HTC :: Changing Internet Browsing From Rogers To Bell For Mobile Phone
Apr 5, 2010
I was wondering if anybody can tell me how to swtich the internet settings from rogers to bell.I have an htc dream phone - A rogers phone but have a bell contract.he phone is unlocked and I have a data package.
I read the FAQ posted above regarding how to upgrade the OS on a phone. Just wanted to double check with you all before I potentially brick my phone? I purchased an unlocked bold 9900 that has the rogers software on it. I am a Tmobile customer and would like to replace the software with Tmobile's 9900 software. Has anyone done this - just want to make sure that there are no hardware differences between the phones such that the Tmobile software won't work.
today I picked up a rough looking Bold 9000 and swapped in my spare parts onto it. The catch is, it was a Bell phone. I already unlocked it and it states it is on rogers network now. I don't want the Bell logo/wallpapers to load upon startup, so I though by installing FW Version 5.0.1626 from the blackberry Rogers download page it would fix it.The software update just finished(about 10-15 min) and I see a bell background and bell startup logo. Should the Rogers FW change this over? or are the bell wallpapers/startup logo's programmed into the phone itself and NOT the FW?I don't want to remove the Logo completely, I just rather have it say ROGERS like my old BB and have all the rogers software/configuration.
I have a Bell Blackberry Bold 9700 and I just switch to Rogers! Would it be *better if I flash the rogers firmware on the phone, or leave it with the bell firmware? The rogers one is .351 and the bell one is .423 ...I guess I was wondering if the rogers would be better since i'm on the Rogers network
i'm new to this so i appoligize if i have posted this in the wrong place. I have a samsung rugby 2 (sgh-A847m) that was a bell phone I'm trying to setup web and mms. I have APN settings but the problem is There is nowhere to put in the port setting.I had it sending photos at one point even though the phone was telling me the message was not sent but cannot receive any mms.
how do you disconnect a 5230 from the internet when you have finished browsing but want to keep the phone on??? I've resorted to turning it off which is a pain. There must be a simpler way I can't find a disconnect button in the menus I've been looking at. It was simple on my old nokia.
Can anyone assist me in this? I have a co-worker who just got back from Hong Kong with this hand set and wants to use it on my pay go card with the unlimited browsing option.. Could someone be so kind as to tell me the settings? and how to input them on the phone?
I live in Canada and have a data plan with Rogers. Up to a few days ago I had a Samsung Jack and internet on it was just fine. I received HTC Touch Pro 2 with WM 6.1 on it. I have problems connecting it to the internet, and Rogers sent me a link to some 3rd party site which is no loger up and running. I can't copy the settings from Jack, as for whatever reason it just doesnt let me open & see the settings. If I go to settings-> connections --> communicationm manager -- data connection, I see that it is set to 'turned off'. If I flick it to 'on', it displays a short message saying 'the phone is inspecting the configuration' and then quickly reverts to CONNECTIONS window, which allows me to :
- add a new connection - add a new VPN server connection - edit my proxy server - manage existing connection
As for existing proxy server, I created a new one called ROGERS and have entered the following settings in the advanced tab for WAP settings
SERVER: Port: 9201 (this port came as default) user name: wapuser1 password: wap Domain:
I found these settings somewhere, cant recall where.
after installing Gingerbread, my mobile browsing (internet) doesn't work anymore! I can only go on Wifi to connect online, which is REALLY bothersome!'ve tried airplane mode, selecting networks (only one to select from) and SIM pull
I have purchased e 72 on Thursday 6th May, 2010. In few occasion specially when I am browsing the net on my mobile my phones gets hanged and restart automatically. I have already updated my software.
When I'm browsing on facebook mobile I quite often get the error "Error encountered during XML parse: An attribute value may not contain '<'.".. I know quite a few other people get this, is there a solution or someway to minimise when this happens? I am running
Is there anyway of anti-tethering ,,,,,i want to use pc internet on cell there any application or method...i know it is available on rooted oses i.e cm9 etc....
