Nokia :: Internet On My PC Using My 5530

Jan 2, 2010

I have a Nokia 5530 Express Music and I am asking: can I connect to the internet with my PC, using the phone's WiFi modem? The PC Suite only allows connecting to the internet through 3G. I would be very pleased if someone answers me. Thank you.Message Edited by hellsgrimtyrant on 02-Jan-2010 12:16 PM

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Nokia :: 5530 / WIFI Internet

Jan 13, 2010

i have a nokia 5530 expressmusic with firmware 20.0.080.i connect with it to the internet via wifi. typically, the first page loads fine. however the second page often fails to load, especially if it is not a very tiny website. clicking on a button does typically also fails. note that this also happens when browsing the ovi store, which should clearly be fully compatible with the nokia browser.

some examples:

for the ovi store, this typically means i can get to the page of recommended applications, but i cannot download one. when i'm lucky, i can get up to the place where i have to enter my account info.

for the site ""

the site loads, i can enter my nickname and password and sometimes get a warning about the fact that it is a secure site and the question to remember my password. after which i get the error "no gateway reply".

directly after the previous error, i browse to (the phone asks me gain to connect to the wifi network)

the site loads well. i type in the word "radar" and select the search function. the phone does something (as i can now select to stop loading the page" ), but i do not get to the next page. "no gateway reply"

i tried Internet (via the dedicated icon provided by nokia): same issue: first page loads, pressing the search button gets a no gateway reply.

in general, i get 3 cases:

- the phone keeps showing the progress bar for such a long time that in the end, i run out of patience

- i get the error "no gateway reply"

- the progress bar appears and after some time disappears again without any resulting action

i checked the following things:

- wifi connection: reception is optimal. other wifi equipment has no problems at all (laptops, logitech duet controller, etc). in addition, the first web page often loads well, showing that a working connection is present.

- i installed opera mini (via my computer :-) )to see whether the issue is browser related, but with opera, i experience similar problems.

- different days, different hours of the day: same issue

- acces ovi via link in the applications, via the mobile site or via the regular site: always problems

anyone an idea where things go wrong and how to solve this?

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Nokia :: Error Connecting To Internet With 5530 XM

Mar 28, 2010

I got some problems with my 5530.When i try to get on to a web page or open the search bar at all, it just pops up and gets right out again.It worked fine before, got the question to use WLAN or WAP.But now i don't even get that question, I simply can't get into "Web" at all.I`ve tried everything.. Someone who maybe know the problem? Please let me know.

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Nokia :: 5530 Internet Wont Download To E

Jan 15, 2010

the 5530 is great for WiFi ... But ... after a while something (unspecified) is filling up C: (ie the phone)
I cant select E: (ie memory card) for internet downloads.So the phone is now useless for WiFi.Cannot recommend,unless the "File Manager" has a relocate downloads function - which is certainly obscure, if it exists at all.Minor problem:mp3 files sent via bluetooth reside in "Messages" on C: and _cannot_ be moved to E:the music player finds them, but the File Manager fails (again).Could Nokia please hire some people with computer oop systems experience?

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Nokia :: 5530 / Randomly Shuts Down Internet

Jul 3, 2010

The 5530 is a nice little phone with nearly everything. Only disappoint is that when im browsing the internet, it would randomly shut the browser.Also i have 4GB memory card and lets say its 3GB full, and the phone lags. I've updated it to the latest firmware also.

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Nokia :: 5530 On Click Into Internet Screen Flashes & Automatically Closes

Mar 23, 2010

I have a Nokia 5530 since christmas with latest firmware update. My problem is that when i click into the Internet, the screen just flashes and automatically closes. I tried it with connecting to Ovi Store and the same thing happens. I am using my wireless modem to connect to the Internet and it has never once given me a problem, just today it started acting up. Another detail is when i use other applications such as Software Update or using Ovi maps, it will download easily, but just wont open web pages even though it is connected,

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Nokia :: 5530 Unable To Access Internet / Packet Data Not Found

Feb 8, 2010

I've had the 5530 Xpress Music phone since the end of November 09 and It's already been back for a repair, phone is fine now.Since I've had the phone, I have never been able to access the internet from it, everytime I try I get this message which say's Packet Data not found. I have tried going into setting's and at the moment mine is set to:- Packet Date Connection is:- When needed and Access Point is:- None No mater what I set is on, I still can't access the internet.

