Motorola Xoom :: Moving Photos To Computer And Visa Versa?
May 17, 2011
I tried moving photos from my xoom to my Dell inspirion XP. I just couldn't do it. I connected the two devices via the usb cable and the computer recognized the xoom, but did not know what to do after that. The xoom says drop and drag
I have noticed that my wifi Xoom will randomly display either the notification volume or system volume sliders on screen when either the up or down volume buttons are depressed. I can tap the "settings" icon to the right of the slider on either one and both of them display. They also don't display the same way everytime either. Sometimes, system will be on top and notifications on the bottom and vice-a-versa.
Can this app sync between the computer folder and the phone and vice versa? When using the phone, is there a way to seee thumbnails of the images? I just see a generic icons with names like DSC123.JPG
Last week I purchased the LG Versa and I'm loving the phone, but for some reason I can't get it to connect to my laptop. I have Windows XP which works with the Versa and I follow the steps to get the phone to connect using a USB.Steps :
Main Menu Settings & Tools Tools USB Mass Storage
But the phone says that their was no connection to check connection and try again. I do and try again and again, but still no connection.I hope someone can help me out and let me know were I'm going wrong.Also I have a new Micro SD card for this phone... I have already paired the phone with it.
I have commented on this many times.. Am I the only one that is seeing this happen.. It doesn't always do it but it will do it in the stock browser and Dolphin HD to.. Instead of the cursor moving backwards to remove misspellings it moves forward.. I've yet found a browser that works with G-Mail properly..Stock browser looks like i'm in a mobile mode but no longer see the dbug function any more.. It looks the same on the browser as using the gmail stock app that came with the Xoom... I hate it.. Not a real Gmail experience to me, too many functions missing.. Anyone have any suggestions as to seeing and using gmail on the Xoom as it would look and perform on the laptop.. HD Browser won't even allow me to reply to an email.. It won't pop up the keyboard no matter what i try, looks good on the browser untill you touch something then everything starts shaking and jerking around
I got my Xoom primarily to access my database and bookmarked & annotated PDFs during client home visits and SS hearings without bringing a laptop. Of course, the Verizon salesperson said I could do all that. But, I could not find a PDF reader that retains bookmarks . My files are sometimes 400-600 or more pages long. I can't scroll through page by page to quickly find what I need using docs to go.
I set up remote desktop for Xoom (phonemypc) as an alternative. This works great(except for brief lags in response times) but I have to enlarge the view on my Xoom to read the remotely controlled monitor screen. I can't see a whole page at once because of this. If, though, I try to scroll in any of the remote desk top views, the Xoom screen moves. I don't want my Xoom screen to move. I want to move within the program on my remote desktop.
Will a bluetooth mouse enable me to use scroll bars without moving the Xoom screen? Or is there an app or method for stopping the Xoom screen from moving when I try to slide a scroll bar on my remote desktop screen? (trying to pull up the traditional right click menu on a scroll bar is a hit and miss experience and it takes multiple tries to get where I need to go in a document--it's too slow).
I made a folder within the camera roll folder, dropped my pics in all together...dragged the folder on to my desktop and POOF - the folder and all the images (except ONE photo copies 17 times) are GONE!!? what do I do?
Is it possible to share computer internet connection with the Xoom using bluetooth or USB cable? I read about sharing the Xoom internet to the pc, but is it possible to do it the other way?
I want to transfer some videos and photos from my Xoom to my computer (which has Windows XP and Windows Media Player 11). My understanding is that this combination only allows a transfer FROM the computer TO the tablet -- what do I need to make the transfer in the other direction?
I have a Xoom tablet ( FE) and after I upgraded to ICS, I can no longer transfer files from my computer to my Xoom. I used a usb cord to copy my Word ducuments to tablet, but the sd card in tablet does not show anything. I did a factory reset and called tech support but nothing works. And there is no way to formet the sd card ( from computer or sd card)
I have Vista on my desktop computer. I see Xoom under "My Computer", I found "Device Storage" and started copying the files from Xoom to a new folder. All of a sudden Vista stopped copying the folders and daid it can't read from the device.ow after updating the drivers with Download Motorola 5.2.0 Driver with MotoHelper* , checking to see if USB Debugging is unchecked and pulling my hair out, there is no Device Storage displaying to access. My Xoom shows under "My Computer" but then after double clikcing to access the Xoom, it's empty..
Wel, the subject line says it all - my Xoom just deleted every photo from the internal memory /mnt/sdcard/dcim/camera.
Using file manager HD I can see that the thumbnails folder is still there, with most of, but not all, of the thumbnails there - which would indicate that the photos are still on the internal memory, just not showing up.I can't use Wondershare Photo Recovery or any other type of recovery program because the Xoom uses MPT instead of mounting as a mass usb drive and therefore Windows won't allocate a drive letter.
