IPhone :: Cannot Power Up 4s Where As Battery Is Charged?
Mar 26, 2012
My husband's 4s will not power up at all. Battery has charge. Tried to connect to iTunes but it could not "find" the phone. On vacation and nearest apple store is over an hour away.
My iphone 4s battery was dead, so I replaced a battery bought over internet. Now when I charge the phone ( using usb cable plugged to the power outlet on the wall) on right top corner it displays "battery is charged" (battery icon with a plug) but % of charge remains at 5%.
I am currently using ip4, iOS5.1. The problem I am having now is when my phone is fully charged, it just can't last long. I left my phone idle and without using it, it will automatically turned off. When I turned it on, the battery shown a value (example: 16 %), after a while, it shows higher battery life value (example: 32%). Then after some time, it automatically turned off again. Is this battery problem or software problem?
My i-phone wont turn on and I don't know why, it went off all of a sudden even thought the battery was half charged, I've tried holding the power and home buttons to reset it but that hasnt worked, I don't know what else to try?
My iphone 4 battery does not seem to be fully charged. I charged it for whole night, but it stops at about 67%.Will it be solved after replacing the battery? Or could it be other problem?
Info: iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1, It was bought less than 2 years ago
I got my new iphone 4s two days ago and I took my phone off charge this morning at 7.45 and already at 12 its down to 60%. I have turned off location settings, reduced the brightness, turned of push and notifications. And as I whatapp I can literally watch the battery go down. Should I take it to have it looked at, or is that normal apple battery standard?
My IPhone has been charged for at least 3 hours still showing the low battery icon and not turning on, normally when my phone is in low battery it will automatically pop up the apple icon but now it's not turning on ....
I have iphone 5 ,my battery indicator doesn't get working,when I am charging my iphone it says 4% charging in lock screen and my battery indicator at red level.
And I have charged for more than 2 hours,but the indicator and percentage are still in the same level.But my phone has been charged,since I can use my phone for nearly 1 and half day with that same level.If I restart my phone ,the indicator and percentage are changed .I am weird with this condition.
Because I don't know when will my iphone goes down.
I just got my iphone 6 plus (ios 8.0.2) yesterday and start to charge on 11pm until the next day morning 7am. But i found that the battery was 100% but never go to fully charged. Then i just leave it there for another 2 more hours to charge. But the result remain the same (battery 100% with the little lightning bolt symbol beside it). May i know is it some hardware problem or anything else i need to do to make it 100% fully charged? I've off the wifi as well as the cellular too.Â
I just got my iphone 6 plus (ios 8.0.2) yesterday and start to charge on 11pm until the next day morning 7am. But i found that the battery was 100% but never go to fully charged. Then i just leave it there for another 2 more hours to charge. But the result remain the same (battery 100% with the little lightning bolt symbol beside it). May i know is it some hardware problem or anything else i need to do to make it 100% fully charged?
My HTC One is only about 8 months old and just recently the battery needs to be charged multiple times per day. I set it so the % shows and if seems to be losing about 1% every minute or few minutes while in use. I close all apps when I'm finished, and I'm usually only messaging. My battery usage information shows some apps using about 1% of the battery while the android system itself is using 93% of the battery. I have enabled power saver and also turned off everything except mobile data. I also applied some tips I read about to preserve battery life. Nothing seems to work. Is this a common issue with the 4.3 update or should I be taking my phone in to my provider and asking them to fix it (since it is still under warranty)....
I have experienced an unusual problem on my HTC One. My device does not get charged at all on switched on condition even if I change cables or any other charging adaptors. It does not show anything even if I connect to the computer via USB cable. But when I switch off the device and plug into the ac power, first it shows bright red led indicator and sign of the battery for 9-10 seconds, then the brightness of led indicator decreases and at the same time it shows battery charging with battery percentage for 6-7 seconds then led indicator and sign of battery goes off completely.
