My LGG4 has an annoying clicking noise embedded that can be heard when playing back a recorded video. It is on the phone during playback as well as in the video after upload to Facebook. Not sure if this is related but a video I uploaded to Facebook also looked good on the phone but was horrible on Facebook (and had the clicking noise in the background)
I've noticed when recording a video and I focus on something close the focusing noise comes through when playing the video back. When I move away from the object I can hear the camera ree focus but the buzzing is not loud. The refocusing noise is only loud when I focus on something close.
I get a clicking sound when a track changes while playing music? Does anyone else have it. Also, when the battery is running low, I get a weird noise (via the earphones). Sort of like the sound you hear when you are near to a speaker and are receiving a call.
I recorded a video using my LG G4 phone, and when I play it back on my G4, while watching it, I get an error "Cannot Play Video, unsupported file type". The video freezes, but I can still hear the video. I never had this issue with Samsung. How do I resolve it?
whenever i try to take a picture with my phone it makes this annoying clicking sound, like a really old computer trying to do somthing? i dont know how to explain it... its very quiet and clicks whenever i try to take a picture, its not just once in a while. when i put my ear up close to the phone i can tell the sound is not coming from my speaker, it is coming from the camera, i had just gotten this phone new after blackberry was unable to fix my other one, and i had a loner phone for almost 3 months, and i dont want to take it in to my carrier again as i had just gotten the phone back and dont want another loner... the pictures it takes are acceptable, not the best...
I've started noticing a weird clicking noise after using the camera. After I take a picture and press the 'Home' button to exit the application, it makes the noise, which sounds like there's something loose or something. Also, the slider part of the phone is loose at the bottom, so when I push the buttons I'm actually pushing the screen down onto the keyboard, which is annoying.
I've been using my 950XL for just over a week now. This morning while the phone was (wirelessly) charging on my Nokia Qi charger I noticed a soft clicking sound. It comes from the phone and it stops when I pick it up from the charger plate. (Well it does now, this morning I had to reboot the phone for it to stop)
Anyway, I found this clip on YouTube which is the exact sound mine is making too. Just search for "950 xl clicking" on YouTube. Do all 950(XL)'s make this noise? And is it a sign of trouble ahead?
While on a phone call with anyone, I get a random clicking noise no matter if on speaker, bluetooth, or earpiece of phone. I have already tried pulling back, factory reset, and clearing the cache. Verizon phone on BOG5.
My Iphone 6 is making a clicking noise on the screen when you press on it near the volume buttons and i do t know what to do. I never dropped the phone and i do have a case on it. It is not bent at all. Just one day someone called me and when i put the phone on my check i heard it click. First i thought it was the case so i took it off but u still heard the sound Should i take it to an Apple Store ?
Ok, so I got my bold 9700 last week and love itBUT, the trackpad will make the clicking noise ok for a few minutes and then suddenly disappear and won't make the clicking noise until i remove the battery and it reboots.Went back to the store this a.m. and switched it out for another one and SAME problem.worked fine for about 30 minutes and now the same thing.
I know that you can set the phone to make a noise when you click the trackpad - that isn't my issue because I have this feature turned off. My issue is that when I scroll down on the trackpad I'm hearing a clicking noise, almost like the trackpad is too loose and is hitting the silver lining. I'm not trying to be picky, but it's really annoying when scrolling through emails or through the browser. I stopped by the Verizon store and the tech told me it's because I have big thumbs and they're hitting the keys below, which I showed him wasn't the case. He also said the trackpad being angled to the right appears to be on purpose because their demo is like that. I was just wondering if anyone else noticed the clicking noise when scrolling down?
i have a problem with video playing. i put some video from my pc via nokia pc suite and convert it to my n97. iit`s playing only few seconds and then the video stops but sound is still playing. i tried put the video without converting in mp4 formate but it`s the same. if i try to play some downloaded video from ovi or some carptured video it plays with no problems. i`ve already tried to reinstall my frimeware but it didn`t solve the :
So the other day I switched over from an iPhone 4, my gf bought the HTC One X after I recommended it to her since shes not an Apple person and after playing around with it my self I decided to also switch. So far I'm loving the phone but a couple of things that are bothering me are this;How is it that you cannot send DECENT quality videos?! On the iPhone I was able to send high quality minute long videos with no problem. I took a 15 second video in lower resolution and pixel rate and EVERY TIME it would say the file is too large.Next, group messaging.. iPhone did this no problem. Me and 3 other people could send messages back and forth like we were in a chat room, HTC? Nope, sends them individually to each person. I heard some recommendation of apps that do this but they make you sign up for some lame account where my name is displayed instead of my phone number or name listed in THEIR contact list.
