmware update 400.21.013 to it and all went well except the WiFi symbol comes on after 30 seconds and will not go off. No other program can use the wifi connection. I have four E71. Tried it on the second E71 phone. Did the same. Permanently, the wifi is on. Tried a deep hard reset and then installed. Same again.
My wifi symbol in he status bar constantly has flashing arrows, one on the right hand side and one on the left hand side. I would expect this if the phone was constantly downloading email or social network feeds but when I try to load those I get the message "Could not open connection to server" when attempting to access e-mails as well as this message when attempting to load news feed on Facebook "Error loading news feed" ....
Since one week i have really annoying problems with my internet in xperia. Problem is that after several minutes of using internet on it for example wifi, it just disconnects from internet. Arrow on wifi symbol is still showing that it's sending something but internet is gone, i have the same problem with 3g too. After couple of seconds it reconnects, or if I restart wifi really fast internet is still on. Is it possible that it happened after i dropped it few times when I moved out.
My curve 9300 was working fine connecting to routers and enabling a wifi connection but has now started connecting to router says the connection name at the top but the wifi symbol stays grey. I know this is not a problem with my router as have tried it on different ones in different locations still same result.
What does the red bubble mean that appears near the phone symbol then moves over temporarly to the VM symbol, when first turning the phone on. It goes away with a few seconds
My phone is not showing the 3G symbol & when i try to connect to twitter, facebook etc, it says "cant find signal, no connection, server not responding". I took the sim out, & restarted the phone but its still not showing. does that mean its just something with the network right now?
my ringer and other sounds are not working even though i did not change any settings. I have already gone into settings, sounds and checked to see that ringer and alerts change with buttons is on and at the max volume but still doesn't make any sounds.
I was trying to restore from backup my new iphone 4 from 3Gs. It says a message " Cannot sync because disk cant be found" Now it is frozen on apple symbol.
I have been having a strange problem with my 3GS phone the last couple of weeks.It seems to happen whenever I get back into a 3G service area (for example no service in Subway, or after leaving my house where I use wi-fi), it shows the 3G symbol on my phone, but I have no access to the internet at all. I toggle the airplane mode and still does not work. Sometimes it works when I turn the phone off and on but that seems rather annoying. I have done a restore but does not seem to help Any suggesstions?