I just bought a Torch, my first blackberry after coming over from an iphone btw, and i set up all my alerts to be what i want, but for some reason i get no alert when i get a new email from my gmail acct. It shows in the notification screen, but no sound or vibrate or led or anything and i have it set up the same but different tone for text.
All reminders set on my Blackberry Torch 9800 would not provide a reminder (a pop up screen) nor would it vibrate (in normal and vibrate mode) or make a sound (in normal mode) when the time of reminder was set. For example: Time now it is 4:50pm and I set a reminder for 5pm with a reminder set for 5 min. On my previous BB9700 a reminder would be generated at 4:55 pm (a sound and/or vibrate depending on the mode and profile setting). On my current BB 9800, nothing would happen.
I am trying to change my email settings as i changed my email account. When i go to "Setup", "Email Accounts", then click on "Internet Mail Account", it simply circulates back to "Email Accounts". It keeps doing this repeatedly. I have done a soft and hard reset (by removing battery) and have updated software but nothing seems to help.
I'm not sure how to connect my school email to my blackberry Torch. My school e-mail is weird because when I go inside everything looks exactly like gmail but it isn't exactly gmail beacuse you can't sign on from www.gmail.com. Gotta go through the school website. It does provide instructions on how to link to the Blackberry but it doens't work for the Torch because the option doesn't exist. (Instructions)To set up the BlackBerry's email client with Google Apps email (IMAP), just follow these steps: On your BlackBerry device, navigate to your home screenSelect the icon that lets you set up email (this can be called Setup, Setup Wizard, Email Setup, BlackBerry Set-up, E-mail settings, or Personal Email Set-up)Follow the setup instructions provided on your device to create a new e-mail accountBe sure to enter the following:Mail Server: imap.gmail.comUsername: [your full Google Apps email address]Password: [your Google Apps password]IMAP Port: 993Allow the system to add your account, but do not enter your Google Apps password into the utility boxes (this causes the system to default to POP3 instead of IMAP)Select NextSelect Next again (bypassing the 'Additional Information Required' section)Select your account type, then select Next.You may encounter a 'We were unable to configure...' error. Select I will provide the settings to continueSelect the option that mentions 'IMAP/POP'Select I will provide the settings..., then select NextSelect Set up existing email account...Enter your Google Apps account information here, with 'imap.gmail.com' as your mail serverSelect NextSelect Save
where is the setting for controlling the auto signature on outgoing email? Every email that I send adds my name at the bottom. Can I turn that off/on or change the signature?
1. images are not automatically appearing (need to click get images) 2. the HTML emails are appearing too wide. I have to scroll to the right to see the other half of the email.
I just picked up a Torch and my friend that works at AT&T sold it to me so I told him not to worry about setting anything up and I can do it on my own... I was wrong haha. Heres my problem when I go to set up my email it only give me a BES option and I don't see any option for BIS.
Any way I can get this to show up? I tried to use the universal search and it popped up but when I tried to click on it nothing would happen.
Dear BB Support, I had to do a Security Wipe on my BB 9800 and now I cannot re-set all my email accounts. I don't use a Corporate Email Server and when I do try and set up my emails the answer I get is Problem With Network Server Try Again.
How do I get past the "Enterprise Activation" in your e-mail set up to set up my personal e-mail account. I don't have a work account. It does not give me the choice to go into "Internet mail accounts" as the e-mail account tutorial states. And when I try to enter my yahoo account for the "Enterpricse Activation" thinking that maybe if I enter that info and it will take me to a screen to I can ge to the "Internet mail accounts" log in...it doesn't work.
Configuring my email account on my blackberry touch 9800 that i just switched to using bb desktop manager. It keeps saying "Sorry unable to connect your session please login in" everytime i put in my password and login. My email already appears as an email account i just cant log in and thus cant receive emails on my fone.
I have a Torch 9800 with OS 6. I have noticed that my phone is not getting any of the emails from my five email accounts. I went through deleted them all and readded them and it was telling me there was a problem connecting to the server. I have plugged my phone in and made sure everything is up to date, pulled the battery and resent the regestured with my wireless network.
After updating the software on my 9800 I haven't been able to set up my email account again, every time I try it freezes up for a while and then I get a message saying "Unable to open email set-up application. Contact your wireless service provider." I never had this problem before I updated the software, I used to receive my emails to my BB.
when I wanted to set up my email account on the blackberry, it just gave me the possibility to choose a enterprise account, not an internet account. how I can activate an internet email account under these circumstances?
P.S.: I am using blau.de as a provider and booked the internet flatrate.
changed my bb to a 9800 torch and everytime I send a text or email the phone stores it I've looked in several places and tried to change various things but still does it?
