I have installed Nokia Trailers app and able to download trailers happily. Unfortunately i am not able to save them in videos. How to save them in videos is there any way available? As its nokia application i was thinking that it will be accessible from videos but not. Anybody can guide me how to transfer them in videos?
I'm trying to transfer videos and music to and from my 1520.
I plug the phone into the USB cable, the phone software launches, select explorer, navigate to my sd card, wait for it to refresh, goto the camera folder and wait forever for thumbnails to draw. When I start to scroll through all the photos and videos, I barely get to the videos I want to transfer on to my pc.
Most of the time I give up and upload them to onedrive and download them, which is just stupid way to transfer files.
I've been having trouble with my videos once I transfer them from my phone to my laptop. The sound goes on them but if I move it back to the phone the sound is fine again. Am I doing something wrong when I transfer them?
I have installed Zune on my pc but when I connect my phone there it just says Connection failed. Please restart and try again or something like that. I have reinstalled it,tried everything in forums like reseting the phone,deleting some stuff from Zune folder and auto-fixing it but nothing helped,what can I do in order to get some videos and music to my lumia?
Currently Zune supports only mp4 format.Zune cant able to sync other video formats.Even the files cant be downloaded from Internet Explorer.I contacted nokia. They said Phone will support all these formats. there is no way to import such video formats into phone.Then, how can i play?When i download video, it simply plays. But cant able to download into phone.
how are you supposed to watch videos on the lumia 920?every website i go on, is unable to play the video, because of lack of flash.i cant even watch Internet anymore. i just get sent to the app store, where obviously there are no apps, as no one makes apps for wp8. this smartphone isn't acting very smart at all. it was too much to expect all websites to use html5 seeing how a only a very small handful are using it.why cant the previous version be added included so videos can actually be watched. especially seeing how it will be years before every website upgrades to html5.
I have a Nokia Lumia 710 and when it was connected to my PC (via USB, using Zune) I deleted the already sync'd photos and videos that existed on my PC (in Documents&SettingsAdministrator..) and (unfortunately) the Zune software automatically erased these files from my phone!In order to use a PC undelete software for my phone, the phone needs to appear as a drive letter (ie. G:) on my PC when connected. How can this be accomplished? When I connect it, it doesn't appear as a drive letter (tried it in Windows XP and Vista). I already tried undeleting the files on my PC but the undelete software couldn't do this.
My Nokia Lumia 900,it's shoting videos at 24 and 29 frames per second,but nokia claim about 25 and 30,another issue is regarding to a flickering on the screen,when shooing videos using a flickering reduction at 60 herzt,under some lighting conditions,i checked the frame rate using the sony vegas software,and window media player,and only show a 24 or 29,and a bit rate around 14 000 kbs?
Had a friend text me a video in 3GP format, Windows says "Sorry, we can't play this file on your phone". Normal error or should I be able to play this type of file?
When I press on the video, it loada as if it will download but then stops, tried so many times! File size is 2.4mb. Strange that videos have worked before though.
Is there a way to delete the History file in the Music+Videos app? I can delete the IE Browser History, but cannot find a way to delete Music+Videos History.
My 822 is duplicating music, videos & pictures. I have 10-12 copies of some songs & pictures. It stops duplicating videos at 3 copies. It does not do it with all music, photo's or videos, so I do not think it is a card issue. I have a new Sandisk 64gb class 10 card that I formatted with this phone. Photo's music & videos were loaded to card through the phone by hooking up cable to windows 7 computer drag & drop/cut & paste. I can delete extra pictures, but I cannot delete extra videos or music. If you delete one of the copies, none of them will play. When you delete photos, there will be new copies by the next day. Have had this phone since the release at Verizon... Like the phone, but the video playback is very choppy & these duplicating issues are insane.
Whenever I upload pictures or videos to Facebook from my Nokia Lumia 920, they are set as private and nobody can see them unless I go onto a computer and make them public. How do I change this so that my pictures and videos are automatically set so that my friends can see the pictures and videos?
I just got the 1020 as an upg from the 920. I can access the 920 camera roll via sky drive but none of the videos I took with the 920 are playing on the 1020.
The error message is " Sorry, we can't play this file on your phone." Close
I have lumia 1520 and using win 10 on it. I cant play tumblr videos. There was no problem once using win 7 on it. Since loaded win 8, 8.1 and win 10 preview I cant play?
My Lumia 800 Music+Videos Tile is not showing any artist images. The music in my device is having full album information (With album art) but still the artist images are not coming on the tile.I just see the non-interactive tile on the start screen.
How to transfer contacts from Nokia N95 to Lumia 800
I tried the appealing Bluetooth option, but unfortunately it didn't work. The pairing of the devices seemed to go OK.But after starting "contacts transfer" with some dots running over the screen of Lumia for a few second, I got "unable to complete the connection etc.".So apparently N95 is not supported or something.
I have around 450 contacts in my address book (names, address, phone nos) on N9 and around 400 on Windows Lives account (combination of Gmail, Facebook and LinkedIn) on my Lumia 800.So, I tried using the Contacts Transfer app to move the contacts from N9 to Lumia via Bluetooth. What happened was that it transferred around 60-70 contacts and then failed.I tried repeating it several times, each time having to pair with the N9 again on Bluetooth and each time failing the transfer after moving around 60-70 or so contacts.I then decided to give up and look into PeopleHub and under the contacts, I found hundreds of entries labelled <Unnamed>, with empty contents in them.Now, how can I get rid of them and why failing to complete the transfer resulted in these blank entries being generated?I also logged into my Windows Live account and indeed, it is saying I have over 900 contacts but these <Unnamed> contacts are not listed anywhere in the ALL, 123, A, B, C, D, E, etc. groups. So, I'm unable to bulk delete them on the web.
I'm planning to buy lumia 920 but I was wondering if I could transfer text message, photos, and contacts easily? I'm not sure if lumia has Nokia Sync since it uses another software.
I've been able to transfer video from my 920 to laptop fine via bluetooth. Filesize range from 28mb to 40mb. Those are like 10-15 second 1080p recording.Yesterday, I captured a video for almost 5 mins. I am not sure how big the file is but bluetooth just quits and doesn't even initiate the connection. I've been looking for a free ftp client but I can't any. I created an html form but when I visited the form, the browse window doesn't popup.