BB Tour 9630 :: IP Address Not Coming From A Browser / From IMAP?

Mar 15, 2010

Okay, I log into my gmail on my computer and it tells me my email is being viewed by another IP address. So I think did someone hack me? But it came to me that it could be my BlackBerry. It shows the other ip address not coming from a browser but from IMAP. I don't know what IMAP is. Is that the push email for blackberry? I went to and my blackberry ip address was NOT the ip address it shows in IMAP on my gmail account. But I hear that blackberries use more than one IP address. So can you tell me, is IMAP pushed email? I haven't used the gmail app in a long time. Only my regular blackberry email. I need to know asap because if someone is in my account I'm going to have to change my password.

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BB Tour 9630 :: 9630 Not Receiving Emails / Until Browser Is Opened

Feb 12, 2010

I've developed a problem with my 9630 (carrier: Sprint) recently. I won't receive emails on it for quite a while, but once I open my Internet browser, all of the emails I received since the last time I opened it will come through at once. If I check my messages, they're all listed as coming through at the same time, but inside the email, they're datestamped at the actual time they were sent.

Any ideas as to what it could be? I haven't changed any settings recently, the problem started independent of anything else, from what I can tell. It seems like a problem with my phone not checking for new emails until it uses data services (internet browser).

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BB Tour 9630 :: New Release With OS 5 Coming Soon

Mar 29, 2010

So with the OS 5 for out tours coming out tomorrow, how many of you think that the Tour 2 is coming really soon as well?

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BB Tour 9630 :: VZW - Tour Internet / Browser / Signal Error

Jan 21, 2010

I am having a huge issues with my e-mail/internet and text messaging capabilities with my tour plus the phone constantly shuts off. I am on my 3rd tour (2nd replacement phone). This issue started about 4-6 weeks ago w/my first tour, it was replaced then the second one started randomly shutting off, then I am now on tour #3 and am having major issues:I'm not able to get a signal to receive phone calls, text messages or e-mails and today while I was at work (same spot for the last 6 months -- haven't moved and never had an internet/signal problem before) when I got out of work I had 18 e-mails, 16 text messages, 2 missed calls and my battery was practically drained and dying (which by the way under mobile connections and mobile network if I put it on 1VEX it can never find a signal or is always searching for a signal whereas if I put it as Global it can find a signal).I got this phone because I'm an avid overseas traveler and I need a phone w/me when I leave however this is causing a lot of frustration and annoyance.I've done everything to all devices:hard pull, complete hard drive wipe, updated service books, turned mobile networks on and off, made sure I had the most up-to-date software available NOTHING works.any suggestions?

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BB Tour 9630 :: When Is Next OS Coming Out For Tour?

Apr 15, 2010

Just wondering since all these OS leaks are popping up for every other Blackberry and not the 9630, it seems as if we are stuck in the high .5s of the OS' and the other models are up in the .6s! With all the issues with .591 they should have released a new leak by now.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Using An Edu Email Address.

Jul 29, 2010

I'm a college student and the main email i use is the email i have been given by the school. once i first purchased my blackberry i set up that email account but it never would work. Is it just not possible to use an "edu" address or am i doing something wrong?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Address Book Contact Twice With Same Numbers

Jun 9, 2010

I don't know how it happened but when I was composing an SMS message I noticed that I have the same contact twice with the same numbers. Some of the contacts are just copies and some have a facebook name on it. I have tried deleting and reinstalling facebook but the issue is still there. My question is: is there I way I can quickly delete all this duplicate contacts without doing it one by one?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Backup Address Book To SIM Card?

Mar 3, 2010

Messing around with my Tour and I see there's an option for SIM Address Book. What's it used for and how do I copy my entire contact list over to it?

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BB Tour :: Email Address Won't Auto Populate In 9630?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a 9630 Tour from Sprint.when composing an email the address in the "TO" or "CC" won't auto populate anymore from addresses in my Address Book. I'm sure this must be an easy solution but I'm at a loss and don't even know how it began.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Deleting Browser History

Apr 15, 2010

What's up guys!! I've been lurking on this site since I got first blackberry a couple of months ago and the information that you all have given me has been priceless. One question that I can't seem to find the answer to is deleting my browser history. What I need to know is how do I erase the cookies from all the sites that I've been to?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Internet - Where To Get Default Browser

Jul 6, 2010

Just got a used bb tour off ebay and it came with out the default browser where can ii get the app

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BB Tour 9630 :: Missing Browser After Reset

Apr 20, 2010

I had the sotweare problem that everyone has been having lastley yesterday an i couldt fix it in anyway and today i was like wat the heck let me give it another try to i plug my phone in the computer open desktop manager (5.0) an i pressed aplication loader and update softwear an it had some new 5.0 (i already was using 5.0) so i clicked on it and it reset my phone and now it works perfect but im missing my browser.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Who Does Not Have Browser Click Errors?

