I set the option to keep my calendar data forever, but I've noticed it still clear out the older entries.Today is 7/15, and the oldest kept data was 6/26 and I've been entering data in the calendar since Nov 09...Anyone has the same problem or know how to fix it?
I'm sure this has been asked before but for some reason when I connect my BB Bold 9700 to my computer it says my memory is very low or exceeding the limit... I have very little apps on my phone, and I regularly delete emails/sms/mms messages. Now when I go to take pictures it says I only have "7 Photos Remaining" when before it never said that. How do I check my memory? Or how do I clear my memory or delete unnecessary things? I have already tried restoring my phone and it didn't really work.
i upgraded to the .566 and all has gone smooth except for the small "new E-mail" icon at the top wont go away and i dont have any new e-mails. does anyone know how to clear that?
I got a new BB 9700 Bold yesterday and having problems with setting up the sync for the calendar and the contacts which are on my outlook. My hotmail email accounts are working okay. The outlook is on my PC and is the front face for my hotmail accounts.
When I go in to the BB Desktop device manager - version 5.0.1 (latest version) , I go in to the configure option on the left and it lets me click on calendar> then I select outlook and it then lets me select 'finish'. However at this stage an error box flashes up saying 'no available message stores'. In addition when I check the wifi config on the calendar and contacts icons on the BB device it will not let me select yes on the wireless connection for them.
does anyone know how to clear the text message field in the .442 update for the 9700. It used to be alt+delete in the older firmwares, but that doesn't seem to work anymore.
It's been a LONG time since I've posted here, although I've been on HoFo and RFD a lot more. I just got my Bell Blackberry Bold 9700 and I'm so excited.
Gonna upgrade from a curve 8330. I used a clear plastic cover for my 8330 to preserve it, is there a cheap one available for the 9700, is it recommended because of the rubber/leather style rear cover?
I have six email accounts and want to know if it is possible to move calendar entries to my default calendar from the other five. Well, I like my calendar to appear on my today screen but not just the default calendar entries, I want to truly capture my day on the today screen. With my limited BB knowledge I think this may be the easiest way to achieve what I am loooking for. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I originally posted this question in the device software forum and I haven't received a single response to it. So I will try posting it here. I have a blackberry 9700 bold, obviously since I am posting here. A friend of mine text me, and I saved her to my contacts. Well the phone saved her number to work instead of mobile where it should be. So I copied it, deleted, and pasted in the mobile slot. Now I can't figure out how to clear out the copy. Every time I go to send a text, at the top of the options is paste. Does anyone know how to clear out the copy so that paste does not show up all the time?
I'm constantly battling low internal drive space on my Tab S (I'll NEVER buy another 16GB internal drive device), but this question should also pertain to my S6.
When I go into my "Storage" settings, I have the option to clear my cache with one click. I'd like to use this function to clear off my cached browsing, imgur, etc., but my concern is my games.
1) If I clear the cache, will I lose my saved game data? 2) Will I lose any settings for any apps?
My old bold 9700 OS 5 phone just died and I have a backup IPD file. My question is I just bought a 9780 phone with OS 6, will i be able to restore my data without any issues or losing data?
All of a sudden my calendar is not syncing. I have followed the instructions to resynch it but it will not allow the syncing to take place. Contacts is working and emails etc but not calendar.
I have had my BB for one year now and never before has this happened. It has happened twice in one week now and I am getting very frustrated. I run my business from my phone and this is more than just irritating, it is effecting my bottom line. Can someone tell me what I can do to prevent this from happening again?
I have an iPhone 5, with the latest software (I updated on June 23). How can I clear all of my calendar events without individually finding each one and deleting it?
I have an iPhone 5 with the latest software (I updated on the 28th of June) and would like to clear all of my calendar events,If you know how to clear them .
Is there an application or a way to add U.S. Holidays into the Blackberry Calendar? For example, today is Independence day & I thought it would be nice if my berry had a reminder for me at the beginning of the day. I know this idea may sound a bit idiotic, but consider all the small holidays & lesser popular holidays like Ash Wednesday, or Martin Luther King. (Not to say that they aren't important) Anyone have any ideas?
