Nokia :: App Gallery Failed On E72?

Feb 26, 2010

If i use "Gallery" to show my pictures, some of the shown thump nails are not right!

sample: i see a "dog", and if i hit the picture, it is a "girls face"The name of this wrong thump nails is wrong too,...E72

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Nokia :: N86 Gallery And Charging When Not Plugged In

Jan 25, 2010

1) phone occasionally thinks its charging when it is not plugged in, very annoying, have to restart phone. any ideas? oh and also is there away to turn of that annoying little charging light? ive resorted to covering it with a 1mm square of black electrical tape because its annoying if you sleep next to phone!

2) I had about 600ish photos in my gallery, the other day that dropped to 0, the photos are still there but are not in gallery, after about 5 restarts there are now 50 images in the gallery some of which were taken on the night in question and some weeks before. very annoying as i dont want to look through images on file browser

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Nokia :: Save Picture To Gallery?

Apr 17, 2010

I just purchased a Mural 6750 and a friend sent me a picture that I wanted to save, so from the menu, I selected "Save Contents" and it told me that it was saved to the "Gallery", well where's the "Gallery"? I looked in the pictures folder and it's empty, and so is the picture folder on the memory card. I looked in the user manual and there's no mention of a "Gallery" anywhere. It seems like when I want to save something, I should be asked where I want to save it to, especially since I have a memory card installed.

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Nokia :: E72 Photos Taken No Longer Appear In The Image Gallery

May 14, 2010

I just discovered that since the last 2 weeks photos I take no longer appear in any of the media image galleries - to find a photo I need to go into the Office folder and use the file manager. It seems that the problem may have coincided with me removing the memory card - hopefully not coinciding with firmware update! Is there a way to reset the image gallery to show all captured images?

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Nokia :: E52 Gallery - 4gb Memory Card Not Shown

Jun 13, 2010

i recently got a new e52, its all grt except for d fact tat i have got few pictures loaded on ma 4gb memory card tat i inserted into d phone which are not shwn in the gallery, but they r present in the card when viewed thru file manager the songs got updated into d library from d memory card even when i receive picture thru bluetooth, i can see them in d in box and after savin them to the card or phone, they are not seen in d gallery

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Nokia :: 5530 Pics Not Loading Into Gallery

Aug 11, 2010

Ive had my 5530 xpressmusic phone for almost 10 mos and its always worked fine, but a few weeks ago i plugged in into my computer and since then my pictures arent in the gallerybut theyre still in the file manager. since then when i pluged it back into the comp only the pics that are saved on the phone are in the gallery. so my question is, is it a problem with my memory card (which has never been out of the phone)? or is it a software issue?

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Nokia :: 5800 Gallery - On Memory Card - Can't See

Mar 29, 2010

When I go to gallery /images & videos. only thing in it is msyncinit, dwnl imgs and dwnl vid all my pics are on memory card but in gallery i can't see it

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Nokia :: How To Remove Some Pictures From Gallery - Not From Phone?

May 1, 2010

I have N95 8Gb. After installing GPS programm Sygic, I found in my Gallery 20 icons from this program. How I can remove them from Gallery, but not from phone ? And how I can restrict Gallery for showing pictures only from one folder ?

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Nokia :: Remove Gallery Application Symbian Os On N82

Feb 25, 2010

Is there any way to remove the gallery-app of symbian os on a Nokia N82 mobile?

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Nokia :: Wrong Preview Pics By Using Gallery

Feb 27, 2010

Since i have more than ~100 pics onto my sd-card, sometimes i get wrong preview pics!The names of the files are allright, but the preview pics not! Not all, but some!Formating the sd-card does not help!

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Nokia Nseries :: 808 Pureview FP2 Gallery Functionality?

Oct 3, 2012

In Nokia Pureview 808 gallery should be more functional. For example, send option should be added to gallery. Send with Bluetooth, email, etc. In its current state, the options for gallery is very limited.

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Nokia Nseries :: Cannot View My Pics On Gallery

Apr 12, 2012

i currently bought a 16gb class4 microsd, after i transfered all my files from mass memory to my microsd my gallery only displays the pre installed belle walpapers.

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Nokia :: 5800 Way To Restrict Folders Accessed By Gallery?