Apr 1, 2010

For people who does not have the browser click issues.. did you download a "special" OS update that is different from the rest of the world?I'm trying to understand why some people have this bug and some don't?I am thinking that people don't claim to not have the browser click issue are A. not understanding what the browser click bug is, so they are clueless to if they have this problem or not? B. don't use their native browser to click on the link much to notice?For me, it takes 3 to 4 attempts to click on a link to work and using a third party browser isn't an option for me with a 5.0 OS since opera mini 4.2 version does not work and the 5.0 version sucks with scrolling. Bolt browser is not that great for me either.

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BB Tour :: 9630 Won't Connect To Internet And No Browser

Oct 26, 2011

Before moving to Rwanda I purchased a BB 9630 through Sprint, my US provider. Upon arriving in Rwanda, October 7, I took the phone to MTN Rwanda. They put in a sim card and everything worked perfect: browser, emails, etc. On October 20 I quit receiving emails and could no longer access internet.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Auto-complete Email Address Is Not Working

Jun 9, 2010

It worked fine for the first 10months ... Now blammo, nadda!When I type an email (compose new, reply or forward), my email addresses from my contacts now longer auto-magically auto-fill. It doesn't matter what category the contact is from. I've tried alt "rbld" in the contacts. I've restarted about 15times over the last week, even with the almighty battery pull. I've tried re-syncing multiple times. I've removed and re-installed my email accounts. I've spent more time trying to fix it than typing in the dern addresses at this point, it's just so blastedly inconvenient and time consuming with my excessive emailing for work. I'm ready to try a stick dynamite attached to the phone, but thought it was a lil extreme, so I'm asking for help first...

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BB Tour 9630 :: Does Official MTS 5.0.419 Address Activation Email Error?

Jan 25, 2010

I've searched and just been finding flame war threads about people arguing rather or not the official MTS release is the same as the leaked.BUT for us Sprint users, can anyone confirm the activation email bug is NOT happening on the new official MTS .419 release?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Error On Reply - Invalid Email Address

Feb 9, 2010

My blackberry is setup with microsoft exchange email. All was working well until I upgraded to the Blackberry Tour.

Here is my problem:

Sometimes, but not everytime, when I try to REPLY to an email I receive an error message which says that the email contains an invalid email address. I have scrolled through all the email addresses contained in the reply and can confirm that they are in fact valid email addresses.

Things I have tried:
Battery pull
Renaming my own contact name
Eliminating custom email "aliases"

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BB Tour 9630 :: Browser Hyperlinks Intermittently Not Working

Apr 22, 2010

I have a BB Tour 9630 (Verizon) and have an issue with the hyperlinks within the browser sometimes not working. My cursor recognizes that it is over a link and switches to the "hand" indicator however, When I click the trackball to select nothing happens. If I scroll up or down on the page I can sometimes then go back to the link and it will work and they sometimes even work the first time. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to the problem at all. I am sure that it isn't my trackball or sensitivity settings as it functions perfectly in all other areas outside of the browser. I have tried using the Firefox browser instead of BB, I have wiped the phone, rebooted several times and Verizon even replaced the phone for me for this issue. Nothing has helped. I have had two other Tours prior to these last two that did not exibit this problem. Since I am seeing this on another handset I suspect it could be a software issue or possibly related to an app. I currently have 11 apps loaded (NBC, Hockey News, Buzz Me, BerryTourch, Google Maps, Weather Bug, Fidelity Online, The Weather Channel, PHH (Fleet Vehicle), ScoreMobile, and XM / Sirius Radio) and I am running OS v5.0.0.591. Anyone know of any issues with the software or app related causes for this? Anybody else even seen this?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Installed OS 5.0 And Browser Doesn't Show Up

Feb 17, 2010

I installed the new OS and i can't find the web browser, any ideas?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Web Browser Gone - How To Upgrade Without A Data Plan

Jul 1, 2010

So I did this tutotrial on how to update my blackberry tour without a PLAN LINK: How To: Upgrade BB With(out) a Data plan! - : Your Number One BlackBerry Community and on top of that my blackberry is DISCONNECTED at the moment because i will be Flashing my sprint bb tour to metro pcs. and i saw a comment that said the browser would be gone.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Magnify Browser Text / Image

May 21, 2010

I'm a newbie on the Blackberry postings.Just purchased my 9630 Tour and real love it but I have an AWFUL TIME TRYING TO READ THE TEXT IN THE BOWSER. Is there an application that I can download to increase the size of the browser text/images.It's impossible to read and I'm not that old

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BB Tour :: 9630 Browser Missing, Not GPS And Email Set Up Option?

