Not too long ago my employer rolled out a two-tiered phone Nextel service for employees. Some get 8350i with a full BB data plan and some get Moto i456 with voice, PTT, MMS, and limited data (feels like GPRS). I am in the latter category. While I have absolutely no justifiable business need for a data plan I despise the crappy i465 with a passion that is difficult to describe.
I thought I would solve my problem by buying a 2nd-hand 8350i on my own dime and just popping the employer-provided SIM card in it. My hope was that I would retain what I need (voice, SMS, PTT) and be on my merry way. However, it appears that I do have voice and PTT but have lost ALL messaging capability, probably because the messaging the BB goes through their own servers and I do not have BB service.Is there any way around this dilemma? I do need both PTT and SMS, and the only two QWERTY devices with PTT capability are the 8350i and the i465.
had to reinstall everything on my phone. I had a backup file from Dec, when everything was working. Everything appeared to install without problem. Now a day later I go to send a Text message and I get this error. No MMS service record.So I check the threads and I notice I have to reinstall the services Books since I am on boost. When I go to services books on my BB it says 5 records. I delete those and copy over the combined 3 which has 23 files. However after they are copied over on the device, the device says 5 files and I get the same error.
Anybody else unable to connect to the internet or use GPS? I haven't been able to all day (phone and DC work) and I've tried to do a battery pull twice.
my 8350i will not accept service books. I have never received a text message. I have downloaded and installed combined 3 and still no results. in the desktop manager it shows 23 SB but only installs 5-6 SB. I have the latest software and still only a partially functional boost berry.
i have an 8350i and so does my friend. MOST of my icons are white and work fine. his are colored and also work fine. how can i get my icons to be colored?
I'm running .313 with a stock theme and no 3rd party apps. However, in the last 2 weeks, whenever I have a DC conversation longer than approximately 3 minutes without it ending, my BB locks up. The LED still flashes red, the DC info is still on the screen, but the only button that works is the power button to turn the phone off then back on. No amount of battery pulls fixes the problem.
What i should do first with my new phone my instincts are to update the os but reading these forums its seems like the update is worse than the original anybody actually know pros and cons??? also what r any good themes, apps, tips & tricks worthwhile on the 8350i
So for the past three days or so I have been having trouble with my phone rebooting itself while I'm working with it? Not in phone calls. But it has rebooted while I was unholstering to read a BBM Message, while I was reading email, once while I was using Docs to Go....Very irritating! I originally thought it was my theme because I have NEVER had good luck with themes on this phone, but removed it and still issues! So now I'm looking at BBM being the culprit but I wasn't sure if I could pinpoint the problem somehow? like using alt+lglg and finding the error in the java log? To bad I can't read jibberish! I saw a similar problem on another phone and the wiped the device and reloaded really don't wanna do that! BTW, I have not installed any new apps or updates in almost a month otherwise I'd point to that!
Just thought I would share this, thought it was kinda of funny.So in my sons room he has a older TV/VCR combo, a sylvania tube model. Well, strangely when I walk into his room with the phone in my pocket or in my hand, the TV turns on? I believe it's when it is sending data back and forth, b/c it only seems to happen then. It only turns on that TV, the others in the house don't respond at all. My 4yr old gets a kick out of it.
Having a problem with my phone it is a 8350i i was messing around with the settings iam honestley i am not to familiar with the phone and now i can not hear a dial tone,the speaker phone works fine i thought it was the speaker i changed it with a new one today so that was not the problem the contacts are clean and not bent in the chassis mid plate. when i make a call no one can hear me except for when i activate the speaker.
Using a Nextel Curve - when a call comes in the phone vibrates first, then begins ringing. I miss calls all the time at home because I don't hear it vibrate, and it only rings for about 5 seconds. I've downloaded ringers that are 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds in length and it doesn't make a difference. Vibrate, vibrate, ring for 5 sec, missed call... Can anyone point me in the right direction?
