I've recently bought Xperia z2 but right now i'm having severe battery drain issue. At the first day it showed me average time of one & half day but right now its draining much faster & i'm only getting battery life of 13-14 hrs, only using wifi & music app. stamina mode is active but still no progress. How to reduce battery drain? i've seen some post in this blog where people said they are getting battery life of around 4 days.
I recently purchased a new Bold 9700 and I noticed that the battery drains very quickly. It only lasts about 4 hours if the Mobile Network, WiFi and Blue Tooth are enabled. Also, I have recently installed the latest software updates.Is it normal for the battery to drain this quickly while the phone is on stand by mode?
Within a few minutes of taking my phone off the charger in the morning its down to 96-97%. The battery seems to drain exceedingly fast down to 90% or so, but then after that the battery drain is very slow for the rest of the day.
my iphone 3g battery drains very quickly it drained 50% and only used it for 1 hour 40 mins only for internet usage what can be causesing it to drain so quickly what can i do to make it last longer i have tried turning brighness down and turning everything else off what can i do ?
After I update to V22 it seems that the battery it drain much quickly and another problem is that sometimes if i close the phone and then start again sometimes it's starts,appear nokia logo and then it close ,I push again the power button and then it starts (sometimes I must try 2-3 times until it starts).
I got to say that before it doesn't happened and before update to V22 I hard reset my phone including my mass memory and memory card sow the phone was like new.
My iphone 4s has recently started to lose its charge quickly as we speak my phone has fone from 100% 10 this morning to 26% at 5:40 with only 3 hours usage and 8 hours standby is this normal?
My phone has started to freeze, when I pull the menu bar down, when I am in apps, just any time. when it freezes, the buttons do not work. The battery dies within an hour of being off the charger. I do not know what to do, or why it has started to do this.
Info: iPhone 4s (8GB), iOS 7.1.2, new phone bought in june
Using z3,why my battery before this if fully charging it will stated can stay until 2days buy now fully charging but It appears only for 14hours only for the battery
I'm with a 5.0.2 D6603. The issue I have is that the following Kernel wakelocks does not allow the phone to deep sleep.
msm_serial_hs_dma BTLowPower
I've just performed a sw repair via pc companion, and several factory reset. I'm running the Z3 with no apps.
It happens both with an LG G Watch R (5.0.2) and a regular BT Plantronics (voice only) headset. Using the same BT devices with a Nexus 4, Nexus 10 and an LG G2 does not have the same effect. As soon as there is no usage the phone goes to sleep immediately.
If we take the second device, I do expect a Kernel wakelock while speaking or streaming music. The phone is active any way while performing this task. What is strange is that even if there is no activity the wakelocks avoid deep sleep.
What is strange is that if I move away from the headset (and the BT icon goes the "non connected" status), the wakelocks are always there. The effect is that my phone (both on 4.4.4 and 5.0.2) almost never ever sleeps, and sometimes get warm. It is evident that the battery life affected a lot. If I switch BT off, everything goes back to normal.
I did a further test, in the below sequence:
- BT ON + connected to a Plantronics headset => wakelock + device always on - BT ON + disconnected to a Plantronics headset => wakelock + device always on - BT OFF + disconnected to a Plantronics headset => no wakelock + device sleep - BT ON + disconnected to a Plantronics headset => wakelock + device always on
I updated to WM10 10586.29 and now when my battery gets to 70% To 75% it will drain down do 2% in an hour. I have location, Hey Cortana and most background apps turned off and still get the drain. Also I just noticed while charging it takes forever, but when it get's to 40% it goes up to 100% in less than 10 min.
All of a sudden, the battery on my phone has been draining really quickly.I charged the phone last night. Took it off charge about 7.30am and by 9am it is on 80%.
I have done a factory reset, but this doesnt seem to help.Does anyone have any ideas what could have happened?
I have a galaxy s5 and it is rooted (was rooted when I got it). I notice that the battery was draining faster than usual, so I decided to buy a new battery. The problem is that the battery has the same behavior, you can't go 10 hours without having to recharge the phone and this is without heavy usage: pretty much just messaging, calls and email. I see that the porcess that is consuming the battery is the gpsd service but I have the gps disable.
i find myself having to charge my phone at least once a day, its an xperia ray (st18i) how can i make my battery last longer? i've tried various apps to try and increase my battery life but none have been as effective as id like and i still have to charge frequently.
I don't understand what is happening with my 4 month old XPERIA RAY..I've changed the battery with the new one, switch off my phone and full charged it and when i've starded the phone the state of the battery was 96%. After 5-6 hours with data activated, no GPS, no WiFi, no Bluetooth the phones turn off (0%) Can't believe that's normal.When i've bought the XPERIA RAY, i've 2 days before my battery goes empty... And now the phone is heater than before.Is XPERIA RAY a big s**t like my first ps3?
