BB Bold 9700 :: Trackball Not Working

Jun 30, 2010

I've had the 9700 for several months without issue, when randomely, this morning the phone started typing by itself -'L' and 'H' like this...lhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhl- until a message pops up that says "field full". The phone won't respond to the back button and I can't turn it off using the power button - I have to manually pull the battery out to turn it off. When I put the battery back in, it goes to the home screen, but the trackball only works intermittently, and I can't open any of my mailboxes or make calls. Then, about 20 seconds after I put the battery back in, the lhlhlhlhhlhl thing starts again...I have no idea what is going on, but I use this phone for work, so I really need to figure it out...

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BB Bold 9700 :: Handset Trackball Frozen

Apr 4, 2010

I have had my BB Bold 9700 for about six months and love it for the most part.Just recently, the trackpad stopped being responsive as far as being able to move the selector bracket (cursor?) around to select an icon for a program or even move the cursor within any program.At first, waiting a little bit would help.Then turning it off and on with the red key worked.When that stopped working, I did a battery pull and it worked a few times.Then when that stopped working, I did a battery pull and held the escape key (the arrow that does the uturn right?) which I understand from the threads that I have read is BB safe mode.This did not help.Now it is frozen and I cannot get it unfrozen.The last thing I did was load a game (Final Fantasy), but I have been playing that for over a week with no problem then, out of the blue, this problem started yesterday.

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BB Bold :: 9870 Trackball Not Working?

Nov 1, 2012

I noticed my trackball was delaying by a couple seconds early this week. 4 days later the trackball does not work AT ALL. Is there any way of navigating the blackberry device without using the trackball. If not, what would you recommend me doing. I have backed up everything except my password keeper (which I don't think can be backed up).

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BB Bold :: 9000 Trackball Is Sometimes Not Working To The Left, Right, Up Or Down

Sep 10, 2012

I have a blackberry bold 9000. And it's with a trackball. That trackball is sometimes not working to the left, right, up or down. How will i avoid this? And how will i repair it? Do i need to change the ball and buy a new one? OMG.

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BB Bold 9000 :: Buttons A / Green - Red Trackball Not Working

Feb 7, 2010

I have a blackberry bold 9000 and i have got a problem with some of the buttons not working..
the green call button, the red end call button, trackball button and the (A) button all do not work.
i have read on here that i need to wipe and upgrade the software and i have done that and they still do not work. if any one has any suggestions that would be great.this is my first blackberry and i am considering going back to the iphone!

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BB Bold 9000 :: Trackball Click Function Is Working Again

Jun 25, 2010

A few weeks ago the click function of my trackball stopped working. I think it was because I had moisture and dirt on my hand when I picked it up to use it. I have been reluctant to take it apart since I don't have a backup BB and it is still 90% functional without this feature working. Today, I did 3 things. First, I took rubbing alcohol and a q-tip and soaked the trackball. Then I used a piece of a straw, threaded it down between the black piece around the trackball and the chrome bezel, gently pulled up on it and used as much compressed air as possible to blow out the area under the trackball. Then, while the battery was out I pushed on the trackball assembly from behind pretty hard. I repeated this procedure a few times, and it suddenly started working. It was intermittent at first, but is working normally now. For how long I don't know but thought I would share this for others that have the same issue.

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BB Bold :: 9900 Optical Trackball Not Working All The Time?

Dec 24, 2011

Just bought one 9900 BB,but the new optical trackback not always work,most of time it stopped working;sometime it returned to normal,but after a restart or sometime,it lost functionality;It was a nightmare to me to use 9900 for this defective.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Get 3G Working With Unlocked AT&T 9700 On T-Mobile?

Mar 26, 2010

Using an unlocked AT&T branded 9700 on T-Mobile. My device reports EDGE, not 3G. Any way to get 3G working on T-Mobile?

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BB Curve 83xx :: Trackball Scrolls Fine But All Buttons And Clicking Trackball Does Nothing

May 2, 2010

so here's my problem. i went over to a friends house today for a barbecue, and when i got there i sent a text so i know everything was working fine. a few hours later i get home and notice that the screen on my Curve is black, and i knew something was up because i know it was fully charged before i left the house earlier. hit the buttons and nothing. so i do a battery pull and it reboots fine, then the screen goes black after 30 seconds and then hit the buttons and nothing. when i hook a mini usb cable up to the port, the screen comes back on for the usual 30 seconds, then goes black like the other times. when i connected it via the cable and the screen lit up, i noticed that the trackball scrolls fine left and right, but pushing the trackball does nothing.the phone is about a year and a half old, through Verizon. i have no problem with getting a new phone, but i don't want to loose the 150 or so contacts i have on the phone. i don't have Google Sync installed on the phone, and i'm guessing that it's too late to back anything up now on my end. when i connect it to my PC, i can access the usually Media folders and Slacker, but nothing else. if i take it into a local VZW store, would they be able to back up my address book the exact way it is now, since the phone powers on and the USB port works fine?i'm going to remove the shell tonight and see if i notice anything.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Replace Trackball With Curve 8330 Trackball

