Yesterday, I noticed that suddenly the Send (Green), End (Red), and "A"/* keys and the trackball click all stopped functioning. All other keys operate normally (and the trackball scrolls fine), but this is an exceptionally annoying problem. I can't believe it's hardware related, unless these keys all are somehow linked. That being said, I've tried numerous battery pulls, upgraded & downgraded the OS ( between the AT&T-approved .297 & .304, I believe) - and so far nothing on the software end.
The moisture indicators are white, and it hasn't been any closer to moisture then in my pocket during a rainstorm. This problem came on suddenly; I did, one other time, have issue with only the trackball click about a year ago, but that mischievously disappeared by itself after my brain melted in search of a solution.
I've searched around & seen many others with similar problems - but there are no causes given or solutions told of. I don't really want to take this damn thing apart, but it's running up on that real quick. My AT&T contract is up in a month, and I'm unwilling to spend $100+ dollars on a refurb replacement model via my protection plan so close to renewal.
ANY ideas what's causing this problem? Anyone with ideas, please feel free to respond or BBM me - PIN supplied above.
BlackBerry Bold 9000 AT&T PIN: [removed personal information] Yesterday, I noticed that suddenly the Send (Green), End (Red), and "A"/* keys and the trackball click all stopped functioning. All other keys operate normally (and the trackball scrolls fine), but this is an exceptionally annoying problem. I can't believe it's hardware related, unless these keys all are somehow linked. That being said, I've tried numerous battery pulls, upgraded & downgraded the OS ( between the AT&T-approved .297 & .304, I believe) - and so far nothing on the software end. The moisture indicators are white, and it hasn't been any closer to moisture then in my pocket during a rainstorm. This problem came on suddenly; I did, one other time, have issue with only the trackball click about a year ago, but that mischievously disappeared by itself after my brain melted in search of a solution. I've searched around & seen many others with similar problems - but there are no causes given or solutions told of. I don't really want to take this **bleep** thing apart, but it's running up on that real quick. My AT&T contract is up in a month, and I'm unwilling to spend $100+ dollars on a refurb replacement model via my protection plan so close to renewal. ANY ideas what's causing this problem?
Since I have had by Bold 9000, the trackball has always had problems with respect to movement but usually a little cleaning with a Q-tip and alcohol has done the trick. This time the problem is the ball doesnt seem to depress as much as it does or it doenst respond all the time. Have to use the enter button. When the trackball does respond it does double clicks. So If I open an email for example its already set up to reply. lol.
I read a trackball dome might fix things?
BTW my unit is still under warranty but I really dont want someone elses refurb if I can reliably fix it myself and know that the dome is the problem and nothing else ie the processor. Everything else appears OK.
This is my second thread..I want to it better to use trackball click or enter bottom to execute for longlife useable??Because I have several issues that always use trackball click to execute app will damage an internal component inside ..(Even I know it always gonna be change )
A few weeks ago the click function of my trackball stopped working. I think it was because I had moisture and dirt on my hand when I picked it up to use it. I have been reluctant to take it apart since I don't have a backup BB and it is still 90% functional without this feature working. Today, I did 3 things. First, I took rubbing alcohol and a q-tip and soaked the trackball. Then I used a piece of a straw, threaded it down between the black piece around the trackball and the chrome bezel, gently pulled up on it and used as much compressed air as possible to blow out the area under the trackball. Then, while the battery was out I pushed on the trackball assembly from behind pretty hard. I repeated this procedure a few times, and it suddenly started working. It was intermittent at first, but is working normally now. For how long I don't know but thought I would share this for others that have the same issue.
My trackball won't click. (It will move the cursor, it just won't select anything.) I've found the that "enter" key will work in instead of the trackball click in most cases, but there are a few where it doesn't. For instance, I can't select a text field within a web form.
Can you suggest a keyboard shortcut to replace the trackball click?
Got my first bb ever last night with the bold and I love it. But, I have a question: when browsing sites in the browser, when you hover a link aren't you supposed to be able to just push in the trackball button to 'click' the link? Its not working for me on any sites. I actually have to press the BB menu button and select "Open Link". (e.g on crackberry wallpapers, when i click on a specific genre of wallpapers like "ART", I have to select "open link" instead of just clicking the trackball). It might just be because I am not familiar with all the menu settings yet and this is a buried setting somewhere.
My 1.5years old blackberry bold 9000's trackball cannot be scrolled to the right anymore. Should I get it fixed by paying someone, or should I do it by myself? How to do it and what tools do I need to have/buy?How do I know whether I should replace my trackball?
I can't select things with my trackball. It started to stop working, so I ordered a new dome as well as a colored trackball as long as I was ordering things.Got parts today, replaced the trackball and the dome, and still no clicking. Could I have not put the dome in perfectly centered? Does that likely mean that the dome is not my problem?
I've gotten used to using the enter key for everything, but some things will not accept that. The option menus just go to the next line when you push enter instead of letting you change the option, the new Google Maps won't accept any input on the initial change permissions screen except a trackball click, so if there's anything else I could try, I'd really like to.
lately my bold's trackball rolls down only when i press it a bit down, but i remember and realize from my friends bold that it could roll down also when u roll it dwn gently.when I roll my trackball down i feel it slides down without doing anything.