It has been draining away quite quickly for some time now and I don't know why. I have researched online and I know about 'thirsty' apps but the only ones I have installed are the only ones I have ever used and I never had an issue with battery drain before. Phine is approx 5 months old bought brand new.
Today, for example, I unplugged it from its charge about 5 minutes before I left home, never used it in that 5 minutes and when I looked at it, the battery was on 97%.
Yesterday i bought Xperia Z5 dual, i like it, it is a fantastic phone, i liked every thing in it but i have one problem, THE BATTERY. the Battery runs out quickly. when i use snapchat in 5 minutes the battery lose at least 3% also in youtube and games. Wi-FI scaninig, location, NFC, bluetooth are off, the brghtness is under 40%. i don't know why, is it from my phone or is it a mistake from the company.
Just yesterday when I plugged my phone into the ac adapter to charge after a while I noticed the phone was really warm, hot even, and it wasn't charging as quickly as it usually does. This morning I realized that my phone was at 70% when i had fully charged it last night and didn't really use it until that point. Around 10-15 mins later my battery life was at 60% and kept dropping around the same time to 50%. I had to keep plugging my phone in just to have a decent amount of battery life. The phone still feels hot when I have it plugged in and it doesn't seem to be charging as quickly as it should.
my iphone 4is over heating and the battery life is diminishing very quickly ive rebooted the phone deleted the apps that where open and turnede it off for an hour but it still is doing the same thing with in 5 minutes the battery life has gone from 66% to 59%?
Since I updated my Xperia X8 to Android 2.1 it is very quickly discharging. It lasts about only 1 day. And when I have a call it takes about 6 % from charge. I have all application closed and tried all advise from guide.
I just bought a Galaxy S6 yesterday, and something weird happened. I had it charged to around 75% yesterday in the evening, I switched it off, and when I came back this evening (about 22 hours later) and turned it back on, my battery was dead (0%). It refused to start at first, and only turned on with the charger plugged in.
Since I just got the phone, I had very few apps and accounts running aside from Google and Samsung (no email account, facebook or anything like that).
Is it faulty? I am going to try again this evening, but I would like to know whether I should consider bringing it back anyway...
On my G3, when I fully charge the phone, it would stay at 100% for a VERY long time before dropping down to 99%. The most I've gotten out of the 1% before was about 25 minutes of SoT.
On my S6, once the phone is fully charged, it seems to drop to 99% very quickly, within just a couple minutes of using the device.
What causes this difference between the two models and does your S6 act the same way as mine?
I've got a 2g unlocked. Nothing installed but the sinful MMS package (but it did this before I installed it anyways). Maybe once or twice every week or two the battery will drain rather quickly during the day. It'll last from 8am - 6pm off a full nights charge. So once it dies, I'll try to turn it back on but it remains dead. As soon as i plug it in, it turns on as usual but then reads 50% battery. The remaining "50%" then takes about an hour to drain to zero again.
The battery has been calibrated and most days it works perfectly fine (2-3 days per charge)I think I've noticed that this happens on a day where I might use the phone a little more than average, but definitely not enough to make this drastic change.
So I was having a bad battery drain issue after I got my One. Decided to relock and flash stock RUU.
80% lost in 14.5 hours with only half an hour of screen time. Funny thing is, the HTC battery stats don't seem to think the phone was awake much. My battery apps tell a different story - says it was kept awake for 8 hours, with the kernel to blame.
Not an app doing it. Things were fixed initially after the reflash, and then went back to their old ways yesterday.
So when I opened up my battery usage I noticed that Android OS was at 70% usage (69% now in screenshots). I check my battery usage several times throughout the day and Android OS was not consuming 70%. It seemed to spike to 70% consumption, which points to an error in battery usage charts.
The steeper drops at the beginning and toward the end can be attributed to the poor reception areas I was in and my heavier screen on time during those periods. The flat portion in the middle is when I went to bed and left my phone for about 8 hours. Notice there are no huge wake locks during my time off battery.
This is my current screen on time....
I'm guessing this is an error with the battery usage calculator but I'm not completely sure. How to know if this is an error with the battery usage or is Android OS really consuming 70% and how I should fix it?
I'm having a serious battery drain problem with my Neo. It seems to drain very quickly within 8 hours sometimes less, and when it gets to about 30% it will suddenly say "no sim card", the battery icon flashes red and then all power goes completely and have to recharge. When the 'phone is switched on and idle, it gets VERY warm, never mind about being used.
So after I got the new update, the battery continues to drain even after I plug it in to charge. It's VERY annoying. This never once happened before the update.