Luckily I had most of the photos backed up on the sdcard (which was also wiped) and was able to recover them but I am still missing ones taken over the last few days.
Is there any way to recover these pictures / videos, or to have the Xoom mount as a mass usb device?
I am interested in using the miniHDMI to HDMI cable with an HDMI to DVI adapter to drive a standard computer monitor with the Xoom.
I have the pieces, and have verified I can do straight HDMI to a monitor that supports it. When I try to run the signal to DVI on a different monitor, I get nothing.
We bought a Xoom to use on vacation instead of taking a laptop. I want to download photos and videos taken with my Canon Camera into my Xoom. I have the adapter for the Canon that allow me to convert the SDHD to a Micro SD, so that I can pop in ito the Xoom. I can view the photos fronm the Canon card on the Xoom, but it won't let me download them into the device. I don't want to have to go thru a computer to do this. So is it possible to download from the SD card onto the Xoom.
Also, when we watch the videos that were recorded on the Canon with the Xoom, they are at a slowed down speed. Would seem that if they were actually downloaded to the Xoom, it would take care of this issue.
I do not want to use the Xoom to take these photos. My Canon camera is the device we will use to capture the photos for multiple reasons.
I'd like to make a slideshow in chronological order of my pictures from the oldest to the newest one. However apparently there is no way to select this order, only inverse is possible in gallery (newest to oldest).
I just moved to the Curve. I cant move contacts via SIM because its locked for some reason. So I now want to go the other route, which is apparently downloading from the phone to my computer and then upload to the Curve. I know, How to upload to the Curve but nothing on how to download to the computer. The original phone is the LG Xenon.
My old PC died and I'm trying synch my Iphone to a PC that I haven't backed up to in many months and the contents of the the two don't match. My Iphone has everything I want on it. The PC wants to replace everything with its old backup when I turn on synch apps and music? Would like it if Itunes would treat this like a new phone and just back everything up, is there a way to get it to do this?
I can't seem to transfer my photos onto my computer with the USB cable. It shows that the phone is charging, but none of the files appear on the computer.
New HTC one owner here. I can't sync my photos from iPhoto to my phone.
I was able to successfully transfer my music using HTC Sync manager, although it took me forever. Since then, Ive tried to move photos, but give up every time in frustration. The software crashes, lags, and just plain sucks, even with the new software update (today)
I'd love to somehow drag n drop, but my phone won't even show up in finder (I'm on a Mac) as a device I can transfer files to (it shows up as CD-ROM?) I cannot drag files to it.
I am trying to pair my Blackberry Bold 9900 with my iMac Lion. I was able to connect but can not browse the Blackberry. When I try to Browse the 9900 device I get the message "This device does not have the necessary services".How do I get the Blackberry 9900 to work with the iMac so I can move Photo's into iPhoto, or Music, addresses.
Yesterday I shot several photos... The mobile asked me if I wanted to move them to the sd card since the mobile memory storage was reaching the 75% of its capacity. I said yes and then the photos were moved to the sd card but now they are all black. I was wondering if a original copy was left inside the mobile storage memory. I've seen several apps to recover pictures but the mobile has to be rooted...
I have some pictures that I'd like to move to an album that already exists. When I tap Add the only option available was to a new album.Why can't we move photos from the Camera Roll to an existing album?
I have 120 photos in my iPhone that I would like to move to my iPhoto on my iMac. I have emailed 1 - 3 photos to the email I use on my iMac, but here I have 120 photos. I got an iPhoto app for my iPhone thinking that would have an easy way to move photos from my iPhone to iPhoto on my iMac. I have not found any way to move a large number of photos from the iPhone to my iMac. I thought maybe when I connected to my iMac to Sync I would find a way to move a large number of photos but as yet I have found no way. How can I get these 120 photos (each about 1.3mb) from my iPhone to my iMac (iPhoto)?
So I got a new Samsung Galaxy s5, and transfered an SD card to the phone. I decided to move all photos from the SD card to the phone, and some seem to have dissapeared during the process. Have checked all the folders in the phone, but still cannot find them.
My storage is getting low so I decided to delete some old pictures. Saw that it is moving to trash and not clearing the space.
I tried to empty trash using the empty trash option, but none of the pics were deleted. Only when I select specific pics in the trash and delete them, it is deleted for good.
I wanted to move some of the new photos on my iPhone to an album in iPhoto on my Mac and I could not get my iPhone to show up in iPhoto. I restarted my iPhone, I re-launched iPhoto and still nothing. I did open iTunes and it does show up there but it still won't show up in iPhoto. What am I missing?