Got mrs S a 610 for her birthday a month ago As Mrs S isn't the most technologicaly adept of people she was worried at first, but has found the simple interface much to her liking However I have come across an problem which now I know what it is is a minor thing but it took some tracking down A few weeks ago I was browsing the web on my PC when suddenly the internet connection dropped out, the PC could see my home wireless network but wouldn't connect to it. I then noticed my N8 was suffering the same issue I looked at the router and it thought it was working, also the devices conencted via ethernet cable still had internet connectivity Tried rebooting the routher, the pc and my N8 to no avail, the router thought it was broardcasting a signal and the devices could see it but wouldn't connect. deleting the access points and trying to reestablish them didn't help?
It was getting late so giving it up for a bad job I decided to go to bed, on the way up I noticed Mrs S's 610 on charge on the landing, thought I'd have a look with that, tried the internet, nothing, rebooted and the net was working. In the morning the other devices would also connect fine A few days later I experianced a similar event, again reboots wouldn't work, but then my eyes fell on Mrs S's 610 again on charge, I turned the wifi off on this and instantly PC and N8 could connect again, turned the 610 wi fi back on and not a problem until last night when the same thing happened, again cycled the wifi on the 610 to clear the issue
The TLDR occasionaly when the 610 is on charge it's wifi suddenly jam every other wireless device from connecting to the same network, cycling the wi-fi on the 610 clears the problem?
Recently i installed easy debian package to my N900.. & yesterday i tried uninstalling it..i removed easy debian & easy chroot from app mgr & then deleted the debian image from the home directory..
but for some reason since morning my memotyr that is reserved for installed applications is acting used to show 1.8GB free but now suddenly only shows 900mb free , in the mornign it shwed only 183mb free etc.. and when i copy some pictures using mass stroage mode my 2GB memory space gets reduced... my RSS folders stopped working since last night... dont know what is going on.. acting really weird.. did I not complete the uninstallation of easy debian?
I've had the N900 for a week now. And after a software update my battery life indicator is acting strange. It would stay on full until the last few minutes when it would crash to about 10% or so and I would get the battery low warnings. Then the phone would shut down a few minutes later.My battery life is about 15 hrs with normal usage.I've installed batterygraph, which shows that battery seems to be behaving properly, i.e a couple of hours of use and its dropped to about 4V from 4.2V, but the strange thing is that it is still showing 100%.Has the update somehow reset what the fully charged voltage should be ?
I've been using the Lumia 710 for the whole day. I leave Wifi and Data connection on.
It's been connected to 2 wifi points at work and home and has only been connected to 3g twice, for 30 minutes each time. I haven't even been heavily accessing apps.
In that time my data allowance has fallen from 83mb to 56. I can't understand why this would be so high. 27mb used in a day when I've been connected to Wifi points for most of the day... When I have the same sim card (network: three) in my iPhone 4, the equivalent usage is on average less than <3mb when I haven't been actively using the phone
I personally don't think that I should have to turn off data connection because Nokia doesn't know how to prioritise wifi over my data connection. I have a limited allowance, and having to switch data connection on/off all the time is annoying, for something other phones get right.
If I'm connected to a Wifi point, my 3g data connection should NEVER be used...
I'm using wired internet connection on my PC. PC is having wifi USB adaptor. I'm using internet connection on my laptop through PC wifi (ad hoc network). Few days back, I purchased Lumia 710. As I'm trying to connect to PC's WiFi, it is not getting connected.
About two months ago, there was a lot of buzz on the net about "lumia 800 gets wifi tethering in the next update"Well... Am I missing something important on my phone or is the wifi tethering still not there? I could use it, especially since Joikuspot is not available for this phone.
I'm sharing my internet connection from my Macbook pro, and have been connecting with my old Lumia 800 without problems. Today I took the plunge and bought a 920. On my way home, I connected via wifi to McDonalds without any problems. When I arrived home I tried to connect to my Macbook using the correct password, and the 920 gave me a "wrong password" message.I then changed the password on the Macbook to a 40 bit WEP code - still no joy. I've tried rebooting both the Mac and the 920, switching channels on the Mac wifi channel and am now getting peeved, as my old 800 still connects without fail.Occasionally I get the "wrong password" message, other times I get "Unable to join".
I've enabled auto-upload but can't seem to see if this is WiFi only which is what I want. If it uses my phones data-allowence it's going to get used up pretty fast??
This may no be possible yet from a hardware perspective but as more and more mobile devices become available it does not make sense to have seperate data plans for each and every device (I am sure the cell providers would prefer this though) Instead what is needed is a dedicated personal wifi hotspot that is built into the phone. Not one that guts the functions of the phone when activated mind you. At this juncture the only way to accomplish this is to purchase a Dedicated Personal WiFi hotspot. If this is the direction that will be forced upon us then we might as well do all communications through VOIP and by-pass the cell carrier for all but internet access.
Now, I turn on internet sharing with my Lumia 900 and it simply does not appear in my WiFi networks list on my iPad, MacBook Pro and iMac (OSX 10.7.4) or my Lenovo G575 (Win7 x64).I try to manually connect in both OSX and Windows but it either causes the trouble shooting wizard to appear (Windows) or throws an error saying either the network does not exist or the connection has timed out (OSX/iPad).