Jan 16, 2010

I upgraded my Verizon Curve 8330 to a Tour and now my trackball is acting up. I'm thinking of changing the trackballs since I never had a problem with the Curve. Are they all the same size or has anyone had problems trying this. I'm not worried about taking it apart or the warranty, but would like to see if this was successful for anyone else first.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Bold 9700 Camera Not Working

Mar 4, 2010

I have no idea what's going on with my camera, when I open it, it keeps showing me a black screen and keep loading.

but my problem isn't like the others, cos it didn't show me message like, "Could not start the camera. Close other applications and try opening camera again".

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BB Curve 8900 :: Trackball Not Working Without A SIM

Aug 26, 2010

My trackball and keypad are frozen if there is no SIM in the device. However, they start working when I put a SIM into my 8900. I run os 822 and don't have any problems otherwise. Though this isn't a show stopper, I was wondering as to why this happens.

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BB Torch :: Touchpad / Trackball Not Working

Apr 30, 2012

my touch pad on my torch scrolls but will not click on anything. is there anything i can do to get it to work? i just had the phone replaced in december and it crashed in april.

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BB Curve :: 9300 Trackball Is Not Working?

Nov 30, 2012

I have a 9300 and the trackball is not working how do I fix this?

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BB Curve :: Trackball Not Working On 9300?

Jan 30, 2012

My track ball won't wrok on my 9300 does it need replacing or would a factory reset maybe cure it??? If so Is there anyway I can reset my phone without having to us the track ball?

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BB Torch :: Trackball On It Has Stopped Working?

Nov 13, 2012

My trackball on my torch has stopped working, I can "click" with it but cannot scroll with it?

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BB Curve :: Trackball Not Working With Sim Card In It?

Jul 1, 2011

I have a BlackBerry 8900, which has been working perfectly for almost two years now. About a week ago, my trackball stopped working and my keyboard went haywire! I took the phone in and the Trackball as well as the Dome switch were replaced. When I got it back, it worked perfectly... until I put the Sim card in, and it's back to square one! If I put some pressure on the sim card, it works. When I remove the sim, it works perfectly again.

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BB Curve :: Trackball Is Not Working Properly?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a bb curve 8330 and the trackball is not working properly, it will not allow me to scroll down only up and side to side I cannot answer emails or turn my alarm off

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BB Tour :: TrackBall And Buttons Not Working On 9630?

Jul 15, 2012

I Just got my BlackBerry 9630 Tour 3 days ago and I have used it only numerous times, usually plugged into The wall in The house. Later in The day yesterday The keys and trackball click stopped working, Just weird. The trackball will move The cursor on The screen but Nothing will click or select.I've tried everything from taking out The battery, The SIM card, The SD card, drying it. Nothing seems to work, I even deleted all data on The phone with desktop manager and it still doesn't work.

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BB Curve :: Keyboard/trackball Light Not Working At All?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm using BB Curve 8320.My keyboard keys and trackball do not light up. Not at night, not ever. When I go to screen/keyboard options the only type of light I can edit or adjust is the screen backlight.I've read about how to cover the sensor near the led but I don't even see the sensor. And what would that matter since its already dark and its not working?To note, I just got this BB from my mom a few days ago and the keyboard light hasn't worked since I've had it and I haven't asked her about it. Although, there was one time randomly during the day the keys lit up and the trackball, so I know the light works...

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BB Curve :: 9300 Trackball Has Stopped Working?

Aug 28, 2012

i have a blackberry 9300 and my trackball has stopped working does anyone know what to do as we got it from tesco on an o2 contract but i cant find the receipt so trying to fix it myself.

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BB Curve :: 8900 Trackball Has Stopped Working?

Jul 25, 2011

I have a Curve 8900 which I love but recently the trackball has stopped working. I can't get to my email, bbm, text, browser, etc needless to say it's extremely frustrating, I have cleaned the trackball with alcohol and it seemed to work in the beginning but it doesn't work now. Is there a way to use the keyboard to get to the icons such as email without using the trackball.

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BB Curve 83xx :: Trackball And Menu Button Not Working After Getting Wet

Sep 8, 2010

I fell in love with my 8310 when I first got it about 2 years ago. It has everything I could need. I am not a internet person but it has the memo pad for my fireman stuff, the right size buttons for texting since I have pretty large hands, and I liked the applications I had. Well my phone has taken the falls and the other day it fell face first into a rain puddle. I grabbed it up fast. The cell has dried and it still works except for the trackball and the menu button. Basically the 2 most important buttons. I took it to the store and the phones strip was still white and never turned red. They told me I am do for a upgrade. I love the 8310, its been great to me. So the question: is there a fix of the keypad I can just get off ebay or the other options were 2 cells I found. Not wanting to do the whole data plan deal and not all stoked about a 3g. The guy was trying to press the torch on me and I told him no thanks.

