BB Curve :: 9360 Suddenly Turned Off And Now Continuously Rebooting
Aug 26, 2012
I have had my bb curve 9360 for about 4 weeks now it has been working fine until last night it turned off and now it keeps rebooting have connected it to my computer. I have done a repair on it but it is still doing the same thing and has now been in repair on my pc for about 2 hours and it not doing anything.
My blackberry curve 9360 which is two months hold has been constantly restarting itself since last night. I've spent all day looking online and trying everything possible but nothing has worked. I've updated software, taken out the battery, left it on charge, left it off charge, taken out the memory card, wiped absolutely everything but nothing has worked. I can't make it to the o2 shop until Wednesday but would obviously prefer for it to be fixed before then.
My blackberry battery died one afternoon and when i started to charge it, the reboot screen kept appearing followed by the red LED light before attempting to reboot again. i have tried installing the new software but it is still rebooting half way stopping, LED light comes on and the whole process continues. the bb is only 2 months old and hasnt been dropped or damaged in any way. could the battery need replaced?
I'm trying to update the os on my Blackberry Curve from 7.0 to 7.1. I started at 6pm last night and 18 hours later the phone is still continuously rebooting. Should I pull the battery out?
A friend and I have the blackberry 9360, and we've both found it randomly decides it wants to switch itself off and reboot about 3 times a day. Her phone was a day old when it started to do this, mine is about 4 months old.We've experienced this problem on OS 7.0 and 7.1.
My blackberry just keeps on rebooting. When finished the red light goes on for a while then it goes of and the whole rebooting process starts again. It also does not connect through usb to the computer
My blackberry curve 9360 got stuck while trying to upgrade the "evernote" app. I waited for 10 mins but then pulled out the battery to do a hard reset. Now the phone keeps rebooting in a continuous loop.It shows the loading screen and when the bar is complete, the red LED turns on and the screen just stays blank. If i press any kep the loading bar appears again as empty and goes onto complete and then again the red LED turns on.I can't connect to PC through the Desktop software and it shows an error with Retry, Update and Close options. Tried "Retry" many times and update says no new updates for your phone but can't still connect.I can't find the Apploader folder mentioned in some posts from where you can get the device to connect in my "Research In Motion" folder in Program files. Maybe because I'm on OS 7 or the desktop software is another version.Please help me on how to get my device back on. I am ready to lose the data if there is some way to do a hardware reset or OS reinstall which doesnt require the phone to boot.
Blackberry Bridge stopped working suddenly on my smartphone and showing 'OFF' continuously with following message;Failed to turn off MAP services.Blackberry Bridge cannot start.Turn off unused serial port profiles under Bluetooth > Options and try again?
I recently updated my bbm on my phone from my phone and had to restart the phone and so I did, but now it is in a reboot cycle it loads completely then it goes off and starts again, I tried connecting it to the computer without the battery to update the software like I read on another forum page, but it is saying there are no new updates found
I have had a Blackberry Curve 9360 for about seven months now and everything was fine for about three months, then all of a sudden it started to switch off everytime I took a photo or used the internet/facebook. I took the phone for repair and it was replaced, as soon as I turned it on and charged it it started to happen again, again I took it for repair and it was replaced again, this is the third replacement I have had in two months and all of them are doing the same thing.
I put my phone down for like a minute, when I came back it was rebooting. I thought my phone was just messing about so I left it to start but when it got to the end of the reboot the little timer thing came up on the top left corner and then it all went black and it rebooted all over again and the same thing happened.
I have had my BB Curve 9360 for 7 months and for the last month the phone has been experiencing problems with rebooting itself.
The phone reboots itself approximately 5 or 6 times a day which is quite annoying as you have to deal with the irate persons who are continuously met by your voicemail as your phone is off or awaiting secrity info (PIN) without your knowledge.
My 9360 keeps on rebooting. I did the battery pull, press back button till reboot is done but it doesnt work. I also connected it to my pc to "update" as a previous person was advised but the 9360 is still rebooting.Perhaps the 9360 was'nt a good choice?
My blackberry 9360 is giving me some problems, when I turn it on, it comes on with the blackberry loading screen, and it loads a 1/4 of the way then it turns off and a red light shows and it starts again. I've left it doing this on charge and it won't stop, I've let it run its self out of battery and it still does this when I try again.
I just upgraded some apps on my BB 9360 of just a few days after which I tried restarting the BB over an hour ago. But it just keeps rebooting over and over again without the phone coming up. I charged IT for over an hour thinking probably the battery was low, but to no avail. What to do as the BB just keeps rebooting.
my 9380 suddenly turned off, it has no sign of life the LED light doesnt flash when charging or when connect to my laptop or desktop?i changed the battery with a freind of mine and my battery works in his but my device is not showing any sign of life with his battery either?
Have a BB curve 9300 3g, software ver 6. on a payg contract with Tesco. It worked fine until this morning when I noticed it was rebooting (the same as a battery pull) constantly. It would boot, update security and reboot again. Finally managed to switch off wifi and mobile network to see if this made a difference and the rebooting stopped. I've since switched on wifi, and this is fine.
But as soon as the mobile network is turned on it will try to obtain a signal and within 2 or 3 seconds will start rebooting again. I've tried it with different battery, different sim, with and without microsd card, deleting all apps, upgrading software to latest version etc etc but nothing works. Right now I have a mobile phone which is of no use as it cannot receive a mobile signal.
Last night my phone started rebooting continuously. Today I have found that it will only stayswitched on if I knock my O2 network connection off. BB and internet work fine but as soon asmy phone searched for network connection it starts to reboot over and over again
My IPhone 5 suddenly turned off and can not be turned on.
It prompts me to use connect to iTunes . I have done all iTunes updates but it says it cannot be restored due to error 14.
It restored correctly once this weekend and functioned for all of an hour before it died.
I'm afraid I'm within days of the one year warranty. Because I live in a rural area I can't get to a Rogers or IApple store I cannot conveniently take it in for replacement or repair. Â
I've had nothing but problems since I updated to the os7.
I have a Cliq Xt and it reboots. I have read many forums and do not see a clear answer. Will rooting the phone and upgrading to gingerbread solve the problem?
I bought iPhone 4s at HongKong on Mar 26, 2012 and active on that day. After 1 month later, my iPhone suddenly turned off and can not turned on. It was appeared each 2 days repeatedly. Only press Power + Home in 10 seconds, it will be turn on.
I tried to restore twice times, but it's still like that. Now I'm stay at Singapore for leisure trip, can I change another iPhone or repair? where can I go to the Service Apple Store at Singapore?
I have just updated my phone's firmware to version 4.1.B. The updating went on well. After updating I turned on my phone and it started optimizing with my apps and that went well too. Then I was browsing through my phone's settings option and went to tethering and wifi hotspot option and turned on the bluetooth tethering. After that my phone rebooted and it keeps on rebooting on itself. It wont connect to my PC. I tried removing the battery but when I turn it on its the same thing.
my iphone4 suddenly turned off, now it won't turn on. connected it to itunes on laptop. tried to restore it but still stuck with "Waiting for iPhone" and an apple logo with a blank progress bar.
I've gt a nokia X-3 phone. Last day it was working good, but suddenly phone got switched off and now it does not give any response though I tried to switch on it.