BB Bold :: Error While Downloading Blackberry App Workd
Dec 28, 2011
I have Blackberry bold 9700 and lately I am getting following error when i download App World "Uncaught exception : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError". I am not able to download it furhter and have been living without apps.
I kept getting this error message when attempted to download software update for my Blackberry Bold 9700 via Blackberry Desktop Manager V5.01.
"An error has occured while downloading software for your device. Please verify your internet connection or try again later, if the problem persists."
My laptop was definitely connected to the internet because I was browsing while trying to update. The Desktop Manager itself recognises that it is connected to the internet, because it scanned for updates for itself on the internet and updated succefully. But when it came to downloading updates for my blackberry handset. It became oblivion to the fact that it was connected to the internet and kept giving me this senseless error report!
I kept getting this error message when attempted to download software update for my Blackberry Bold 9700 via Blackberry Desktop Manager V5.01."An error has occured while downloading software for your device. Please verify your internet connection or try again later, if the problem persists."
My laptop was definitely connected to the internet because I was browsing while trying to update. The Desktop Manager itself recognises that it is connected to the internet, because it scanned for updates for itself on the internet and updated succefully. But when it came to downloading updates for my blackberry handset. It became oblivion to the fact that it was connected to the internet and kept giving me this senseless error report!
My app world on the 9780 has not been working. First it would ask me to login after which it would just show me my details and not download. After downloading the application again it just tells me, "An error has occurred. Please try again later. This has been going on for four days now.
I have the blackberry bold 9000 and my BB Protect has asked me to verify my account after I put in a new sim card. I have put in the correct password but it keeps saying its wrong and I have one attempt left. This has happened to me before and on the 8th attempt, it finally accepted my password. I have tried the "forget password" option but after I've filled the security question and new password, it either freezes and doesn't go to the next page or it says "bad request".
I am unable to update ver 5 to ver 6, as the process stops with an error message "an error has occurred while downloading software for your device. Please verify your internet connection or try again later, if the problem persists." Typically I get 70 to 80% of the way through the modules before this error message pops up. Today's attempts all bailed at 511 of 650 modules. I have tried this process twice over the last month, and have had the same error. The internet connection is working well ie I can surf the net and receive/send emails. Where do I go from here?
Black berry Bold 9700 gives error "java lang noclassdeffounderror in blackberry"I am useing application world version What is the cure?I can not update OS also it gives fatal error aftre adding ROM image
As I am about to download the app of my choice on App World, this message appears:"App World Web Plugin Error---- An error has occurred communicating with the Blackberry App World Client. If you have content protection enabled on your device, please disable and try again."My BB Curve 9300 is properly connected to my PC via a USB Cable and I have done this downloading process many times before, but now I can't seem to download anymore because of this bothering problem.
Does anyone know of a way of getting the Nokia SU-8W to work with the Nokia E72? This keyboard worked fine with the E71, but to get it to work you had to run a separate piece of keyboard software that was preinstalled on the E71. There's no such software in the E72, and I've even tried downloading the software from the SU-8W support site but when I try to run it I get a certificate error. The E72 see's the keyboard and pairs with it, but won't actually use it.
I tried to upgrade to OS6, but this problem appear "An error has occurred while downloading software from your device, please verify your internet connection or try again later, if problem persist". I'm sure there is no problem with my internet connection. I clicked retry, but the message always appear. I've tried to restart the phone and all the things.
Want to install new update, it downloads to module 518 and then gives an error about internet connection. I have tried this 5 times and keeps on happening.
I have a Bold 9700 which is in perfect working order. I have been trying for hours to successfully download OS 6, but every time I try, I get the same message: 'Fatal Error'. I've tried everything - uninstalling, reinstalling, deleting apps, etc. I can't get anything to work! It seems to start experiencing problems when it's finishing the 'JVM' stage (whatever that is).
Recently got the unlocked Galaxy S6 but every time I've tried to download large apps (Asphalt 8 and Monument Valley) from the Play Store I've been getting an error 905. I've erased cache and cleared data from the Play Store but it keeps doing it. Had to refund Monument Valley, in fact. I've got the 32GB version by the way. I've searched for this error but it seems to only have affected old devices where internal memory was a problem.
I solved this by keeping the screen on while downloading and installing Asphalt 8 and not using the device till it had finished installing.
This is happening to me today, it's forced me to change my password once already as the error seems to be based around my ID... Can't really try it again as I don't want to have to change my password again tonight! It happens when trying to update and trying to install an app from scratch.
whenever i download and install applications from ovistore it doesn't continue and ends up as error. and when i tried to sync again my phone to nokia acount (the one where nokia sends link to your phone to sync it) i never receive the message. the instruction in the manual syncing doesn't seem so helpful as i can't find the "To create the profile, select "Menu", then "Connect", then "Sync" part.
I am getting Error = 9006 when downloading a podcast, Derb Radio on TakiMag, but not other podcasts. It started occurring recently, about 3 of the last 4. This occurs on both a Windows and Apple machine. iTunes is updated. It does not occur with other podcasts. Then end result is that the podcast does not download.Â
I also get a "rebuffering stream" interruption during playback on the computer.
Everytime I download an app it gives me an error that I am unable to download (Â ) app please try again later. It has been doing this for quite a while. Also it wont even let me update my apps??? Already tried logging out and back in of itunes app store and that didnt work.
When I start Nokia Map Loader application for dowloading maps on Nokia 5230 I get an error message saying : The following errors occured while transferring files. If the error is not permanent, you can try starting the file transfers again. config.cfg file couldn't been found. operation forbidden config.cfg file couldn't been found. operation forbidden I can't download maps on the phone because the region list is empty (it is not supposed to be).This happens every time I try to use the Map Loader.There are screenshots of the same problem on another forum: r-mac/bugreport/configcfg-operation-forbidden.
I had a notification that my Nokia Maps had an update. As I clicked to install, it will install only halfway before I get an Error Code: 8103010d I have tried multiple times to redownload with no success.
An error has occurred while downloading software for your device. Please verify your internet connection or try again later, if the problem persists. My internet connection is fine, both of my internet connections (phone, laptop).
I upgraded my Tour (Verizon) last week to OS 5.0. Since the upgrade I have been unable to view HTML emails. The body of the email provides the text/link to the images along with a lot of text I do not understand. I don't even get the links to "get image" or "view image on a web page". I made sure the settings were correct (i.e. enable HTML email, download images automatically) and the issue persisted. Battery pull did not work, deleting and resending service books did not work. Through searches on this forum and others it appears that this is not an isolated problem.Is there a fix that I am not aware of? I am close to wiping the phone clean and going back to OS 4.7, but I like all other features that came with 5.0.
I have Naite for couple days.I transfer ring tones from my old sony ericsson throw Bluetooth, when i try set up new ring tones like ID ring tone or main ring tone always received cannot be used as ring tone. But it work for my old phone. Does the somebody have any ideas what is wrong.