I'm running the newest OS, and every time I reboot I get an "uncaught exception java.lang.Error". After I hit "OK" everything seems to run fine, but the error just won't go away. This is the second time it's doing this...the first time it happened I thought a wipe and reinstall would fix it, but it just came back. I don't know what app might be causing this (if it's indeed an app).
The third-party ones I have installed are:
Google Maps
I also have App World, Twitter for BlackBerry, and Facebook installed. I've tweaked dozens of times with Application Permissions but the little error just won't go away!
Last night my battery was on the point of dying. It was in standby mode with the light flashing orange but when i went to press some buttons, nothing. It wouldn't respond to anything so i removed and re-inserted the battery (without having it on charge). When it did finally fire back up my home page was adorned with the message 'Uncaught Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException' (with a highlighted OK option). But it's completely frozen. I can't press ok. I can't scroll onto anything else. I can't turn off the handset, Ctrl Shift Delete doesn't respond. Nothing. I've replaced the battery numerous times, charged the phone, removed and reinserted the sim.
its been almost a month since i am facing this error. i have tried updating my softwares but it keeps on repeating. and just because of this my bbm is not working.i am really irritated by this. if not can you tell me where to go?
I am using BB Curve 8520 for past 2 years off lately my phone has started behaving weird
1) When ever I restart the phone give me this error message "Uncaught exception: java.lang.NoClassDelFoundError".
2) I went to make a call and the speaker keeps flicking to headset and back, I have never connected a headset so it cannot be the settings issue. I tried the below solution it worked for a day and phone started behaving the same from yesterday...Do a simple reboot on the BlackBerry in this manner: With the BlackBerry device POWERED ON, remove the battery for a minute, and then reinsert the battery to reboot. A reboot in this manner is prescribed for most glitches and operating system errors, and you will lose no data on the device doing this.
I have a 9300 Curve Blackberry. This morning, when I was gonna check my email and SMS (Text),there were 3 error messages: Uncaught Exception: Java.Lang.NullException & Uncaught Exception: Application net_rim_bb_messaging_app(110) is not responding; process terminated, and Uncaught Exception: Application net_rim_bb_messaging_app(803) is not responding; process terminated. Up till now, I still can't check both my emails and SMS (Text).
I am installing cell tracker software to my phone and was instructed to transfer 5 .jar and .tar type files to my phone after transferring the files and installing the app it does not run and I get error screen "Uncaught Exception: Java.Lang.NoclassDeffound Error" when I try to run the app. I have been told that there has been some error in transferring the files correctly to my cell phone from my PC.
I keep getting an error message that says "uncaught error: java.lang.null.pointerexception." I wiped out my handheld, but every time it restarts that message comes back up. When I go to my text messages, and I hit the "menu" button, nothing happens it just freezes and doesn't let me scroll up or down until I hit "menu" again.
Blackberry 9630v4.7.1.40 (Platform kernel v3.8.5.51Branding version: unable to see my text message box and i want to upgrade my OS.
Recently I started encountering this error 'Uncaught exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError' whenever I go to the Appworld. I checked my memory size and still have 1.6GB available out of 1.8GB. This only happens when I attempt to launch any APP. It keeps on running endlessly for several minutes then returns the error.
I downloaded the games Sleepy Hollow and Final Battle yesterday. Sleepy Hollow works fine but when I tried to run Final Battle, the game freezes and I get the error "Uncaught exception: java.lang.NullPointerException". Then my alarm clock stopped working - at least the sound did. I have had to take out the battery to restart the phone a coule of times. Can anyone help me with this? I have a BB Curve 8520.
