I just got my xperia Play today, and everything appears fine, but it will not stay connected to my computer! when i plug it in it will connect for a few few seconds then rapidly disconnect 3 times, wait a while and do the same thing over and over again. This also prevents me from doing anything on it at all while it is connected due to rapid switches i phone mode (Media Transfer / normal)
I paired my Xperia Play R800a with my laptop (HP DV7 series running W7HP 64 bits) but it does not connect at all. When I try, I keep getting this message: Bluetooth Peripheral Device Driver not found. It can't be found through Windows Update and I can't find it anywhere on the web to download.
Does anybody know how i would install a .APK file.. downloaded it earlier.. but i dont know where to save it to on my phones memory card, or how to install it
Having recently purchased an Xperia PLAY, I discovered this wonderful feature called "geo-tagging" that not only allows me to embed the GPS co-ordinates into my photographs, but also view them on a map... Furthermore, the process to do this is incredibly simple.But what about on a computer, how does one view geo-tagged photos on a computer? Is there a way to view the location of past photographs on a map (e.g. Google Earth), just like on my Xperia PLAY?
I have been having a few problems with my ray ever since i got it. I have been having a few problems with connecting it to a computer using either MTP or MSC. I have sent a message to sony about this problem and they asked me to turn off all my firewalls and anti viruses on my computer and to then try again but then no luck. After some time the mini usb port wasnt working at all and i was sent a new one. As soon as i got it i tried to connect it to my computer but no luck it wasn't picking it up. I also tried it on my laptop and on my mac but yet again nothing worked. Im not sure what im supposed to do now as i want to update my phone to Ice Cream and the updating app on the phone isn't allowing me to do it.
After upgrading my phone to ICS, my computer can't find my phones SD card like it used to.The phones icon does not appear in My computer.Neither can the PC companion.
I recently updated to 2.1 and now, all of a sudden, whenever i try to connect my phone to a computer the phone reboots. It starts off as normal asking me to connect phone or install pc companion, but after i choose one first it jus goes blank and then says no sim card connected, then it completely reboots. When it finally starts up it just shows the charging symbol but no "connect phone etc" option.
I am a developer redesigning my 2d games to be 3d games and I am going have them be specifically for ps certified devices. I am using my new paid copy of ps mobile suite and they play(do far) pretty good on the vita( still a few bugs to work out) but on my xperia play when I try to play them for some reason my xperia keeps trying to access the ps storeWhich isn't a problem . The problem is that I bought the xperia play remanufactured as a test device only but then decided to activate it anyway. So my problem is that when I try to access the ps store I get a 8008104D error. Now I know that this error is because my xperia isn't telling the network that it's an xperia, but it obviously is. So would this be something missing from the framework res.apk or could it be something else? I have Redlands the phone using the update tool, rooted it, all ps certified and xperia certified .jar and all .xml files are in their proper folders as far as I can tell. Why would my expedia be telling the ps store that it isn't an xperia?
my samsung tv has wifi, but when i try to connect, the tv ask me to push the WPS buttom but xperia play has�nt got it. How do you connect to your Wifi direct routers?
my neo v was connecting fine till i tried to update my phone using update service , after then it is refusing to connect to any of the computer ,tried in many computers with many data cables, now im unable to repair it using pc companion bcz the phone is not connecting.
My Sony Ericsson X10 mini pro won't connect to the computer, although it will charge when usb port is connected. My computer won't recognise x10, no error is shown, nothing. Just the phone will charge when usb is connected. I tried installing PC companion for x10 mini pro in two different computers computers and exact PC companion software for x10 mini pro version but the software won't recognise the phone. What should I do.
When trying to using the pc connect software on my computer to repair my phone it says i must first shut down windowsinit but when i try that it shuts my computer down.
Upon activating the WiFi hotspot on my xperia play stock .42My pc don't have an internet connection with both vista 32bit and windows7 64bit. I don't have any issue using the hotspot on my xperia mini.
