Eseries / Communicators :: Dose The Nokia E5 Has A Motion Sensor Built In
Feb 11, 2011dose the nokia e5 has a motion sensor built in?
View 1 Repliesdose the nokia e5 has a motion sensor built in?
View 1 RepliesI have the same problem with my mobile Nokia E75 and I've tried both ways and it did not work my camira still not working and i don't know what to do
View 1 Replies View Relatedis E7 has NFC chip in its hardware.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have an issue with my lumia 920 about sensor motion everytime i want to use nokia city lens there is a message that my device not supported sensor motion?
View 5 Replies View RelatedLike asphalt 5 which u can motion sensor or with touch screen?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAnyone having the same problem with their N8? After I downloaded some free apps and games (level meter, angle meter, need for speed shift) that use the phone's motion sensor, I noticed the sensor is off by a few degrees. Can this be re-calibrated in the phone (not in the app itself) or do I need to return it for repair?
View 10 Replies View Relatedar there any Motion Sensor games for nokia 5250?
View 12 Replies View RelatedThere's a problem with my phone.. when i restart the phone.. the motion sensor doesn't work for a long time.. it only works for apps.. how to solve it?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there is any third party application that makes it possible to record from the FM radio. Alternatively to be able to record from another FM radio by a wired connection (not by not by placing the phone in front of a radio speaker).
Nokia E7
i will try to instal the update of quickoffice . But few years ago when I install the update it's on but now it show the error unable to install component is built it. Not only the update it show the message to some more software. So how to solve the problem. And another thing , the encryptin to the phone memory process the battery is fall down then the phone data is corrupt then I was reinstall the software to my Phone . My RM- 346 500.21.009 and nokia E71-1 updated?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have noticed that I don't have built in spell checker for the mail application that comes with Nokia E72. I was wondering if anyone is familiar with free 3rd application that I can download. (add-on of spell checker?)
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy nokia crash during video recording when sensor (portrait/landscape) is on. Crash take after random time, usualy 5 to 15 minute. Crash apprear as blank screen and automatic reset of the phone. I use phone as vehicle recorder, so there might me a shakes. Regular turning during recording does not causing the crash.
When I set the sensor setting to off is everyfing correct. I can record 1h movie without any problem.
Could you please recommend a video converter that can convert most videos to a format compatible with E72's built-in RealPlayer? "The 9000 series is the most reliable computer ever made." HAL 9000
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy e5 has strange problem with the light sensor. If the 'Light sensor' slider in the settings is set to the minimum or one position above the minimum and I put the phone under bright light (for example outdoors in sunny days), the display goes completely off. If I cover the light sensor with something or put the phone in lower light, it turns on again. I think it's software problem, but not sure. Does anybody else have similar problem or my e5 has some fault?
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have nokia c5-03 . i had installed many sensor games in it but it didnt starts. why i cant play motion sensor games in it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes the Elm support motion sensor themes and games. I tried downloading motion sensor themes form but they do not install on my Elm, saying the themes are not compatible with the phone.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was googling around the interwebs to find out more recommendations for smart actions rule settings, and I noticed some references to a motion sensor trigger (for example, in the BGR review of the Droid Razr Maxx). I don't seem to have that trigger in the version of smart actions on my new Droid 4, though? Is that a hardware sensor limitation? Or do I need to change a setting somewhere to make that trigger come up in the list?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy E7 ambient light sensor glows faint red when I try to connect a fring voice call (and the phone stops responding) or when certain apps (pocket lock) for instance is running. is there any issue with my phone? will the "Glow" burn my proximity sensor? is this an indication of any problem with the application. I only istall applications downloaded from OVI store.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just bought a brand new pair of Nikes with the Nike+ sensor built in. I tried to activate the sensor by walking around as it said to do but it just stays on the activation screen and doesn't seem to recognize the sensor at all. I can't see anywhere a battery would go so I don't even know if it came dead on arrival. I have an iPhone 4S running iOS 5.1.1. They're great shoes and I can live without Nike+ as I have all these years but it would be nice to have. I'm disappointed that the shoes themselves came with no sort of instructions.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
i am using Nokia 5233 device, i reset my phone by *#7370#. but it dose not switch on & if on it does not standby long time.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've just bought a 5230 and I'm really annoyed that I don't have the functionality my E51 had where if it was really dark the screen would dim down. This is an important thing to me since I tend to read at night and I dislike having to go all the way to settings and so on.
Do you know any piece of software that could change screen brightness based on the light sensor readings?I'm just amazed the phone software doesn't do that on its own but hey s60v5 is worse than s60v3...
my nokia n8 wont turns on, it displays nokia when i plugin the charger or data cable and after few sec turns off again, i tried my best but it wont start
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes any one know what pixel size needs to be used in Album Art in Nokia E5-00?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI keep getting the 'C' memory low message. I only have 17.7mb left I have most items on E mass memory. I Have gone through the C memory and the below are the only items with any significant file size. Config = 86kb, Log = 157kb, Mail for exchange 26kb, Place widget 17kb, Sound files 118kb, adimagetemp 12kb, Bur_debug 43kb, debug.log 21kb, ka3d-log.txt 89kb, MdfpluginArchive.txt 27kb, Everything else is eithr 0 or bytes only, with about three more less than 10kb each.
what I can delete safely. I am no expert, however I do not see why the above quantity should be using up so much on the C memory?
I have taken back to factory settings and transferred data to PC under Nokia Suite Make Space option.
I would like to know if there is any way to disable 3g on this phone? I don't have a data plan and i would like to avoid overages.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have decided to try nokia messaging on my E72 so that I can get IMAP idle working properly. I tried to set this up, but was unable to do so. Searching on the WWW seems to bring back sites which over the last week have not loaded [URL]
View 6 Replies View RelatedI would like use my E72 as webcam,but i don't know how?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to use my E71 as a webcam.
View 1 Replies View Relatedthe links arenot sent to my nokia E5-00 i tried to send them again but i got no message from nokia store and i tried downloading the theme from the cell directly but the download fails
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat is a good app to listen to music to on the e71? Pandora doesn't work with this phone. And mobbler is only good for a one month free trial. Are there any good free music apps at all with this phone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have bought Nokia E5 just couple of weeks ago. Camera does not focus well and the pictures are not clear. 3.2 MP Camera of my nokia N93 was alot better than its(E5) 5 Mega Pixel. Nokia should sort this out, they should have checked it before introducing in the market.
View 4 Replies View Related