BB Curve 8300 :: How To Change Alert Tones For SMS And Calendar
Jun 11, 2010
Have a 8310 & can't work out how to change tones for SMS and calendar alerts? SMSs happen with no tone, so if I don't look at the phone I don't know if I have them & calendar alerts sometimes have a wierd tone, sometimes just vibrate, for some reason...
I am trying to make some ringtones to use alerts. These mp3's are very short, like 1-2 seconds long. So far, I am unable to even play a 1-2 second mp3 in the media player. And when I save it as a ringtone, it doesn't play either. I am able to play a longer mp3 like a song just fine, it's just the short ones that are causing problems. Is there some special way I need to save these file so that they can be played on the BB?
I've been wanting to grab some alert tones like the sounds made in mario brothers old school games and so on. While I do know where to get a pretty good amount of free ringtones what I am looking for are alert tones to be used say when I get an mms .sms. Etc..
I'm new to Blackberry and to a Smartphone in general.How the heck do I turn on an alert tone for when I receive an email? It should be simple...but for the life of me I can't figure it out!
Every night at 10:30, an alert sounds for something on my phone. I don't know what it's for and I can't find any alarm or alerts set....It's quite annoying and I need it to stop!
I have several email folders on my blackberry. When I recieve an email it only shows up on the "messages" folder.My previous BB would show the new mail indicator in both "Messages" folder and the specific email folder it belonged in. If I go to the specific folder, the email is inside, it just will not alert me to this folder.Hope this makes sense.Currently I have 4 specific email folders, a text folder, and a messages folder. How can I fix this? I have an 8310 that was just replaced by another 8310 thru insurance coverage.
With the latest software update (V5.0.0.807), my Yahoo icon is gone. Cannot locate it.Also, after I perfomed the update, all of the preloaded and my downloaded ring tones are not recognized. States ""invalid ring tone selected, please make another selection" for every one.
Now my phone won't ring, or alert for SMS or email, or direct connect.Video camera also appears not to be functioning. Getting an error message of "Error Playing. device media processor is busy." when nothing else is running.
I just installed V6.0 on my PC, and it keeps telling me that my calendar isn't installed. in earlier versions i sync with my outlook calendar (device) but now its impossible.
I have many items in my calendar and my notifications/reminders are not working. I used to get a pop-up reminder 15 min. prior, but I am not getting any since yesterday. Not sure what changed!
I am getting my sound alerts for incoming email from my Gmail account. Yet, when I go to read it, it's not there. I've checked other folders. I've done a hard reboot.
Im trying to find how to change notifications for my yahoo, texts and other thing but i tried to go to profiles and i dont have an advance option and when i click on the menu button nothing happens its just takes me to the home screen. so im wondering to is there still a way i can change the notifications on my phone. i have a curve 8330 but im not sure what OS i have.
It worked great for a few weeks then when something updated automatically and no more sync .I get a "operation terminated unexpectedly" pop-up. I've read through the forums and tried putting an end time on my recurring dates, and followed the instructions on the iloptcfg.cfg file and still no go.Address, memo and tasks works fine, but the calendar won't. I even uninstalled the BB Desktop manager (v5.0) and reinstalled v4.7 and no go.
For no apparent reason, whenever I attempt to synchronize, the calendar does not synch with my Lotus Notes (the address book does) and Desktop Manager shuts itself down. I am now getting a dialogue box stating "the default service for your device's calendar has changed since the last time you synchronized." I don't recall changing anything. I have attempted to change the default service from Yahoo (my email comes from this account as work doesn't authorize the Lotus Notes email on the phone) to Lotus Notes and it's not even an option.
Ok I can add ringtones no problem although a bit dissapointed that there are so many restrictions on them have been able to use any sound file on my last 3 nokia phones with out a problem, but I'm unable to add new alert tones
I just got a bold 9650 and for the life of me can't figure out how to set up a tone to notify me when I have a new email. I used to have a Pearl which was much easier to navigate but my husband spilled beer on it and effectively destroyed the thing. I LOATHE having to reset all of my preferences, etc, and for some reason or other I can't seem to locate how to set a tone alert for new emails.
I have a 4S but it sounds to me like it doesn't matter since this problem is happening to everyone and yet no one is helping us out. My text tone has been added into iTunes and syncing shows that it is on my phone but it is no where on my phone to be found!
All of my alert tones have stopped working. My phone rings perfectly but I cannot preview or select any tones or adjust the volume. This seems to be a software issue, I have tried two or rhree complete restores to no avail.
I'm not the most technogically astute individual...but I do realize that sometimes new icon will // have appeared on my Blackberry.
This usual mailbox icon (the world globe with the little envelope)...was gone...and replaced by a tiny orange collored envelope with a larger "invisible" envelope behind it (only visible when the cursor is rolled over to the icon).Any ideas on how to put it back the way it was? (I hate change!)
I can't seem to change my text alert the tick is next to my new alert when i try to change it but the old alert still sounds when i recieve a text, any ideas?
As my ID staes, I am an old lady and I can not figure out how to change the text alert on my Curve 8530! One post said to go to "profile" tp change it!
I just got an 8520 that originally came from the UK. I cannot figure out how to change the alert sound for BBM. My daughter has the same phone but the menus are different from mine.
For the last two weeks or so I have been getting an alert tone every 6 hours. The tone is Notifier Nymph which I do not have assigned to anything. I get no text or icon notices, just the tone at 9:39 and 3:39. Strange.....I have tried several battery pulls, Downgraded BBM (to 4.6) and then uninstalled BB Messenger, then reinstalled BBM 5. Still the same thing. There are no tasks running no recurring appointments or anything.
I have a bold 9900 and for the last few days the alert tones have been sounding randomly for no reason. There are no messages or notifications. This even happens when everything is switched to silent and the phone is turned off. The only time it stops is when I disconnect the battery??
I recently bought a few ringtones and alert tones from the ITunes store and they are missing from my phone now? Why this could be or how I can get them back?