IPhone 4s :: IOS 7.0.6 / Ringtones And Alert Tones Are Missing
Jun 5, 2014
I recently bought a few ringtones and alert tones from the ITunes store and they are missing from my phone now? Why this could be or how I can get them back?
When I set ringtones on my new xpressmusic 5800, they don't play. I tried to browse the phone's memory for them to listen, but didn't see them anywhere.Is there a simple way to preview the various ringtones / alert tones?
I have a 4S but it sounds to me like it doesn't matter since this problem is happening to everyone and yet no one is helping us out. My text tone has been added into iTunes and syncing shows that it is on my phone but it is no where on my phone to be found!
All of my alert tones have stopped working. My phone rings perfectly but I cannot preview or select any tones or adjust the volume. This seems to be a software issue, I have tried two or rhree complete restores to no avail.
About 4 weeks ago I purchased three .99cent alert tones (R2D2: Happy, Chewbacca: Roar, and Lightsaber: Power Up). However once I synced my 4s with my macbook the tones vanished from the phone, and no matter what I do (resets, de-selecting sync tones then reselecting it, manually dragging it over to the phone) these 3 tones will not get onto the phone. All of my $1.29 tones still work however.I re-purchased them (hey Apple - how about not making people pay multiple times for tones), and again, the tones worked until my Iphone synced with my macbook, then the same vanishing act occured.
can anyone tell me if the new iphone has got any good ringtones and have they changed the message tones? also why wont apple let us change them every other phone i have had you can
Please help. I updated my iOS to 5 and lost my ringtones that I have purchesed. I tried the sync as suggested by the support help FQA but I never saw the tab it talks about. I still don't know how to get my ringtones back on my iPhone.
i have a bunch of ringtones all with a .m4r ext. i have them saved on a file on my desktop (as shown on the Internet video). i can not drop and drag into my itunes under tones...?
I purchased several text alert tones on my iPhone, where they work nicely, but they don't show up in my purchased list on iTunes on my PC, so I cannot transfer them to other devices. How can I transfer text alert tones to my other devices?
I purchased an album of Alert Tones off of iTunes, but they appear as music on my iPhone, instead of as tones so I can change my alerts in Settings > Sounds. All of the tones are only 3 - 5 seconds long, so they clearly are not "songs". I cannot figure out how to "move/convert" them to being sounds (alerts), not songs/music. What makes me even more crazy is that if I purchase a single tone, it will go into my Settings > Sounds as an alert/ringtone, but when I purchase the whole album of alert tones, they are saved as music.
I recently tried to use custom tones on my i phone 3gs,i went through all the process of converting to aac,setting the 30 second time,changing the format to 4mr and putting it back into i tunes,its in the ringtone section of i tunes but it wont go into my actual ringtones section on the phone?
Ok I can add ringtones no problem although a bit dissapointed that there are so many restrictions on them have been able to use any sound file on my last 3 nokia phones with out a problem, but I'm unable to add new alert tones
I just got a bold 9650 and for the life of me can't figure out how to set up a tone to notify me when I have a new email. I used to have a Pearl which was much easier to navigate but my husband spilled beer on it and effectively destroyed the thing. I LOATHE having to reset all of my preferences, etc, and for some reason or other I can't seem to locate how to set a tone alert for new emails.
I am trying to make some ringtones to use alerts. These mp3's are very short, like 1-2 seconds long. So far, I am unable to even play a 1-2 second mp3 in the media player. And when I save it as a ringtone, it doesn't play either. I am able to play a longer mp3 like a song just fine, it's just the short ones that are causing problems. Is there some special way I need to save these file so that they can be played on the BB?
I've been wanting to grab some alert tones like the sounds made in mario brothers old school games and so on. While I do know where to get a pretty good amount of free ringtones what I am looking for are alert tones to be used say when I get an mms .sms. Etc..