Lastly, is there a way to change the keyboard other than the tilt way to make the space bar button bigger? I'm always hitting the period button after every wordAre there any ways to get around these little inconveniences? I'd appreciate any recommendations or suggestions cause I'd hate to have to go back to the ATT store and upgrade to the iPhone 4S.Edit: Another issue.. noticed while in camera mode, taking pictures theres a constant clicking noise coming from the phone. Not sure what it is its very faint but annoying. Anyone else experience this?Another issue I found! Check this out this is definitely strange! So I dropped my phone today and I thought I had broken the three buttons on the bottom of the phone because they would not light up in my room... So I figured I would exchange it at the store on monday and went on with my business. I went downstairs into my gym to work out and those lights magically started working so I thought huh, thats cool maybe its just because it was charging.. but then I went back into my bedroom and the lights stopped working again
 Last week I suddenly noticed that my phone's power button wasn't making a clicking noise anymore when pressed. Now it's more like pressing a rubber button or something. Phone itself is about 6 months old. I also checked my wife's Z3C and, while being about two months older, it's power button is still clicking like mine was before.
I have been using iPhone 4, 5 and now 6. iPhone 6 has been making an unusual clicking noise when i touch / press bottom panel. It is normal to press bottom panel while clicking home button. I have shown it to Apple Genius Bar in Dublin CA and they could see and hear the bottom panel clicking.Â
It is difficult to hear the clicking noise in the store due to surrounding noise. i have uploaded a video to make it simpler for Apple to investigate. URL...I am running out of options with Apple Genius technicians. I can reproduce the problem after removing the case too.
If you click on the upper part of your trackpad does it not make a clicking noise and do you feel it click down? mine doesn't , but every where else it does( middle, left and right and bottom). I did the trackpad fix and my trackpad is very solid and even now.
I have a BB 9650 with O/S 5..0.0.975.Main issue is that the voice and video of a video file are not in sync. The video plays slower than the voice. I believe that it is true for all video files. They were all loaded via BB Desktop Manager and all the files have the same extensions (MP4). They play fine on my computer.don't tell me to load O/S 6.0. That OS does has so many bugs that it is useless. I have loaded it twice over the course of 6 or 7 months and both times it simply fails to function properly.
I recently bought my blackberry the other day and it's been working great. However today I notices the back cover keeps making weird clicking noises whenever pressure is applied. Everytime I go to pick it up in my hand to text, the cover makes this noise. It appears to be due to a pocket of air between the cover and the battery but the noise is getting really annoying.
I have a 4S (the phone has only 2 weeks, factory unlocked, IOS 5.1) and if I record a video with the phone's camera I get an annoying noise when I playback the video. Please take look at the video to hear that noise. [URL]. I don't know what is the cause of this.. maybe a software problem. (You need to record a video in a quiet room and then play that video)?
My iPhone 4 running 5.1 has suddenly started crashing back to the shutdown animation when I double tap the home button. It's happening every time I click it, so I can't access the ?springboard??, the part where you can close apps, slide left to access volume, etc... It appears to jam, then drop back to the black screen with loader animation, then just a few seconds later, I see the lock screen again and have to enter my password...
It seemed to start after I installed some rubbish apps last night, but I've removed them since, but the problem persists. Maybe it's a coincidence, and not connected to the naff app..
So when I record a video, there is a noise every time the video auto focuses. I am hoping this is a software issue since I do not hear the same noise in other videos I recorded pre 6.0.1.
First video was recorded in 120fps. And you can hear a ticking sound. Now, I did not record any 120fps before 6.0.1 so not sure if this happened before the update. [URL] .....
Second video, you can hear the sound of the lens focusing. [URL] ....
i've been noticing that while I'm on apps such as Facebook or Instagram that my phone will start clicking on people's profiles, liking posts, or clicking links unprovoked. I thought maybe it was a problem with the apps, but I started noticing it happening whike sending a text the phone will click on suggested words by itself, and even if I'm just on the home screen apps will open on their own.
When I record a video and play it back I can hear a loud whirring noise in the background. It happens regardless if the camera is moving or not when the video was taken and is quite an annoying sound.
Has anyone else noticed that after you have shot a video while using the volume/zoom switch to zoom in and out that when you play back the video you can hear the clicking of the switch? If you use the slide zoom on screen, the microphone also picks up the noise from your finger moving across the screen using that method too. This is a major problem as you cannot hear what you have filmed when you play it back, when I took it back to the shop where I purchased it from to explain about it they checked all the other N8's in the shop and they too had the same fault. Come on Nokia you managed to be able to get it right on my old N95-00 without it making the clicking noises,so you must be able to sort it out on the N8, the videos at the moment are unwatchable as all you hear is click, click ,click where the zoom button has been pressed. I bought this phone mainly for the excellent camera/video but at the moment all I have is a very expensive touch screen phone