Jan 2, 2010

is there any way to restrict the folders accessed by the gallery on the 5800?

it's getting increasingly annoying that every piece of album art in a music folder i copy onto my memory card, and every single jpg used by any installed applications, just automatically gets added to the gallery when i don't want it to, nor need it there any way to stop it? none of the files are being added to the image folder, the phone just seems to automatically add EVERYTHING with no thought for where it is and why it's on the phone.

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Nokia :: 5320 Gallery Stuck On Opening Page?

Jan 3, 2010

Since yesterday the phone keeps getting stuck on "Opening" when I get in any of the galleries (Photos, Videos, Animations, etc.), and when I try to access any of the multimedia content via /Config/General/Personalization, and stuff like that. The only way to access it its through File Administration. It gets a little slow opening the pics and videos, but get the job done, however, it isn't the same thing.Any thoughts on how can I fix it? I has been driving me mad.

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Nokia :: 5800 / Facebook App Saving All Thumbnails To Gallery

Feb 4, 2010

Whenever I use the facebook on the Communities app on my 5800 xpress, it saves all the thumbnails that appear on each page into my gallery.which as you can imagine with hundreds of unwanted tiny pics and no mark multiple function is a pain to say the least!I've tried looking for a setting to turn it off but no luck.anyone got any ideas?

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Nokia Nseries :: 808 Belle FP2 Gallery Missing Features

Oct 2, 2012

Nokia 808 Belle FP2's gallery is still crippled. There is no way to organize photos into folders or tag them in any useful manner. And there no possibility to select multiple items for sharing etc. Gallery cannot zoom images that are downloaded to the phone from other sources no matter how big these images are.

None of these limitations were present in Symbian Anna, so this is a major drawback and downgrade in terms of features even this 808 shoud be Nokias's current flag ship phone on photography domain.

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Nokia Nseries :: Add Videos Back Into Gallery View?

Mar 5, 2012

Nokia N8 -- Belle Since updating to Belle, all my old videos I have filmed refuse to appear in teh normal Gallery. Any new videos I record go into teh Gallery as normal. Is there anyway to force teh gallery to rescan memory to fidn teh videos? It was fantastic having the videos and pictures in the same place sorted by date taken. Now it's just plain horrible. I thought about "syncing" the videos, backed up to my PC, to the phone using Nokia Suite, in the hope they would then appear in the Gallery, however it seems to insist on "transcoding" the videos! (Even though they were originally recorded on this phone!)

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Nokia Nseries :: Photos And Videos Gone Missing From Gallery

Dec 5, 2011

Last week I noticed that all my photos and videos have are missing from gallery and i thought I might have deleted them accidentally, but discovered tht after taking a picture they go missing withing a short time, A carefull search with OVI suite and my PC revealed tht all the videos and photos are still in the E;mass memory but for some reason I cant access them from my phone.

I also noticed tht there seem to be a problem with the E:mass memory when I access it through file manager. I cannot access any of my folders saved in the E: memory.

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Nokia Online Services :: Share From Gallery Not Working

Feb 8, 2012

Earlier it was pissible to share directly froom gallery .. but now it shows feature not supported

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Nokia Pictures/Videos :: E6 : Missing Photos In Gallery

Sep 8, 2011

I have copied a load of songs and pictures from Windows to my E6 microSD card.The songs are working nicely, no problem there (= SD card working properly).The photos don't appear in the gallery/photo browser. When I reboot, the phone claims it is scanning for new media, but the photos don't show up.

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Nokia Pictures/Videos :: 603 - Cannot Open Gallery / JPG Files

Feb 1, 2012

My nokia 603 got some error on "gallery". I can't open gallery and file .jpg, when I open it, it shows "Home screen: feature not support". After I restore the phone, it still error.

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Nokia Nseries :: FP2 Is Not Working Properly With Cammera And Gallery

Oct 10, 2012

i want the new fixed FP2 update because my old FP2 has some problems with camera and gallery it got bugged sometimes and also camera button doesnt work untill i restart my phone

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Nokia Nseries :: Hide Some Folders From 'Photo' Gallery?

Jul 24, 2011

I use TrekBuddy, a navigation software. Trekbuddy stores map snippets on the phone, hundreds of little images in graphical format (JPEGs or PNGS).When I go into "Photos", Under "All"I see thousands of pictures because the phone finds all the map snippets.How can I hide the map snippets from the "Photo" galery?

