Eseries / Communicators :: Nokia E72 Internet Connection: Time-Out
Nov 4, 2010
I've had the E72 for around 6 months now and it's been working fine. However today when I tried to open the web browser the O2 homepage doesn't load as usual, and instead I keep getting a message saying "Internet Connection: Time-Out". I have never had any problem with the internet before, my default access point is set to O2 Active as this is my carrier. The second access point is my wireless network. I just tried connecting through the wireless network and that works fine, so any ideas why I can't connect through O2 Active?I haven't changed the settings or anything like that so I'm quite confused as to why it isn't working.
I want to connect my nokia e 63 to internet via bluetooth but I don't know how. More exactly I didn't found gnubox working or another program or something...but only via bluetooth...
I am using Nokia E5 from 2 months , till yesterday I was using Internet radio, but suddenly it stop. If I click on internet radio, Its says " no Network connection". When I go to option--> setting and after clicking on setting no response is there , meaning nothing is happening. Other internet related apps working fine.
I'm using E72 and I have this kind of problem. How to turn on or off for internet connection in E72? I'm also using Iphone 3GS and it has a turn on/off button for cellular data. Does E72 has this kind of button?
My E7 worked fine untill a few weeks ago it started to loose 3G internet connection regularly. I have set the settings in the way that it should be always connected, but most of the time you can see the symbol of two broken arrows instead of two intact arrows.
i need to start a modem connection via my usbmodem e52. this connection is not for internet but is used only to connect to another modem at 9600 baud and to use as hyperterminal. I have created my connection but unfortunately the phone doesn't start the connection i receive an erro from the pc. How can i do?
After establishing connection to PC running on Windows 7 via micro usb cable, there is a problem with keeping internet connection alive.The connection should work because the icon on the phones display shows that the phone is connected to the internet, but the connection seems to be lost somewhere between mobile device and PC (not mobile device and mobile network) although the phone is fully capable to transfer other data via cable between computer and phone, this is the same when connection is created via PC Suite or Ovi suite, or manually established connection using the mobile as a modem.The internet access is possible only after every new connections which works always randomly f.e. it fails/stops transferring data from/to internet after few seconds/minutes or transferred amount of data, it is always different.Windows diagnoses this problem as a problem with DNS server.
SW version 022.007,RM-530, E72-1,Custom version 022.007.C00.001
I Purchased Nokia E5 on 1 May 2012 , Now a day's ITs going in Hanging state many time in a day ,Sometime I need to restart It.I reset it to factory setting but, no help.
after upgrade to firmware 034.001 I noticed problem that after some time (like 1-2days) phone stops ringing on incoming calls. I see that call someone is calling but no sound comes out of phone (I can answer call and all is OK). I tried to change profiles General/Meeting but anyway after change I make test call and still no sound. Only thing that help is switch off and back on.
Does the Nokia E6 show the time sent of the message? or just the Time received? This is whenever your turn off then someone sends an SMS. After turning on, what does the time indicate in the message details?
I have used E63 before E72 and there was an option in E63 that as I selected to Synchronise after 30 Minutes then GPRS will disconnect and will be reconnect after 30 minutes and synchronise and disconnect.But in E72 GPRS all the time connected and sychronise. Is it possible that GPRS connect only the time at which we specified e.g. after 30 minutes.
my Nokia E63 camera light has been staying on, i dont know how to get rid of it, i think its using more of the battery, and when i turn it off it remains on, the only way it disapears is when i take the battery out.
Just got my new Nokia E6 out of the box. It does connect to my WEP+WPA2 secured WLAN, but I cannot access the Internet with it. Nor with the browser or with any other app. I can access the internet via my 3g connection (I live in a kind of rural area where no 3G is available).
I wish to disable the light time-out mechanism on the Symbian Ann music player. I would like this so that I can change tracks on my phone while in the car. How should I accomplish this?
