IPhone :: 3G Wifi Disconnection While Sleep

Apr 30, 2012

i have some issue with my Iphone 3G with IOS 4.2.1, and it's that when i put it on "sleep" mode in around 1-2 minutes it stops recognize any network even that the network it's 100% working, this just happens me when i put it on sleep mode, when i use it it's 100% normal, but it just freak me out because when i use an app like whatsapp, and i send a mesagge to a friend and then put my iphone on sleep mode my friends reply instantly but my iphone don't send me any alert cause it lost the network when it sleeps, i checked the iphone 3GS of my sister and the 4S of my mother and they don't have this issue so..

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IPhone :: WiFi Disconnects In Sleep Mode And Never Reconnect

Mar 13, 2012

I can connect to my home wifi fine and it has great signal but the phone keeps disconnecting when it sleeps and never reconnects. The wifi network has a password and everytime it makes me enter it. is there away it can remember this password so that it automatically connects? and is there a way to stop it disconnecting maybe an app?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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HTC One M7 :: WiFi Dropping After Sleep

May 31, 2013

I just got my HTC One a few hours ago (international version) and I am having issues with WiFi. Everything works fine until I lock the device. Upon waking my phone, WiFi connection is lost, reconnects, and then although the connection shows up on the status bar, the internet does not work.

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Galaxy S6 :: WiFi Sleep Option

Nov 15, 2015

If I put it on only when plugged in, it should turn WiFi off when its in sleep mode right? I tried it and checked my phone in the middle of the night and saw WiFi on still.

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HTC One M7 :: WiFi Turns Itself On When Phone In Sleep Mode

Mar 8, 2014

My Wi-Fi always turns itself on when the phone is 'asleep'. Here is a screenshot of my Wi-Fi settings. I can't figure out how to not make it turn on like that.

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Motorola Xoom :: ICS - WiFi During Sleep/hibernate?

Jun 1, 2012

Before the upgrade to ICS I had my WiFi Xoom set to turn off WiFi when put to sleep and restart it automatically when awakened. Now that it has been upgraded to ICS it doesn't do this - WiFi stays on. I can't seem to find out where to set it to do this under ICS. As a matter of fact, I can't remember how I did it with Honeycomb.

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Xperia PLAY :: Losing Wifi When Phone Goes To Sleep?

Oct 18, 2011

i dont know why it has only just started to happen, everytime i lock my phone even if im sitting next to my wifi router it switches the wifi off

dont know why its doing this, tried going through settings and just hitting the wifi button, turns on easy enough but then quite quickly turns back off when phone goes into lock/sleep.

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Xperia Mini/pro :: 'Keep WiFi On During Sleep' Setting Is Not Working?

Nov 16, 2012

I'm trying to turn Wi-Fi off while my Mini Pro is sleeping, after screen lock. I've changed the settings (settings > Wi-Fi > Advanced) to Never, but Wi-Fi keeps turned on draining battery while the screen is locked. Is it another 4.1.B.0.431 issue?

My phone is a SK-17a (SI 1250-3555).

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Google Nexus 5 :: WiFi Turned On Even During Sleep Mode

Oct 9, 2015

"keep wifi on during sleep" is set to "only when plugged in" - it worked like a charm in lollipop (it switched off wifi after some seconds of disactivity), it doesn't now.

In lollipop after some seconds of inactivity wifi was turned off, that was proper behavior I guess... It is not working in Marshmallow.

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Xperia Z5 :: WiFi Doesn't Connect While Phone Is In Sleep

Oct 27, 2015

Mobile data having priority over wifi in some scenarios on Z5 Compact?  

Phone is fully charged.  None of the power saving options are enabled.  Keep wifi on during sleep is enabled.  

Phone is somewhere away from wifi in use with mobile data.

Phone becomes in range of a known wifi device whilst not in use.

After any amount of time, phone is used.

Mobile data is still in use and wifi is only switched to at the point the screen turns on.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Dropping WiFi During Deep Sleep

Dec 12, 2015

My phone seems to be dropping the WiFi signal overnight. I noticed this because right after waking it up in the morning, the emails are getting synced. There is also a high wakelock time for "net_scheduler", which I suspect has something to do with it.

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Nokia Lumia :: WiFi Turns Auto Off In Sleep Mode

Mar 29, 2012

Ihave all day wifi open but when my lumia goes in sleep mode the wifi turns automatic off and need to unsleep to take notifications and more and then again in sleep mode and wifi off. I am with new update .12070.

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Motorola Xoom :: ICS - WIFI Going To Sleep And Not Waking Up Or Rebooting While Sleeping?