Dec 15, 2010

Brought Sprint unlocked 9630 missing browser, GPS and email set up option. I have blackberry service plan with ATT and MSN messenger is working and I am able to use Blackberry App world to down load application and Games.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Email Address Auto-Complete & Calendar Sync

May 3, 2010

Ever since I activated BES (so that I could sync email/calendar with my company's MS Exchange server), I have been experiencing a couple of email-related issues that I did not have previously:
1)When composing a new email or trying to add another contact to an existing email, when I type in the name of the person, the email address auto-complete function does not work. It does work when I am sending SMS, MMS, and searching through my Phone Book, but does not work in email for some reason. Even if I manually type in the correct email address, I do not have a option for the email. I can only reply to email or go through the Phone Book and selection the phonebook entry. I have done the phone book quickfix several times without any success.
2)My calendar events are not showing up in my BES email folder both sent or received calendar notices do not show up for some reason. I have re-sent the Service Books from BES a couple of times to no avail.

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BB Tour :: Get Memory Starting Address And Length For The Sprint 9630 So Can Use It With UniCDMA?

Feb 25, 2010

I need the memory Starting Address and Length for the Sprint Tour 9630 so I can use it with UniCDMA?trying to get my msl so i can delete my number before turning it in.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Browser Error / Unable To Copy Text

Jan 3, 2010

I was searching google on the default browser on my new Tour, and can't seem to copy simple text. Is there a way to copy text in the browser? Please, let me know.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Browser Stopped Working - HTTP Error 400?

Mar 1, 2010

I am running v5.0.0.419 on Verizon. Never had any issues until this weekend when I can suddenly not connect to any web pages. I always get the "HTTP Error 400: Bad Request" dialog. And under the details "Connection refused". Not sure what to try other than several battery pulls, etc. Again, never had any issues until a few days ago havent loaded any new apps, etc.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Weird Icon On Browser And Alignment Of Clock

Jan 6, 2010

I just got my tour after doing my 30 day exchange from the curve 8530. i'm in love! i have a question though. i have an icon on my browser (picture attached, it's the one that looks like a box with two green boxes around it) and i was wondering if it's normal and what it means?Also, my clock when I enter bedside mode is aligned to the right more so than in the middle. Anyone else's look like this?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Contacts In Address Book Disappeared On Adding New Email Account

May 13, 2010

I think about 90% of my contacts in my address book on my Tour had all of a sudden disappeared. Yes, I didn't do anything and it's gone! Well this is what happened. I added a new email account to my BB and it was "activating" the email account. There was also a new icon that showed up while "activating". After about 20 minutes it's done "activating" and the icon was gone. So I thought everything was fine and dandy. The next day, I was told that my windows live account kept on signing in and out on it's own every few minutes. I made a call using speed key and there was no name for the number (the call did go through though). So I went to my address book and saw that 90% of my contacts had disappeared. That's what happened. I did not do a back up before I added a new email account to BB.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Verizon 5.0 Upgrade Browser Error Trouble Clicking?

Apr 6, 2010

I am having trouble clicking on things using the bb browser such as links after the upgrade and pages are loading in their full format sometimes instead of loading the mobile site, what's going on?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Browser Stopped Working Screen Remains White Loading?

Feb 18, 2010

My browser stopped working - every time i try to go to a website, the browser screen remains white and says "loading" on the bar at the bottom, although the bar does not fill up. All of my other internet programs are working, email, apps, etc.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Uncaught Exception Java. Lang.Argument - Error ONLY At Opening Browser Icon

Apr 2, 2010

All of the sudden, half of my browsers are throwing this error message up that locks my phone when I use the browser icon in themes ....browsers were working fine yesterday, now half ofthem are locking the phone up all of the sudden......did a battery pull like 11 times, wiped the phone and reinstalled the latest .591 and still have the issue. The browsers I used for the last two weeks are now doing this ?

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