BB Curve 83xx :: Hourglass Keeps Popping Up In It?

May 27, 2010

I have had my verizon curve 8330 4 2+ yrs and here lately i have had to battery pull 2-3 times,that damn hourglass keeps popping up and sometimes it resets itself. does anyone have a solution to these problems?and is there a new software for the verizon curve 8330?

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BB Curve 83xx :: Constant Lockups Hanged Hourglass?

Apr 11, 2010

My BlackBerry Curve 8330 is only a month old. For some reason, no matter what application I am in, or what I am trying to do, my phone will lockup all the time. I get the hourglass and cannot do anything for ten minutes or more, sometimes it never goes away; When I want to use my phone I have to do a battery pull, and I'm talking 10+ battery pulls a day, literally.I don't have very many apps installed, all my media is on the memory card, and I always close every app as soon as I am done with it. What could be the culprit?

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BB Curve 8300 :: Loading Hourglass Icon

Mar 30, 2010

I just got this Blackberry 8330 a month ago and am having problems. Two days ago, every time I tried to use it, it gives me this loading hourglass icon and it takes forever to get to the task. It acts like dial up internet. Even making a simple call takes forever. What can I do. It also sucks up charge. If I completely charge it up at night, it may hold charge until about 5:00 pm that same day.

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BB Curve :: Hourglass Repeatedly Displays W/o Performing Any A

Nov 7, 2011

Can anyone tell me what is causing my BB to constantly bring up the hourglass while I'm navigating the display. It really slows my ability to use the BB and it also repeatedly freezes the entire phone. I have to remove the battery to regain access.

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BB Curve :: Spinning Hourglass On Home Screen?

May 15, 2012

have an old blackberry curve that has an almost constant spinning hourglass an any screen i am in. it is like it is doing a mini reboot, as it there is a pause if i try to open mail, but then it catches up. sometimes i have to pull the battery and reboot that way.

no software updates available, new radio shack battery, trackball brought back to life 7 or 8 times & still working.

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8320 Spinning Hourglass Forever End Ever

Aug 10, 2010

I have a BB curve 8320, version have visited Tmobile, they replaced the SIMM card.I have a 4gb memory card, yet my phone is constantly in the "spinning hour glass mode" and unable to use.I thougth perhaps it was something to do with service in the Austin TX area, but it happened the entire week I was in Colorado and California.This makes the phone useless--what to do?The only solution I have found is to remove and reinsert the battery but this is a pain and soemtimes it does not work.My phone is spinnign right now. And yes, I do a quickpull on it nightly as suggested by T mobile.

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BB Curve 8300 :: Frozen Phone - All It Does Is Show Loading Hourglass - Tried Battery Pull

Apr 4, 2010

I have a blackberry curve that's frozen up and now all it does is show the loading hourglass.... I've taken out the battery and I've tried letting it finish loading after taking the battery out. Well after letting it sit for 2 hours with this loading screen up it still hasn't done anything. What should I do?

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BB Curve :: 8900 Stuck In Reboot Loop - Backlit / Blank Screen And Hourglass

Apr 25, 2011

My Curve 8900 shut down over the weekend. It won't come back on. It goes off and when I press the power button, the red light comes one, the backlit screen with the hourglass comes on and then it goes off again. A little while later, it starts the cycle over again, backlit blank screen, hourglass spins, bb shuts off.

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BB Curve :: 8310 Showing Frequent Hourglass - Deleted Downloads / Games Folder

Mar 26, 2011

I accidentally deleted my downloads/games folder on my 8310, I downloaded kaspersky for 8310 now i cant find the icon in the menu and my blackberry start showing frequent hourglass.

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BB Curve :: 'CA' Keeps Popping Up On Right Hand Corner Of It?

Nov 11, 2012

ive never had this problem before but a black box with the letters 'CA' keeps popping up on the right top corner of my device?

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BB Curve :: Deleted Contact Keeps Popping Up When Compose?

May 9, 2012

I have deleted a contact on my bb and my outlook. Wheni compose an email the first two letters of his email pop up.Exmaple. in the compose an email field I want to write an email to GD-George Dunn so i type GD and the email address of a deleted contact Gemma Dirosso ( pops up first. I had deleted her on my bb and outlook yet only her email address pops up. So i cannot find her on my contacts, so by rights her email info should be gone but it isn't. so i cannot delete it as it is no where to be found on my bb and outlook

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BB Curve :: Old Messages From Hotmail Have Started Popping Up?

Jun 27, 2011

For the past few days, old messages from hotmail have started popping up on my blackberry, some over a year old. They do not reappear in my hotmail account, only on my blackberry.

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BB Curve 8900 :: Uncaught Exception Java.lang.Error - Keeps Popping Up

May 30, 2010

I'm running the newest OS, and every time I reboot I get an "uncaught exception java.lang.Error". After I hit "OK" everything seems to run fine, but the error just won't go away. This is the second time it's doing this...the first time it happened I thought a wipe and reinstall would fix it, but it just came back. I don't know what app might be causing this (if it's indeed an app).

