BB Bold :: 9900 OS 7.0.1 Update Stuck On Social Feeds At 8 Percent
Jul 26, 2012
I have a Bold 9900 on Orange, and attempted to update to OS 7.0.1 from (I think) 7.0.0 using a wifi connection as opposed to using Blackberry Desktop Software. However, I encountered a problem which I have heard many others have had, when the update got stuck on 'social feeds' and would not move from 8%. I did a soft reset (alt + right shift +del) and a white screen came up, saying to press any key to revert back to the old software. I did this, but now whenever I turn phone on, either through battery pull or soft reset, I get a frozen home screen. I have attempted to start the device in safe mode, and when I do I get a 'recovering your settings' screen similar to the update progress screen, but this too is frozen. I am continuing to reset the phone but am having no success.
I did an update on my BB (worst decision ever) and now it is frozen on social feeds. The overall backup progress is at 6% and will not move at all.This is my business phone and it needs to work ASAP.I'm completely annoyed (though not surprised) that this has happened. The phone will not connect to the computer so I'm basically stuck with whatever I can do via the phone. I've removed the battery three times already and the same thing happens.
A few days ago I decided to update my device (9900) software to 7.1. And it has been a disaster since I received the update thru the Update Software Section on my phone but since then is has only gotten to 3% of the backup. I have restarted the phone several times, and pulled the battery several times and well and left the phone for hours hoping it would get itself together, to only occasionally fine (app error code:603) and yes at this present moment it is still stuck at 3% back up, this is 3rd day.
Last night the Icon to make the OS upgrade of my Bold 9930 appeared on my cellphone menu panel and I did it. My current SO is the 7 and it said was going to upgrade to the 7.1 version. After it downloaded the 50 Mb file, it started to Backing Up the Data and since then, 6 or 8 hours ago, it is STUCK on the Social Feeds (3%). I wish I hadn't made the stupid upgrade.My cellphone is indispensable to do my job, now I'm also STUCK. I'm trying the update with the BB connected to my Laptop using the Blackberry Device Software, but it is STUCK too.
I cannot find any documentation of how to do this other than manually reentering all of the feeds. I cannot believe that the RSS feeds aren't backed up somewhere in the full backup file like the BBM contact list is. Does anyone know ehere the data is and how it can be backed up and restored?
I don't know why, but I decided to try update my phone software using my mobile phone - will never do that again. The update is currently backing up my data, however it has been stuck on the "Social Feeds" back up - it is very annoying and nothing is happening.
How do I stop this update?? Is there anyway I can cancel this update and continue it through my PC. It is only supposed to take 2 hours to update, it has been stuck on the "social feeds" backup for 1 hour already.
I tried downloading the software update on my phone however it get's to social feeds & freezes & that is all that is left on my screen the backing up your data & i cannot get rid of this, therefore unable to use my phone.
I have a blackberry bold 9900 on Vodafone in the UK. It asked me to run an software update warning it would take 2 hrs or more and I wouldn't be able to make phone calls etc during that time. It has sat at 9% 5 mins into the upgrade, I have now even attached it to my laptop hoping it would speed the process up. It currently has series 7 bundle 1465 and is updating to series 7 bundle 2406 (I have that from desktop). I am doing it right and it'll be ok if I leave it running overnight - it won't let me reset it so I am stuck in a loop.
Following the new release of the much anticipated os 7.1 software, i downloaded it via WIFI from my 9900 device, the file downloaded fine but my problem has occured during the installation procressMy bb is attempting to "backing up your data" but freezes at abput 10% while trying to back up "social feeds". when i remove the battery it just starts the back up process again but keeps getting stuck in the same placei am unable to use my phone
My phone has been stuck on the update screen for 6 hours and its stayed at 11%. I need my phone and have tried turning it off and taking the battery out, even plugging it into my pc, but nothing is working.
My torch is frozen on Social Feeds during my update. It is only at 9%. Am I screwed and just have to wait and hope the software updates... Or is there any way to stop it? I hope I didn't just mess up my phone!
