I pulled my phone out of my pocket today and had a white screen with "JVM Error 545" on the screen with "Reset" under that. I've clicked reset I've done battery pulls and it just keeps going to that same screen.
From what I've read I need to re-install my OS, but I've only got a Mac and I don't think I can install OSs from a Mac.I've tried plugging it into my computer and it automatically brings up the Desktop Manager, but it doesn't ever make a connection to the phone. I don't see a way out of this...
Is it normal for my 9700 to take more than 5 minutes to start up?? Its strange because not to long ago I used to do battery pulls or a soft reset and my device would be up and running within a minute or two!! By the time it load up my battery is almost drained!
Just recieved my new BB9700 and everything was fine for 3 days. On the 4.th I got a white screen with JVM Error 545 and Reset under. Seems like BB freezed..Tried to google for some help, but all I have seen were for the prev versions of Desktop Managers.. something about OS reinstall etc. Is it so?Tried to search here.. found only one post .. and mine BB didn't go swimming...
I am a relatively new crackberry user. My phone was working fine when I went to bed. I woke up to a white screen with text that said "JVM Error 517" and the word Reset underneath it. I have tried battery pulls but get the same message. When I plug into desktop mgr, It recognizes the phone but can never connect. I have only had it for about 65 days.
I just want to take an informal poll, as what happened to me is probably somewhat random and is certainly not repeatable. I had never needed to do a battery pull (owned one since launch day) on my D3 until about 3-4 days ago (frozen, not responding to anything, including the power button). Now since then It has happened twice more. 2 times it happened using Gtalk (video chat), and once playing angry birds.
Well out of the blue I got a JVM error today. Ive tried the battery pull etc but nothing, white screen just wont go away?I am pretty certain ive lost everything...Will I be able to restore it still from Blackberry desktop or is my phone screwed?
i have purchased a BB Torch 9860 just about 9 days back and it suddenly showed me an error 602 and ever after reset and removing battery, the device continues to show error.
Out of the blue my blackberry has a App Error 200, reset, I took the battery out and the sim card, waited 30 minutes, then put back in, still have error. I cannot use the phone in any way.
Woke up today with my phone not switching on but having just the error message, APP ERROR 606 - RESET. I have tried to find a solution on website but to no avail.
What is this error message about and how do I make my phone working again?
The contacts in outlook have only my new contact info (1 contact) and the desktop and wireless software want to synchronize with this folder. The sync works between the two devises however it does not recognize the loads of contacts that are on my blackberry devise. I have tried all of the options on the advanced sync option to try toget outlook to download the contact from the Blackberry 9700. How do I get these two to synchronize?
I've tried signing into Facebook via my new 9700 and am getting the following error message:Error encountered during XML parse: End tag does not match start tag 'head'.Has anybody else had this message? How do I get around it so I can access my Facebook account?
I downloaded a leaked OTA link for the new Twitter app and after a reboot I get this error message after halfway through booting up - "JUM error 545".I have mac and blackberry desktop manage, but can't see to get it hooked up because it just keeps reading that error message and won't sync with the mac.
Recently my Blackberry Bold 9700 started displaying an error: app Error 352 Reset. I have turned the phone off, removed battery and sim, putting it back, turning it on sevevarlly and it will still appear after it turned on with a white backgroung. Honestly, this is driving me nut and i need to get my phone back.
Error Code Ox8004fd28 BB9700 At & T OS- V5.0.0.602 Platform-51.30112
Keep getting this error code. Tried to refresh, tried to update but says i ahve the latest version. My address book updates fine, but it is my calendar. i cannot get it to synce with my Ooulook 2007 thorugfh the Bb Desktop software What now? Toporock
my bb 9900 didnt worked last night proper. after battery pullup it came with white screen app error 200 reset.every time it reboots in this screen (loop)tried to connect with cable for Desktop manager but its not recognizable on pc or mac so i cannot load anything to reinstall OS?
after i reboot the bold 9700, the phone hang on the theme page. i can't use the track pad & reset at the option. i have try many time to remove the battery to reset the phone but still can't use the BB phone. how to HARD RESET to the manufacture setting to this phone.
My Blod 9900 has been displaying an error message "JVM Error 517 Reset" for the past 48hours. I read in the forum that I need to Update software but I use desktop Manager 5.0.1 and each time I try accessing the App Loader it disconnects the device. Does this mean I need to get Ver. 6 Desktop manager.
Does anyone know how I can reset my phone to get rid of this error please? Or is it better to take it to an 02 shop (02 is my service provider) and let them do it? I rang O2 earlier and their helpline didnt know how to help me. Ive google this error but cant seem to fix problem
Got the app error 528 with reset hilighted. Have taken battery out a number of times and still get the app error. Vodafone say it's a replacement phone...and I will prob have lost all my data!
My life is my fone....dont want to lose all my data on fone. Is there anyway I can recover?
The progress bar has frozen approximately two thirds the way across. I have removed the battery and done the suggested soft resets but when it startsup the progress bar freezes in the same place.I have now tried the factory reset in the BBDesktopapplication. I get a message saying it is initializing and a small progress wheel is spinning. It has been like this for 6 hours and there has been absolutely no movement on the progress bar.