Jan 21, 2012

Seems to be a subset of individuals having problems with their WIFI Xoom going to sleep and not waking up or rebooting while sleeping. Its been discussed in other threads but thought it would be helpful to have people post the problem in a new thread to get more visibility and gather more information for Motorola so maybe they can help get it fixed for everyone who is having the problem.General Assumption on common Symptom:Xoom is going to sleep if left idle and is not waking up. Additionally if left idle is also observed to be rebooting on its own. Often takes the 3 finger salute (vol up + vol Down + power) to get device to come back on. Battery life seems to be lower than normal due to problem.

Is Xoom refusing to wake up when attached to power when it goes to sleep? Is Xoom refusing to wake up when not attached to charger when it goes to sleep? How long does it take after device is sleeping for problem to occur? Is there any difference with device "freezing" or not waking up from when let it go to sleep on its own, or when you hit power button to put it to sleep? Have you done a factory reset on your device? If you have done a factory reset did you test the device for problem before adding your applications back?When trying to wake up device how many times did you push power button?Is device appearing to reboot itself and when is it doing so? While you are trying to get it out of sleep mode? (when power button is pushed)Spontaneously without any user interaction with the tablet? Other? Does your battery seem to be draining much faster than normal?Does problem occur if Xoom is connected via USB to the PC?Does is always come out of sleep? Does it randomly reboot?

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Wifi Sleep Policy Doesn't Work

Oct 16, 2011

I like to keep wifi active all the time when at home. So, I set the wifi sleep policy to NEVER (advanced wifi option) but...when the screen goes dark, my wifi immediately disconnects. I confirmed this by pinging the ip address of my Droid x2 from a computer. When the screen is lit the wifi goes active and I get a reply to the pings. When the screen goes dark after the 30 sec screen timeout, the pings no longer work, and I am no longer connected via wifi or 3g. In fact, there is no data connection at all.

I even tried the other wifi sleep policy settings, but they don't seem to change a thing. Bottom line is when I am connected to wifi and the screen goes dark, I loose all data connectivity & loose the ability to receive gmail and Touchdown email notifications.

I just recevice the X2, upgraded from the Droid X. I used to have a Droid X and the "never" sleep policy option worked just perfectly. Why is it not working on the X2? I am running 2.3.4.

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Motorola Atrix :: Wifi Sleep Policy Simply Doesn't Work

Oct 3, 2011

I have set my Wifi Sleep Policy to "Never", because i like to strem my music with DLNA App to my HiFi, and i'm also downloading with Torrent App some TV Shows.Music Streamin works fine with Original DLNA app from Atrix, but only until the Display turns off. Then it stoped everything.I also set DLNA to never sleep and i also tried Battery set to "Performace". It simply doesn't work.With Torrent app from the Market also the same problem. I tried several apps. After the display is turned off there are no transfers.I own also Samsung Galaxy Tablet. With this device i don't have any of these problems.The funny thing is that the original DLNA app from Atrix simply don't stream the music after the display turnes off.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Wifi Disconnections, And Slow Recover From Idle/sleep

May 5, 2011

Anyone having issues with wifi disconnecting after the screen switches off for a bit ( I have the wifi sleep policy set to 'never' ), and waking up the phone - it lags quite a bit?

All this - after updating to 1.83! Or am I just the unlucky one when it comes to this device?

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Galaxy S6 :: Frequent USB Disconnection

Sep 20, 2015

I am having this problem ever since I got my gs6. tried reinstall usb drivers, other usb ports, reinstall smart switch and resetted my phone was not working at all. I need to backup my phone.

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Nokia :: N97 Does Not Boot After Disconnection During Update?

Jun 17, 2010

just vibrates when i press power on and nothing else and doesn't connect to PC.

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BB Bold :: Got Internet Disconnection Every 2 Or 3 Hours?

Jul 3, 2012

i got internet disconnection every 2 or 3 hours ...i got this problem before one month

when i call the service provider they said the problem come from the Blackberry Server !

Saudi Arabia - Makkahthe service provider is "Mobily"hope i get the solution fast ...becouse really get bored of this!!

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IPhone 6 :: Does Not Wake From Sleep When Pressing Either Sleep Button Nor Home Button

Dec 6, 2014

My iPhone 6 sometimes (very rare) does not wake from sleep when pressing either the sleep button nor home button.

iPhone 6, iOS 8.1.1

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Nokia :: X6 Update Device Disconnection Error

Jun 27, 2010

I have been reciving texts and popups telling me to update my phone, so I tryed to on the sute, it confermed there was an update available, it started to update then about half way windows (xp) started to try to install drivers and the x6 was dissconected and would reconect, I then researched the problem and found the same thimg had happened to other people on the nokia boards, however using windows 7,the advice was to dissable auto driver instalations.

