i've blackberry bold 9000 phone. last night i was watching videos on Internet using wifi connection. all of sudden it got stuck and i got white screen. it was around 1:03 am. i was too sleepy so didn't bother to restart the phone and just kept it aside. around at 4 am i got up and found that my bb is dead. i immediately removed battery and tried switching it on. but no luck.then i connected it to my pc using usb for charge( as i don't have wall charger).the red light glows and stays constant whenever its connected(even after i removing battery) to usb. but it don't switch on. even i have already charged (i.e.. kept it connected to my usb) for 4 to 5 hrs. but no luck.
So yesterday, my phone died completely (so that it was drained and completely off) and when I plugged it in, the red light went on and it began to load, as usual. wever, when it reached a point, not even a quarter of the bar, it stopped, switched off and restarted. This happened continuously before I unplugged it and the battery drained again.
My phone switched off on Friday, after which I tried to switch it on, it gets about a fifth of the way through the loading bar before it cuts out. The tries again to switch on, but keeps hitting the same point. I see that someone else had a similar problem, the difference is, is that the Desktop Manager also can't read /pick up my phone when I plug it in, so I can't follow any of the other options
I have Bold 9000 on O2, but since yesterday I have not been able to turn it on. When powered up via usb and PC or direct from mains, all i het is the red message light showing all the time and nothing else ..but sometimes it goes out and on screen is a picture of a battery with a blue zig zag flash running through it. This is a bit random, but seems to alternate between either redlight or battery outline. Plugging Bold into PC and running blackberry desktop manager does not do anything - the desktop manager does not recognise that a device has been plugged in (hence does not show PIN). Has the battery suddenly and completely died? (There were no signs of this happening before - no performance issues etc)
My bold 9000 refuse to change operator when traveling through europe.Work perfect only in France with "Bouygue" There is no access in the menu to authorize the change of operator...I have the latest upgrade software 6.1..
o i'm using only 2 languages, and every time i want to switch using "alt+del", i have to scroll all the way down to hebrew, and then back to english. is there a faster way of doing so? and if there isn't, can i make my second best language option to be top in the list of languages when i switch?
Installed vlingo but later uninstalled. Now there is no "Switch Application" when clicking BB button and scrolling to bottom of list like there use to be? Is there an option for this? I know there are other ways to get to switch application but I would like this option back as well.
I had the option to switch my phone to silent for a period of time of my choice. After that the phone would switch back to normal. The benefit of this was that I could never forget to switch back to normal. For example at the beginning of a meeting with an estimated duration of 2 hours, I would program the phone to a 2 hours silent period and after that it would switch back to normal. This was so handy. Is that possible at my BlackBerry 9000?
Hi I have an unlocked bb bold 9000 originally from rogers. I am currently using it on fido and it seems to have a weak signal strength thus, my calls are usually dropped or failed.
Getting really angry with this phone now, 2nd or 3rd day without it turning on, what happened was it was running out of battery and I plugged it in thinking it was charging, not realising i've not actually turnt the socket on (typical manic mum moment) come back to it and it wasn't wokring, so now I decided to leave it over night on charge, nope... so went and brought a new charger thinking it might be a charger issue. still to no avail. Now its randomly varying between red led flashing with long pauses, sometimes it would start loading with the blackberry screen and loading bar then restart itself back to black screen and red led instead on going on to the main screen, other times its coming up with empty battery and red line through it... i've tried installing the blackberry desktop software to get it working that way, removed battery etc, held down the end call button, all the usual suspect moves.. and still nothing. I really need this phone to be working i've all my numbers, sons photos etc on there, really dont want to do a whole system reset..
I wake up in the morning, removing my Bold 9900 from the charger, i found the LED blinking continuously in red and it doesnt respond to me switching it on.
It also doesnt respond to Desktop Software Manager.
I tried a couple of things from different forums, but with no joy. I read this is a well know issue to RIM,
So of course there's switch mode from work and "play". I have this issue where when I switch from one the theme changes and if I switch back the theme doesn't change. I thought this would be fix, but I guess I was the only one with this issue. Just updated to .54. I'm of course not going to do anything about it I'll just work with it. Seeing that nothing else is wrong with my phone but that. Which is GOOD. Anyway wanted to see if and one else has this issue. I've had this issue since .52 didn't have it before that.My N8 as current Green running Xeon^4 3.2.1My E72 as backup 1 WhiteMy E63 as backup 2 BLUE (Where's my Icon...?) and..[URL] with the popup notes Nokia sheesh I don't need help from you :/I run Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit/Ubuntu 11.10 64bit on my HP Dv6 1030us (DiViUs)Windows 7 64 bit Pro on my Desktop (Giniro)Green Nokia N8 Current Phone running Xeon^4 3.2.1
I have updated my BB with different version os OS. For some reason i cant see the WIFI option under "Manage Connections", only bluetooth and Mobile network. I removed the battery and didnt work.