I use a stream from my home pc for audio which can be picked up easily on internet however when i try it on my mobile (T-Mobile UK) it comes up with an error saying that Access is Denied. (Access control config prevents my request). Is it a phone issue or something I need to do to my router at home?
My problem is next: after ICS update my phone (Xperia Mini Pro sk17i) unable to connect on mobile internet, but i can connect on wifi internet. Before ICS update, i used a application for APN control (APN OnOff -on market play), and application's settings remains "Off"- that means APN is turned off. I tried to solve this problem with some APN Backup application, but i cold not..
I saw there's a post describing how to enable internet sharing for 1020 but one of the requirement is a foreign SIM card which I don't have.
My 1020 is a Hong Kong version got from eBay and it didn't come with a SIM. I called T-Mobile but they said since it's not from their store, it may not work, they tried to do something on their end but couldn't make it work.
Torch 9850OS 7.0.0 When someone calls me and I'm on the internet, my phone just rings on their end and it doesn't show anything on mine. Then I'll get a voicemail notification from whoever just called.I have never had this issue before with a BB and I've had 6.
I just recently purchased an unlocked Blackberry 8900 phone which I placed my current contracts sim card in. My sim's contract includes mobile internet, just wondering how I can use this on my blackberry?
I can set up the Blackberry to use my wifi connection no problem, just can't figure how to set it up to use the mobile internet included in my price plan?
Also when I try to install the Blackberry Appworld, it says my device is not supported - even when I try viewing on the Blackberry's browser and connecting to my laptop! Why is this?
I want to know what happens when I press "home" key while browsing internet. Are the page (activity) is sent to background or the browser is terminated?
Recently my Bold 9700 has been having browser issues! If I try to open a link off a webpage or facebook/twitter, it comes up with "insuffeicent data coverage" or whatever, even though I have full 3G and full Wifi! Also if I try to open a bookmark, or even google, it just sits requesting and then fails to load! I've done many a reboot, deleted wifi router and re added with no luck! Also its affecting the Facebook/Twitter app and won't load new posts.
whenever I try to open internet through shows me error of no network coverage and later it shows "mobile data connection to internet has been turned off.Go to settings> connectivity>mobile data to turn it on back. Means, in my cell now internet browsing is only possible when mobile data is turn on.
I Connect to wifi with Excellent signal but no internet browsing. Can't go to google play or browse internet. Have tried all the tips available over the net but no using static ip, clearing the cache etc etc.
I have recently bought a Motorola Flipout unlocked. I am with a UK network on Pay As You Go. The proble I have is I'm a complete rookie when it comes to technology. Basically I have a wifi network at home, but when out and about my phone has been automatically connecting to 'the internet' when I'm surfing the web etc, looking at the news and social networks. This has meant that I'm using a lot of money in topping up my credit. I have been reading the forum and I've now changed my Wifi sleep policy to never, enabled a data saver, disabled background data, and ensured data roaming was off, and 'synced over wifi only'. I just would like some advice really as all I want is to keep up to date with emails etc when I actively want to see if I have any rather than the phone constantly updating and charging me.
I have got the latest software on the phone. Internet keeps freezing and I have to restart the phone at least once a day. I only browse a straight forward forum and facebook so it should be able to cope. I could never watch you tube or any web site with a lot of pictures. I have deleted cookies/history etc. Is it my internet connection that makes the phone freeze or is it the phone itself.
Is there a way to have the time displayed when I am browsing or on the internet? Now I only have the name of the site I am viewing whether I am on Edge or 3G and my signal.
So I just got the new Blackberry Curve 9360 on contract, and I noticed that while I am loading webpages the device gets really warm, mainly the back bottom right corner, near the memory card...when I am finished browsing the internet, and use the phone for texting or BBM the device remains cool. I have googled this but where the device is quite new there is nothing on it, should I try to get a replacement, or is this normal?
I am using blackberry curve 9320. I used bb internet for 3 months till then I got an awesome downloading speed of 350 kB/sec. But after that the downloading speed becomes very very slow about 9-10 kB/sec.