BB Bold 9700 :: Only Outlook Calendar Is Not Syncing
Jan 22, 2010
I've had the phone since January and spent about 15 hours searching and trying fixes but no luck so far. Everything else works great but it is incredibly frustrating and problematic not to have my calendar with me. Carrier: AT&T Model: Bold 9700 v5.0.0.405 (Platform AT&T Navigator (, Pac-Man by namco (2.2.0) and Tetris (0.48.18)Memory Free Space: 114.8 MB
Battery pull: no effect
I cannot get my Outlook calender to sync to my 9700. For some reason on my phone in the Calendar it's showing my Facebook and Gmail calendars but no Outlook. I have Desktop Manager set to sync my Outlook calendar so I'm confused.
I am using Outlook 2000 on windows XP. I am trying to synch my bb to the calendar only. However it does not come up wih the Outlook option to highlight. I have copied the screen below as an example. You can see Microsoft Outlook is an option here. However on my pc/bb it only offers me ASCII or Yahoo as an application option? Where am I going wrong?
My old phone - Samsung Omnia - had no problem synching with Outlook Calendar. Interestingly, if I tick the contacts box, it offers Outlook Express as an application?
I am new to Blackberry and this site which is rather overwhelming! I have what is probably a simple question but I can't figure it out. I have a Blackberry Bold 9780 with Software version I sync with Outlook (Office Professional 2010). The Blackberry sync mode seems to delete calender entries on Outlook after about a month. I like to retain the entries but I cannot find an option on the sync set-up that stops this.
i am attempting to sync by Outlook Calendar with my BB Bold 9900 using BB Desktop Software V. 7.0 Bundle 2406.The address book sync's but the software stalls on my calendar Intellsync error, 'connector specific error'.
I have a 9790 and have set up my email accounts without a problem. However, I now want to upload and sync my calendar, contacts and notes from Microsoft Outlook.I have spent 30 minutes on the phone with O2 who don't have a clue how to do this and cannot escalate.
I got a new BB 9700 Bold yesterday and having problems with setting up the sync for the calendar and the contacts which are on my outlook. My hotmail email accounts are working okay. The outlook is on my PC and is the front face for my hotmail accounts.
When I go in to the BB Desktop device manager - version 5.0.1 (latest version) , I go in to the configure option on the left and it lets me click on calendar> then I select outlook and it then lets me select 'finish'. However at this stage an error box flashes up saying 'no available message stores'. In addition when I check the wifi config on the calendar and contacts icons on the BB device it will not let me select yes on the wireless connection for them.
I am trying to sync work calendars with multiple Blackberry bold 9900's. I have the blackberry desktop manager v 7.1 and I haven't made it passed the "configure" button not being usable. What I'm going for here is sharing my outlook calendar with everyone that needs it on their phones, then syncing this specific calendar to be viewable via their blackberry- so that when I make changes or add jobs they are able to see them. I connected the blackberry to the desktop... I clicked organizer... I went to click configure..... It's a ghost button. How do I make this button interactive again??
Just got a 9700 to help re work but when syncing with Outlook 2002 the tasks do not appear under any categories. Is there a way of doing this, or is there an App that lets me?
I have the Bold 9700 with AT&T. I am running windows xp sp3 w/ MS Outlook 2007.Just recently my outlook calendar will not sync with my BB, I have tried all the reccomended settings and reset and resync'd til I'm blue in the face...I do not know what to do.An added note: I do publish my calendar to the internet via outlook...and recently retold it to update, and I have determined from that point on nothing has sync'd.
i have a gmail account and have synced my calendar, contacts and email. i have GOOGLE SYNC, which does it all for me (or so its supposed to).if i create a new appointment on my gmail calendar, it syncs perfectly to my bklackberry.However if i create an appointment on my bb it doesnt sync on the gmail.
I am trying to wirelessly sync from Blackberry Calender to Yahoo calander. I am able to bring up yahoo calender and when I go to options, the 'wirelesss synchronization' is set to 'No'. I can't seem to change that. Does anyone know if there is any other way/option that needs to be enabled? I can sync via Desktop Manager with yahoo, but need a way to sync wirelessly. Apparently Yahoo Go service provided that option but is no longer supported.
Not sure what is happening and I am no Outlook expert but doing a sync using the DW with Outlook and all of the organizer data moves except the majority of the calendar data. Only 6-8 items from my 9700 calendar are moved to Outlook. It is like it does not "see" the others.Anyone got any insight on this?
Running Vista and using Outlook 97. Used to only be able to sync tasks and memos. Problem in syncing contacts was described in error message that adress book was configured to sync wirelessly. After making sure I'd changed the settings still had problem. The problem with the address book and task non-sync seems to have been fixed after upgrade to newest BB Desktop. However, my device calendar still does not sync with my Outlook.
I used to be able to sync my calendar from outlook to my Bold no problem. Now, the sync routine within the Blackberry Desktop application just skips calendar sync completely, nothing in the log file, just gives a little beep. Tasks, contacts, memo all sync fine. I have updated all device SW (5.0.0) and desktop versions. I have done hard resets, combined all calendars to one, etc.
I'm using bold 9700, I have about 6000 entries of calendar on my device as well as outlook. My device sync both ways. All of a sudden I find no past entries left out on my device nor on my outlook calendar. The future entries are retained.
