IPhone 5c :: Screen Became Unresponsive It's On Home Screen And Won't Let Slide To Open
Sep 2, 2014
my iPhone 5c screen became unresponsive it's on home screen and won't let me slide to open so I can't restart it, I tried restarting it and didn't work and just restored it and still not working,
I am having this problem with my U20i, When i open the slide the screen stops working and there are glitches on the screen and boxes on the screen. And i have to take out the battery and insert again for it to function properly. I am in Pakistan so i cant take it to any Sony franchise.. I got it checked here locally and found out that the slider strip is damaged. Can u tell if its really the strip and if so can u parcel me the strip if i pay for it.
When the slide is closed the screen turns on just fine, but when I slide it up the screen turns off. Also, possibly unrelated, it seems that the touch screen just stopped working as well whether or not the slide is open. The phone also will not connect to BB Desktop. I've had my torch for just over a year and I don't believe I have a warranty for it.
I have had my Blackberry Torch now for about 10months and last week i think i may have got it slightly wet after i tried to answer the phone when getting out of the bath. Since then it has been ok but last night when i slid open the screen everything went black. As soon as i slide the screen shut it works again! This basically means that i can only use the phone as a touch screen phone when it is down (which isn't good for me as I always text using the keypad when it is slided open).I called o2 and they said before they send it off to be repaired that i should try upgrading all of the latest BB software as that might fix it. I have never had any upgrades but will this really be able to fix my screen? Is there any other way i can try and fix the phone myself?
sometimes i press a folder on my home screen and nothing happens...and only after 2 seconds it opens...it happens randomly.....and that only happens on the home screen.
Got a new Bold today. On the BB I replaced, when I opened the homescreen, six icons appeared along the bottom. If I wanted to see all my icons I clicked the bear claw and they all showed up (so, one click). On my Bold, six icons appear along the bottom when I open it, as well, but in order to see all my icons, I now have to click the bear claw, then click "open tray," so twice the number of clicks - a small but really annoying difference. Can you tell me how I can avoid that first step and automatically open the "tray" when I click the bear claw when I am on on the homepage?
I have a fresh restore of 4.4.4 with all the latest updates and chrome. I've added a couple of bookmarks to the home screen but when I click then, Chrome opens and nothing happens. This didn't happen before I done a restore.
I have this weird thing going on with my Atrix. I've had it for about six months and it was fine until now. What happens is that the touchscreen stops responding after it is turned off (pressing the power button) and back on. I can't unlock the phone, but the volume buttons are still responsive and I can still turn off the screen. If i reboot it (by removing the battery), it boots up just fine, with the screen working perfectly. It'll sometimes stop working when ending a call. The weird thing is that it doesn't happen everytime I turn off the screen, and when it happens, if I turn it off and back on it sometimes starts working again. It also seems to happen more frequently when the battery is low.
Just discovered my home screen is blank, so I thought I had accidentally changed/moved it when I turned on "Easy Mode" to check that out. Switched back to "Standard Mode", but found my home screen gone, with a blank page in it's place. I found some directions on how to move pages around, making one a home screen. I selected the page I wanted as home screen and moved it to the page where the white house icon is highlighted. I was done but noticed nothing had changed. Home page still blank, so I did it again. I find that whenever I try creating my home screen page by moving it to the highlighted white house icon, the white house icon shifts to the left, remaining blank.
For the last couple of weeks my screen has been starting to act kind of weird. The problem is that the screen become unresponsive from time to time. For the most of the time when the screen stop responding I can "reset" it by pressing the sleep-button and then wake the phone up again or tilt it to landscape-mode. It's very enoying and I don´t know what to do. For example, just a regular text/sms takes like 8-9 "resets" as described above, to finish.
I use the latest software for both iOS and iTunes. The phone has not been a subject to "brute force" or any kind of liquids and part from a few very small scratches the phone looks like new (kind of).
I've been having some trouble lately; with my iPhone 5s running iOS 7.1.2, 64 gigabytes of storage. It was running completely fine until a couple of days ago, when the screen began to not react to my touch. I initially thought it was a hardware problem, but the phone has not taken any damage as far as I can tell and the screen resumes working when I restart it. The screen works, for the most part, on the right side; but from the left edge to about a centimeter in it is completely unresponsive.
Occasionally, the phone will begin to act as if I am tapping it on the left side, although I am not touching it. Turning the phone on and off again provided a temporary fix, as did hard resetting it and factory restoring it, but after a few minutes of being on it becomes unresponsive again. I cannot unlock it without using the fingerprint reader due to the unresponsiveness, but once I do unlock it there is not much I can do without the left side.
I tried removing the screen protector but nothing happened, so that is eliminated. I did, however, get a new SIM card and service carrier recently, but that seems unconnected. The climate I now live in is much more humid, so that could be a problem, but a new, state-of-the-art phone like the 5s shouldn't be having problems with that, right?