I am having problems with my blackberry 9000 downward movement, only side to side and up. Phone is out of warranty and only 14 months old, not abused, dropped or mistreated.
I have a blackberry bold 9000. And it's with a trackball. That trackball is sometimes not working to the left, right, up or down. How will i avoid this? And how will i repair it? Do i need to change the ball and buy a new one? OMG.
I have a blackberry bold 9000 and i have got a problem with some of the buttons not working.. the green call button, the red end call button, trackball button and the (A) button all do not work. i have read on here that i need to wipe and upgrade the software and i have done that and they still do not work. if any one has any suggestions that would be great.this is my first blackberry and i am considering going back to the iphone!
Well it seems like not much people encounter the clicking issue and discussed in this forum.Do you guys still able to hear the clicking sound of trackball? Do you guys force to replace the dome button?
With default BB9000 web properties set, javascript support enabled, suppose you are at a web page which has a listbox control and you need to display the list items to select one do you do that with the BB9000 ?what button or what combination ?
I know there is no way in contacting blackberry support without paying with money i dont have.. But am hoping that some blackberry profesionals actualy go on the forums sometimes.Firstly is there anyway to contact someone who really knows something about the device. correct me if im wrong but if we could talk to the people who made the device they would for sure know exactly wat is wrong with the device and be a huge help. ___________________ Lastly my device every 10 minutes just shows this = | | then when i press the track ball in it resets??? | ADC stuck | -my phone | reset | ____________________ | { | # | 0 | > | {. | | q | w | e | r | y | u | i | o | p | | a | s | d | f | g | h | j | k | l | |alt| z | x | c | v | b | n | m | $| Any ideas on what to do. there is no fix for this error any where on the web and have only read of it happening to two different people.
This morning, out of no where my blackberry started to act strange. if i push on the end button (the red one) it calls some one or if i push on the letter m, it starts typing m like a million times and now it has locked it self and i can't put in my password because the keys don't work.. what can i do? i took the battery out and left it resting for a few but if i can't put in my password how can i get to the phone and try to fix it?
My 9000 Bold suddenly changed the function key 'on/call' to 'jk', end/power to 'nm', track ball push to 'hl' and 'a' to 'uo'.No direct reason (never wet, crash, drop...) to find.Others have had this exact problem before but no solution so far?
My blackberry buttons are taking the wrong commands. I press the green/ answerr button it gives letter ‘k” I press the hang-up/red button it gives me the letter M, the track ball is not commanding, it rotates fine but once u click on it, it gives me a letter. Anyone have a solution or will i have to bury my Berry?
My 9630 trackball just stopped clicking. It still works in all functions, but is now super sensitive when I try to click it. There is no click. Almost like a touch screen now. Any solutions aside from going back to Verizon?
Desktop Software V6 application loader for new software for Bold 9000 won't allow the "apply" button to be clicked. Says "exceeded available storage" (124.5 mb), which is unchaged even after I deleted several large apps from the BB and rebooted. How do I get the application loader to work?
I understand that trackball scrolling can be erratic on some tour's (mine unfortunately is one of them). I have learned to deal with this issue but now my trackball is unresponsive when I try to click it. Have to press it on average of three times before it will select the item i was clicking on; very annoying. My service provider (Bell) won't do anything for me.will replacing my trackball have any affect on this?
I purchased a tour in August of last year and just yesterday the trackball stopped clicking. it still scrolls up down and side to side but if i select a app and click it does not do anything and the app does not open. it does this for everything i cant enter or select anything what should i do.
My BB Curve 8900 trackball will navigate all directions and even make the click noise, but it won't select anything. I am thinking of taking the trackball out and cleaning out the gold plate under the trackball.
As the title states, my keyboard won't work at all and my trackball won't click in. I think it's because I touched my trackball when my finger was slightly wet. After that, I tried texting and the characters on the screen didn't correspond with what was being typed. Now it won't work at all. What can I do?
Im having an issue with my curve 8330 with verizon. I just upgraded my phone to the 5.0hybrid os and everything works fine except opera mini. I can no longer use the trackball to click my selection. opera 4.2 seems completely different in os 5.0 compared to 4.5. anyone else come across this and with a fix?
I have the 8900 and my carrier is Tata Docomo. None of the keys and the trackball are working, This includes the mute key on top of the phone, the lock key, the side push button keys , . . all keys are not working. And neither is the trackball.I flashed the OS, as in reinstalled the OS, 5.0.090 (Platform 4.0.023) but that didnt solve the problem.
I've also plugged out the media card, to avoid any conflicts.Have done hard resets of course, but thats not helped either.Except for the keys not functioning, the phone is otherwise functioning, I can recieve calls, which I of course cant pick up. I am being able to use it as a modem and connect to the internet using Desktop Manager. The Desktp manager is detecting the phone, too.
The Desktop manager version I am using is of the 252.5 M device space available, I have 131.0 M free.