BB Tour :: TrackBall And Buttons Not Working On 9630?
Jul 15, 2012
I Just got my BlackBerry 9630 Tour 3 days ago and I have used it only numerous times, usually plugged into The wall in The house. Later in The day yesterday The keys and trackball click stopped working, Just weird. The trackball will move The cursor on The screen but Nothing will click or select.I've tried everything from taking out The battery, The SIM card, The SD card, drying it. Nothing seems to work, I even deleted all data on The phone with desktop manager and it still doesn't work.
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Jan 25, 2010
I have an issue with my BB Tour.When I woke up this mourning and took my bb off the charger.I notice there were HLhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhhlhl type on my bb so I tried to press the esc button and the end button and it didn't work. So I did a Battery pull and let it load up...and that when i found out that my trackball wasn't working.then all a sudden it started to type the HLlhlhlhlhlhlhhlhlh again.So I did a another battery pull and it did it again.So I wiped the phone decided to install 5.0 on my phone and I get the same thing.The only thing I did before my phone went hay wire was a couple days prior.I downloaded a couple free themes and screen saver from BB App World.I thought by doing the battery pull and wipe I would fix it but didn't. I know I didn't get my phone wet or anything can anybody explain this?
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Jan 16, 2010
I upgraded my Verizon Curve 8330 to a Tour and now my trackball is acting up. I'm thinking of changing the trackballs since I never had a problem with the Curve. Are they all the same size or has anyone had problems trying this. I'm not worried about taking it apart or the warranty, but would like to see if this was successful for anyone else first.
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Apr 7, 2010
I'm switching to Verizon sometime this week and I can't decide between the Tour or the Curve 8520. I have always wanted the Tour but i'm skeptical because of the trackball issue that many people have had. Even though some people have said that the issue has been fixed in the newer brands people still complain... is it just because they don't clean it? Wifi isn't too big of a deal to me since i'll have 3G anyways. I know that the Bold 9650 comes out next month... but i can't wait that long for a new phone.
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Feb 8, 2010
Can you replace a tour trackball with a curve one? I heard somewhere that it was possible. I changed the housing in my Tour to make it white but the trackball doesn't sit right and i have a problem scrolling down. I can't seem to get the trackball to sit properely in this housing its just not centered. If i can put a curve trackball in, which model curve do i use?
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Jun 24, 2010
This will be my last post in the 9630 forums, 'cause I have a new Bold 9650 coming tomorrow. I only found out about this trick today. Now that I've had my Tour for a year and fought with this trackball, now it won't engage! Today my husband just informd me, "JUST HIT THE ENTER KEY." Highlight an icon on the homescreen or any item in the menu and even in some apps, and click the enter (return) key -- it opens just like clicking on the trackball.
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Mar 20, 2010
My tour was only 5 months old and trackball stopped today. Verizon gave me refurbished phone. Made in Canada instead of mexico.
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Jun 27, 2010
My 9630 trackball just stopped clicking. It still works in all functions, but is now super sensitive when I try to click it. There is no click. Almost like a touch screen now. Any solutions aside from going back to Verizon?
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Jun 12, 2010
I understand that trackball scrolling can be erratic on some tour's (mine unfortunately is one of them). I have learned to deal with this issue but now my trackball is unresponsive when I try to click it. Have to press it on average of three times before it will select the item i was clicking on; very annoying. My service provider (Bell) won't do anything for me.will replacing my trackball have any affect on this?
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Apr 21, 2010
I purchased a tour in August of last year and just yesterday the trackball stopped clicking. it still scrolls up down and side to side but if i select a app and click it does not do anything and the app does not open. it does this for everything i cant enter or select anything what should i do.
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Mar 4, 2010
So yesterday I noticed that half of the light around my trackball is out, I don't kno why or when it happened. I was just wondering if it has happened to anyone else, and if u would get it replaced cuz its really driving me crazy!!