I bought my white iphone 5s like 2 months ago! The problem is that 2 weeks ago from nowhere i got the white screen of death for 5 seconds and then it returned to usual home screen, i thought it was normal but it happened again like 1 hour ago! I did some research and found it was an ios 7 bug that Apple supposedly fixed with ios 7.1.1 update!
I have a iphone 3g and I am having big problems accessing my apps. Everytime I go to use a app e.g facebook or ebay the scrieen goes black and then goes back to the home screen. It also seems to be taking forever to got to make a phone call. What can I do as one of the main reasons for getting this phone was using the apps
I'm having trouble with my new iPhone 5s, I'm using the latest software iOS 7.1.2.
I just got the phone today and set it up no more than 2 hours ago And what im experiencing is when I scroll down the screen will jump back to the top of the page I'm on. When I do scroll successfully my finger remains on the screen but the screen keeps rolling down quite quickly. Pressing buttons sometimes won't register and when it does it registers on a letter or number near the one I chose, I understand it could be because I use my thumbs so I've tried index fingers and get the same effect.
Also dragging apps won't work as when I try to do it, it's like I'm removing my finger from the screen and the app jumps back to the original place.
I've done a hard reset soft reset wiped the phone started from scratch cleaned the screen even washed my hands, and still no solution.
First my screen wouldn't respond, then it turned white and it isn't responding to anything. I have assistive touch but even with that it wont do anything.
I just woke up this morning and my screen is black as if it wasn't turned on. I plugged it up to iTunes and it would beep every 5 minutes. I restored in and nothing happened.
I started noticing this problem on my phone (iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.1) where my screen would kind of go haywire without me touching it. For example, if I'm browsing through Vine, it would automatically scroll all the way up as if I had pressed the info bar on top (the one that lets you scroll all the way up with one touch) and then would keep trying to pull down to refresh all by itself. The problem would temporarily go away when I locked the screen, but it would come back once in a while. At this point, I tried turning it on/off, doing a reset by holding the home and power buttons, and restoring it from a backup.Â
Now, the problem has escalated to where the entire screen is unresponsive to touch at first unlocking. It was a minor nuisance, until the entire screen would stop responding while the phone was unlocked and I had been using it. I tried turning it on/off and the reset with the home/power buttons, but the problem would still come up. At this point, I ended up doing a complete restoration of my phone and deleted everything I had on there. The problem seemed to go away last night, but this morning, after I unplugged it from its charger, the problem was back.Â
My current issue now is that the touch screen is unresponsive when I first try to unlock it, but I lock and re-unlock it and the screen works fine. But I have to do this EVERY SINGLE TIME I want to use my phone.
My screen stopped responding earlier today, except for AssistiveTouch, which is not enoough. Also, my lock button stopped working some time ago, so I have no way to power off my phone to my knowledge. I've created a back up of my iPhone on iTunes, but can't restore it or factory reset it because I can't get into my phone to disable Find My iPhone. I also am not connected to wifi, and have no data plan, so Siri is unavailable. I attempted using iCloud earlier to erase my iPhone, which it tried to do, but could not as I'm not on wifi. However, I was given the option to remove my iPhone from the iCloud, which I read earlier would disable Find My iPhone, but iTunes still says it is enabled and I must disable it before reseting or restoring.
My iPhone's image keeps automatically enlarging. The touchscreen is also bearly responsive. I haven't dropped it and I've only ever used applications from the istore. I recently purchased some music from the istore the same day. I've tried restoring and resetting nothing seems to work. It goes back to the enlarged image.
Last night I dropped my iPhone 3GS, and the screen was black and wouldn't respond to anything. I left it on the charger all night, and nothing happened still. I connected it to iTunes and it recognized the iPhone, but in protection mode. I tried restoring it, the screen turned white and it wouldn't restore. It says unknown error occured. Then after awhile the screen turns back to solid black.
iPhone 5s Screen is not responding. I have done the hardware reset by holding the home button and the lock button however it did not solve the problem I want to back up my data however there isnt a way of doing this without unlocking the phone. Is there any way I can do this.
the right hand side of the screen on my IPhone 5 is unresponsive and has lines running down it after i dropped it. How can i do a full software restore when i can't put my password in the phone to switch off find my iPhone?
I hate that the "slide screen" has been cut in half in order to allow for a camera option that lies about its capabilities. It's bad enough, but why does the waste of space lead you to believe that you can slide up or down for the camera, when you can only slide up??? Put it in another corner!
Since yesterday all the sudden my iphone 3gs is freezing at the slide to unlock screen. You can slide it over and then after a few minutes the phone will go to the circle with the lines on it screen then all the sudden stop doing anything. If I hold the top button and home button down I can hard reboot the phone and it works again until I have to slide to unlock then it happens again. The weird thing about this is that it only seems to be happening when the phone is not on a wifi network only 3g. What can I do about this? I have the latest iOS update installed and it's been installed for a while.