Nokia Navigation :: Connection Failed Even If Internet Is Working OK?
Jun 24, 2011
Newly changed my subscription. I get these messages trying to use ovimaps on my cell:First I get this message: "Connection failed?" and the it goes in a mode "Waiting for GPS?" but after 15 minutes it has still not found GPS signal.In addition I can tell that internet now works 100% perfect but my yahoomail only reach connection 8 out of 10 attempt to get connection. Using mu yahoo email account on the phone I get the message. "Shot down one of the connection".
Nokia Maps app cannot connect to the internet. It remains in the offline mode. On trying connecting to internet connection failed is displayed. How could I make nokia maps online?
my airtel networks acees point "mobile office " used to work in nokia 701 for a week now its not working it has been 7 days whever i try to connect i just get this message "connection failed, connection unavailable"
Whenever I try to connect to OVI Maps (GPS), I get the message "connection failed, try again". I don't understand why because my internet works and all the internet setting on my phone works. Do I need to change any particular settings?
I am connected to Wi-Fi but unable to connect to the internet like FB,Yahoo or other websites. My sister used to connect to wifi but now that I am using her handset, I cannot do so.
I've had the N900 since Feburary now and it started today.I use to have internet connection on all the time but today, it's not working.I've tried to get a connection but it message says "Internet Connection Failed, Try Again?"When I press Yes, it tries again but get the same message. I've didn't change any connection settings and I'm with T-Mobile if that helps.
I am on a giffgaff monthly plan with unlimited internet, but I cannot connect my BlackBerry to the internet. Every time I click the browser icon it just says 'connection failed' - my friend said you needed a special code or something and I have no idea where to get that.
A weird thing has started happening on my 5800 in that certain apps seem to have started failing to connect to the internet. If I use the browser then I get the connection choice menu i.e. WAP or WiFi, but certain applications have stopped giving this choice and therefore just sit there doing nothing. The only way I can get them to do anything is by connecting to a WiFi point first via settings then starting the application. This is okay when I'm near a WiFi point but it means cannot use these application properly on the move. The apps that are affected are Gmail, Googlemaps and Forcea Weather.
If anyone has any idea on how to fix this then I would be grateful for your help.
I am using Nokia E5 from 2 months , till yesterday I was using Internet radio, but suddenly it stop. If I click on internet radio, Its says " no Network connection". When I go to option--> setting and after clicking on setting no response is there , meaning nothing is happening. Other internet related apps working fine.
ihave just installed nokia belle on e7 but unfortunatelly ovi store stopped working. Every time it results in ""connection failed"" while web broser and other applications pre installed nokia belle are working. After belle all application downloaded through nokia suit results ""connection failed"" i have reinstalled ovi store with QT 4.7 but its still not working?
i have just installed nokia belle on e7 but unfortunately ovi store stopped working. Every time it results in ""connection failed"" while web broser and other applications pre installed nokia belle are working. After belle all application downloaded through Nokia suit results ""connection failed"" i have reinstalled ovi store with QT 4.7 but its still not working?
I just received my 808 replaced by Nokia for the 3G bug issue. Now I have been noticing that annoying Connection Failed connection unavailable message every few seconds. Turned the positioning methods OFF and the frequency of the error message goes away but it still pops up every few minutes. I did a hard reset, removed the memory card where most of my apps are installed and it still gives me that same error. Ordered a new SIM to see if that makes any difference - none - Still same error message. That message is so annoying. Anyone have any other ideas that I could try ? Privacy mode is OFF also.
Ok I have a 808 bought it as a camera after it updated it, I get this unacceptable repeated popup"Connection Failed Connection Unavailable".Its like every 30 seconds.Its total black background message occupies valuable screen real estate at the top of the screen and repeatedly hinders normal usage of the device, causing especially unpleasant experience when capturing pictures or video.How do nokia users like me go about disabling this message and continue enjoying the experience of the brand we choose to trust?
im facing a problem with installin the ovi maps.. yesterday i deleted the nokia maps from the application manager tab in the settings as an error kept coming asking to move or delete items from C: as memory was full.. i deleted the nokia maps alone cos of which 15 mb of free space was there in C:.. so i decided to update the ovi maps again but it kept on getting failed... i tried in the nokia ovi suite n the software updater as well by connecting the phone to my pc.. it says maps couldnt be installed as there is a missing dependency..
Mobile data is on and internet settings are all ok, hotspot is working just fine and when i connect my laptop to mobile hotspot internet works fine, the problem is that application on the phone won't connect to internet.
Since installing the new free Maps app, my GPS has failed to work properly. It has no problem getting a good strong fix in "GPS data" and works just fine in my Sports Tracker app, but when I open Ovi Maps, the GPS meter shows alternating pairs of red and gray bars. It seems to get my initial location right, but the centre cursor fades to a dim pink does not move. I've tried to remove Ovi Maps, thinking that perhaps reinstalling it would do the trick, but my attempts to remove it have failed.
I have nokia X7 and sometimes it shows the messages "conn. fail." and after this mssg I cannot make a call nor anyone can call me. Then I have to reset my phone and after sometime it come again.
My friend has Nokia E5 and he installed Joikuspot Light which turns the phone to a 3G wifi hotspot. Then I was able to connect my laptop to web using his phone as 3G wifi router. [URL] I was able to connect iphone to web using his phone as 3G wifi router.But when I tried to connect my HTC legend (its Wi-Fi is enabled),,,,,Android Version 2.2 HTC was not able to find the nokia�s SSID (although SSID's broadcast is enabled) even when I added that SSID manually HTC complains that it is not in the range.My HTC was able to connect my home router wirelessly with no problem?
My phone GPS Navigation is not working ...It is not receiving signals from satellites.i tried by activated all position methods assited & integrated GPS but still not working...
I have Nokia 808 and when I try to Add new maps in Map Loader I get message: No connection to a WiFi network. But I'm connected to my WiFi network and that is very confusing to me.
My phone will only connet to the internet when the wi-fi connection is working. I can have a full signal for text messages and calls but when i turn the wifi off, i cannot connect to the internet or use the app world.
does anyone now how to fix this or know how i need to direct the settings or to see if the settings have been reset or something?
I got a problem with the bluetooth. I can send files with it but I can't receive them. My phone can be seen by everyone when bluetooth are active, I accept the file that other people want to share and then a message such as "connection failed" or similar,appear on the phone of the other people. Someone told me that I should reset the phone, is it the right solution? Is a backup necessary before the reset? I need to transfer some job files.
After updating my Nokia C7 to belle I have noticed that the Social app fails at connecting to the internet, be it wifi or 3g. As soon as it starts it says: Network is unavailable. please try again later. I'm in the UK on 3 network.
I'm user of Nokia Lumia 800, there i have a GPS Nokia Drive and i'm more or less happy with it. I use it pretty often as i need to travel alot.But there is something that i dont really understand, is how can i use Nokia Drive without having internet connection, with this i mean no wifi or 3G or whatever so i dont have any connection, can i use it or not, and how?Because when im abroad, and normally my roaming is set off, but when i enter adress it cant find location etc, because i dont have connection, so i need to set my roamin on for just finding the location and then i set it off, but it is stupid tbh.I did predownload map where im in etc etc, altho i read on noika that it is possible to use it without connection but ... maybe i miss something?