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Nokia Nseries :: Can't View Camera Photos In Gallery?

May 11, 2012

Everything in my phone is missing. I accidentally lost all data after disconnecting from computer and how do i retrieve them back? Since then, whatever pictures i took doesnt appear in Gallery and all my PDF documents are still missing and movies that I've downloaded too. How? Ive tried restoring. Still nothing.But when i back up my phone using Nokia Link, the items i cant find on my phone are all backed-up.

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Nokia Nseries :: Hiding App Files From Image Gallery?

Nov 6, 2012

all my skin files from iSMS are showing up in my gallery and its really annoying. Marking these files as hidden in x-plore does not work.

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Eseries / Communicators :: Nokia Ovi Suite Failed During Update Of Nokia E63

Aug 23, 2011

Yesterday I wanted to update my Nokia E63, I saw there was 2 ways of Updating, 1. Over The Air, but there was no clear definition on how to do that, So I want to the other option, Nokia Ovi PC Suite. The download kept failing but it kept resuming when I tried to download the update again. After the download finished Usually you do not need the internet to install something that you already downloaded (Should Always Be Like That!!) So I thought that and while the update was installing Nokia Ovi PC Suite said something about Cannot Connect To Service, Although My Internet was PERFECT! and I tried to turn on my E63 and it would just vibrate and then turn off. I tried reviving it by leaving the battery out for 5 mins ( I also left it out for 6 hours) And when you turn it on Hold the Green Button Call And the 3 and the *. But none of that works, I wanted to send my phone to Nokia Care through Post But you need the IMEI but How can I do that?

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Nokia :: E71 V500.21.009 Firmware Updated And Gallery Stopped Support

Jul 29, 2010

I recently updated to version V500.21.009 my firmware, and from then on my gallery stopped to support any of my existing files, no images, nor music or video files...I am very frustrated,angry and disappointed and of course, I can't change back to older version firmware .I am planning to buy a new Nokia E72, but if the support for my current phone is so bad I might reconsider my plans and go other way, Apple or HTC.

Current: Nokia E71 V500.21.009
Future: Nokia E72 (Maybe)

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Nokia :: N900 Gallery Picture Shows Up In Thumbnail View

Feb 25, 2010

those are my issues:
1) in some applications (such as photos,web...) suddenly quit app. with message internal error application "web or xxx" closed (i flashed my device with emms.

2)sometimes does not open conversation text --->> Internet link: video

3)when i shoot picture with my camera in gallery picture shows up many times(like 10-15 times)in thumbnail view,also in normal view,when i change picture to the next one its again same picture many times.

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Nokia :: 5230 Transferring Music / Does Not Appear In The Gallery Section Of The Phone

Jun 17, 2010

Despite emailing nokia directly on a number of occasions and receiveing no reponse.I tried transferring music,mp3, using onto my phone although it states it is successful the music does not appear in the gallery section of the phone.

This is my fourth nokia and to be honest my last.

I have a bog standard Samsung that was able to achieve this task.

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Nokia :: 5800 - Pictures In Gallery In Sequence - Memory Full

Feb 26, 2010

I was facing an issue with the gallery in nokia 5800 xpressmusic phone. When i open the gallery and watching the pictures in the gallery in sequence, I am getting a popup message like "Gallery: Memory Full. Close some applications and try again". Do anyone facing the same issue and found the fix for this. I had 1001 pictures in the gallery. Still 2.3GB space is left in Memory-card and 22mb free in phone memory.

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Nokia :: N97 Mini :: Folder Setting For Image Gallery / Photobrowser

Aug 20, 2010

I've just got a simple question: is it possible to choose the images folder(s) which are shown in photobrowser or image gallery on a n97 mini?now it shows all the images on my device/mass storage/sdhc card, and I don't want that to happen. I want to be able to choose the folders which are shown. now it also shows all icons of my pois inthere, so i've got over 400 images (all images which are used by programs) while there are only about 50 files in the images i have to scroll through 350 images which i don't need, just to find 1 photo i want to use as a background.hoping that there will be a software update which allows for changing these settings, so that it only shows the folders I want to use.

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