I have checked the many forums on here, but still haven't really found an answer. When I sync my blackberry with DM for Mac my Blackberry ends up with multiple entries that are duplicated. I have even tried clicking the erase the info on blackberry box in DM, and it doesn't do it. It makes triple or quadruple entries then. My iCal is perfect though. It doesn't happen every time I sync my BB, just sometimes. does anyone have a solution?
After performing the most recent upgrade, I have noticed that calendar entries that I enter directly into my blackberry 9700 are giving me duplicate reminders. I don't sync calendar entries at all and there is only 1 calendar entry in the calendar, but I end up needing to dismiss 2 reminders for each entry. Interestingly enough, if I update the calendar entry, after that, I only get 1 reminder going forward.
I have six email accounts and want to know if it is possible to move calendar entries to my default calendar from the other five. Well, I like my calendar to appear on my today screen but not just the default calendar entries, I want to truly capture my day on the today screen. With my limited BB knowledge I think this may be the easiest way to achieve what I am loooking for. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I have a 4S, and recently when I input an event into my iCalendar on my Mac, then snyc my phone it creates duplicate events on the same day. Then, it won't allow me to edit or delete any of those events on my phone. In ordet to do so, I have to go back into the iCalendar and delete there, and resync..
when i se Google Sync with my Bold 9780, it creates multiple entries from my google cal on th blackberry. i dont have these multiple entries in google, butthyeappear on the phone.
.ics file to add some calendar entries into my N8 calendar. But somehow the same calendar file was added multiple times and now I have 5 duplicate calendar entries for each day.Is there a way to delete these calendar entries without deleting my old calendar entries? The .ics file was a fixture list of a club and has a lot of entries so deleting them one entry by entry is not an option.
Just joined Blackberry and have a problem : I have not been able to move my calendar entries to a new time and/or date and have not been able to find any tips on this in the user manual. As the software on the cheapest Nokia phones permits this it would be rather odd for Blackberry not to have thought about this. Seems a silly waste of time to re-enter an existing alarm. Can anyone help ?
Blackberry 9700 V5.0.0.423 (Platform Vodafone UK Microsoft Outlook (Windows XP)I'm wondering if anyone has a fix for this issue? if i have a calendar entry which is "all day" or a calendar entry which spans across multiple days, they display on the week and month view, and "day" view, but NOT on agenda view?! for example, if i create an entry of "trade show" starting feb 1st, ending feb 10th, i see it in outlook, but when its sync'd it only shows on day week or month not agenda. i have tried.1/ a few battery out resets 2/ updating to latest blackberry core apps 3/ completely clearing calendar database, and re-syncing fresh 4/ creating the appointments *On* the blackberry instead. There doesnt appear to be any patches or fixes for this? i have had blackberries before (the previous bold, etc) which were all runing os 4.x and it was never an issue! would be great if anyone has found a solution for this.
Somehow my Bold made a duplicate entry for each address I have in my address book. I don't know how or why this happened, but now when I go to sync my device with Outlook, it wants to put all those duplicated addresses on my desktop. Is there a way to delete duplicate entries in my address book?
My last phone was a Curve and I sync'ed my calendar with Google Calendar - not a good idea. I soon discovered that my entries were being deleted (even though they were tagged to stay in the calendar Forever).About a year ago I shifted to the Bold 9790.A good phone, everything is fine, EXCEPT, my calendar entries are still being deleted.Is there any solution for this?I use my calendar religiously to store appointments and am finding my history being deleted. Only the re-curring calendar entries seem to survive this techno-cull.
My calendar entries disappear after 90 days even though I have it set to keep "forever". Recurring appointments, birthdays, tasks, all stay forever but not appointments. I do not do any calendar syncing to either gmail or outlook. I rely on my BB for tracking and saving my appointments and recently realized (when I really needed it) that my appointments were not there. Memory is fine and I'm running OS6.What do I set to make the appointments stay forever?
Calendar enteies from blackberry is not synchronized with outlook, but any changes in outlook calendar is synchronized with blackberry device.
We are using MS Exchange 2003 SP2 and Blackberry Entriprise Server- 4.1 We have checked from online and got many solution, but its not working.
We have checked cdo.dll version and found different version between Exchange and BES. We have copied from Exchange to BES, registerad cdo.dll, then restart BES services, but unfortunately its not working.
I have seen the previous posts but I don't use outlook. Here is the situation,I have one calendar that I use and sync it with googlesync to my google calendar. I can add an event, save it and it shows on the phone. When gsync refreshes it will send it to the phone, but after about 45 mins to an hour the event is gone from my bb calendar but is still on google calendar.Anybody else having this issue, and please if any suggestions please let me know. here is my specs.