I tried connectiong my xperia play R800i to pc companion via wifi, followed the steps and everything but when it tells me to tap my pc name under connectivity settings/ trusted devices for wireless media transfer it's greyed out? Im running windows 7 x64 by the way and my phone has v2.3.4
i just got the play today, and tried linking it to my home wifi and it connects but say limited connectivity. how can i fix this? I have already reset the router,emoved and readded the router to the phone. phone is fully up to date.
I have an Xperia PLAY and recently the screen went fuzzy and I couldn't see anything so I had it repaired. However when I got it back it will not connect to my network which is Vodafone Ireland. When I try to connect it says "Your SIM Card does not allow a connection to this network". I have changed the mode from WCDMA and GSM and vice versa but still it won't connect. I even got a new sim card to try that. It will work with any of my older phones but not this one. The phone works perfectly at everthing else including internet by Wi-Fi but not as a phone.
I want to update my Xperia Play to version 3.0.1.A.0.146, but PC Companion 2.0 wont let me. I change my phone to 'mediaoverdracht modus' ( it's in dutch, i don't know the english word ). It's the modus that is required for updating your phone, and it's step 3. But it fails every single time. PC Companion keeps saying it is unable to connect to my PLAY. No errorcode or nothing, it just gives the advice to reconnect my phone to the PC.
Why my xperia play having a difficulty connecting to a Wifi? while my brother's phone which is a Nokia phone can easily connected, we try to connect to the same wifi connection but my xperia play can't connect it says that "Not in range" even though I'm sitting next to my brother and his phone was connected.
Trying to connect PC Companin via Bluetooth i get to the point where I enter a four digit code on the phone, then immediately recieving a message on my computer that connecting thrue bluetooth is not possible, then urging me to use the USB cable. Bluetooth is activated on both items. I'm running Windows 7 on my laptop.
Here are options that I have tried:- Ensuring Back cover is on completely- Purchased new Micro SDHC card- Updated Xperia Play to latest software using PC Companion- Removing and re-inserting card whilst on, and whilst off.- Searching for related issues (None found, except back cover issues).
When the phone discovers the card, after attempting a mount it tells me "Blank or unnsupported card".Being un-able to connect my SDHC card prevents me from playing any games installed on the device, using the camera/video, and installing new programs or games.
I was updating my X10 and I did as it was procedured. but about 3 houres after I turned off the X10, pressed and hold the back bottom, connected the cable and the updating started, a wonderful message appeared mean your update failed, try later! I dissconnected the phone. it dosn't turn on!when I connect it to charger or computer there is no response!when I press and hold the turn on key the red LED begins to turn on and off for about one hour and remain off again!
The front Camera of My Sony Xperia PLAY shows a message ""CANNOT CONNECT TO CAMERA"Primary camera works Fine. Also when I login to Google talk, it crashes immediately. (Dont know if there is any connection between the two things)I tried repairing the software of my phone but the problem is still there.
As part of my works I do short videos of work areas for records. I use a HTC one M7 phone to do so. When I upload the videos to my computor (Has Microsoft 7 software) they will not play citing an error. I have tried to sort it out but I am unable. Photographs are fine.
Is there an app in cydia or itunes, that allows you to play your iphone screen on the computer via usb. I want to play movies from iphone to computer and use the iphone's player, it would also be nice to be able to use the screen for games. I am using this for work and want to be able to watch movies from my phone where others can see them as well. And does anyone know of a way to use the iphone as a mouse via usb, i know about the touch screen apps that make it a mouse but all require programs downloaded to the computer. I am looking for programs that make the iphone look like a mouse and or a media player to the computer.
My message notification tone used to play all the way thru when I received a message now it only plays two seconds then cuts off I have tried changing the tone but they are all the same.
I used my Torch to film two videos a few minutes apart. Both play on the phone - video and sound are perfect. When I copy them to my computer one of them plays just fine - the other only the sound - no picture. I've uploaded the file several times with same results. I've used the bb app to upload the files as well as windows explorer copy... always same result...
I have an LG G4 with an installed SD card. I have copied music to the SD card from my computer, but I cannot find an app that will recognize/find the music files on the SD card. If I go to the files from File Manager, I can play them, but I want to use an app so that I can play the songs randomly. I've been able to do this on all of my phones in the past. Why can't I do it on the LG G4?