I always used the program Nokia Internet Radio on my E51.Trying to update the software, I uninstalled from the phone.I went to the link in Ovi Store, and I began the installation: it tells me"Nokia Internet Update 1.00(1)".It seems all ok, but, after "Completed Installation", the phone proposes me to delete"Internet Radio" (probably the same application?) and the old icon of the programdoes nothing.I don't see any new icon in the InstalledPrograms folder.
today my e52 froze, was up to date (051.018) so i reinstalled the software using the nokia ovi suite. my phone turned on a again, no problem everything seemed oke until i noticed the folder 'internet' was now called 'web' and i can't put the shortcuts to facebook and Internet there anymore. a second thing that had changed is the folder gps disappeared. and now the 3 apps who were in there are just in the app's folder
I have a Nokia e6. I have Nokia Ovi Suite installed on my PC. I wish to access my phone's interent on my desktop computer through Bluetooth. I don't know how to set it up.
My nokia e6 gets heated when I use emails or nimbuzz or and internet services. What should be done. I think nokia phones standards have drastically low quality.
When Nokia internet radio is on and streaming a station, i observed that i cannot receive any calls. I assume the calls are given high priority when compared to others.
My Nokia E63 runs on Vodafone Streaming on: Vodafone Mobile connect FW Version:500.21.009(02-02-2010) RM-437
This is the problem that I have been facing since I have purchased this phone(2years now). I am not using nokia push mail or even nokia mails at all. I have selected packet data Connection setting as "When Needed".
This happens every time I connect to the internet using mobile network and then remains there forever until either I restart Phone or go to offline mode. This is so annoying because it is not using any data though it is there.
There is a dotted lines below the E sign as you can see in the attachment.
I have tried this on 3 different Nokia E6 phones, on GPRS with 5bars, 3G with 5bars and at home over wifi. All internet traffic is really slow, when on the browser downloading the SIS file for google maps, it took 5mins to download just 160k. Once I did get it installed, the Google Maps app take ages to load map tiles, and emails take about a minute to download an email with just a few lines of text.
When using OVI store, pages load really slow. So all internet apps are slow. The phone overall is quick. All this in an edge or 3G area with 5bars, and 3 phones do the exact same. All firmware ver 22.14. Same settings, area and sim card in my Nokia E71 and E72 are perfect.
I am able to use wifi internet connection on my iphone but at the same time I am not able to use the wifi connection on my laptop. The setting is to be changed in my iphone and laptop or the changes is to done by the service provider at the server.
My brand new E7's "light time-out" is not funtioniong; no matter how I adjust it (anywhere from 5-60 secs). The only way it goes off is when the device is screen locked either manually or automatically which I think it's too long (minimum 1 min).
So, I sent it to a Nokia Care Center and they couldn't solve it saying it is the phone's default feature which I disagree.
Out of curiosity I tested a few E7s to a total of 15 todate and voila! IT IS NOT WORKING AS WELL! I can conclude this is a flaw in if not all but almost all E7s?
my E6 seems to always show a 3G connection icon. I am not surfing the internet though and everything is set not to make connections. WiFi is priority 1.
I have purchased a new E5-00 2 days ago and it's having issues with the network connection (i.e. most of the time i cannot receive or make any calls). The SIM card is working fine in other phones. I also applied a hard reset using *#7370# code, but the problem persists. The software version si 091.001.
I was wondering why my E7 keeps the 3.5G connection online even thou theres no application using it? I have set mail boxes for gmail and some other mail but i have set syncing to longest possible interval. Also widgets are offline. There nothing running in the background. If I manually close the connection, it will pop up online in about 5 seconds.
Also when i set the connection to be only manually acceptable, it will stay offline but when I use browser or etc and I allow the connection, it keeps the connection online indefinetly after closing all apps. Theres no data transfer visible but im imaging it will consume battery?
Are those mailboxes causing this and can I set them up so they wont sync at all unless I manually want them to ?
I have had my Nokia E72 for a few months now and while it's good one feature of it is frustrating me somewhat. A while ago I accidently clicked on 'automatic connection' and now my phone keeps asking me to select a connection. Can anyone advise me on how to get rid of this, please?
Honestly, how bad is reception in Manhattan? Dropped calls all the time? Slow data and internet connection? Text messages coming through hours after they were sent? I always hear about these issues. How true are they?