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Nokia :: 5530 Is Not Recieving Sms

Mar 17, 2010

It has been around a weeks since sms's havn't been recived to my phone pls what should i do. Till now for sms to be recieved i have to swich off and on my mobile phone.

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Nokia :: 5530 SMS Not In Order

Jan 18, 2010

my son and daughter have the nokia 5530 aswell as my self, when i receive sms i have it set to receive 'by date sent' which is fine but when my son & daughter receive sms they have to scroll down to look for it, even though theirs is set to 'by date sent' any ideas how/why this is happening

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Nokia :: 5530 Restarts So Often

Jan 4, 2010

So I just got my 5530 about 3 weeks ago and ever since it restarts so often. I was thinking maybe because I was using slideshow as my wallpaper or because it had too many songs and pictures. Is it because of those? Is it normal? But I actually don't think it's normal because it restarts like twice or thrice a day.

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Nokia :: 5530 Best Antivirus?

Jan 3, 2010

need some help regarding which is the best antivirus s/w for 5530

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Nokia :: Wifi Not Working On 5530

Mar 2, 2010

I've been using the Wifi on my 5530 since I got it in December and it's worked fine, but today, although it says that I am connected to my Wifi connection, it won't let me go onto the Internet. It says:"No gateway reply" I've tried with many different website URLs but its the same.

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Nokia :: Software LAG (5530 XM) When Multitasking?

Jul 29, 2010

Ive got 5530 from January this year. Recently I updated my phone via the nokia updater. In fisrt 2 days it was ok, but now i see a BIG lag when multitasking(when i turn some music the menus LAG as hell) and a small lag when singletasking (kinetic scrolling). The phone has 2 installed games and skype, i dont think its because overload.

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Nokia :: 5530 Ovi Maps 3.04 Not Insall

Sep 1, 2010

Today I noticed an Ovi Maps 3.04 update in the software update application on the nokia 5530XM. Unfortunately, it will not install. Has anyone been able to install it on their 5530, or is it an error by Nokia?

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Nokia :: 5530 Cant See Message Screen Below

Jan 13, 2010

I posted this on the Phones section, but nobody answered, so here it goes:My girlfriend has a Nokia 5530 XpressMusic. Great phone, but there's a problem with Nokia Messaging (or Nokia Email, I don't know - see screen below).I've already set it up with her Gmail account, but when she tries to check her emails, instead of this nice screen, it takes shows the phone's Messaging folder, where there's no HTML for emails (and, I think, no push mail support).Besides, both the "Email" and the "Email setup" icons lead to the same place (setting up a new account). In my 5800, it shows the screen above, which has a much better interface.

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Nokia :: 5530 XM / Not Receiving Texts

Jan 5, 2010

I have a nokia 5530 xpressmusic phone, and im not receiving any texts. I only receive texts if im sending one or i restart my phone. Any ideas how to fix this? I've restarted it and done all that stuff to wipe it and stuff.. but its still not working, but my old sony phone works perfect for receiving texts so it cant be the network =/, any ideas?Sorry, ive rather wrote this out really quickly because im annoyed because this is the second time this phone has screwed up on me. And i really cant be bothered with the hole getting a new one and stuff!

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Nokia :: 5530 Ringtones Are Distorted

Jun 27, 2010

When a mp3,acc file is assigned to play as a ringtone, the sound is distorted as if it was 'slipping' (old fashioned vinyl term!).All music files play ok on mp3 player/music application.

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Nokia :: 5530 Media Bar Disappeared

Feb 19, 2010

I just bought a 5530 XpressMusic and from last night after my music player is frozen for a while I am missing the media bar on the Home Page when a song is being played background. Can anybody help how to bring that back? I did reset factory setting but it did not come back.

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Nokia :: 5530 New Update V20 Avaliable

Feb 15, 2010

I live in the UK and just found out this update is now available, shall i update? any problems with it? shall i back up?

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Nokia :: 5530 / Same Contact Pic For Every Call

Jun 17, 2010

I have 6 people assigned to my contact bar. No matter who calls, I get the picture of "Chris". I do get the correct incoming phone number though. I am thinking I did something wrong at set up, but no idea what.

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Nokia :: 5530 / V20.0.080 / Shuts Down On Call

Jan 19, 2010

When I updated my 5530 XpressMusic phone to V20.0.080 it began to shut down when I pick up the phone. It even shuts down when I dial a number and the other side picks up.The only possible way using my 5530 as phone is by enabling the loudspeaker.Are there any updates fixing that problem? Does anyone else have the same problem?

