(This bug was also present in the betalabs version) It is possible to select 88.10MHz using the rolling wheels, but if you then select another frequency (either using the rolling wheels or one of the three recently used frequency buttons) you can't then reselect 88.10MHz using one of the the three recently used frequency buttons. It's as if a button with '88.10MHz' written in it gets ignored if pressed. I suspect a 'greater than or equal to 88.1' has got coded as 'greater than 88.1' in a line of code, thus causing this bug. It only seems to affect 88.1MHz. 88.2MHz works fine, as do the others.
How can I select highest resolution on automatic mode and scenes mode? It looks like some inportant function is missing. The creative mode is really hard to use. I perfer automatic and scenes mode which is easiler for me but I want it to be the best resolution is there any way because I couldn't find the setting?
So I am having a very strange problem. I have been using the Situations App (formerly Nokia Situations) to automatically put my phone into offline mode, and power saving mode over night. 9pm to 6:30am.Recently the phone as started refusing to leave the offline mode in the morning. Even if I try to change the profile manually it says "Unable to change profile". The only way I can get out of offline mode is to reboot.I uninstalled Situations, and manually put the phone into offline mode and power saving mode. By the morning I had the same issue, stuck in offline mode until reboot. So it's not the App causing the problem. I've tried a soft reset, same problem still.
I also noticed that over-night (from fully charged before 9pm) to 6:30am I used about 70% of my charge. (A combination of power saving mode and offline mode is killing my battery!)I would have to go to work and immediately put my phone on charge! I.e.. 12 hours of offline + power save has drained my battery almost completely.Last night I decided to use the Situations App to put the phone into offline mode, BUT NOT activate power save mode.This morning the phone had virtually full charge and it had no problem returning to online mode.So it's ONLY if I use BOTH power-save and offline. (Tonight I will try using power-saving mode and NOT offline mode to see if it's only the power-saving mode causing the issue!)If I manually enter offline+power-save mode, and then try to return to on-line/non-power-save mode, relatively quickly, i.e.. Not over-night, everything is fine. It's only over night the problems start!
My N8 is stuck in offline mode. I have tried changing the profile, hard resetting, factory reset, another sim in my phone, my sim in another phone (both of which worked fine in other phone).I should also say that the phone had a fault before this. The battery ran dry and would not charge, I contacted my mobile company (virgin mobile) and they told me to send my phone in.
I received my phone back saying they could not fix the fault and it was not covered by the warranty. I tried to turn it on last night and it switched on, great I thought and put my sim back in but nothing. I checked the sim slot on the side of the phone and I can see that all the pins are fine and not bent or have been moved in any way.
When I connect my nokia 701 with window 7 it stops working after sumtym in 3G mode. I tried with many operator but the problem is still same. It stops working after few minutes. For this I have tested this with other brand phone in that phone it worked greatly. Nokia devices not able to work in window 7 in 3G mode.
My N97 crashes out right after I enter my pin and will only turn back on if Iremove the battery and take out my sim.If I put the battery back in andswitch on the phone it comes on and works fine in ofline mode.I havereinserted my sim card and the phone comes on but as soon as I change back togeneral, silent or meeting the phone crashes.I have formated the mass memoryand done a hard reset but it still wont work in the online mode.
Where are podcasts stored on the N8? I already have some on my phone but can't find them in exploere mode. I've given up on Nokia suite becaue of goo many unresolved problems & would rather copy them manually.To be honest I'm about to give up on the N8 & Nokia alltoghter, but that's another story. Not happy
I have an N8 which has 3 options for network mode - dual mode, 3G or GSM.I have absolutely no idea what any of these mean or what to select !The reason for my question is that I had to put my sim card into another phone for a couple of days and now I've put it back I cannot send texts or make any calls - I can receive them and get on the internet but that's it so I was wondering whether the network mode option has any effect?
Why does N701 record 720p video in low light mode only at 15 fps? Is it my misconfiguration, or is it some hardware or (artificial) software limit in Belle? Can N808 do better?
me and my brother use this nokia n8 for internet browsing, camera, and gaming.recently, i realized that the phone loses wifi signal when i hold it in landscape mode. when the phone is in portrait mode, the signal range shows 20-35%, but when i tilt the phone to landscape, the signal drops to 2-6%. it's funny when i'm watching videos on Internet, because i have to tilt my head instead of the phone and i can't use the advantage of the full stretched keyboard - with the tiny keyboard which is designed for one hand operation, i as a quicktyper have to correct every second word that i write.
