I recently had to rebuild my desktop machine, I have used v4.5 for a long, long time on my old 8320.I've searched Blackberry's web site for the old desktop software - the download section lists only the newer versions, it even has a link to find old versions, but that link doesn't actually deliver old versions that I can find. Anybody have a link to the v4.5 desktop?(I need the old version, I run backups of my phone on the old Windows 2000 machine, which newer Desktop versions don't run on.)
I gave my 8320 to my niece , however i have two email accounts and a tmo.blackberry. email email on the phone, she is not using a data plan how do i delete the accounts off the phone? I can not find the icon for setting up email? what do i do?
Blackberry has a new version but I cannot find the launcher to download the shortcut...Can anyone lead me to the new launcher???Kudos for a week to the man or woman that does.
I just downloaded OS Wind Hellas and cant find a download link for the BB app world while my old one says install successfull but nothing happens.
I have a Blackberry Curve 8320. Yesterday night, the "battery too low for radio use" sign appeared. I plugged it in for about an hour but the sign would not disappear so I did a battery pull. Radio turned back on, but now the phone will not charge. The lightning icon still shows up by the battery but it is stuck at 5%. Any suggestions?
I only have service in wi-fi areas with my phone.So, basically around my home.When I leave, I get "searching for networks" and then "no service".This just randomly started 4 days ago.I had service then, nothing while I was out then when I got back home, I started receiving texts and calls.I have updated software and it has not helped at all.
-Device info -Your carrier:T-mobile -Model info and OS version:BlackBerry 8320 -Add above to you profile if you dont wat to type it in all the time. v4.5.0.81 -Apps and free space -File free before and after a battery remove/replace: 7153142 Bytes -Did a battery pull fix your issue? No -Apps installed and their version if possible: none
I've got a Blackberry Curve 8320 and I was doing an update on blackberry desktopmanager then suddenly my usb came off and some error came and whever I try toturn on my blackberry the red light keeps blinking and whever I plug my usb tothe computer it comes as unkown device. Is my blackberry completely dead? Btw Ican't connect it to the computer and I've tried pulling out the battery.
The phone will connect to my router fine and I can access the page ( without problems, but I can't connect to anything on the internet. However once or twice google.com has worked for about 5 mins and that is it. I have tried battery pull lots of times and have wiped the device.In the diagnostics it says: 'Wireless or ISP network error' or 'DNS server cannot be reached'.I've tried manual settings and using hotspot browser. Also I have used 4 different routers and have had the same error. Also the Wi-Fi shows a yellow circle with a white line through the middle (unlike green for mobile network)The phone has been with Orange in the past with my dad's work, but is now pay as you go with Tesco. Is there anything I need orange to do to get my Wi-Fi to work?
Where can I get a description of the face of my 8320? I see things on the face screen that I do not know what they are. I have printed out the huge owners guide but nowhere in it is a picture of the face with a legend.
1) I was looking at my buddies phone, and his keyboard doesn't light up. Is there a setting somewhere? Or is it possible this its just not working properly? I've owned plenty of bb's but never ran into this before. So I'm thinking something is wrong with the phone.
2) Is there a way to toggle between 2 profiles? I know how to do it with other bb's, but I can't figure it out on his phone.
I just bought a blackberry 8320 and it is giving me an error "phone not allowed mm6" and it shows the SOS sign. Its brand new sealed in the box never been used. I called Rogers and it said this phone is not stolen. What could it be?
my curve 8320 keeps rebooting randomly. I got it 2nd hand from a guy. It will reboot randomly, be it while running an app or just sitting still on the table. Even while recharging. I have tried everything from formatting my memory card to running on minimal apps added into my bb. I have also upgraded and downgraded the OS frm v4.5.0.124(which it came with) to .81 to .182.I haven't tried using a new battery,maybe that will help? or is it a hardware prob, which would cost alot to repair.=( Please help? I really like my new curve 8320 other than the fact that it reboots randomly frequently. help!
I have just completed a fairly thorough search on the internet and have followed a number of suggested remedies, but I have not been able to solve my problem.I recently acquired an 8320 and would like to use WIFI, but I am not willing to purchase a data plan. In my search, I have come across people who say they are able to do this, but most threads have been a few years old.I have T-Mobile service and a working network at home to test out the Blackberry's wifi capability.Can I use wifi without a data plan on this device?
How can I increase the ringing volume on my blackberry smartphone 8320? The manuals says to go to options-general options - etc. But there is no general options. I miss calls because I can almost not hear the phone ringing.
After two years of service, my 8320 suddenly is unable to sync the handheld with my Outlook. It starts off fine and after a few minutes, at the point where it is downloading the calendar from the handheld the program stops working. I have downloaded the 5.0 desktop which did not help.
Made a very big mistake while syncing my Curve 8320 and lost ALL my contacts. I have more than one Blackberry connected onto BB desktop software and mind you that both phones have different contacts on them. I only backed up one of them prior to today and I had the option of syncing all my known contacts from my computer onto whatever phone that would be plugged in turned on. So basically I did not make a backup copy of my Curve 8320 and whatever contacts I have for my other BB has overwritten what was on it. Is there any way to recovery those lost contacts?!
my bb 8320 cannot recognize my 2gb memory card.it says "a media card is not presently inserted in the device" and i can't format it either coz it cannot read my media card.
I got a new BB and transferred all my info from my 8320 which I'm giving to my son. Problem is I can't seem to delete the email accounts I transferred. I don't want to do a general wipe as some of the info on the phone already is useful for the new owner. I've hidden the icons for now but just want to delete them. When I go to email setup I'm not seeing the emails and all I get is an option to setup new accounts.
I think I accidentially deleted something & then suddenly all of my Icons on the main screen dissappeared. And all I get is a blank yellow circle that I can move across the bottom of the Screen. Also after the accidential deletion, I intermittently got "Error 523" with "Reboot" or something like that. On the secondary screen where it would normally display all Icons, I only get a blank screen (just showing my background) with no icons. It does however show stuff like the battery symbol, notifications, wifi symbol, etc.
I reinstalled the most recent firmware that I could reinstall.It restored the Icons on the secondary screen but none on the first screen and still only get a blank yellow circle that I can move back and forth across the screen. & I also lost the ability to "move" Icons. Even tried "Alt+BB button" & not able to move Icons,I took out the battery, Sim card & memory card & then reinserted them. Still no Icons on the first screen & on the second screen where all the Icons would show is now blank again.Anyone know how I can restore the Icons to the first Screen? How I can get the move function back & get all my Icons to not dissappear off the second screen?