BB Bold :: It Keeps Turning Itself On And Off

Nov 26, 2012

My blackberry keeps shutting itself and turning itself back on. I will have a fully charged battery so there's no reason for it to do phone is dead an hour after I unplug it from restarting so much!! It doesn't restart if it is plugged in. Is this for sure a battery problem?

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BB Bold :: It Keeps Turning Off

Jul 12, 2011

my phone keeps turning off

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BB Bold :: Turning It Self Off?

Sep 23, 2012

i have the blackberry bold 9780, it can have full battery after bein on charge all night but will just turn it self off, then when i return back on because it takes afes to load back up the battery is low or dead?

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BB Bold :: 9900 Not Turning On Red LED JVM?

Jul 20, 2012

I bought 9900 7 months ago and phone has 3 years warranty. After ı used phone 4 months, One night, before sleeping, I plugged it to charger and went to sleep.Morning my mobile was dead. I took out the battery and the reput it. only red indicator was blinking.

- I tried to reinstall BBOS 7 but phone was not connecting to desktop software.
- I tried bbsak it also couldnt connect
- I tried to install OS with application ( after deleting vendor.xml file) loader, but when it comes to middle it gives " JVM couldnt be loaded "

Then I putted it into its box and went to warranty service. Warranty service took it for a week. Then they called me and said, You have your phone dropped and thats why your phones "mainboard" and "processor" has been damaged. So, it will cost 50 dollars for fix.I said, I didint drop the phone and there isnt anything visually damaged on the phone(It is same as new phone), On the other hand phone has warranty, so why should ı pay 50 dollars? because you have dropped your phone and it makes it out of warranty.

Then I gave 50 dollars and waited for a week. while waiting I realized something. what kind of "mainboard and processor cost 50 dollars? Isnt it very cheap? even impossible.

anyway they called me and said that " we couldnt repair your phone and your phone is dead Now, I really dont know what to do, and dont want to live it like that. Somehow I have to access to blackberry or RIM and explain my situation.

BUT HOW? I live in Georgia, I am Turkish and there is no official blackberry service in this country, So What can I do ?

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Bold :: BB 9930 Keeps Turning Off

Sep 13, 2012

My device keeps turning itself off and wont come back on, when I get the battery out and back in, the phone turns on and back off again. But when I connect it to my laptop via a USB cable the device does not turn off.

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BB Bold :: 9700 Keeps On Turning Itself Off

Nov 20, 2012

My Blackberry bold 9700 keeps on turning itself off. It happened four months ago and was rectified somehow. Now I cannot use it, which is frustrating as its a work phone.

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BB Bold :: 9780 Keeps Turning Itself Off

Oct 16, 2010

My Blackberry Bold 9780 keeps turning itself off, in my pocket or when I put it down on a table. At first I thought it might be a problem with the battery so I bought a new genuine battery for Blackberry and put it in my phone but I was still having the same problem. I decided to send a tweet to @BlackberryHelp on Twitter and they advised me to do a security wipe, which I did, and still my phone kept turning itself off. I sent them another tweet and another message but they haven't replied. I'm getting a little bit, put it this way, frustrated that when i've paid for a premium smartphone at over £400 I'm having problems after owning the phone for just over 6 months. The phone is therefore still under warrenty but I thought I would just put a message on here first before I contact them to see if it is a small fix that I can do myself rather than living without my Blackberry while it's sent off to be fixed.

I am getting quite fed up now because, I get the Blackberry logo up and I have to wait for the bar to go across (see below image) which takes AGES. I'd hate to rely on the phone in an emergency! After the BBM and e-mail outages not so long ago and now this, i'm SERIOUSLY considering scrapping my Blackberry all together and buying the new iPhone 4S.

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BB Bold :: 9900 Keeps Turning Off And On With

Oct 6, 2012

my blackberry bold 9900 keeps turning off and on with the battery. but when i use my charger it stays on. i have tried to restore the OS several times but no .

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BB Bold :: Continually Turning Off And On?

May 23, 2012

I have an issue with my Blackberry Bold. My son sent me a video that he make on his phone and once I clicked on it, it started continually turning off and back on by itself. I tried to go back and delete the video, but I get a message that it is currently running.

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BB Bold :: 9700 Turning Itself Off?