I then, in system properties, hardware, under the driver heading selected windoesupdate and selected never search windoes for driver updates. i'm not sure if this is the correct thing to have done but was the only thing that came to mind that may stop it. Restarted pc and tryed updating my phone agane, now it thinks it has the update but it dident finish, so I selected renstall the update and the same thing happened but now no windows driver popups it just dissconnects and i get the same error message.I have hard restarted the phone in the hope it will wipe the part update so I can then use the 0000 to update it on the hand set, but to no luck, it is desplaying the recent firmware number and there is no option to reinstall from the hand set just to update it.

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Xseries :: Sudden Internet Disconnection In Nokia X6?

Aug 18, 2011

I've been using nokia x6 now.. Got problems with the internet.. It disconnects automatically .. Like while surfing and using wifi it suddenly stops and disconnects.. I still have to search for access points over and over again.Another is when I use this free apps to chat with friends, the connection stops all of a sudden..Been experiencing this for long regardless of what internet connection I use.

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Huawei Nexus 6P :: Constant Connection / Disconnection When Charging With Phone Off

Nov 17, 2015

So I first noticed this bug while trying to charge my phone from one of the USB ports on my computer, while the phone is off. It constantly connects and disconnects to the computer (as indicated by the sounds Windows makes) and the battery icon that flashes while the phone is off and charging keeps coming on and off. Not a major bug, but quite annoying if you have the phone connected while it's off.

I'm running Windows 10 Pro, btw.

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Nokia :: N97 Mini - Map Loader Save Partial Data / On Disconnection To Continue Where It Left Off

Mar 11, 2010

I instructed Map Loader to download Europe (no less) which happens to be a wopping 2.2 Gigabyte. It calculated probably pretty accurately that downloading Europe would cost 1 hours 9 minutes and 48 seconds. A decent figure. Having started the download I absentmindedly and without any evil will disconnected my phone mid-download after 45 min give or take to make a phone call. That made Map Loader scream with discomfort (Waiting for phone!!) and eventual crash, with a fancy .NET debug message displayed. Yes, my dear readers, Map Loader is written with some Visual tool from Redmond where I expected a nice Qt based application. This now meant that all work was for nothing and the next time I selected Europe for download I was surprised to find it hadn't shrunk and was still the 2.2 Gigabyte and would still take 1 hours and 9 minutes and 48 seconds (thanks, Data) to download.

Now, I did not disconnect my ISP, paid all the facility bills so actually there would be no reason why 87% or an odd 1.8Gig wouldn't be around sitting on my PC still so that only that last 13% needed a download and I would go ahead and fix a drink to have the download finished in an agreeable time. It would be nice for my and Nokia's bandwidth and the environment (not to mention Europe) to have Map Loader at least save partial data so that in case of an unfortunate attack on the connection between Map Loader and the hand-set at hand it would be able to continue where it left off.

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: RAZR M WiFi Doesn't Wake From Sleep?

Oct 25, 2012

I have WiFi enabled. Often when I am near a wireless access point, my RAZR M still uses 4G. It's as if the WiFi is going to sleep when I power the screen off, but it doesn't wake up again. Turning WiFi off and on makes it reconnect.It seems to happen mostly when I'm at home, where I also use the Motorola flip stand with "ESP" smart charger, and a NetGear dual-band wireless router/access point.

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BB Software :: Internet Disconnection During Device Software Update?

May 26, 2011

I'm right now updating my device software and the internet got disconnected ?! So it says that its installing module 161 of 561 but it has been idle for quite some time, I have now 2 connection on and running but it wont continue, I don't know What will happen if I disconnect the device and try to restart the initializatio

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IPhone :: Screen Will Not Sleep?

Jun 16, 2012

I have a 3GS running IOS5 and it will not enter sleep mode, so the screen stays on constantly. It was not dropped or damaged in any way. A restart did not so.

iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Does Not Sleep And Always Stays On

Jul 2, 2012

My iPhone doesn't sleep. It stays always on! What can I do?

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IPhone :: Its Not Going On Sleep Mode?

Jul 2, 2012

When I am on the home page of my iphone 4S, the phone will not go into sleepmode. I have already backed it up and restored. Still only will go into sleep mode manually.

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IPhone 5 Blinks And Won't Go To Sleep

Sep 2, 2014

my iphone5 blinks and won't go to sleep and i have the Auto-Lock set to 1min

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IPhone :: IP4 - Doesn't Go Dim Or Sleep Mode

Jul 4, 2010

I have noticed that sometimes my IP4 doesn't go dim or sleep mode. Screen just stays on.. Usually happens when I have my text messages open but after my last message screen stays lit..

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