The third-party ones I have installed are:

Google Maps

I also have App World, Twitter for BlackBerry, and Facebook installed. I've tweaked dozens of times with Application Permissions but the little error just won't go away!

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BB Pearl :: 8100 Hourglass Always Running?

Oct 10, 2011

I've got a three year old Pearl 8100. I've downloaded just one app-google maps. All of my photos are on my micro sd card. There are a lot of emails and text messages on the phone but the hourglass is constanting runningm making most input slow to respond. It runs through a full battery charge in 5-6 hours. I've never updated the operating system and dont see where I can do that. I wiped the phone clean two weeks ago, but everything still seemed to be on it or returned like texts and emails. It worked fine for a few days before the hourglass returned.

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BB Storm2 9550/9520 :: Hourglass Keeps Spinning

Jun 27, 2010

Just upgraded from the Storm 1 to the Storm 2 and while everything seems to be ok, the "hourglass symbol" (not really an hourglass but more like 3 sticks at angles" keeps coming up in the middle of the screen.they sort of flash for a few seconds and then it goes away only to come back again a few secs later. Anyone know what is causing this? I didn't have this issue on my Storm 1.

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BB Bold 9650 :: Suggestions To Reduce Lag And Hourglass?

Jun 16, 2010

I have been using my bold now for about a week and I'm puzzled. I came from a storm2 and loved it. I love things about my bold a lot. Here is my issue, I have seen more hourglasses in a week with my bold than I ever did with my s2. I have done battery pulls and all the standard stuff but I find my phone is very laggy. Do I have a lemon and should I exchange it?

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BB Torch :: Showing Hourglass/waiting Sign?

Apr 23, 2012

Even if my phone has been lying unused on the charger, if I want to start using it I get the "hourglass" sign that shows the phone is busy downloading something. I don't understand this as it happens even if I want to look up a contact. I can't dial or open a message or anything for up to two minutes while I wait for the phone to finish whaterver it is doing. It also drains the battery as I only get a half day's life out of the battery, even if I only used the phone minimally.

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BB Torch :: 9800: Freezing Up And Showing Hourglass Icon?

Apr 28, 2012

I live in Canada and when I cross oever to the United States i need to shut down my provider in order not to pay fees for roaming I`ve done this often in the past without any problems until yesterday.ver since i turned it back on, the hourglass icon pops up every few seconds which is extremely annoying My BB is only 18 months old but must say I seriously think i have a lemon. I`ve always had odd problems with it.Problems none of my friends have with theirs.This is really making me think of swithcing to Apple Does anyone else have this latest problem with their Torch 9800

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BB Tour 9630 :: Hourglass Continuous For Hours After Update

Mar 31, 2010

I updated my blackberry tour to the 5.0 version i believe through the wireless update. After the update was installed or so i think i returned to my phone to it playing the hourglass constantly and nothing for about 5 hours now. What do i do??

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BB Bold :: Continuously Locks Up Showing Hourglass After OS 6 Update

Apr 6, 2011

Since updating my OS to 6, my phone is a disaster. All I see is the hour glass. My phone continues to lock up. Should I (can I) change back to OS 5 for now until this thing is stable?

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BB Curve 83xx :: Battery On Curve 8330 Just Started Dying For No Reason

Jan 5, 2010

No Browser is running and I dont have any apps. I was on the phone for 15 min and my battery was half dead when I got off. Was never like that before. I've had this phone for almost 2 years. The same thing is happening with the rest of my families Blackberrys. Why is this?

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BB Curve 83xx :: JVM Error 513 Curve 8310 - How To Get Computer To Recognize USB Connection

May 4, 2010

I was given a BB Curve 8310 to attempt a repair. When I attach the USB cable to the BB the system tray does not pop up with a notification that says "found new hardware" like it normally does when you plug a BB in. When the phone boots up it displays error msg " JVM Error 513". I attempted to looking into the device by using "cracmem" and "JL_Cmder" and no data is to be found and thus there is nothing to wipe. I suspect that the device has already been wiped thus the no data. I have pulled the battery from the phone and reinstalled; unplugged the usb cable during the BB boot process and nothing is happening. The DM application loader will not allow me to procede due to computer not recognizing the BB device thus it is not generating the "USB:UNKNOWN".

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BB Curve 83xx :: Flashing Red Light / No Power / Curve Not Recognized By DM

Feb 2, 2010

I installed the BB desktop manager for Mac yesterday, and this morning connected to remove some apps, create some space, and install all the updates. In the process of this it mysteriously just stopped doing anything right after it said "database cannot be backed up" and shut off. Now it's flashing red twice, pausing for about 2 seconds, and repeating the flashing. I pulled the battery and sim even though I was sure that wouldn't do anything, plugged it back into my laptop, plugged it into the wall both with and without the battery, and nothing has changed. The desktop manager doesn't not recognize the device at all.

