BB Torch :: Ringer And Vibrator Not Working In 9810?
Mar 27, 2012Ringer and vibrator of my blackberry torch 9810 suddenly stops working. If i would be getting call or message, the ringer or vibrator doesn't work.
View 9 RepliesRinger and vibrator of my blackberry torch 9810 suddenly stops working. If i would be getting call or message, the ringer or vibrator doesn't work.
View 9 RepliesI have blackberry curve 8520 . My blackberry vibrator stop working suddenly. I hv checked all profiles its all accurate even though my vibrator is not working
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've got a new 9810, uploaded V the GPS is not working.Location On Location Aiding Enabled
It will update however shows Number of Satellites:0 Maps location is intermittent BlackBerry Traffic shows aGPS
Went to Device/Device and Status/typed "test" Performed GPS test,result: timed out
Does this mean it's a hardware issue?BB is on an enterprise server on Telus network
I bought my TORCH 9810 3 months ago, it worked well, but lately I've been experiencing problems with it, the screen doesn touch, when it works, it works very slow, I can tap six times and it won't work, what is the problem and how can I fix this! Everything works very fine, except for the screen, why?!
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy BlackBerry Torch 9810's trackpad stopped working.
It has been an ongoing problem for about two weeks. Sometimes it works other times it doesnt.
I tried battery pulls and they never seemed to work instanteously although sometimes after the 3rd or 4th battery pull and 20 minutes of the phone being back 'on' it would work.
Now it's been about 3 hours since it last worked. I've installed the latest update for BB. I'm removing every program that is on it to try to get it to work.
I don't think it's a hardware problem because sometimes the trackpad works, and others it doesnt. If it was a hardware problem I dont think it would be on and off.
Note: the click function of the trackpad button works just fine. However I cant use it to go N, S, E, & W.
I have a problem after updating to v. the update everything was fine. Now about a week later the auto rotate does not work any longer.I have removed the battery for a restart but i am still having the same problem .When i pay a game like Angry Pigs (That rotate the screen) it stays that way untill I slide open the phone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedPhone fell into snow last week (when I did). Got the red dot indicating liquid damage. All seems to be working except the touch screen. I can no longer do anything with it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've pulled the battery so often, I feel like I'm playing checkers with it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSince last night, my Blackberry Protect app is "unable to login to your BlackBerry ID account", I did the usual, went to my BB account and reset a new password, didn't work, did twice, still hasn't worked. I jave a BB Torch 9810,
View 1 Replies View RelatedAll of my hard buttons have stopped working on torch 9810
View 1 Replies View RelatedRecently the touch screen keyboard if my blackberry torch has stopped working when I close the my phone (slide close) and also the rotation that Blackberry torch does when you change the position of it isn't also work, I thought it was software problem but it's not.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have updated my device (Torch 9810) a few months ago and from that moment on the touch screen is not operating properly. Sometimes it works but most of the times it does not. Also the track pad does not always work properly after the upgrade. Yesterday nothing worked and I had to soft reset the device before considering throwing it to the swimming poolThe unfortunate thing is that I do not remember what type of upgrade I made but it took 2-3 hours to complete.Last but not least after this upgrade my battery dies in less than half a day. I bought a new one and the same thing happens.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWiFi connected but internet not connecting in BB torch 9810.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy 9810 is acting up. None of the keys are working, even the 5 below the screen. Sometimes the track pad works but not when it is pressed, and when the back botton works it puts me into sreach mode and looks for the letter "H" only. The touch screen is fine. This was before upgrading to OS7.1. I have done multiple hard resets and it does nothing at all. This has been going on for three days now. It hasn't be dropped or anything.
Last night I upgraded to OS 7.1 now my back ground does not rotate properly with how the phone is being held it does rotate, When you hold it upright it thinks its on it's side and vise versa.
My screen is working fine but my keyboard and other buttons are not functioning at all. I also have my phone locked so in order to go into it i need to type my password but im also unable to do that because none of the keys are working.
View 1 Replies View Relatedopying contacts from a Bold 9810 to another 9810.Using the BB Desktop Software I did a full backup of the device (which contained 400+ contacts), then did a full restore on a new 9810, but only 200 contacts were copied over.Next I tried to do a selective restore, but although the 400+ contacts were in the file, it was grayed out and could not be selected. How can I get all the contacts into the new 9810. (Side note: I was able to restore the 400+ contacts to a BB Bold).
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe loudspeaker on my E71 suddenly stopped working one morning. The morning alarm was just a vibration without the sound. I tried restart, battery reset and factory reset. No luck. The key tones and hands free works though.Thought of taking it to the NokiaCare, and somehow struck to me to gently blow air on the speakers. Suddenly it started working. But not consistently. comes on and off. What could be the problem? Is it a bad speaker component?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy BB just stopped ringing, it won't even respond to the speaker phone. Once in a while if I keep calling it will ring once and thats it.
View 7 Replies View Relatedmy iPhone 4s ringer not working!!!
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1, The ringer not working at all.
My iphones ringer just wont work.. and even when I switch on the speaker..cant hear anything
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As of yesterday, my sound on my phone will not work. No ringer, no text, no alarms, no music.etc. I have checked all the settings and made sure the volume on the side control panel is on.I did just update my Apple phone, Mac, & iTunes the other day.Would this have anything to do with it?
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow do I get the ringer to work again? I have tried to change the profile, to different tunes, set the volume to 10, nothing works.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy iphone ringer sometimes not working. Specially MSGs, Music, Videos. Im in IOS 8.1.2. at those times when i press sound increase buttons it shows like this.
iPhone 4S, iOS 8.1.2
My iPhone 4 ringer is not working , I tried all alternatives for the same ....
iPhone 4, iOS 6
My iphone ringer hasn't been working for a couple of days when I use the buttons to turn it up the volume bar isn't there?
iPhone 4S
How does one turn the "Ringer" ON on the Torch 9850?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just got my I phone 3 days ago and now my ringer is not working, the silent is off and vibrate is off, the tone is selected and my volume is up?
iPhone 4S
I recieved my Torch on friday an i noticed the volume on the ringer an Music Is low? Is it a hardware problem or software? then if i push the Mini usb up while its charging it kind of clicks out the phone i dont know if anyone else has these problems but looking for a solution.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI cannot feel the vibrator when the phone rings. Is there a way for increase the vibration? Yes, the phone do vibrates but not powerful enough.
View 1 Replies View RelatedVolume buttons no longer work, ringer doesn't work.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
I have a Droid X with Android version 2.3.4 (system version 4.5.621). The phone ringer stopped working and I have to completely shut off the phone and turn it back on to get it to work, but then it will randomly stop working again. Also, the camera will take a picture but when you go to the gallery the picture is not there and it just shows a generic icon. I've done a factory reset on the phone twice and the issues keep coming back.
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