After make the download and installation of Blackberry Protect on my Bold 9000 i received the follow messege:Smartphones that uses Enterprise Server doesn't have compatibility with Blackberry Protect.
Just bought an unlocked Blackberry Bold 9000 the wifi doesn't seem to work. I can connect to wifi hotspots but I can't access the internet at all it is always "unable to connect to the internet" What should I do to get this to work? I know I can connect to routers, my internet just refuses to work though.I don't have a data plan, does that mean I can't use my WiFi? My OS is 5.2
My Bold 9000 doesn't play music through the headphone jack, Whenever I play a song, it doesn't go through the headphones. Is there an option or something I need to choose, or should i go through the headphones automatically if there plugged in? Software is the newest 822 from AT&T.
I have a problem,BlackBerry Bold 9000 Carrier is AT&T V4.60.304(platform
I have no connection on blackberry app World or any of the blackberry apps or my e-mail, I can use MEdia net browser to connect to the internet it works fine, I can us Wi-Fi and everything work fine. Myspace or Facebook or any apps don't work unless i use my home Wi-Fi. I talk to AT&T and they said my internet was working fine.
I was about to download Opera Mini 4.2 for my Bold 9700 w/ 5.0 firmware. Opera's website doesn't show a version for the 9700 so I was going to download the version for the 9000. The only problem is the 9000 version doesn't have the 5.0 firmware option available. What version are you guys using on your 9700's?
Why can't RIM develop a Bold 9xxx with the body of the Bold 9000 with larger memory, Trackpad, better camera? They've done it with the Tour and Curve. Plus they've got all the parts available already, just need a little engineering to fit the trackpad and everything else. C'mon RIM. We know you can do it. I'm sure you'd sell millions of them.
Quick question. I am starting a new Job and they are getting me a superbasic Perl. I need this for work and so I will be forking some dough out of my pocket to get one of the two following phones: Bold 9000 (I'll pay 100$ Canadian, not Us) Curve 8530 (pay 24.99$ Canadian). I am very used to the Iphone and HTC Touch Pro 2 (not trying to start a flaming/argument/anything else , its just what i'm used to). I am very used to browsing with the other phones and I have heard that BB phones are not up to par, so my expectations will be low. Out of the two phones however, does one perform better than the other (Curve 8530 vs Bold 9000)? Out of the two phones, which one do you recommend overall. I have read that the Bold 9000 even though it is older, it still outperforms the 8530...
I dropped my BlackBerry Bold 9000 on the weekend and damaged the LCD screen. The device still works, but two thirds of the LCD is now white and there's what looks like an inkblot on the left side of the screen. I'd like to try to fix it, but don't really want to shell out a lot of $ to do so --- I'm a month away from upgrading.Does anyone have any suggestions, or perhaps a dead BlackBerry with a working screen that you're willing to part with? A DIY repair -- this is out of warranty anyway -- looks straightforward, but I'm not sure I want to spend the $100 or so for a new OEM part to replace the LCD screen.
I have a bold 9000 and I can not connect to the internet. Carrier is AT&T and I live in the North East (NYC area). Worked fine up until yesterday (Jan 25). Now gmail, facebook, browser - none work. I've tried the battery pull, turning on/off the network, run a diagnostic test from mobile network options. In the mobile network test i get the volling anomolies "Blackberry PIN-PIN: No" and it says can't connect to my email (gmail).
A few days ago I pulled my phone out of the holster and It was really hot and when i looked at it i realized it was off, and wouldnt turn back on. just a red light comes on like normal upon a battery pull but after it turns off the red light comes back on again once more then stays off for good. unless i plug it in then it comes on and goes off all the time. I got it powered back up yesterday but then it did it again. Today I plugged it in and I saw a picture of a battery come up on the screen showing it as empty, i was hoping that meant it might charge up. but no such luck. My main objective is just to get the phone up long enough to back up the info on the phone.