Aug 24, 2010

Randomly during the day I have noticed that my Bold 9700 turns itself off. It always has plenty of charge and the Auto Shutdown function isn't set.Getting quite annoying as I often receive work emails etc.Phone was received in September 2010?

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BB Bold :: Device Keeps Turning It's Self Off?

Jul 3, 2011

my 9700 bold has started to turn it's self off and on, when it is on the keys are not responsive

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BB Bold :: 9790 Keeps Turning Off?

Nov 22, 2012

my bb 9790 keeps turning off everytime i call someone or receive calls, also when i try to take pictures. what should i do?

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BB Bold :: 9930 Keeps Turning Off?

Mar 28, 2010

My device keeps turning itself off and wont come back on, when I get the battery out and back in, the phone turns on and back off again. But when I connect it to my laptop via a USB cable the device does not turn off.

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BB Bold :: 9900 Not Turning On?

May 14, 2012

I have my blackberry 6months old, and the red LED is constantly on and it won't turn on it's is charged fully so I don't know what the problem could be?

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BB Bold :: It Keeps Turning Off Randomly

Jul 22, 2011

Okay so I have just got a used BlackBerry Bold from a "pawn shop" and ever since I have got it, when my battery level was 15-30% juice left, it dies whenever im on the phone or when I am on bbm and it wont turn on until I plug in the charger, now once I plug it in, the red light goes solid and the phone resets itself, I then turn it right back on, I go on the main menu, then options, than status, and the battery went right down to 5% power

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BB Bold :: Wifi Not Turning On

Sep 8, 2012

I have BB-9000,Its WiFI isnt turning on , its very long time since it was working i dont use it much

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Google Nexus 5 :: WiFi Keeps Turning On And Mobile Data Keeps Turning Off?

Jul 19, 2014

I got my Nexus 5 on the 2nd of this month. I'm on Android 4.4.4. Just today, I was out and about and I realized that, although I was going into settings and turning Wi-Fi off, it just kept turning it right back on! (I had been using the Wi-Fi at the mall, then later I went to a friend's house and connected to my friend's Wi-Fi, which did not work.) So, I turned on my data, only for it to turn off after I guess about 30 seconds. I turned it back on, went on WhatsApp, in the middle of replying to a text from my friend it goes off yet again! What the... So, I went into settings and turned data on, and Wi-Fi off. As I watched, the Wi-Fi switched itself back on, and, predictably, even though there were no wireless networks to connect to, my data turned off as well.

This is really inconvenient. What could be causing the problem? I don't think I've downloaded any apps recently, but they do sometimes update. It was working fine on Thursday, but I've had my data off since then. I also booted into Safe Mode, and the problem doesn't seem to persist.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Email Led Not Turning Off?

Apr 29, 2010

I have turned off the Led when I receive an email. But I still get them. Is there something I am missing? I went into messages and message alerts and turned off the led but it still turns on when i receive one. I'm running os .545

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BB Bold 9700 :: Screen Keeps Turning On

Sep 6, 2010

This has just started happening the last two weeks or so. When I turn the screen off, or when the phone turns the screen off after one minute, it shortly turns back on again. The only thing that will fix this for about two days or so, is a battery pull. Anyone have this issue? I am using Build 862

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BB Bold :: 9000 Not Turning On Ran Out Of Battery?

Aug 6, 2012

my bold 9000 ran out of battery and it was left for some hours. now it does not turn on. I have put it on charge but nothing happens . A red light keeps on flashing . And it even does not turn green

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BB Bold :: Faulty 9780 - Keeps Turning Off?

Aug 31, 2011

In short - i purchased a 2nd user bold 9780 off eBay back in April / May timeThe phone was like new and worked fine until recently the thing began turning itself off.There is no pattern to it - its very irregular which makes it even more annoying.Essentially i will be writing a SMS or BBM and it will turn off. I then have to take the battery out and reboot the phone. This can happen once a day, or every couple of minutes. Now .... i believe the phone is still in warranty so i went to the vendor who originally sold the phone to the person i bought it off (Virgin Media) I know this as it's their branding all over the phone / box.

Firstly Virgin where reluctant to help me as i wasn't the person who originally purchased the phone. This i didn't buy as, at the end of the the phone is still in warranty. After the half witt behind made to enquires and checked the serial number of the phone against there records - it showed that the previous owners owes Virgin Media money on a outstanding bill .