I used to have a nice sync to my outlook calendar with old OS 5. Not sure if problem related to 6.0 or not but now can't sync my calendar at all. Getting Intellisync Error Code 0x83860028.I redone the settings several times, won't sync either way BB to PC and PC to BB?
I just recently changed my phone from Bold 9000 to Bold 9700. Using Desktop Manager and on Vista sp2 and Outlook 2007. I used to be able to sync perfectly ok with my Bold 9000, and since I changed my phone to Bold 9700, it wont sync my calendar - as if it skips the calendar completely. I've tried a number of suggestions from this forum including deleting the intellisync folder and resetting the sync setup, hard resetting the phone, and nothing works. I'm running out of ideas.
There are certain Outlook calendar requests I receive which I cannot accept, and it comes up as a ....."Application/X-rimdevicecalendar"...file on my BB, but I cannot accept the request.I have downloaded the latest BB Bold software, and have the same issue. A bunch of other forums have suggested this is an ICS file issue....don't know what that is, but not being able to see or download Outlook requests to by BB Bold is a pain.
I'm gonna try and explain this as simply as possible (as it's for my dad, so I'll have to explain it to him the same way)! My dad likes using the native IPhone 3G calendar for keeping his appointments. However, he doesn't use the calendar in Outlook, so when he needs to enter something into the IPhone calendar, he has to do it right on the phone.
What he'd like to do is be able to enter the info into a PC-based calendar via the keyboard (he says it's much faster because of the amount of info he's entering), and then have it sync the info into the IPhone calendar. Again, He does not use outlook calendar. So what I'm basically asking is this is there a PC-based calendar program that he could use that would then allow ITunes to sync his PC-based calendar to his IPhone calendar?
We did 2 upgrades and now some black calendar are not synching naymore with outlook.
Here's our setting We had Blackberry Enterprise server professionnal 4.0.17 or something like that we upgraded to Blackberry server Express 5.0.3 MR 1 (Bundle 19) for Exchange server
we had Microsoft Exchange 2003 and we upgraded to 2010 Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Version with service pack installed Update Rollup 5 SP1 and Update Rollup 4-V2 SP1
The issue is with some Blackberry device when you add something to the Black Calendar it's not showing up into Outlook calendar.
I tried to removed every cical ligne into the services book and resend the service book from the blackberry server, had no luck
I tried these steps :On the BlackBerry smartphone, open the Calendar application.Click the Menu button and click Options.Set the Wireless Synchronization option to No.Click the Menu button and click Save.Set the Wireless Synchronization option to Yes.Click the Menu button and click Save. Turning wireless calendar synchronization on and off will reset the calendar database on the BlackBerry smartphone.Create a calendar entry in Microsoft Outlook and verify that the entry wirelessly synchronizes to the BlackBerry luck too.
I own a BB Curve 8520. Before having setup the BIS, I could synchronize all my Outlook stuff with the device (contacts, tasks, calendar, ...) via USB as well as bluetooth.
Since I have set up BIS, I can still synchronize my contacts with Outlook, but even when I configure the Calendar to be synched as well, nothing happens. No errors are shown in the log. Seems that the calendar sync is just skipped.
i recently switched from a Windows phone to the Blackberry Torch because I needed a phone that would easily sync with Outlook. I have it configured to only change the calendar on the device (not the PC) because I am afraid that Outlook events will be deleted.What is perplexing me is that when the calendar syncs, it wants to delete and add the same events, even when I make no changes to the calendar on either the phone or Outlook.I get the following:The following changes from Calendar Microsoft Outlook will be applied to your Device data in Calendar:934 Deletion(s)934 Addition(s)?
Recently update my Torch 9800 to the latest OS on AT&T. Since the update, my PC Outlook Calendar will not sync with with device with cable. The option in the DM is grayed out (not configured).Windows 7 laptop, DM, OS 6.0 Bundle 2342, BIS Server.Note: second company device syncs wirelessly via BES server.
My iphone always used to sync my outlook calendar from my desktop computer to my iphone and ipad whenever I connected the device to the desktop. Something has happened and now no matter what setting I change the outlook calendar will not show on either device.
have an iPhone 3GS and 'upgraded' to iTunes 9.1 yesterday. My PC uses Windows XP running Outlook 2003. Ever since the download I can no longer sync my contacts or calendar. I have uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes, turned my computer off, reset the Sync history in iTunes and now restored the iPhone - still to no avail. Does anyone have any clues?
With my new BB Curve 9300 (running OS 6) I am finding that my calendar syncing through the BES is only occurring one way. The appointments I create on the BB do not sync back the my calendar.
I have setup a blackberry 8520 using our Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES). The blackberry setup completes without error as does the enterprise activation on the device. Everything works ok on the Blackberry except for the calendar which does not sync across any changes to the outlook desktop. If a change(e.g. new entry) is made on the users outlook desktop it does get synched across to the Blackberry.
If the calendar entry is then deleted on the blackberry it gets synched across to the desktop. The problem is only in one direction e.g. from the Blackberry to the desktop. So far I have removed the user from the BES and restarted the BES. Added the user back in to the BES. Wiped the handheld and run the enterprise activation but the problem still exists. This seems to be an isolated problem as we have approximately 20 Blackberry users using BES and all don't have any issues.