I was having duplicate contacts, so i have performed the "rset"command to delete the duplicates and re-sync contacts with server.since then my bb is running too slow and freezes.when I go to mobile network options -> turn "data services" OFF my BB works fine but when i turned "data services" ON it works very slow and battery drains in period of 4 hours.
I have a bold 9870, I downloaded a theme from applications and now cannot do anything with my phone.It is running really slow, takes about 5 mins to reset (taking battery out) and I can't get into any functions, especially the setting so I can get rid of the theme.Anyone got any ideas so I can get my phone back to normal?
Is it normal for my 9700 to take more than 5 minutes to start up?? Its strange because not to long ago I used to do battery pulls or a soft reset and my device would be up and running within a minute or two!! By the time it load up my battery is almost drained!
maybe its just me, but when i try and charge my 9700 with a usb charger its slooooooooooowwwwwwww. like almost worthless. it would seriously take hours to get it charged.
is that just me? it doesnt matter if its plugged into a cigarette plug adapter, or right into my computer...
these are the same cords that charged my 8310 beautifully.
I have a new BB bold. When my device shuts down, it takes ages to re-start the device. Literally speaking it takes around 7-8 minutes to have it started. Sometimes on/off button do not even react, I have to press multiple times and hold for a long time as well.
I just purchased a Class 2 16gb microSD card and my 9700 is running slow. Is the 16 too big or is it because of the Class 2? The decrease in performance is not worth the extra space compared to the 2GB that came with the phone.
I've been experiencing slow download speeds (from over 100Kb/s to 6Kb/s) I've cleared cache, and upgraded my OS, from OS 5 to OS 6. I've also called customer care and went to a local vodashop, which is when I was told to upgrade.
So, I've had my Bold 9700 for one week exactly. It's my first BB ever. I love it. Very fast and slick.I'm on T-mobile UK and the email address I can create within my BIS login (ending in @instantemail.t-mobile.co.uk) is generally very fast. A new message will reach my phone in 10 seconds or less.
However, my Virgin mail account appears to be less solid, with emails arriving in 10-30 minutes. Is there anything I can do about this? Can I contact my Virgin (my home ISP) about it and can they do anything? I know I can forward mail from that address to the fast email address, but I find this complicating.
Got my new Bold 9700 and love love love it....the only problem is that my browser is super slow....even loading google can take up to a minute! I've noticed my wireless isn't that great either...gets better if I turn bluetooth off but not by much?
My BB Bold 9700 is getting slower and slower by the day. Today it got so bad that the spinning clock just kept coming on and on and eventually I had to take out the battery.v6.0.0.666, Platform Storage: Free Space: 45.1 MB?Media Card Storage: Total Space is 1.8GB and free space 940 MB.
My phone charges sooooooo slow when I plug it into the USB on my computer with the data cable. It takes a couple of hours to go from low to 50%. This just started happening and.
It doesn't appear that anything is wrong with the cable - I've only used it a few times. A lightning bolt is appearing and it is charging for sure. It hasn't always done this - or at least I don't thinks so. I've backed up and restored data on my desktop through the USB without a problem.
I use my 9700 as my IP modem on T-Mobile and have been for a few months. Lately my download speeds seem to have been slowing. Is there anything that I can do, either to my laptop or my BB to speed things up? Eve Radio has begun to stop/start.
When I got my 9700 it was running smooth. I downloaded a few apps and all of a sudden it started showing the little loading clock on almost everything I ran, so I deleted a few apps and voala!. It was working good again. But now, I have not downloaded any new apps and is giving me that clock againg.
Just recieved my new BB9700 and everything was fine for 3 days. On the 4.th I got a white screen with JVM Error 545 and Reset under. Seems like BB freezed..Tried to google for some help, but all I have seen were for the prev versions of Desktop Managers.. something about OS reinstall etc. Is it so?Tried to search here.. found only one post .. and mine BB didn't go swimming...
after i reboot the bold 9700, the phone hang on the theme page. i can't use the track pad & reset at the option. i have try many time to remove the battery to reset the phone but still can't use the BB phone. how to HARD RESET to the manufacture setting to this phone.
The progress bar has frozen approximately two thirds the way across. I have removed the battery and done the suggested soft resets but when it startsup the progress bar freezes in the same place.I have now tried the factory reset in the BBDesktopapplication. I get a message saying it is initializing and a small progress wheel is spinning. It has been like this for 6 hours and there has been absolutely no movement on the progress bar.
i have a new SMS icon on my screen. I already deleted all my SMS and the icon is still there. After deleted all SMS, i even send a new one just so I think it may reset the screen.No dice, then I tried battery pull, no dice either.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket today and had a white screen with "JVM Error 545" on the screen with "Reset" under that. I've clicked reset I've done battery pulls and it just keeps going to that same screen.
From what I've read I need to re-install my OS, but I've only got a Mac and I don't think I can install OSs from a Mac.I've tried plugging it into my computer and it automatically brings up the Desktop Manager, but it doesn't ever make a connection to the phone. I don't see a way out of this...
I know BBSAK allows a factory reset which disables the firewall. My past three BlackBerrys have been new from the store with firewall enabled. This prevents some apps such as Ubertwitter or Qik from working-- it gives an error about the IT policy (even though there is none)
BBSAK disables the firewall yes, but as soon as you reload your backup, the IT policy reloads itself. So my question is, when you load your backup, how do you selectively UNSELECT your previous firewall settings? Which option is it? I don't want to have to manually put everything back again.
If anyone knows how to disable the firewall WITHOUT erasing all my personal stuff, I'd appreciate it. And no this is not a BES phone, there is NO it policy, it was not purchased used, etc etc.
I want to reset my phone to its original factory settings but the only way I can do it is on my computer, the screen of my bold 9700 is completely white and I was told to wipe the phone clean and redo the OS. How to reset the phone on the computer, as I said, I can't do it on the phone itself.
I am a relatively new crackberry user. My phone was working fine when I went to bed. I woke up to a white screen with text that said "JVM Error 517" and the word Reset underneath it. I have tried battery pulls but get the same message. When I plug into desktop mgr, It recognizes the phone but can never connect. I have only had it for about 65 days.