I have checked the many forums on here, but still haven't really found an answer. When I sync my blackberry with DM for Mac my Blackberry ends up with multiple entries that are duplicated. I have even tried clicking the erase the info on blackberry box in DM, and it doesn't do it. It makes triple or quadruple entries then. My iCal is perfect though. It doesn't happen every time I sync my BB, just sometimes. does anyone have a solution?
I cannot get my Outlook calender to sync to my 9700. For some reason on my phone in the Calendar it's showing my Facebook and Gmail calendars but no Outlook. I have Desktop Manager set to sync my Outlook calendar so I'm confused.
Is it my imagination, or was I able to scroll between Days when in Day view? I am sure I used to be able to do this without having to first go to the top row. I seem to remember that if I was looking at a 10am appointment on any day I could scroll sideways to check out the same time frame on subsequent or previouse days. With .593 I seem to have to scroll up to the top row showing days to be able to move days and then back down to the relevant time slot.Either I am imagining it or this facility is not in recent OS builds?
I have the Bold 9700 with AT&T. I am running windows xp sp3 w/ MS Outlook 2007.Just recently my outlook calendar will not sync with my BB, I have tried all the reccomended settings and reset and resync'd til I'm blue in the face...I do not know what to do.An added note: I do publish my calendar to the internet via outlook...and recently retold it to update, and I have determined from that point on nothing has sync'd.
Just joined Blackberry and have a problem : I have not been able to move my calendar entries to a new time and/or date and have not been able to find any tips on this in the user manual. As the software on the cheapest Nokia phones permits this it would be rather odd for Blackberry not to have thought about this. Seems a silly waste of time to re-enter an existing alarm. Can anyone help ?
I have a new BB 9700. I have managed to get both of my e-mail addresses on it without any problem, I have also managed to sync it with my BT Yahoo contacts list but for the life of me I cannot get it to sync with my online BT Yahoo calendar which has 10 years worth of past and future entries on it. I am using BB Manager 5.01.28. BT won't offer any support because they say it is a Yahoo issue. There doesn't appear to be any Yahoo support and my provider Vodafone has been completly useless and has promised that one of its "advanced technical team" will phone me back on two occasion but never do. Can anyone help please. i'm beginning to wish I had stuck with my old Nokia 6310.
I've had the phone since January and spent about 15 hours searching and trying fixes but no luck so far. Everything else works great but it is incredibly frustrating and problematic not to have my calendar with me. Carrier: AT&T Model: Bold 9700 v5.0.0.405 (Platform AT&T Navigator (, Pac-Man by namco (2.2.0) and Tetris (0.48.18)Memory Free Space: 114.8 MB Battery pull: no effect
The back up files on my lap top (windows 7) cannot be accessed, the note tells me -
Adobe Reader could not open "Blackberry Bold 9700- (date) .ipd " because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an e-mail attachment and was not correctly decoded)
Why is the file saved to Adobe if it is a unsupportable file?
The synchronisation was done as per proceedure and works in other respects. It is not done by e-mail. Who is hiding my calendar - is it BBry or Microsoft?
BBry back up seems to remove ( I cannot ge them in any other Windows location that I can find) all my previous calendar records and then puts them in a file I cannot open!
This either means I have to go back to using a paper diary and therefore can do without a 9700 or any other BBry product - or I go to an entire MAc set -up.
I tried to put events from server to calendar programmatically. so now i update it everything form server. so i need to clear all events from calendar programmatically.
Not sure what is happening and I am no Outlook expert but doing a sync using the DW with Outlook and all of the organizer data moves except the majority of the calendar data. Only 6-8 items from my 9700 calendar are moved to Outlook. It is like it does not "see" the others.Anyone got any insight on this?
Running Vista and using Outlook 97. Used to only be able to sync tasks and memos. Problem in syncing contacts was described in error message that adress book was configured to sync wirelessly. After making sure I'd changed the settings still had problem. The problem with the address book and task non-sync seems to have been fixed after upgrade to newest BB Desktop. However, my device calendar still does not sync with my Outlook.
i have a gmail account and have synced my calendar, contacts and email. i have GOOGLE SYNC, which does it all for me (or so its supposed to).if i create a new appointment on my gmail calendar, it syncs perfectly to my bklackberry.However if i create an appointment on my bb it doesnt sync on the gmail.