BB Bold :: Says "No Cached Credentials; Error 40721"?
Jul 21, 2012
I updated my blackberry bold 9700's app world up to the most recent version today.Prior to this it was working completely fine, however now it says "No cached credentials;error 40721" and wont let me access my account or download anything.
i am trying to log onto myappworld and it is giving the error 'Error 40721- No cached credentials'. I have tried everything adn even tried the 'RST' method given in this forum elsewhere. I tried to hold the alt key and type RST and the appworld closed down. But again it is showing me the same error.
I am new to blackberry, have just bought an expensive one and this is killing me. Have already spent 2 full days on scouring the internet.
I have some problemes on my Blackberry.I want to download, for example WhatsApp, I have internet with wifi but it can't be download it(by Apps Store of Blackberry on my phone Desktop), and show me this error:" No cached credentials. (ID error :40721)
How to stream movies on blackberry curve 9300 via vlc media player through wifi? Since when I updated to the new app world on my bb 9300, I am getting the error 40721 cached credentials.
with the above error i get on blcakberry world. I now cant log in or down load apps. This happened i think after a blackberry ID updated it asked me to do. I dont know that that was either.
Firstly I want you all to know I dont have any blackberry data plan. Also I am not using in Wi-Fi but normal cheap internet plan available from my carrier.My trackpad had some issue...I got my cell all fresh with reloaded OS.
Now I was able to download all the apps from BB world.Now I thought of installing Nimbuzz(I wish I had not).Meanwhile installing It asked me to update some security, then it asked me to restart set.when i did I was not able install app from BB World.
So it appears, BB installs something which prevents to access the BB world from normal internet plan.I havent seen this mentioned in any post though it appears to be problem faced by millions.
3Gs running 4.0, 05.13.4 firmware, succesfully jb and carrier unlocked with jailbreak and ultrasn0w earlier today.Logged onto to cydia to check out new apps, etc. and one of the following happens:
1. Data loading, 504 Gateway time out?
2. Data loading, message says: "Error fetch cached failure"
Also, when I sync with iTunes, tried 'restore' but get a message to check with apple for updates - which i'm hesitant to do?
I cannot validate my blackberry (bb) id credentials when i want to open bb protect. i have already received email regarding changing the password considering my password is wrong. then i make the new password. then i try again to open bb protect. the result is the same. i cannot validate my bb id credentials.
Is there way to clear the previously entered values from a textbox in an application ? When I enter any letter, a drop down with previous values comes out.
now two weeks ago i got message for system update .version 4.1b.0.587 . i very happy to update it.. because my mind say all problem especially apps to move to sd card -- or when download its a selection phone memory or sd card. will may be solve in update. i update my phone. after a week i go to xperia gallery then select a picture from internet catched then click to right side button .. there no option for delete. now i can't delete a photo in my xperia gallery. when i click right button there only 4 option. 1.share 2, details, 3 select all 4 deselect all. no more any option. how its set to no save any file from internet. when i see some picture from facebook or any web page its automaticly saving to xperia gallery. so kindly inform me what can i do for the matter.
I noted that my phone comes with a list of Trusted Credentials.
Back when I had my phone messed up and it looked like a Factory Reset was in order, I thought about erasing all of those to see what effect it would have.
Rather than do that exercise, I am asking what the downside would be?
I know some people are not aware that they can clear out cached data (for All Apps). Is it good to clear it out daily? I do realize that you may need to download the same data again say if you are using apps like Facebook and Zedge and many others.
Has a solution been found which will allow clearing the cached email address entries on an iproduct? Deleting contacts, addresses and rebooting the device doesn't work. Restoring the device should not be the only solution as many business users don't know the first thing about iTunes or syncing thus most enterprise devices have never been sync'd.
I just bought a motoactv and trying to register and get everything started has been very frustrating...right now I'm trying to access my portal but it tells me I have invalid credentials even though I've reset my password several times and registered my motoactv (I I've had problem accessing the internet from the system as well it appears) I really want to like this product but if trying to acess all my data is this frustrating I'm not sure I will be able to keep it.