My torch 9800 has not received any e-mail since Friday. I noticed that I am not connected to the Blackberry Enterprise Server. What do I need to do to correct this?
I had to exchage my Torch yesterday....due to constant reboots and buttons getting loose.But now I can't get my BIS email (att.blackberry.net) working. I called AT&T and was on the phone for like 2 hours and they were clueless. Has anyone had this same problem or know how to get it working without creating a new email.
Weird thing happened to my wife's Torch. Her emails stopped pushing so I re-sent the service books and now they work again.But now one of her email folders has completely disappeared but she still gets messages from that account seen in the combined Messages folder.I've tried battery pulls and deleting and re-adding the account but still no folder shows up for it, I can only see those messages through the "Messages" folder which is annoying.
Just got an email from RIM saying there's a software update for the Torch. Did anyone else get this?.......what exactly is it? I'm on The ONLY issue I have is no spell check when entering text on web pages (ie..CB wap, etc..) When I try to update, DM shows my software version as and is recommended.
Ever since I got my phone, I keep getting this email notification of Mobile Email OZMAIL. I never had gotten this from my old phone (Motorola Karma Q1) so I'm wondering why it keeps popping up. I believe it's a text message, it's not an email. It's reallly annoying and I want to get rid of it.
trying to activate my work email to my blackberry torch 9800. the phone is contacting the server but never connects. keeps asking me to continue the activation or cancel the activation.
I have a 9800 that i loaded my hotmail account onto, and everything seems to work, other than the email icon is "grayed' out. Almost ghost like in appearance.
I am trying to delete an email account on 9800, but my device keeps asking me for the username and password when I go to the email account management page.
I have just got a new bold and want to give my Torch to my daughter. How do i delete my email accounts off the phone ? when I try get into email account settings all i get is "Your device had a problem connecting to the server."
Since BB service was restored today I was hoping to get my email back but I cannot receive any incoming email. Sending email works fine but I cannot receive. I have rebooted my BB several times but it is not working.I also tried adding another email account to see if that one worked. The new account shows up in the email setup list but it doesn't appear on my homescreen for some reason. I then tried to delete one of the accounts a had setup before and I have a similar problem. The account no longer appears in the email setup menu, but it still shows on the homescreen.I have a BB Torch 9800 and I am on the Telus network in Canada
Although my BlackBerry service with O2 is connected and working as normal, I am totally without email on my Torch 9800. I have owned the Torch 9800 since March.All has been well until last week when I changed the password on one of the 3 email accounts I had set up on my device. This password change left one of the accounts unable to send or receive mail, and is also what lead me to discover that I could not enter email set up on my device or via my network providers website ( www.o2email.co.uk ) .I have spent hours on the phone with O2 discussing this issue. The usual checks and procedures have been carried out, battery pulls, checking settings etc and the service books have been deleted and resent several times. These actions have not resolved the problem but instead led to the loss from my device of the other 2 email accounts which were working correctly but have now disappeared into thin air. Having tried all possible solutions with O2 I now come here looking for an answer.
When I visit my Network Providers BlackBerry mail service trying to create an account using my pin etc, I am without fail getting a pop up box containing the error message ''Your account is not accessible via HTML browser. Please use your devive to access BlackBerry Internet Service'' !? The result is the same whether I log in from my device over 3G or Wireless, or from a PC (have tried several browsers) .On my device, when I click on the Email Accounts icon from the setup menu nothing happens, no response at all. I have tried many times and there is just no way to set up or edit mail accounts. I am without mail on my device and growing increasingly short of patience.
I am now hoping somebody here can offer me some advice on how to resolve this issue. hat use is a BlackBerry without email capabilities ? I see from researching email set up problems on the Torch 9800 that I am not alone here so if somebody at BlackBerry is listening ? If this is a Torch 9800 issue then I am sure you will be doing all you can to resolve this but in the meantime
As an avid business crackberry fan (and business manager) for over 3 years, I was appalled to find that I would need to slide the keyboard out to enter my security code, especially when I would do it 50-100 times per day. As every other touchscreen phone on the market has a pattern unlock method, this is the single issue preventing from purchasing this phone(s) PLEASE ISSUE AN UPDATE/APP/PATCH anything to bring this vital security & efficiency issue up to par.
I looked on here & didn't find anything addressed prior, so forgive me if I just didn't see it & am reposting a question already addressed here. E-mail: I have 4 e-mail accounts.When I hit compose, it defaults to one I'd rather not use.I can hit the drop down key & choose one of the other 3, but I'd rather have it default to the one I use most.I had no problems w/ this in the Curve.There was a place to set the default mail.Any ideas?