For the last two weeks or so I have been getting an alert tone every 6 hours. The tone is Notifier Nymph which I do not have assigned to anything. I get no text or icon notices, just the tone at 9:39 and 3:39. Strange.....I have tried several battery pulls, Downgraded BBM (to 4.6) and then uninstalled BB Messenger, then reinstalled BBM 5. Still the same thing. There are no tasks running no recurring appointments or anything.
I have a bold 9900 and for the last few days the alert tones have been sounding randomly for no reason. There are no messages or notifications. This even happens when everything is switched to silent and the phone is turned off. The only time it stops is when I disconnect the battery??
Whenever I change the sound profile, my custom alert tones for eBay and UberTwitter apps change to silent and to different sounds than those I chose.
I already tried a RIM support solution that calls for clearing a corrupted profiles database. It helped for a few days. Now the issue is back, and today it even made all my LED alerts turn to off.
A friend of mine is having the same issue. We both use the Bold with TMO's stock OS.
I have a Bold 9900 supplied through my employer. They has asked me to setup audible alerts on mails received from a specific contact. What I have done so far: Added sender to my contacts listTurned off message tones from the "Normal" profileTurned on messgae tones for the specific contact Ensured, When I recieve an email from this contact I get an audible tone "ONLY" if the phone is unlocked. What am I missing?
Have a 8310 & can't work out how to change tones for SMS and calendar alerts? SMSs happen with no tone, so if I don't look at the phone I don't know if I have them & calendar alerts sometimes have a wierd tone, sometimes just vibrate, for some reason...
I'm new to Blackberry and to a Smartphone in general.How the heck do I turn on an alert tone for when I receive an email? It should be simple...but for the life of me I can't figure it out!
I recently installed the new OS (.607) for the Storm 2 9550 (Verizon) using DM. Everything seemed to go over well; didn't backup my contacts and lost BBM contacts (i didn't think to back them up, Whoops :x ) Anyway, i had SMS alert tones for specific contacts which i had edited while adding the contacts when i first got the phone, back in October/November. When a said person texted/called, the tone that i assigned worked like a charm. Fast Forward to a few days ago (whenever .607 was officially released), i was re-adding my contacts (thank god i still have my old LG Dare), and putting in the custom tones for the specific people like i had before (the ringtones are saved on my 16gig memory card) and i noticed that when one of them called, the tone works as it should. However, when i get a SMS from them, it plays the default SMS tone (which is also custom). The same thing happens with MMS messages as well. Any ideas as to why the default tone plays instead of the custom one i specified? (I tried taking out the "-" in the phone #, since when i enter them in my contacts, i enter the number like so: (XXX)XXX-XXXX) but when i do that, the SMS shows up in my BBM chats with the BBM alert (was a suggestion i found while Googling the issue).
I haven't set anything different for anyone, but yet I get different ringtones and text tones sometimes for different people, can i reset all tones, if so how?
My Droid X2 seems to randomly change the tones I have set for contact specific rings, the default ringtone and notifications. I have done 2 factory resets and it keeps doing this. Is it a setting I am messing up or is it something wrong with my phone?
just getting to grips with my new android phone ( dragging myself into the 21st century as my daughter informs me ) so using the functions is still new to me. However one thing I have found is that, unlike my old Samsung Monte, I can't assign individual test alert tones on a contact basis so that all have the same alert. Looking through forums it seems the way to go is to use a separate app that will do that and seems that there are three mainly recommended - chomp sms, handcent sms and Go SMS Pro. So I have two questions, firstly does anyone have recommendations as to which may be the better to go for of the three or have a better sugegstions. Secondly anything I need to do when installing an app on an android phone, probably a dumb quetion to some but I'd like to have use of my phone for more than a week before managing to blow it up
I have a song from my music library set as my ringtone and as far as just using it when it turns on it works fine. But if at any point I go to play other music in my music library, it turns into a generic alert tone, until I power my phone off and back on. I figure if I could stop the music in my library instead of just pause it that would work, but I see no way to do that.