This probably a dumbass question but i was wondering if there is a way to access the internet wirelessly on my pc through my phone.i have heard of people doing this but im not sure on models of phones or service carriers.
Now that Boost will be legitimately offering a BB, the 8330, is it worth getting rid of the 8350i? I NEVER use DC, and is gaining the 3g speeds worth losing wifi over? Are there any other details I left out that would be a dividing factor?
Just wondering if there was any way to return the phone to the factory installed settings, I am having alot of issues and this seems to be the best way to fix them all at the same time.
I have an 8350i on Nextel and i have loaded OS 5 onto it. (a little background incase you arent aware.. Nextel has not yet released OS 5 but SouthernLinc has and ive been using SouthernLincs version of it for the 8350i for about a month or so with NO issues) I really dont want to have to reload my OS back to 4.6 as there are some major upgrades on 5.0 for the 8350i. You guys think it might be that im running OS 5? I also have the "Boostberry" configuration (aka i have a normal nextel data plan instead of a bb plan) ive had this for about 6 months atleast now without any troubles. So 3 times over the week or so ive turned on my device and had it "register with the network" then i go to compose a sms message or place a call and i get service book not found errors. I reload the service books and it works great for a few days then it happens again. You think its because of running Southernlincs OS 5 thats just not causing me issues or any other ideas of what it may be?? I dont want to downgrade back to 4.6 and spend an hour loading everything just to find out that wasnt my issue.
I've tried to do a master radio reset it was unable to be done. I tried calling boost mobile to get puk code which i got but mssg stated unable to change pin. i cant for the life of me get the mobile network to come on. I even tried to go to the sprint site and enter my imei and sim card and it said it was suspended or deactivated does anybody have any ideas?
I had an 8 month old phone that was actingup , going to speaker phone with no buttons being pushed , couldnt answer incoming calls, couldnt see who was calling . Yesterday i had it swapped out for a new refurbished unit and it is doing the same thing today . Has anyone heard of or experienced any of these problems
Dropped my BB for the last time...the trackball fell out and some other stuff fell out...not retrieved. Friend gave me her old Curve and I want to switch. Tried just moving the sim card praying my pictures would come up...but they didn't. The address book isn't there either.How do I switch my service and how do I move the info without a track ball?
I got blackberry bold 9900.I transferred all the old blackberry messenger contacts and data on the new phone. I then went to settings>>>host routing table in order to activate the blackberry service and I registered but still the phone wouldn't connect. I checked the connections and for both the blackberry internet service and the enterprise service are not connected.
I got my sprint curve 8530 last thursday, and so far haven't been having a good experience.
I have horrible battery life with the device. With brightness at 10 percent, ten second backlight, locking the phone when not in use, having wifi and bluetooth off when not in use, and phone off or antenna off when in low service (about four hours), I am lucky to get through the day with a little bit of heavy use (web browsing). I have a few minutes of calls, and mainly texting and web browsing with some email. I expected better battery life out of a blackberry!
The reception on my phone is bad. I have five bars of sprint coverage at my house, but when I pick up the phone and start using it the coverage drops to two bars, zero bars, searching, and can't keep a signal. With one bar of service my phone won't send messages, and then I will lose the bar where my old phone would get one bar solid, sometimes two bars.
I was having trouble accessing most websites (although I could get email via the university system where I work), so I tried the wireless upgrade/update that was suggested. After I did that, I lost everything - phone, text, and Internet. My calendar is wiped out, as is my contacts. When I try to "turn on" mobile services, it does not turn on. Verizon is not even listed as my service provider. It is as if it cannot find a service provider and therefore, will not make a connection.
Is there anyway to increase my service or reception on this phone? I bearly get a bar inside my house and i live in a good coverage zone. I have virgin mobile. Is there a way to increase my reception maybe by tweaking the internal antenna. Btw where is the internal antenna for this.
I just bought a BB Curve 8350i off Ebay (yay me). I was starting to wonder what OS it's using? Is it using the same OS that the storm uses, or is it the old OS that looks like some thing that's way behind times?