Nokia Lumia :: Getting Clicking Noise When Track Changes While Playing Music
Nov 24, 2011
I get a clicking sound when a track changes while playing music? Does anyone else have it. Also, when the battery is running low, I get a weird noise (via the earphones). Sort of like the sound you hear when you are near to a speaker and are receiving a call.
Ok, so I got my bold 9700 last week and love itBUT, the trackpad will make the clicking noise ok for a few minutes and then suddenly disappear and won't make the clicking noise until i remove the battery and it reboots.Went back to the store this a.m. and switched it out for another one and SAME problem.worked fine for about 30 minutes and now the same thing.
If you click on the upper part of your trackpad does it not make a clicking noise and do you feel it click down? mine doesn't , but every where else it does( middle, left and right and bottom). I did the trackpad fix and my trackpad is very solid and even now.
My LGG4 has an annoying clicking noise embedded that can be heard when playing back a recorded video. It is on the phone during playback as well as in the video after upload to Facebook. Not sure if this is related but a video I uploaded to Facebook also looked good on the phone but was horrible on Facebook (and had the clicking noise in the background)
Is it possible to seek a music track by dragging/tapping the track progress bar. Or am I stuff with having ot hold the fast forward/rewind button like some kind of 1980's walkman. This lumia 820 gets worse and worse with every passing minute.
I've been using my 950XL for just over a week now. This morning while the phone was (wirelessly) charging on my Nokia Qi charger I noticed a soft clicking sound. It comes from the phone and it stops when I pick it up from the charger plate. (Well it does now, this morning I had to reboot the phone for it to stop)
Anyway, I found this clip on YouTube which is the exact sound mine is making too. Just search for "950 xl clicking" on YouTube. Do all 950(XL)'s make this noise? And is it a sign of trouble ahead?
last night a friend came around mine so i thought i would use have laptop whilst he had it with him to get some up to date music. i simply plugged my usb in and then dragged and dropped some of his music into the music file on the phone. all looked so simple to me. there were some messages that came up regarding some of the files not working but my friend said he got those messages when he transferred to his itunes also.
when i go to play these songs i can barely hear them at all but i can play Internet videos with volume fine, i can play things within the nokia music mix thing, i can hear my system sounds, i can hear my ringtone. i have tried the basic obvious things of looking at settings on my phone etc but the fact that all other music works has made me assume it's not a settings issue on my phone.
only other thing i have since tried is transferring from my phone to my fiancees laptop, deleting all the songs from the phone and then i put an album back on. no luck, didn't work. really gutted at the moment, just got this phone and love it but i will be gutted if there is some sort of weird restrictions causing me to not just take music from a pc.
If I want to have my phone available for handsfree calls and hear the directional prompts using Nokia Drive in my 2011 Acura TSX (not tech package) I have to have the audio set to Bluetooth Audio. But when I do that the Music app automatically starts and plays music. I can turn it off (using the Stop the Music app), but it comes back on after a few seconds. How can I make it stop playing music?
I am having a problem while playing music that is stored on the device in my collection (not streaming). I try to play a song and it says "opening". Then the song comes in and out sporadically for a couple of seconds. Then it stops for about two minutes and then plays again for a few seconds. Sometimes it plays fine, but I notice that when I am at the health club, the problem always occurs. Could it be a connection issue even if the music is stored locally and not being streamed?
whenever i try to take a picture with my phone it makes this annoying clicking sound, like a really old computer trying to do somthing? i dont know how to explain it... its very quiet and clicks whenever i try to take a picture, its not just once in a while. when i put my ear up close to the phone i can tell the sound is not coming from my speaker, it is coming from the camera, i had just gotten this phone new after blackberry was unable to fix my other one, and i had a loner phone for almost 3 months, and i dont want to take it in to my carrier again as i had just gotten the phone back and dont want another loner... the pictures it takes are acceptable, not the best...
I've started noticing a weird clicking noise after using the camera. After I take a picture and press the 'Home' button to exit the application, it makes the noise, which sounds like there's something loose or something. Also, the slider part of the phone is loose at the bottom, so when I push the buttons I'm actually pushing the screen down onto the keyboard, which is annoying.
While on a phone call with anyone, I get a random clicking noise no matter if on speaker, bluetooth, or earpiece of phone. I have already tried pulling back, factory reset, and clearing the cache. Verizon phone on BOG5.
My Iphone 6 is making a clicking noise on the screen when you press on it near the volume buttons and i do t know what to do. I never dropped the phone and i do have a case on it. It is not bent at all. Just one day someone called me and when i put the phone on my check i heard it click. First i thought it was the case so i took it off but u still heard the sound Should i take it to an Apple Store ?
