I recently purchased a new phone, the Samsung Galaxy s6. I was really excited as I had heard nothing but good things.
Unfortunately the reality is very disappointing. My phone restarts itself all the time (6x in the last hour alone) and there are constant 'Unfortunately app x has stopped working' messages (15 in the last hour). The applications that crash are everything from FB to the keyboard to the Play Store, nothing consistent.
I have tried starting in safe mode to check if it was a third party app causing the problem, deleting the app cache, wiping the cache partition, a soft reset, a hard factory reset. Unfortunately nothing works and the problems continue.
Whenever I shut down and turn my phone back on, the apps within the applications have all moved around and forgotten their positions? The apps on the home screen are unaffected.
I decided to update my samsung s6 after the update thing had reminded me three times. But it won't stop going from the samsung screen, to the AT&T scree, to the optimizing apps screen, and loading maybe 12/65 apps, and then going black, and then back to the samsung screen. I don't know what to do, because it's been doing this over and over again for more than 5 minutes.
Sometimes my SAMSUNG GALAXY SII, due to battery discharge, turns off. After getting turned off it dosen't gets restarted. Even if i plug in the charging cable it dosen't restart. I kept it charging for 3hrs but no change. While charging i get a battery symbol with an exclamation symbol at bottom of the battery symbol(picture attached).Suddenly after 7-8hrs if i try restarting it it restarts.
i just got a galaxy s2 and the videos keep crashing the phone while using the video player that comes with the phone. also, the phone crashes when watching video on the Internet app and embedded videos on webpages. dice player seems to work ok though.
regarding apps when they ask for permission to access your call, msg, etc on installion. I was wonder if it's safe to install such apps which want total control and also if there is a software to block them from access on your phone.
This may be a coincidence but ever since I updated to Android 2.3.5 my phone will randomly re-start itself. It definitely didn't happen before. So for example the screen will be locked, nothing happening with the phone, good battery life, (e.g. overnight) and it will suddenly re-boot. It's doubly annoying because I have a PIN SIM so it's stuck at the PIN screen, without network coverage, until I discover it and log back in. My carrier is O2 (UK) but I don't think they're at fault, it's a 2 year old SIM without any previous problems.
I'll be using my phone, when suddenly a pop up will say "unfortunately [random app] has stopped" Most of these are default apps that I've almost never used before.
A short time ago i upgraded to firmware I9100BUKI1 and today i tried to use Bluetooth for the first time since then to send a file. When the sending was half finished the phone restarted and then it kept restarting once a minute (basically right after turning on).So i turned it off completely and then turned it back on and it seems to be fine. But if i try to turn on Bluetooth the same thing repeats
I noticed that lots of apps do load when the phone starts (boots up), and some of them I really do not need them (until I use them), so they keep running in the back (memory).
Is there a way of preventing apps to load when the phone starts up; or any good (and free) app that I can select the apps I don't whant to be loaded when the phone starts up?
My husband and I have each had an S2 w/T-Mobile for roughly five months. Several days ago his started restarting on its own any time the screen was turned off (either manually turned off by tapping the "power" button or when the screen timed out) but no other time. It was doing this for a couple of days. I contacted tech support and they suggested a factory reset, which I did. It came back online with no trouble, and he was able to log in to his accounts, make calls, send texts, etc. It didn't restart on its own at all for the couple of hours we had it with us that night. During those couple of hours it was plugged in to charge. We went to bed and the next morning it was completely dead. No response to any buttons, doesn't acknowledge when it's plugged in, nothing. We tried swapping batteries and SIM cards with my phone, and still nothing.
I'm on the Three network in the UK and upgraded to ICS yesterday. Since then the S2 continually crashes and restarts every few minutes. I took a backup before I upgraded although I didn't backup my photos. Because of the constant crashing I can't use the phone long enough to do much of anything. When I try and run apps, like Google Play the S2 becomes unresponsive. Not sure if my problems are caused by an app, but at one point I did manage to get a list of all the apps that were running:
My iPhone 4 keeps crashing and restarting and AppleCare is unable to duplicate the issue or resolved the issue.
Recently my iphone randomly started crashing or it would freeze then i have to restart using power and home button, These are few things that I have already tried to resolve the issue:
1: Restore to factory settings and start over from scratch.
2. Deleted recently updated apps to see which one could be causing the issue, but the issue is still there.
3. Re-downloaded ios 5.1 and did a fresh restore.
After doing all this I called Applecare and they suggested to send in my phone and they will replace it and send me a new one since Im still having the issue after doing all of the above. Today I recieved my phone back from Applecare stating that the issue was resolved or not duplicated. So I did a restore once again and from one of the saved files that I had setup as a new phone. In the last 6 hours my phone has froze once, and crashed twice. I called Applecare again and he suggested to send the iphone in again and he will put in the notes to give it max time to detect the issue.