I did a factory reset because my android system was using about 47% of my battery and now when I try to add my AOL account It tells me invalid credentials. Any ideas? I know the password is correct, and the name. I even changed my password and tried again.
I was experiencing sluggish performance on my s6, it was taking ages for my contacts to appear when trying to dial them, I fixed this by going on to apps>contacts>clear data and cached data. However it came at a price. many of my contacts have now disappeared. is there anyway i can restore them?
Upgraded today on work WIFI - went to via Chrome on my S5 - his login data was there. Logged in, his CC information, address, etc. all accessible.He does not have access to my phone as I'm on a secure floor at work and my phone never leaves my pocket.
I have 2 Yahoo and 1 Gmail account and I am getting certification errors.I try to re-input my password but get "Invalid Credentials".I try to remove the accounts, but I get "Invalid Credentials" and can't delete the accounts.
First of all I know that this is a topic that has been discussed several times, and I have spent that past few days researching to try and find the solution on my own, but I have not had any luck. I have a storm 2 and I downloaded Slacker Radio version 2.0.91 which I downloaded directly from The app works great but caching stations is where I am having a problem. I have MSM enabled (prompt) and as far as I know the encryption is not on. Once I have selected the station I want to cache, I completely exit out of Slacker and then connect to my computer. It allows my phone to go into MSM and I get an autorun pop up for Slacker and I can select sync cached stations. When I make this selection a little box comes up saying "Checking Slacker Station Loader Version" and then the box disappears and absolutely nothing happens. I have tried rebooting the computer, doing battery pulls, dleteing slacker from my phone and media card and reinstalling and I cannot get this to work.
When attempting to update the account credentials in vlingo for Facebook, I'm told the user information could not be fetched and to try again later. I've tried on many occasions and haven't been able to resolve the issue. Any suggestions on how to get vlingo to authenticate against Facebook?
I have configured my nokia E63 to sync mail with an gmail account. I have installed Mail for Exchange 3.0. I have configured mail for exchange to sync with my gmail account. I have two issues. When I configure mail for exchange, I can do an initial download of mail, calendar and contacts. However, after the initial sync when I try to do another sync a invalid credentials message appears. I don't change credentials after first sync, so credentials are correct. The second issue is that when I open a message I only see the header message, with the from address and subject but I can't see the body of the message.
I just received my new Razr Maxx today and when I try to setup my Gmail and Yahoo email accounts I keep getting the message "Invalid Credentials" My passwords have not changed so not sure whats going on.
I'm constantly battling low internal drive space on my Tab S (I'll NEVER buy another 16GB internal drive device), but this question should also pertain to my S6.
When I go into my "Storage" settings, I have the option to clear my cache with one click. I'd like to use this function to clear off my cached browsing, imgur, etc., but my concern is my games.
1) If I clear the cache, will I lose my saved game data? 2) Will I lose any settings for any apps?
If this has been raised before I'm sorry but I am having a frustrating week trying to get my Sony Xperia Ray to synchronise with my laptop.Whenever I try synch zone in PC Companion I get the message:"Incorrect credentials.verify login and password information"Try as I might I cannot find any way to input this data.I am running Google Chrome and have activated my Google account and have signed in - without two stage verification.My xperia ray is running Android version 2.3.4
I'm sure many of you have heard that when you enter an incorrect pattern/PIN/password, eventually the phone asks for Google account credentials to unlock it. My Nexus 5 on 5.1.0 does not do this. Does yours? If my lock screen is set to PIN, I can enter as many incorrect attempts as I want, it never asks and never stops me. If I have a pattern set it will let me enter 10 incorrect attempts after which it simply stops me from trying for 30s, but it never asks for Google account credentials.
Yesterday I stopped receiving e-mail from my AOL account. Instead I received an "invalid credentials" message. I was sent to the email settings page and asked to enter my password. Did that...still get the same message. I found a thread in this forum (since have been unable to relocate it) where someone suggested disabling a need for two step authentication in google and another said to do a factory reset. how to do either of those two things.
I downloaded a leaked OTA link for the new Twitter app and after a reboot I get this error message after halfway through booting up - "JUM error 545".I have mac and blackberry desktop manage, but can't see to get it hooked up because it just keeps reading that error message and won't sync with the mac.