I got the notification on my phone telling me to update so I clicked yes, it started backing up my data (or so the screen says) but then got stuck at 11% for AGES. I tried to exit out of it or do anything but it wouldn't let me so I removed the battery, but then when it rebooted it just went back to the 'backing up your data' screen, and is now stuck at 7%. I tried removing the battery again and leaving it for a while but still no luck.
Is there anyway to make the social feeds to update less. I have feeds coming in all the time. It is getting really aggervating. Also, is the anyway to make the calender appointments not show up in my social feeds window? Another thing My Tourch wiggles when it is open and to also wiggles when it is colsed. I am not sure but I think it may become a problem. Is it suppose to do this.
So, I went to check if there was a new OS update. There was, so I downloaded and am currently installing it. However, it's been "installing" for 8 hours now, and it's stuck on 14% Overall backup progress. And 0% Social Feeds.Also, not sure if it's related. (probably is) but my Signal is off and i have no network connection. And I've got good coverage usually at home. I realised the problem about 7 hours in, after it said it would only be 2. So I battery pulled it, and it didn't work, then I tried battery and sim pulling, that didn't work. I've tried hooking it up to my blackberry desktop. It can't pick the device up because of it.
Is there a way to change how often Social Feeds update?I have a feeling it is killing my battery. I remember when I had a news app on my Bold.It completely destroyed my battery life since it kept checking for news updates throughout the day.
I deleted the Social Feeds application after installing the OS6 upgrade thinking I would not use it. I would like to try it out again, but can't find where to download the application. I've searched AppWorld, and can't find it. I upgraded via the OTA and when I plug in the BB to Mac Desktop Manager 2.0, I also don't see the option to installing.
Tried running the new software update and all seemed to go fine at first, but now the 'overall backup progress' bar has been dead at 9% for a while and the 'social feeds' above has been stuck on 0% for the same amount of time. Ive tried rebooting but whenever i do this, the update starts up again and gets to the same point before stopping again.
My blackberry curve 9360 has been stuck at 8% on a software update for 2 days now and I cannot do anything with it. I've tried taking the battery and sim card out and nothing happens. The radio is off and nothing is coming through...
I looked at my phone there was an icon saying software update clicked on it done it all then it came up this may take a few hours so I left my phone it's now been 4 hours backing up data and is stuck on 7% for the last 2 hours what do I do? I tried asking the battery out it just goes back to the same thing and same percentage?
I've left my phone for 2 hours for the software update and it's only done 15% and stays on there, I've done the alt caps key and delete key to restart the phone but now my phone is frozen.
The % has not moved for over an hour now. I'm on a decent LTE connection and USB power. I'm hoping I don't have to start over, it took almost 2 hours to get that far.
I had a Blackberry bold 9900 which suffered an irrecoverable crash in December last year. Orange sent me a replacement. Last night, I went to get my phone and tried switching it on with the button at the top. It didn't come on. The phone would only reboot to 70%. I read on a forum to remove the battery and sim card and reinsert. The phone does not come on at all now. I've tried charging with/without battery, with/without sim card. I've tried everything on the internet. all my contacts are on the phone, I assumed this would be safe as it was supposed to do a regular back up. Is there a fix for the phone, if not, how do I access these backups that the phone was doing?
I have a bold 9900 and as soon as the battery life hits 25% it says battery to low for radio use but as soon as I plug the charger in it fires back up to 40%..does anyone know as to how I can fix this fault? Also every now and again the phone freezes and then a bit background appears with error in the middle of the screen?
I am trying to update the software on my blackberry 9360, however upon doing so it goes to 13% backed up and then stops when it trys to back up social feeds. It has been like this for the past six hours. i am unable to access any thing on my phone
i was experiencing lag with my torch and got rid of social feeds cause i thought that what was the culprit and i think it worked, ive been using the phone switching between apps and it seems like the lag is gone. anyone else not using social feeds?