The cells that interest me are.
1) The 8520. I like this one cause it seems like its not far from what I had maybe a few new bells and whistles. I see it has wifi.
2) HTC Tilt 2

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BB Curve 8300 :: Keyboard / Trackball Light Not Working

Jan 19, 2010

I'm using BB Curve 8320. My keyboard keys and trackball do not light up. Not at night, not ever. When I go to screen/keyboard options the only type of light I can edit or adjust is the screen backlight. I've read about how to cover the sensor near the led but I don't even see the sensor. And what would that matter since its already dark and its not working?

To note, I just got this BB from my mom a few days ago and the keyboard light hasn't worked since I've had it and I haven't asked her about it. Although, there was one time randomly during the day the keys lit up and the trackball, so I know the light works...Is there an option menu I can go to? Its frustrating typing this out at night and same with texts.

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BB Curve 83xx :: Trackball Click Not Working In Opera Mini 4.2

Jun 26, 2010

Im having an issue with my curve 8330 with verizon. I just upgraded my phone to the 5.0hybrid os and everything works fine except opera mini. I can no longer use the trackball to click my selection. opera 4.2 seems completely different in os 5.0 compared to 4.5. anyone else come across this and with a fix?

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BB Curve 8350i :: Trackball Quit Working - Got Replacement With Good Deal

Jan 30, 2010

To begin i have a 8350i on boost with the necessary service books i purchased said handset used off of craigslist 7months ago for around 200 hundred bucks worked great a little beat up from use but im a mechanic so it didnt matter,well yesterday the trackball quit working on me no movement and it felt really wierd, tried cleaning it with compressed air no luck, i went to the sprint store where i pay my bill it just happens to be a repair center they told me they couldnt work on it because it was on boost but that they could provide with a new one for only 100 dlls i jumped on it,, tell me what u guys think was it too much or was it a good deal?

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BB Bold :: My Trackball Won't Click

Nov 10, 2011

My trackball won't click. (It will move the cursor, it just won't select anything.) I've found the that "enter" key will work in instead of the trackball click in most cases, but there are a few where it doesn't. For instance, I can't select a text field within a web form.

Can you suggest a keyboard shortcut to replace the trackball click?

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BB Bold :: Trackball Won't Scroll Down?

Jul 7, 2011

Almost 3 yrs old. Suddenly the trackball will scroll up, left, right, but not down. So I can't scroll thru my email, contacts, or access any application on the 2nd row of the menu. Anybody have a fix for this

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BB Bold :: Way To Scroll Without Trackball

Jun 28, 2011

Is there a way to scroll without using the trackball on my bold? I need to get pics off of device that are *.rem. change them to jpg works so far. I know I can email them to myself to get them, but the trackball quit scrolling upwards. I would like to get them off this phone so I can get a new one. This one has always had trackball issues but is getting worse.

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BB Bold 9700 :: UMA Not Working

May 11, 2010

I've had the BB 9700 for all of 2 weeks, but I've only been using it for about 4 days, because I didn't have time to transfer over my data from my old Curve 8320.One of the only reasons I stayed w/ a Blackberry vs another type of phone was UMA on T-Mobile. I need UMA in my office or I don't get reception. I had limited problems with the UMA on my 8320 but mostly it would work.

I could not get UMA to work *at all* yesterday. And today the wifi connection itself was being flaky. I couldn't get it to connect properly. I made sure it was on wifi perferred (it's been that way all along). I fooled w/ the settings for the actual wifi connection. I turned on and then off again the "allow inter-access point handover". Our SSID is not broadcast so I don't think that box should be checked.

I did a battery pull and restarted the phone and the wifi *and* UMA came on for the first time. This was short-lived though because as soon as it switched over to the mobile network, I couldn't get it to connect to the wifi network at all (even if I turned off mobile), and the UMA of course disappeared again.Any additional suggestions would be most appreciated. Yesterday the wifi wasn't acting funny (I don't think anyway) but I still couldn't connect over UMA.I'm open to other firmware versions (mine is stock .330) if it fixes the UMA issue.

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BB Bold 9700 :: V Key Not Working

Apr 4, 2010

My V key needs a serious press to register. Wondering if there are any better solutions than getting it replaced since the trip to the Telus store is an hour and a half each way and they'll only fix it and not replace it. Takes an average of 3 weeks and by then I'm back in Toronto. So I'm waiting at least til mid-may/june for a working keyboard. Can I open up the phone and clean under the keyboard or something without screwing up my warranty?

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