My blackberry just keeps on rebooting. When finished the red light goes on for a while then it goes of and the whole rebooting process starts again. It also does not connect through usb to the computer
A friend and I have the blackberry 9360, and we've both found it randomly decides it wants to switch itself off and reboot about 3 times a day. Her phone was a day old when it started to do this, mine is about 4 months old.We've experienced this problem on OS 7.0 and 7.1.
My blackberry curve 9360 got stuck while trying to upgrade the "evernote" app. I waited for 10 mins but then pulled out the battery to do a hard reset. Now the phone keeps rebooting in a continuous loop.It shows the loading screen and when the bar is complete, the red LED turns on and the screen just stays blank. If i press any kep the loading bar appears again as empty and goes onto complete and then again the red LED turns on.I can't connect to PC through the Desktop software and it shows an error with Retry, Update and Close options. Tried "Retry" many times and update says no new updates for your phone but can't still connect.I can't find the Apploader folder mentioned in some posts from where you can get the device to connect in my "Research In Motion" folder in Program files. Maybe because I'm on OS 7 or the desktop software is another version.Please help me on how to get my device back on. I am ready to lose the data if there is some way to do a hardware reset or OS reinstall which doesnt require the phone to boot.
I recently updated my bbm on my phone from my phone and had to restart the phone and so I did, but now it is in a reboot cycle it loads completely then it goes off and starts again, I tried connecting it to the computer without the battery to update the software like I read on another forum page, but it is saying there are no new updates found
I have had a Blackberry Curve 9360 for about seven months now and everything was fine for about three months, then all of a sudden it started to switch off everytime I took a photo or used the internet/facebook. I took the phone for repair and it was replaced, as soon as I turned it on and charged it it started to happen again, again I took it for repair and it was replaced again, this is the third replacement I have had in two months and all of them are doing the same thing.
I put my phone down for like a minute, when I came back it was rebooting. I thought my phone was just messing about so I left it to start but when it got to the end of the reboot the little timer thing came up on the top left corner and then it all went black and it rebooted all over again and the same thing happened.
I have had my BB Curve 9360 for 7 months and for the last month the phone has been experiencing problems with rebooting itself.
The phone reboots itself approximately 5 or 6 times a day which is quite annoying as you have to deal with the irate persons who are continuously met by your voicemail as your phone is off or awaiting secrity info (PIN) without your knowledge.
My 9360 keeps on rebooting. I did the battery pull, press back button till reboot is done but it doesnt work. I also connected it to my pc to "update" as a previous person was advised but the 9360 is still rebooting.Perhaps the 9360 was'nt a good choice?
My blackberry 9360 is giving me some problems, when I turn it on, it comes on with the blackberry loading screen, and it loads a 1/4 of the way then it turns off and a red light shows and it starts again. I've left it doing this on charge and it won't stop, I've let it run its self out of battery and it still does this when I try again.
I just upgraded some apps on my BB 9360 of just a few days after which I tried restarting the BB over an hour ago. But it just keeps rebooting over and over again without the phone coming up. I charged IT for over an hour thinking probably the battery was low, but to no avail. What to do as the BB just keeps rebooting.
I have had my bb curve 9360 for about 4 weeks now it has been working fine until last night it turned off and now it keeps rebooting have connected it to my computer. I have done a repair on it but it is still doing the same thing and has now been in repair on my pc for about 2 hours and it not doing anything.
i tried to update my curve but now it keeps rebooting and then saying linking java and the rebooting again. i tried to connect it to blackberry desktop software but i cant because it keeps rebooting.
My company just recently singed a contract with AT&T. Nearly all the employees were provided with Blackberry Curve 9360's. We use an Exchange Server (remote desktop)and Microsoft Outlook. Is there a way to sync the Curve 9360 with an Exchange Server (remote desktop) and Microsoft Outlook?
Im looking for help I purchased a 9360 the othe day and can't get over how hot the back becomes,and how poor the battery life is. I have taken the first one back to the shop and they couldn't get over it either so swapped it for another one. The replacement is just the same Is anyone else having the same problems or know if there is a cure/fix for this.
I have a new Curve 9360 and since i updated my software, the BBM icon on the desktop will not open the BBM menu with contacts etc on. I can receive and send messages. When they appear but can't get my contacts and add new etc.
My daughters phone used to connect as USB and you could see her phone from the computer (iMac, Windows). Now when she chooses USB it does not prompt for password, and only connects for charging as if she chose Charge Only.
I don't think it's the computer, same effect on our iMac and 2 Windows computers. Is there a setting in her phone which needs to be changed, or some software update (it seems to be fully updated)
I got a blackberry 9360 on contract about 6 months ago the first bb got some software problems and vodacom gave me a new one the second bb just started switching off wile I am using it so on I gave it in for repairs and they gave me a new one again so now I am on my third blackberry 9360 that is just giving me problems the same as the second one did just switching off about ten times a day The place I have my contract with is just telling me to go to the head office and speak to the people there?
my bbm stopped working yesterday but i keep getting recent updates occasionally, so i topped up £5 and it took the money and completely stopped working what should i do?
how can I set my email to BB 9360?When I wanna set that, BB gave me only one options by Enterprise but I'm not bussines man, I have no, how can I change my email settings?If I want to change my "messages settings", I cannot start "administration of email settings" because BB told me "this aplication cannot run".My service provider doesn't want to help me.
My Blackberry curve 9360 not switching on, it was fine in the morning, later in afternoon, when i check i was in s/o mode. So i tried charging it. As soon as i switch on charger Red light glow for few seconds.
However now it is more than 2 hours still not getting switch on.
Ever since I got my phone, i have tried to log in with my blackberry ID but in vain, it keeps on telling me to enter the username associated with my phone yet that is the user name I have been using ever since. I have registered the same user name on the blackberry site and it works but it cant work on my phone? phone is a blackberry 9360 curve
I've had my phone for about 10 months. Recently it has started shutting itself down randomly even when it is fully charged. When I try to turn it back on it wont work and I have to take the battery out to get it to come on againIs there anything I can do to fix this?
I just got a Curve 9360, and the headphones broke inside and I got a new one and restored all my stuff onto it.I was in a BBM group, but it said that I had to be removed and added again, which I was, and it still wouldn't go away. Then the group was deleted and it still won't go away!I already did a battery pull?
i'm using blackberry curve 9360. I can't change my sim card as when i changed it required me to log in to blackberry id. i can't log in using my id, always come out " unable login to your blackberry id account" what is wrong with it? i can login from blackberry site but not from my curve. i can't download any apps from apps world as well, as i can't login to it also.
my carier didnt realese 7.1 til nw & I tried to setup it from another carier but I failed app loader doesnt show the the new OS and when I choose it manually it says its not supported for ur device what can I do ?
My Curve 9360 on Orange keeps losing UMA connection depsite being connected to wi-fi (browser and app udate work fine) - I've looked around and people suggest a router problem but this happens to me everywhere so I can't believe that every router I come into contact with isn't set up right?
Haven't tried a battery pull yet - not sure how. Currently running on OS 7.1.0 Bundle 1133 which I updated tonight - but there's been no change in UMA behaviour