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Jul 6, 2010
I took my Tour to my local Sprint store (Corp.). They swapped my trackball with a white one after notifying CSR about its inability to scroll down; I was not informed about the trackball being swapped out for a white one, and the disassemble of my phone for this to be performed.Now, I have an aesthetically changed phone, including a small crack/ dent on the ear piece (did not notice till halfway home), this is assuming they did a sloppy job opening up my phone.Is there any chance I can get a full refurb. replacement? I am still under manufacturer's warranty. I addressed my frustration with chat CSR - unless its another manufacturer defect, they won't replace the phone.
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Aug 9, 2010
I called Verizon today & she told me to do a full wipe on my phone to fix the trackball issue, does this work or they just trying to put me off?
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Jan 2, 2010
i upgraded to 5.0 yesterday n have a quick question on the threaded sms. i was wonderin if theres a faster way to scroll to the top of my messages without using the trackball??
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Apr 23, 2010
As the title states, my keyboard won't work at all and my trackball won't click in. I think it's because I touched my trackball when my finger was slightly wet. After that, I tried texting and the characters on the screen didn't correspond with what was being typed. Now it won't work at all. What can I do?
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Feb 10, 2010
As there are many online places to buy replacement trackballs for the BB Tour, I was wondering if anyone here has a place in particular they'll recommend to buy from? I just got a Tour (used one) and the trackball is just BAD! I noticed the shop.crackberry store has some yet under the supported models the tour isnt listed.
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Jan 28, 2010
I just got my Tour about a month ago and this has bugged me since.Sometimes when I want to click the ball to select something, as I'm clicking it in it scrolls once to the right/left/etc. and selects something else.Like on my homescreen I want to select SMS to see my texts, as I'm clicking the ball it scrolls one to the right and ends up opening the Opera Browser instead.
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Jun 30, 2010
When I try to click on a web link it takes three or four clicks for it to actually go through. Any solutions?
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Jan 16, 2010
My husband got his Tour yesterday and it was technically used for a day but is esentially considered new. He was playing with his phone last night and he notices when he goes to a certain menu the trackball messes up but if he exits out it's fine it's just the one menu. I told him to take it back to the store and let them know but the blackberry guy wasn't in so we have to wait. We have a 30 day in-store warranty but they said trackball issues they'll just repair and send it back to him themselves.
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Apr 22, 2010
I was working with Back-up Assistant, scrolled down so i could click "I Accept" on the RIM warning screen stating that I was going to a 3rd party site...and I couldn't highlight the "I Accept" button (or the "don't accept" button for that matter). So, I just exited from that screen, but now when I go to the main menu, it is frozen on the Back-Up Assistant icon. I can't move the trackball off of it. The trackball obviously isn't broken, because I can move around the 5 icons on the home just won't work on the menu screen....
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Feb 16, 2012
Blackberry tour 9630 working fine all of a sudden couldn't get any key on the keyboard to work. The "lock" keyboard button isn't locked and physically can't use phone keys or trackball to "engage" the device. When I receive a call, the screen displays (comes out of sleep) but I can't answer the phone, ignore the phone, etc. It's like the keyboard lock button all of a sudden locked and now won't unlock?
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Feb 7, 2010
I have a blackberry bold 9000 and i have got a problem with some of the buttons not working..
the green call button, the red end call button, trackball button and the (A) button all do not work.
i have read on here that i need to wipe and upgrade the software and i have done that and they still do not work. if any one has any suggestions that would be great.this is my first blackberry and i am considering going back to the iphone!