I'm using a Curve 8330. Is there anything I can do or am I screwed totally? Also, and I know this is a long shot, but what are the odds that I can restore the device and save the data that's on it?

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BB Curve 83xx :: Ready To Take Plunge And Update 8330 Curve?

Apr 22, 2010

I've had my 8330 Curve with Verizon since November 2008. Very happy with it. I also happen to still be using OS (202), which is what the unit came loaded with. I never bothered upgrading because I would always hear of people having issues or DM only backing up your contacts and not your apps, lower music volume, etc. I don't really need Docs To Go, but HTML e-mail would be nice and the biggest thing is trying to improve these BBM delays I constantly get when trying to send a message. I'm thinking an upgrade to the latest BBM might help change that.

Of course, in order to do that, I need to upgrade to 4.5. So I've decided to do it, but not before I ask for feedback here. I've scanned dozens of other threads here, all with varying opinions. It's been long enough. Is it wise to do this and, if so, what is the latest OS for VZW (is it .138)? What risks am I really running here? Need a reality check on this.

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BB Curve 83xx :: Possible To Alter Way Menu Functions In Blackberry Curve?

Apr 18, 2010

I don't know if this is possible or not so I thought I would ask here, is it possible to alter the way the menu functions in the blackberry curve? in example, what I want to do is like when I send a sms text message and when I hit the trackball and the menu options come up, the send button is highlighted, and what I would like do is modify it so that the check spelling is highlighted first and then send button is right below it, is it possible to do this or is this an internal Blackberry Software modification?

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BB Storm 9530/9500 :: Not Booting Up Loops Between Hourglass / Red Light?

Apr 14, 2010

Everytime I try to turn it on the red light comes on.. then it goes to the hourglass then repeats. Never goes further. I tried the 'How to Reload the Operating System on a Nuked BlackBerry |' solution with no luck. Did everything but it still would not connect to the device. Can anyone help?

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BB Curve 83xx :: 8320 Curve Refuses To Charge

May 24, 2010

I have a Blackberry Curve 8320. Yesterday night, the "battery too low for radio use" sign appeared. I plugged it in for about an hour but the sign would not disappear so I did a battery pull. Radio turned back on, but now the phone will not charge. The lightning icon still shows up by the battery but it is stuck at 5%. Any suggestions?

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BB Curve 83xx :: Trying To Save Contacts On BB Curve To Yahoo

Jun 10, 2010

whereever the experts think is best. I want to sync my phone with yahoo so I will have my address book always updated. Because I had to wipe my phone last week and lost just about everything (had some address book on my KATANA to download what was there).I just now did a fresh back up of my device. (however I got a message that says : Error Backing up DataBase [profiles}6 of 8 entries retrieved.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Hourglass Of Death / Screen Freeze / Dropped Calls

Apr 30, 2010

I've owned my phone for 8 months and I'm having ISSUES. This thing has been babied all over the place, so I want an expert opinion on what others think might be the problem...and if I should get a replacement phone.

I've had trackball issues with the phone since Day 1, but they weren't so miserable that I couldn't live with it, so I kept the phone. The phone has been pretty great: beautiful screen, fast, etc. etc.For the past month, I've had issue with:

1. Signal - Drops ALL THE TIME now

2. Dropped calls - Often

3. Browser "can't render page" messages when trying to surf the web

4. Hourglass of death

5. White screen

6. Screen freeze

7. Delayed delivery of push email

8. Trackball goes left, when I try to push it right, and vice versa (I even cleaned it)

I called Sprint and after much back/forth, they suggested I get the trackball replaced. I reminded them that won't solve all the other problems, so now they'll send me a replacement ("refurbished") phone instead.Does my phone need replacing or is there something else I can do to fix the above problems?And please don't say "hard reset" - not only has it already been done, but what phone requires so many hard resets in less than a year?

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BB Bold 9650 :: Running Slow - Compose An Email Results In An Hourglass

Jun 21, 2010

To add to my complaints for the Blackberry 9650 (internet browser problems, forced to use Bing, 5 minute boot-up time), the blackberry runs very very slow. Constant hour glasses. Compose an email results in an hourglass (not all of the time,

Feels like Blackberry is turning more into Microsoft than apple. Instead of quality improvements, we get more powerful hardware that runs slower with unpredictable feature availability and an eye for $ for sake of purely $. FWIW, I upgraded to 9650 from the original Bold with AT&T in late 2008. I am nervous about how slow the 9650 will be in 2 years if its this slow out of the gate.

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BB Torch :: 9860 Red Light Started Blinking Then The Load Screen With The Hourglass?

Aug 30, 2012

i have been using my blackberry for the past five months when it suddenly went blank on me the phone just blanked off and the red light started blinking then the load screen with the hourglass and the load bar would come up but the bar wouldn't load and it would blank off again...i was told by the store that i bought it from that the software had crashed and that it would need to be reinstalled... long story short the software can't be reinstalled for whatever reason and i now have a very expensive paperweight

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