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Nokia :: 5530 Setting Up Contacts

Jan 6, 2010

I read that the 5530 allowed displaying up to 20 scrollabe contact Icons (or images) on the homepage. No matter what I try,I can only see a maximum of 7 contacts (plus the "add" icon). I have avatar images for all my contacts. All my contacts are saved to phone memory only, not to SIM card. Am I missing something in the way I'm setting up my contacts, or do I have a phone issue?

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Nokia :: Difference Between 5530 U.S Version?

Apr 18, 2010

First of all, please excuse my English (not my native). I live in Moldavia (Europe). My friend works in USA, and she would like to make me a present and buy Nokia 5530 and send to me. It's my first Nokia phone, but I think, I would love it. The problem is in phone version... She sent me a link on Amazon (link is in the end of the post). Then I saw that it is U.S. Version. What does it mean? What's the difference? Is there any hardware or software difference? Functions? Someone told me that they have different functions (no FM, for example)... Please help, because I don't know what to do...The link is:URL...

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Nokia :: Is 5530 A Reliable Phone?

Apr 1, 2010

I really want to get this phone on a 24-month long contract but I have done some research on the web and it seems that this faults with this phone are very common.I dunno if all phones have common faults associated with them, or if the Nokia 5530 has more common faults than usual. Also, are there any known-faults and are they easily fixed? I was wondering what the reputation for this phone is here on this forum.

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Nokia :: 5530 Concerning Firmware And Symbian OS

Apr 4, 2010

First,When will a new firmware be released for the Nokia 5530 Express Music?

Second,Is Symbian 2 already released or not ?

Third,Is there a way to upgrade to new symbian (for example from Symbian 1 to Symbian 2)?

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Nokia :: 5530 Time Keeps Screwing Up

Jan 7, 2010

recently purchased a 5530, very happy with it, but the time keeps screwing up. which has to be the most annoying thing ever as i don't own a watch and rely on my phone
problem one: the phone seems to have daylight saving time set so when ever i update the time from Optus it automatically puts the clock forward an hour. this wouldn't be a problem... except Western Australia doesn't have daylight saving anymore... i cannot find any setting on the phone to turn DLS off and i have updated to the latest software
problem two: i turn automatic time update off and set the time manually but for some stupid reason every time i turn the phone on and off the time either goes back an hour or completely changes.

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Nokia :: 5530 No Gateway Reply

Jan 12, 2010

I cant seem to connect to wifi, i get No Gateway Reply, even though the WIFI is an open network so its not pass protected, what could be wrong? My mates iPhone connects always but why not mine? I have Nokia 5530

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Nokia :: 5530 Shortcuts Bar Is Near Top Of Screen

May 11, 2010

on my 5530 the shortcuts bar is near the top of the screen.on all the other 5530s i have seen (inc pics) this bar is at the bottom of the do i move it from top to bottom ?

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Nokia :: 5530 - Real Player

Feb 11, 2010

I have recently bought a Nokia 5530 XpressMusic and real player sucks. Is they a way that I can replace it with a better video player?

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Nokia :: 5530 GPS Light Not Turning On / Id-4w

Apr 7, 2010

ive played around with all the settings, etc. The only lights being displayed on the ld-4w gps module are the green light and the blue light. the gps light is not turning on. it is all paired with the nokie 5530 phone.Ovi maps is installed, all the firmwire is updated.

When i start the application 'Location' (the one thats included with the phone), it says searching for GPS devices. Then it says 'Waiting for gps', then (nearly instantly) it shows 'GPS Not Availible' and exits. After that it displays 'No Connection'.I have tried by going into my back garden and doing this but it still does not work.

However, when I use ovi maps and type in a route, it displays 'Waiting for GPS' for a long time, then it does not connect either, but then it also asks for an internet connection, which i dont have as i dont have any credit on my phone, and i also dont have wireless internet.If this is the problem, then why doesent the gps light on my ld-4w even blink?Please help, i need this GPS module up.

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Nokia :: 5530 Can Not Connect Other Wlans

Feb 13, 2010

i own Nokia 5530 and my phone is always connected to a Dlink.B6454C wlan no matter what place i am and it wont disconnect from it, i can't connect to other wlans. how can i solve this problem. i deleted already all points of access and the problem still goes

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