Again after 4 seconds same process happens. It took about 8 hours to charge the battery from 20%-100% on Switched off condition. I did factory reset, battery calibration (I connected charger for 10-15 mins in switched off condition, then I pressed and hold power button, volume up and volume down button for 2-3 mins which repeatedly restarted the handset) as well but the problem is same.
hi.My battery died few weeks ago, i bought a new one and a new AC wall charger..but when this new one battery is charged almost 85-90% the OS restarts..i tried updating firmware but same problem yet.any solutions?fw v5.0.0.822 (package 1385,
My Blackberry Curve 9300 is shutting down when the battery is charged. It can shut down at any time, and it is important for family contact reasons that my phone is available at all times. I can only restart the phone when the battery charger is plugged into the phone. It will not restart without it. Should I be replacing the battery with a new one?
I have just purchased my new Nokia N97 Mini phone within two months. Unfortunately, I had three times for not start-up failure of my phone. After I charged up the battery of my phone fully, my phone was suddenly shut it down. Afterward, I could not start up the phone with 'Nokia' word white screen only.
I went to Nokia Care Centre for repairing three times, but they could not find the root cause. Even they changed with the motherboard of my phone.
I just bought the phone about 2 weeks ago, I use it for texting, music and surfing (rarely)... I just noticed the fully charged battery only lasted for 20-22 hrs.? Sometimes I just using it for music purposes then suddenly when I got home from work... its turns out that its batter empty? Not surving a day! it advertised it will lasted for i think 47 hours of music? I uninstalled some apps (whatsapp) i just read in some post that it may cause the wifi to automatically to turn on but i didnt notice any changes, I check the connectivety setting make sure the wifi or Bluetooth are on but still no changes its just drains the power.
I heard that for some phones its possible to have a green led indicator come on when the phone is finished charging. I was wondering if its possible for my 9700 and if so, how can I do that.
I have a BB Curve 8302. Yesterday the battery depleted unusually fast (with in about 2-3 hrs with hardly any use). I put it on the charger for about 3hrs. Still showed the battery symbol (top left) as dead. And the words low battery below the clock. I left it charge over night. Still same thing. I put the battery into a friends 8320 & it showed fully charged no problem at all. I can access the phone if I have it plugged into the computer or charger. But the moment I disconnect it says something along the lines of "battery drained powering down". And it turns off my phone. So I have discovered there wasn't anything wrong with the battery. So is there something wrong with the phone? Or is there something wrong with the firmware? Even when I go to the wrench Icon & check battery level from there, it say 0% for charged. What can I do?
Every time I Charge the battery, it goes up to 97 or 98 %, and never pass it, even if I left the phone a whole night. Which means it never fully charge from the first time. And if unplugged it and plugged it immediately it reads it 100% directly.
Note that the problem was in the old software and the new one, I mean this problem isn't a software problem. So does that mean there is a defect in the battery, or that is just normal! " The phone is new I only charged it 4 times, and it happened in 3 of them".
I just purchased a brand new sony ericsson t715 3 days ago. before i went to bed i charged it when i woke up the next day 10 hours later i checked my phone and the battery icon in the top right hand corner showed it was still charging and it had the lighting bolt symbol. i checked the battery status and it said it was 99% charged. the weird thing is when i unplugged the charger from the phone the battery symbol in the top right hand corner was full? so to test it again i ran the battery down to 60% by talking and using the camera. so i charged it again. it got to 100% then I left the charger plugged in 20 minutes later the battery status went back to 99% and the battery icon indicated it was charging by the green bar moving. so i thought the phone was faulty so i took it back to the store and complained to the technician and the manager and they said that this was normal. they refused to replace it and said there is nothing wrong with it!! are they lying? what do you guys think? just it seems to me once you charge the battery and it reaches 100% and you leave the charger plugged in after 10-15 minutes the battery status drops to 99% and is stuck there no matter how long you charge it. the battery indicator would show that its charging. weird huh? im used to nokia phones and no nothing about sony ericssons. is this normal? if not how do i fix this?
Can the notification that the battery is charged and that the charger should be disconnected be turned off? I use my phone for a clock/alarm at night and I think the bright white notification bar (irritating in itself) will eventually burn the screen. I thought perhaps MacroDroid could do it, but I don't see that notification as an event.
My battery had drained off completely since then the phone is getting switched off n on on its own. tried charging battery by switching off the power . Even on full charged battery the phone keeps getting switched on n off .