On 28. 12. 2011. I received a firmware update for my SGSII. After that when I turn on bluetooth my phone begins restarting and battery is drained in 20 minutes. Phone becomes very hot and it is very complicated to turn off bluetooth because it keeps restarting and screen is mainly frozen when it appears. I tried put out the battery, but when I turn on the device, bluetooth is on and everything happening again. Everything is ok when I manage to turn off bluetooth.
So i bought a xperia z2 not to long ago,everything has been fine until now,from out of no where the phone just started to restart itself for no reason,and suddenly whenever i try to do something on the phone i get the error notification that all the apps/programs on the phone has stopped working and the phone reboots and it has been going like that for maybe 2hours now.
i have my bold for about 3-4 days now and for some reason it keeps restarting on me, and its at the most random times, when i load google maps, stream a Internet video, or pandora, it even did it just now when i plugged it into the charger. my carrier is t-mobile and im using the default os, ive considered upgrading it, and if i need to return it i can just down grade right? or should i just take it back and exchange it for another? it also has a slightly creaky trackpad but it doesnt bother me at all, so i wouldnt mind taking back, just worried about getting an even more fucked up one.
As of a few weeks ago I noticed my phone would randomly restart, I didn't think much of it until one day it shut off, restarted, and then it was locked and would not unlock no matter how long I held the side button down for, plugging it into the charger did nothing. I ended up having to let the phone just die and recharge it once it had died. I could deal with all of that, but today I noticed after it had some sluggish responses to me wanting to unlock the screen (it would stay locked and not respond to button presses until i waited around 2 or 3 minutes after hitting the button initially).
I tried to use several applications, the appstore, snapchat, youtube, and i got little to no activity from any of them. Never ending loading from just about all, or no activity whatsoever from the appstore, yet the net browser and facebook/ etc worked just fine. And to top it all off, I noticed my battery draining at an alarming rate, maybe 10% every 30 minutes even with nearly no applications running or open.
I'm an EX iPhone user. Finally becoming fed up with my iPhone crashing, restarting on its own and taking 10+ minutes to turn back on I decided I'm done with it so a few weeks ago on eBay I ordered a used HTC Magic for Rogers(my provider). It has a broken battery cover so theres tape all over the back but that doesn't matter.What does matter is that every time I try to connect it with the MacBook Pro it connects just fine for about 1 minute then it disconnects so I'm either JUST getting one song finished uploading on the Magic or it fails when its just about finished. I tried restarting the Mac and the Magic and nothing is working.This is a huge problem for me because to play music was the whole reason I bought this phone because my iPhone would keep restarting while I was driving around and left me with nothing to listen to for around 10 minutes and now on this HTC Magic I cant even get songs on the thing so I'm yet to try and play them in the car still.
For the past week my phone has been randomly restarting itself. It is updated to the current version. I've never had any problems with it before, and I would have ignored it but it seems to be happening at least once a day.
I have had my galaxy S5 since April (a couple weeks after it was released) My phone has worked flawlessly until mid august.. it has been having this bad habit of restarting it self when I am using it...
Things I have done > Factory Reset: I did a factory reset and while I was uploading contacts through kies it restarted.I have used another launcher: it still restarted while I was web browsing. ( did not download any apps for a couple days and problem still persisted randomly due to web browsing) Turned off Google Sync: It seemed to have solved the problem because it did not restart for like 2 days, but while using Pandora it lagged the music and it ended up restarting again.Cleared the cache/cookies: did nothing and still randomly restarted. Removed all facebook applications: problem still persist after a while of use.
I've filled the memory in my phone up and need to transfer some pictures off of it so I can go through with this 1GB software update. I've been wanting to transfer a glut of files off of it for a while as I'm always having trouble downloading new apps.
Every time I plug it into my PC and go to the folder with the images, it will either (a) load the folder so I can see everything, and then crash as soon as I attempt to copy the files to my hard drive. Alternatively, (b), it won't load the pictures at all and the Computer > Galaxy S5 > Phone > DCIM bar will load green forever (I have a screen capture of this but can't include it here.. )
I need to get these files off my Galaxy and backed up.
Just updated via Samsung Apps the camera firmware to a CDE11 or something version. Took 4 minutes to update and flash this firmware. I wonder what exactly it changed in the camera firmware? Hopefully improved things or bug fixes.I will test a few videos and see if the bitrate has changed or not.