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May 2, 2010
so here's my problem. i went over to a friends house today for a barbecue, and when i got there i sent a text so i know everything was working fine. a few hours later i get home and notice that the screen on my Curve is black, and i knew something was up because i know it was fully charged before i left the house earlier. hit the buttons and nothing. so i do a battery pull and it reboots fine, then the screen goes black after 30 seconds and then hit the buttons and nothing. when i hook a mini usb cable up to the port, the screen comes back on for the usual 30 seconds, then goes black like the other times. when i connected it via the cable and the screen lit up, i noticed that the trackball scrolls fine left and right, but pushing the trackball does nothing.the phone is about a year and a half old, through Verizon. i have no problem with getting a new phone, but i don't want to loose the 150 or so contacts i have on the phone. i don't have Google Sync installed on the phone, and i'm guessing that it's too late to back anything up now on my end. when i connect it to my PC, i can access the usually Media folders and Slacker, but nothing else. if i take it into a local VZW store, would they be able to back up my address book the exact way it is now, since the phone powers on and the USB port works fine?i'm going to remove the shell tonight and see if i notice anything.
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Apr 5, 2010
Since upating the software on my BB Tour 9630, I am often unable to click on links and web buttons in the browser (or during games like the pre-installed Texas Hold Em poker). Often I'll have to click a link/button 2 or 3 times (or I'll need to click "menu" then "open link" while the cursor is on the link). This is NOT problem with the roller ball it's the software and I never experienced this prior to the update. I've read suggestions on other boards to remove the battery for 30 seconds and then re-install it, but that hasn't help.
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Jan 16, 2010
I just used my upgrade on the verizon blackberry tour 9630, I'm a big texter and absolutely LOVED my env2! Any helpful hints? Advice to a new user? I actually will not get my phone till next week.
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Apr 8, 2010
There has been many threads I read about the options menu and turning on the led and bedmode turning off. I tried all those things and my led still isn't working. Is there anything else I still havnt. Done yet. Is it possible for the led to really be broken?
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Feb 17, 2010
I have a Tour and recently the camera stopped working. The camera application will work, it will autofocus, and when I take the picture it shows up perfect on the screen but the after 2 seconds the picture will completely distort and just be a screen with a bunch of colors going across. Cannot even see the picture. Looks almost like a TV that has no reception. I tried sending the pic and it is still just the static looking screen. I have changed the settings for the picture quality and didnt change anything. I pulled the battery and did a hard restart and no change. Any ideas? I would take it in to Verizon but I bought it 3rd party and it has no warranty.
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Feb 16, 2010
My tour was running low on battery last night, so I plugged it in, fell asleep, and had a nap. When I woke up, it was completely dead!No usb cord I have works to charge it, there is no red led lit up when I insert the battery. just nothing. It doesn't connect to the computer, jl_cmder wont connect, and app load wont connect using the trick if jl_cmder doesn't work.I got it first when it came out, or just a few days after, and it was fine. One night I dropped it and some water got in and set off the water sticker inside, but like I said it worked fine nothing happened to it. On the battery, the white sticker with the red line is completely faded to almost just a white sticker?? Is this sticker a heat sensitive one?
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Mar 10, 2010
Used to be able to use P or N to go to the prior or next email, but now it's not working. Any suggestions on how to get that back?
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Feb 18, 2010
I have a tour running OS 5.0.484. I can get my Plantronics 520 headset to pair Fine with the Blackberry but when I try to make a call or get any sound to or from the headset it doesn't work. I've tried the headset on other phones and it works fine. I tried repairing, Pulling the battery, removing all the other profiles and then repairing the device. I've even tried upgrading the OS to .484 from .419 and nothing seems to work. I know the bluetooth has worked in the past just not sure how long it's been since it has stopped working.
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Apr 28, 2010
i just noticed that my phone isn't ringing anymore. only vibrating. after checking it i realized that all of my sounds have stopped working including ringer,alerts,notifications,speakerphone, video sounds, etc.i'm using a 9630 tour running v. on vzw. i've searched the forums but haven't had any luck finding the issue unless it is a 5.0 os issue. i updated to 5.0 when vzw pushed it a few weeks ago and the sounds were still working afterward. the last time i can remember hearing sounds was on sunday when i was watching a Internet vid.
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