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BB Bold :: Turning WiFi Off Causes 990 To Shutdown

Jul 28, 2012

I'm having battery issues, it does not last for a whole day. I was told to make a few adjustment to my bb setup one of them was to turn off Wifi when I am not using it. Now I am not sure what I have done but every time I switch off wifi the phone switches off within a 1min. I cannot turn the phone back on unless I do a battery pull and connect the phone to charge. I have a BB Bold 9900 unbrand and unlocked, OS, currently using a T-mobile sim in it.

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BB Bold :: Wifi Not Turning On - 9000

Sep 8, 2012

have BB-9000,Its WiFI isnt turning on , its very long time since it was working i dont use it much,and today i tried to turn it on. My os vesion is- v5.0.0.822(Bundle 1385,Platform

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BB Bold :: Keeps Turning Off - Trackpad Not Scrolling On

Jul 15, 2012

My Bold 9780 started having glitches a couple of months ago. The P & del buttons started doin weird stuff then one night the phone switched itself off. I had to do the taking the battery out thing to get it on but it continued to switch off. I searched the net and found a solution. I took the battery out for a while then gave it a long 24hr charge. This got the phone working again. I still had a few problems with the p but nothing to serious. Over the last week the problem with the p started to happen again and 2 nights ago the phone switched itself off again. I did exactly what I had done before and it worked but once the phone is on I cannot scroll the trackpad on the main screen which means i cant do anything. if i push a few buttons i can get onto the search screen and get onto the menu where the scroll works but if i get into certain apps like messenger it doesnt scroll again. it also has been switching itself on and off again. when it first started i could still connect it to the desktop software, now i cant even do that.

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BB Bold 9650 :: Turning Radio Back On

Aug 9, 2010

Just recently my Bold 9650 has been periodically losing the radio connection. I usually only notice it when I attempt to place a call and get the 'radio connection off' message. When I attempt to restore the connection (via Quicklaunch) nothing happens. I have to do a hard reset to get the connection back which is a pain in the a**. I noticed it this time right after I was connected to Desktop Manager. Any correlation?

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BB Bold :: 9790 Turning Off When Using Camera/Attempting?

Jul 31, 2012

My Bold 9790 keeps turning off if I click to take a photo or if I try to start making a call, anyone got any ideas why this could be, I have wiped the phones and reinstalled the OS numerous times but still no luck.

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BB Bold :: 9700 Restarts When Turning On WiFi?

Jul 9, 2010

My AT&T Bold 9700 restarts itself every time I try to turn on the WiFi radio to connect to a wireless network. I beleive i'm running the latest OS that AT&T has: v5.0.0.602.

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BB Bold :: Restart Loop After Turning On Radio

Dec 2, 2011

My phone was in a reboot loop. So I asked the Provider for support. Theceommended to Reinstall Software.So I did. After this the system kept on. As soon I aktivated Mobile Network Option. Device was in reboot loop again. it does not matter if I have SIM card in device or not.

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BB Bold :: Error Message After Turning On 9900?

Sep 18, 2011

After I restart the phone I always get an error message when the phone boots to the main screen on my 9900: The application net_rim_bbapi_push has attempted to open an internal connection which is not allowed by your IT policy." Does anyone know what this is or how to fix it?

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BB Bold :: 9700 / OS6 - Calls Won't Come In Or Sometimes Screen Not Turning On

Apr 29, 2011

I've recently updated my 9700 OS to 6 and am having tons of problems with it now. My phone is now very slow, sometimes it freezes up and my phone calls won't come in. Every once in awhile my screen won't turn on even though I have not turned off my phone and the only way to start it back up is to pull the battery. I also get a message saying my application memory is low and I've never had this problem before nor have I downloaded any new 3rd party apps.

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BB Bold :: 9900 Started Turning Off For No Reason?

May 3, 2012

So a week or two after getting my Blackberry Bold 9900 it started turning off for no reason. The screen goes black and then I cannot turn the phone back on without removing the battery, waiting 30 seconds and the replacing it.I have tested a new battery and this has not helped. I have tried cleaning the contacts on the phone this has not helped. I have updated the software numerous times and this has not helped.The only way I can get my phone to stay on is by having it constantly on charge.I want to return it for a replacement as it is only a few months old.

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