When I first got the phone the beginning of June, I was able to tether to my computer at work whilst the internet was down (Fujitsu Lifebook, Win7 Pro x64) - I did this twice without a problem and was able to get on the net (I'll actually check this still works tomorrow; if it doesn't then it may be a hardware issue).
Is it just me or is the downloading of apps via WiFi really slow? Works fine on mobile network and browsing the web on WiFi works normally too, it's just downloading apps that's slow. Just reset my phone to fix my GPS (which seems to work now), at this rate it'll be a long time before my apps are downloaded again.
I watched my Nokia Lumia 920 update three apps tonight. Two of the updates used the phone's cell network. One update used wifi. Is there a setting on that I can set to make the phone only use wifi to download updates?
I have a nokia lumia 900 from at&t and is there a way to close the internet in the phone (without using the data plan for extra charges) and ONLY use wifi ?
Before I use Nokia C600-Symbian S60 V5. I can search, find and connect the point-to-point wifi. but now I switched to lumia 920, but this wifi can't be searched and showed, let alone to be connected. anyone know the reason and how to solve the problem. because I only have this one access to use internet.
i have a problem with the WiFi setting.Everytime i try to connect to my home's wifi, the phone says that the password is incorrect.The password is correct, but what can i do?
I have a 920 that has given me fits since I got it a week ago. I have had this happen at several hotel, work and home locations.What happens is that at some point during the day, I want to connect to the Wi-Fi whereever I am at. So I turn on the screen, go into Settings/Wi-Fi and I am not able to connect to anything.The Wi-Fi option is turned ON but the toggle for it is grayed out and you cannot change it (to ON or OFF). Also, there is a progress bar scrolling across as it indicates "Searching". It will stay that way for HOURS if you wait that long.I also noticed that if I go to Bluetooth settings at this point, I cannot turn that On or Off either (although the toggle is not grayed out).The rest of the phone and app functions work normal at this point.The only way to get WiFi or BT working is to reboot the phone, then everything will work for a while and at some point in time, this will happen all over again.
my wifi and marketplace aren't working on my Lumia 610.
I have it maybe two months, and just today the Wifi stopped working. Laptops, other smartphones and an iPod are all connecting to the modem just fine. Just my phone. It also keeps telling me my internet password is wrong, when it's not.
Finally, on Nokia's website, I believe, it told me to try resetting my phone. Did it. Still not working. Now I'm getting the error code: 805a0193 in the marketplace, so now I can't download any apps.
I had literally done NOTHING to the phone, this just started out of nowhere.
I am able to connect to my secure network at home as well as the AT&T hotspots; however, my 900 is does not connect to my work Wi-Fi network.. It lists the network, and I input the correct credentials, it thinks for a couple of seconds and then errors out with a message similar to - unable to connect to the network.
I brought this Lumia 600 a couple of weeks ago. My issue is Wifi connects initially but after playing sometime with the XBox games.. the WIFI automatically disconnects giving no reasons but the phone is not hung. Then i have to reboot the phone to get the wifi back...again after 15 mins it disconnects...and this process continues.
So when connecting to my office Wifi, I have to insert proxy server and Port. But it is a restricted internet access. So naturally it must be given username, password. But i can't seem to find the place where to put it. In the wifi setting I can only put proxy server and port number but no Username and password.
My iphone was acting up and going different colors so i thought my LCD screen was going so i replaced it and now my phone won't turn on. I hit the back of the phone and the screen came up but then after it loaded i hit the power button to put it to sleep it shut off and now i can't turn it on.
Ihave all day wifi open but when my lumia goes in sleep mode the wifi turns automatic off and need to unsleep to take notifications and more and then again in sleep mode and wifi off. I am with new update .12070.
Most of the time my screen is locked and apparently when locked Nokia Lumia 710 disconnects the WiFi. Is it possible to change this, because otherwise I don't receive notifications if I have my 3G off.
For the last 2 months now my FB chat message feature hasn't worked in 3G/wi-fi.I have phoned my phone provider (Orange) and they say there is no fault at their end data wise. I have checked the settings through my Windows Live account that my Facebook account is sync'd/allowed to send messages via chat to my phone.I have checked my FB chat settings to see No settings have been changed disallowing FB chat through my phone. In fact this explains perfectly my problem, as one day FB chat worked perfectly, the next few days it worked intermittently, and then from then on it has stopped working completely. I cannot see any contacts, and my phone says"Cannot Connect to see who's online".
This has been an on and off issue since I purchased the iPhone 4. Seems a restart resolves it but I can never be too sure. I don't know what causes it though.
I have 5 accounts setup. My fetch accounts are not fetching. I have to manually go in and let it check, then it finds them.
Anyone else having this issue? It's a little annoying. Anyone know what might be causing it?
I just got my BB bold 9930 yesterday, and when I open amail, cannot return back to the inbox. The return button open an overlay like the Swicth app button. I have to press the BB key and scroll down to close before I can get out of anything I open. If there is no close option, then I have to shut down but removing the battery to get rid of it and have the return key working for a while.
Since installing the update the 4G icon(s) in the notification bar are acting strange. When I have 4G on and I am connected to Wifi before the update the 4G icon would change to the 4Gzzz icon. Now it shows the icon as if I am connected to 4G, while being connected to Wifi
Whenever I start or receive a phone call, my tethered laptops lose their internet connection. They still show a strong wifi network connection, but cannot access internet sites. Nokia support and my AT&T store say this should not happen and does not happen on their phones. I have the latest update, as of yesterday.