I have Nokia N8 from last 8 months. One thing I have noticed that is written below with fact.
1) at out city both 2G and 3G coverage are available by BSNL
2) when I keep my mobile in Dual mode then its catches 3G coverage
3) but when we go somewhere out from city where 3G coverage is not available then my mobile catches 2G coverage......and here problem starts when mobile have coverage and if I calls or do SMS or I got any call or SMS the mobile loses coverage each time for 10 seconds( at this time of 10 seconds if some call me then I will be out of coverage area even if I am front of the mobile tower this is the biggest problem I have ever faced in Nokia's phone ever) and again catches 2G signals This same thing happens every time when I am in 2G signals Nokia should solve this problem soon.
Dear Where is the option to make widgets go offline? it's not exist after Belle Update and that eat my battery and WIFI always connected and sure if make WIFI offline i'll lose to sync my mail every 15 min as i configure it.
1) My Screen Saver stopped working... screen stays lit indefinitely, even when locked... after multiple restarts and lots of frustration it came back, but this issue has already happened twice - surely a bug
2) Power-Saving mode doesn't really make sense unless it is customisable... I am on a 3G only network, power-saving enables GSM-only... see the flaw?
This is the 3rd time I connected my Nokia 5800xm in Mass Storage Mode.. and after isconnecting (thru' Safely Remove Hardware..everytime) the Folders are in a Mess. pplications are shifted from its original folders to don't ask where..(Oh!) ..I could re-organise them back without much trouble.. but why is this happening? Is there any way to stop this ?
When we connect nokia N8 to media transfer mode to windows 7 then blue screen error shows in "windows apc_index_mismatch". We are not able to transfer music to my N8 from nokia music.
My N82 while taking pictures focuses properly in macro mode. (Green rectangular box). Other than macro mode I can see only red rectangular box (indicating improper focus?) and the photo seems to be blurred. Macro mode photos seems to be good. Even if I put camera settings to 'Auto' I am getting red rectangular box most of the times instead of green. Software or hardware fault?
I've just bought a nokia n8 but I can't put in it my sim card or my father's. It won't read it and will only display a message that reads "Offline" (hors connexion in french). I can't access my contacts. I've always had nokia phones so I don't understand why this one suddenly won't work.
I just bought the 808 PureView in a German electro-hardware store (Saturn). There the phone was in offline mode as it didn't have any micro-SIM. No biggie. However, I got home and inserted my micro-SIM and tried to use the phone but it doesn't recognize the micro-SIM!
I've tried the SIM in other phones (Nokia and other brands) and it works but not in the 808. It is like the phone is stucked in "Offline" mode and I can't make it change: not from the Profiles page (to make it Active), not by pressing the On/Off button and selection "Turn offline mode off", not re-starting it with and then without the SIM and then with the SIM inserted, not "Restore factory settings" not "Delete memoru and restore factory settings"!
I have bought a N900 today and am busy testing it. With the phone, no real user guide was given. I downloaded one from the Nokia site. But I do not seem to find how to make the screen rotate.
My N900 only seems to be able to connect to PC Suite in 'non-compatibility' mode.This mode doesnt allow me to use any of the PC suite applications.How do I change the mode to 'compatibility' mode, or the 'normal' mode so everything works!No options appear on the phone when the USB cable is connected for PC Suite, like it should do? The phone is automatically charged via the connection though.
I have just upgraded my Nokia N73 to the E72 and am very very disappointed with the picture quality of the camera.
It does not appear to be the same quality as the Carl Zeiss lens of my old N73 and many pictures seem to be out of focus. It has annoying habit of when i try to take a quick snap of continually asking me to chose a shooting mode and the therefore the moment has gone. I also use this camera function for my work and unless I can find advice on taking better quality pics then it will have to go back.Is mine a faulty unit or is there a knack of taking a picture without the camera moving which I think is causing part of the problems.