I know that you can set the phone to make a noise when you click the trackpad - that isn't my issue because I have this feature turned off. My issue is that when I scroll down on the trackpad I'm hearing a clicking noise, almost like the trackpad is too loose and is hitting the silver lining. I'm not trying to be picky, but it's really annoying when scrolling through emails or through the browser. I stopped by the Verizon store and the tech told me it's because I have big thumbs and they're hitting the keys below, which I showed him wasn't the case. He also said the trackpad being angled to the right appears to be on purpose because their demo is like that. I was just wondering if anyone else noticed the clicking noise when scrolling down?
So the other day I switched over from an iPhone 4, my gf bought the HTC One X after I recommended it to her since shes not an Apple person and after playing around with it my self I decided to also switch. So far I'm loving the phone but a couple of things that are bothering me are this;How is it that you cannot send DECENT quality videos?! On the iPhone I was able to send high quality minute long videos with no problem. I took a 15 second video in lower resolution and pixel rate and EVERY TIME it would say the file is too large.Next, group messaging.. iPhone did this no problem. Me and 3 other people could send messages back and forth like we were in a chat room, HTC? Nope, sends them individually to each person. I heard some recommendation of apps that do this but they make you sign up for some lame account where my name is displayed instead of my phone number or name listed in THEIR contact list.
Lastly, is there a way to change the keyboard other than the tilt way to make the space bar button bigger? I'm always hitting the period button after every wordAre there any ways to get around these little inconveniences? I'd appreciate any recommendations or suggestions cause I'd hate to have to go back to the ATT store and upgrade to the iPhone 4S.Edit: Another issue.. noticed while in camera mode, taking pictures theres a constant clicking noise coming from the phone. Not sure what it is its very faint but annoying. Anyone else experience this?Another issue I found! Check this out this is definitely strange! So I dropped my phone today and I thought I had broken the three buttons on the bottom of the phone because they would not light up in my room... So I figured I would exchange it at the store on monday and went on with my business. I went downstairs into my gym to work out and those lights magically started working so I thought huh, thats cool maybe its just because it was charging.. but then I went back into my bedroom and the lights stopped working again
 Last week I suddenly noticed that my phone's power button wasn't making a clicking noise anymore when pressed. Now it's more like pressing a rubber button or something. Phone itself is about 6 months old. I also checked my wife's Z3C and, while being about two months older, it's power button is still clicking like mine was before.
I have been using iPhone 4, 5 and now 6. iPhone 6 has been making an unusual clicking noise when i touch / press bottom panel. It is normal to press bottom panel while clicking home button. I have shown it to Apple Genius Bar in Dublin CA and they could see and hear the bottom panel clicking.Â
It is difficult to hear the clicking noise in the store due to surrounding noise. i have uploaded a video to make it simpler for Apple to investigate. URL...I am running out of options with Apple Genius technicians. I can reproduce the problem after removing the case too.
I bought Lumia 800 couple days ago and was very satisfied. But now i have a problem. When i tap on screen on top right corner area screen produces clicking sound. It's not software issue, it seems that display is not mounted properly. It occurs even when phone is powered off. Anybody else having this problem? Should I request a new unit? I didn't bought it from a store but from local reseller so i don't know if he'll be willing to replace it for me. Maybe it's my imagination but it looks like typing on that area is slightly unprecise.
I am providing video for you to hear. Noise is from computer fans but it should be enough for you to hear the clicking on screen
This problem has been occurring since I have used the 1520. Never did I experienced this with my 920 before.
Anyways, music randomly stops playing and I can't seem to get it back to playing if I don't restart THE WHOLE PHONE. It's very annoying and no this is not an Xbox Music issue since I've tried MixRadio, the Hub Tile and other third party players and this is still happening. Whatever skipping of songs I do it still won't play. Songs are switching but it's stuck on the 'pause' button but it's not playing.. No sounds, time is not running. REALLY annoying.
I am new to windows phone although i have been watching it for a while now, and i am very excited and pleased with my new lumia 1020. one question i have is, is there any way to make artist cover art be your lock screen while music is playing? I can't seem to make this feature happen.
Can somebody please tell me how I can use a music track which is in my N900, as a ringtone. There doesn't seem to be any way of moving tracks into ringtones, or is it just me?
i dont like my phone to make a noise unless its ringing or i have a new text or email. i went to settings and disabled keyboard sounds but i can not find any way to turn of the nasty noise that i now get with every movement on words with friends. I have to manually mute it each time i pop on to play and remember to turn it back up again after.
some song in my track list are repeted when i see ( ALL TRACKS ) i found 180 songs .. but when i play the list it show up to me 208 songs some song's are repeted!
i've done rest. factory sett. & it had fix some proplem as the Camera... but not the Music Player!
& something else when i select recently added , or most played ,, their list don't work at all & i find my phone go automatiquly to the play list that containe 208 song !!
I had CWM a couple of years ago but now suddenly Nokia Music says that this computer is not the registered one. It worked couple of days ago and is still the same one. I had to reinstall Win7 a month ago and had to register it as 'new' one but after that it worked flawless.
So those 90 days between changing of computer has not passed yet.