BB Curve :: Configure A Personal Email Address On 8520?
Feb 19, 2012
I am trying to configure a personal email address on my blackberry curve 8520 but it only gives me the option on the Email Set-up - i want to use a work email account with a Blackberry Enterprise Server and not the option ' i want to create or add an email address. I have currently got an ASDA SIM Card. Is there a way of setting up an e-mail address on this phone?
I wanted to configure my personal email account, but all I get on my BB, when I enter the set up wizard (besides from bluethooth, wifi) is the email set up wizard for a work email account. (whilst, if I look to the help menu online, there you get two possibilities).
I cannot configure my email on my blackberry curve 8520. Even though I'm connected to internet on wifi, when I go to the e-mail configuration area, it tells me that, "even though the mobile web is activated, I'm noy in a wireless zone". I don`t understand, because i can do everything else: enter the app store, browse the web, etc. What shoul I do?
i m very new in BB, i have a 8520 curve i just wanted to know how to setup emails,when i click on the email setup it's says to me "I want to use a work email account with a blackberry enterprise server" and then after it's says "Has your blackberry enterprise server administrator provided you with and enterprise activation password"? if i choose no option nothing happen if i choose yes option it's ask me email, activation password, and activation server address.
I just got a Blackberry last week and there's no option in the email set up for a personal email address add, only for a business one. how to change this?
I want to setup email connection. On this 9360 I do not have any Connection Assistant so I use "setup" mode and "mail accounts" options. Usually (as on my previous Curve 8520) I used to have two options when entering there :
- Use my own email address (personal address) or create a new one - Use my Enterprise email address
But when I launch Email setup on my curve 9360, I have only the Enterprise option so that I Cannot setup email! My 9360 runs under OS 7.
i can`t setup personal email on 8520,when i watched the video on the blackberry site,it showed an icon to set up personal e-mail, on my bb the only option i have is to setup a work e-mail on bes?
I cannot create an personal email account on my Blackberry Curve 8520.I've already followed some of the instructions from this forum and on the main website of Blackberry but still can't create an email account for my phone.These are the steps I'm doing when I'm trying to create and email.From the home screen, go to Setup. Click Setup Wizard.Click Email Setup.But when I'm in the email setup, the only option I have is the "I want to use a work email account with a Blackberry Enterprise Server.I don't have the option of "I want to create or add an email address.Now, how can I create a personal email account on my phone?
I got my first BB (8520) two weeks ago, and I still have not managed to get the email and MMS setup. If I go to messages, there is only SMS and email, no MMS options.. And when I try to set the email there is only the Enterprise option, I wanna set it up with my gmail.
How can I configure a "reply to" address in iOS8 on my iPhone 6. I have an forwarding to an address (at this time) when I reply from my iPhone I want the "reply to" address the recipient sees and the address used when they hit "reply" to be the address. I could do this in iOS6 and iOS7 but can't find it in iOS8. I am hoping I am just overlooking it...
I am unable to receive any picture messages?? I am also unable to set up a personal email account through blackberry its only giving me the option of a works email??
I'm trying to set up my personal email on the 9700, but it seems that i have only one option, Blackberry Enterprise Server option. Is that suppose to be that way? I don't seem to have the " I want to create or add an email address" option.
Im using a Bold 9700, v5.0.0.442(Platforms Carrier: M1(Singapore)
I brought my bb off ebay and the seller never took his email off i have tried to change it and it won't let me, I have tried contacting the seller to ask him but no joy. please help
I have recently bought the Blackberry 9520 Mobile Phone, When i select Email setup in only gives me the option to setup a Work Email with Blackberry Enterprise.Is there i way i can add a Personal email address.
I dont see the Windows VPN client option. I see iother clients like Cisco and others but not windows VPN. How do I establish windows VPN connection on my blackberry 8520?
I dont see the Windows VPN client option. I see iother clients like Cisco and others but not windows VPN. How do I establish windows VPN connection on my blackberry 8520?
As I received my BB, I started the email application. The BB proposed an update of this application and I accepted.As far as I remember, during the update process, I was proposed to replace the email app by a "setup_email..." app or a stuff like that.Now, I can't set up any email account because the terminal bugs when I try to open the email set up function.Then, the screen is blocked and I'm forced to shut down the terminal with the on/off button.I already tried to update the whole OS from 5 to with BB Desktop Manager but the problem remains.For your information, and if it may help, I just see that the email setup application (6.11.0419.0755) is located after the games in the application list of the BB Desktop Manager.
My boss would like to forward his work emails to his personal email account.Is this something he can do on his own?Can someone provide setup instructions?
I have a Curve 9360. My supplier is AT&T. This is my work-supplied phone, but I would like to add my personal email. Of course I want to keep the emails separate.I went to Setup>Email Accounts>Internet Mail Account, and was easily able to add my gmail account. Unfortunately, I am not receiving any of my gmail. It looks in the setup like the gmail address is there.
I recently bought a blackberry 8520 curve on prepaid (vodacom).I am having trouble setting up my email address. When I enter the email setup, it doesn't provide an option to set up a personal email account - only one option for blackberry enterprise server. I bought this phone because I need to check my mail on the go quite often and now I can't even get that to work.