I have downloaded several themes for me Blackberry Bold 9700 and i am unable to access the interet/web browser. Whenever i click on it the error message Uncaught excpetion:java-lang-illegalarumentexception. Is there any advice someone could please give me as it would be greatly appreciated as i have had my first Blackberry for only 1 month?
whenever i boot up i get the following message "uncaught exception java.lang.noclassdef found error".. I cant find application world icon even though i have it downloaded and i cant downlaod any apps . i hav e blackberry curve 8530
It started with my message folder disappearing, or me deleting it without knowing. I couldnt find it and it ended up on my screen somehow. Now the problem is this message "Uncaught exception: java.lang.NullPointerException", , and this when I go to the message folder. The message folder is empty and I can send messages, but not recieve them. I see the lille arrow in the corner, meaning im recieving something, but nothing happens... And when i send a text it doesnt show the text as send, the folder is just empty, so it doesnt save draft either.. Ive tried reeboting and changing the theme, nothing works. Should i wipe it? cause i dont think i can reinstall os then, bcause i dont have internet on my bbI read [URL], and guess that I what I am supposed to do? but I do not understand it all. I understand the words, but something like desktop manager and installing the device software, where to find this?! I dont have a USB either, is this really necessary?
All of the sudden, half of my browsers are throwing this error message up that locks my phone when I use the browser icon in themes ....browsers were working fine yesterday, now half ofthem are locking the phone up all of the sudden......did a battery pull like 11 times, wiped the phone and reinstalled the latest .591 and still have the issue. The browsers I used for the last two weeks are now doing this ?
I've seen different versions of this error before, but now this one pops up every time I try to access Wikipedia. Seems to be only that site. -any ideas how to fix this?
i have a blackberry 9530. i had it off for almost one week because i had a low battery and when i had it on after charging it, it gave me "uncaught exception:java.lang.Error" and then displays only this functions as it is written:
addressbook battery log brick breaker calculator
i cant do anything with my blackberry again. i cant make calls, see the menu options, see wall paper. it displays the platform to be when i connect it to the internet using the usb, the appworld cant determine my phone. when you want to start a program like the battery log, it will display : error starting nte_rim_battery. module 'net_rim_bbapi_phone' not found".
After a reboot I receive an "uncaught exception: java.lang.error" message. I press "OK" and the phone seems to work fine. But what does the message mean
I receive the error message "Uncaught Exception: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" when I try to open texts or email on my Blackberry Bold 9900. It uses the Blackberry 7 OS I have tried rebooting my phone, however this does not fix the error.
My Device Carrier: AT&T Model and OS: Blackberry Bold OS v 4.6
The Problem: Sometime in the past couple of days I stopped receiving SMS text messages properly. Though I was able to send and receive text messages as recently as Monday (the 1st, and this writing is on the 3rd of February) I find I am unable to receive them at present. This problem is complicated by a few tests I have done. With my phone right in front of me and another phone in my hand, I have sent a text message to my phone (from the other phone) and witnessed my phone make the loading sign in the upper right-hand corner (the little double-arrow that pops up when one is receiving data). No new message appears in my joint inbox and no "new message" icon pops up on my home screen. When I try to select the SMS inbox folder in the 'Select Folder' option in the menu in my messaging application, absolutely nothing happens.
I am also encountering oddities when I send SMS messages - though I am able to send them. When I complete an SMS text message and select 'Send', the message, though it is sending, may sometimes stay up on the screen as though I did not send it. When I select 'Send' again, it does disappear from the screen but does not display it sending in my inbox (it normally shows the message as sending, it receives a checkmark when sent, and then it disappears; as I set it up to). I can, however, access the SMS Outbox folder.
Finally, though I think this is unrelated, when my phone starts up from having the battery removed - which I did try - I receive a message stating "Uncaught exception:java.lang.NullPointerException". The first time I received this message was upon waking up one morning, as though it had occurred sometime during the night, and I dismissed it as unimportant as it did not seem to mess with the functioning of my Blackberry.
I do not have any backups to restore my phone to, as I just updated my computer to Windows 7 and cleared the majority of the hard drive in doing so. Also, I just, today, updated my phone to the latest version of all my applications.
I´m having problems with my BB. I have a BB Bold 9780 (v6.0.0.285, Platform -whatever that means-), and everything works perfectly except for the BB Messenger. Whenever I click on the icon, I get this: uncaught exception: java.lang.NullPointerException.
I am having problems with my blackberry pearl 8200 flip its saying uncaught exception java.lang.nullpro interception and when I click OK nothing happens and you can't call or do any on it until you click OK?
My phone keeps coming up Uncaught exception.java.lang.nullpointerexception when I go to check a SMS text. I get notifications that I have new texts but cannot check them without getting this error.