Device Memory Free Space:851.3mb App Memory free: 17.9 mb Media card Free: 3.3gb OS
I accidentally synced with 'overwrite' clicked. I thought it would 'overwrite' all entries, but instead, it added all the entries so all of my entries are listed twice. How can I clear all of the entries on the blackberry bold and then resync with my computer to restore them?
I added a new email address to BB 9000 with my and it added a calendar for that. I have all my entries under my old email/calendar - how do I copy the old calendar (from old email) to new calendar (new email).
I recently upgraded from a Bold 9700 to the new Bold 9900.On the 9700, I could set my desktop theme to display upcoming calendar entries at the bottom of my home screen / desktop.I can't seem to figure out a way to do this with my new phone.
how can we restore the deleted calendar entries, and how can we stop this deletion feature. Also can there be any other reason that the calendar entries are being deleted as my free memory is currently 86479796 Bytes.Apart from the battery and the phone crashing, deleted calendar entries is the main reason which makes we want to leave Blackberry.
I miss my Palm -- the calendar program allowed the user to color code apointment dots/blibs -- I could look at my "month view" and could tell that my doctor appointments were the red dots, school were the blue ones, etc.
Anybody know why Blackberry has YET to impliment such a simple but useful tool?
Just got the Bold from my employer. When I make calendar entries on my office computer they synch immediately to my Ipad and Iphone. However, I cannot get the same calendar entry to synch with the Bold. Emails and Contacts are not a problem and synch to all "units".
I updated from 7.0 to 7.1 and just noticed that a number of my calendar entries are missing.I'm not entirely sure when this happened.I don't think it happened at the time of updating to the new OS but it's possible.I received an "out of application memory" error message a week ago and have read that people have encountered a loss of data with such an error.I did a backup of my data on May 17th before upgrading to 7.1 calendar entries = 800, today calendar entries = 369.Since I use my device on a BES all entries associated with the BES account appear to be intact but I've lost all other entries.When I went to restore the calendar entries only from the backup it is greyed out indicating that these are "read only data types and cannot be restored" when selecting "Select Data to Restore/Select device data and settings" as opposed to "All device data and settings".Unsure how to proceed - clearly the data is present in the backup based on the entry value do I need to do a full restore and rollback to 7.0? in order to recover the calendar entries??
In the menu for, say... text massaging, at the top I have two entries that read:"Reply with Vlingo" and two that read: "Translate with Navita". (There are several duplicates)
I uninstalled the app and then re-installed it, yet the duplicates are still there. Given that there are several entries and several programs that have these duplicate entries in the menu, they are cloggin up the menu.
My wife's Photon was stolen. When I went to restore her contactson her replacement phone, it showed she had 7200 contacts!She should only have around 180. I went on her phone and the is 44 entries for every person.They have a Motorola service contact" heading on each one.
My contacts are duplicating--when I synchronize my bberry with my office computer, it creates duplicate contact profiles/entries on my bberry and on my computer.
Can you give single entrys an own color within the ORIGINAL calender??For example to have an quick overview of all your exams for the current month...
I was just wondering if i`ve seen this option anywhere at my first days on BB some months ago or if i just dreamed it....and YES - sometimes it feels like getting old <-- just another reason to get my life organized by my BLackBerry
seems like every time i change themes, my mailboxes get duplicated. so, for example, i have 4 mailboxes on my bb, i get a duplicate of each when i change themes, so that, in turn gives me 8. so, i resend my service books to my phone and that gets rid of the problem, but then when i do that, my mailboxes don't show the count of messages i have for each email address. you know when you hover over the mailbox, it should say "(9) yada@gmail.com"? it just says the email address. is there a solution to this at all? a solution to either 1) prevent duplicating my mailboxes or 2) have the message count reappear again?
How I can delete duplicate contact and address book entries on my Storm 2 (running .428). I initially installed Google Sync app which synced the contacts correctly without duplicates but the address book entries got duplicated. I subsequently added my Gmail account using the built-in email set up, now I have duplicate contacts. On the web, there are no duplicates on neither the address book nor my contacts. I have disabled the contact sync on the Google Sync, with no luck. I searched the forum and it seems there are others that have reported the same problems but no real solutions have been offered.
Has anyone else had issues with texting today?I have been recieving up to three or four duplicate text messages today from two different contacts.Also it is taking two or three tries before my texts are sent. Just wondering if it is my phone or something else?
When I go to compose a new email, and I hit the first letter, I get a list of all the email addresses that have ever emailed me or that I have sent an email to. Question: How the heck do I delete certain entries from this list? Or how do I just clear the entire list? I prefer to delete certain entries like Outlook allows me to, but for some reason I cant find out how to do this on Blackberry Email.