Motorola Xoom :: SIM No Longer Working

May 31, 2011

Have got 2 broadband dongles (Vodafone and 3) and used both SIMs in the XOOM and they worked fine (after the obligatory reboot). However they no longer work and try as I might i can't get them to work.

If it helps when there is no SIM in the tablet I don't get the No SIM present on the home page screen.

I have tried everything even a factory reset but nothing. don't make me buy an iPad - i couldn't stand it!

Other symptons are that the battery life seems to be much shorter now but this could be an illusion.

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Motorola Xoom :: Facebook App No Longer Working?

Jun 29, 2011

In fact, you may want to try it even if Facebook is working.

Facebook recently made some changes to its application and it won't show up any longer on the Honeycomb market. If you have it on there already it should work.

But I suggest you given FriendMe a try. It's a very nice Facebook app that takes advantage of some Honeycomb capabilites. I use it over the regular Facebook app (mine still works) despite a few bugs.

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Motorola Xoom :: PDF And DOC Attachments Are No Longer Opening?

Sep 13, 2011

PDF and DOC attachments are no longer opening on my xoom (wi-fi only). It used to ask what program I wanted to use to open the attachment. Now the screen goes slightly gray and the attachment does not open in any program.

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Motorola Xoom :: Appointments Are No Longer Showing

May 25, 2011

Not sure why but all my calendar info and appointments are no longer showing.. It won't sync with my iPhone any longer.. Was working fine.. Have checked all the settings, it is still set to sync.. I have went in and stopped the calendar app and restarted, still not syncing.. I have tried everything short of a soft Xoom reboot..Have shut down and rebooted both, still won't sync.. The loss of this function is not acceptable..

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Motorola Xoom :: Video No Longer Plays?

Aug 14, 2011

Verizon Xoom 3.2 Watching a movie that I transferred to the Xoom from my computer like I've been doing for months now (even after the 3.2 update). Paused it to take care of some things. Come back in about 20 minutes and the Xoom is locked up. Had to do a volume up/power button to restart it.After restarting, movies won't play. Neither will video taken with the Xoom. When I go into Gallery and touch a video, the screen sort of dims but nothing else happens. Normally when I select a movie, I get a choice of stock player or RockPlayer.If I open RockPlayer from my Apps, I can play the movie.I did an additional power down/power up but still video will not work.

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Motorola Xoom :: Directory No Longer Displays

Jan 23, 2012

several days ago ice cream sand self-istalled to xoom. since then I can no longer find full listing of directory on my pc. tried vista, xp and win 7 machines. --i see 15 or 20 directories, believe ones that came with xoom a year ago. but I have much information i can no longer access, to adjust directories or add new files. -----files are still there, and i can use them VIA the XOOM, but not with pc. -- important files i have got into xoom via DropBox.

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Motorola Xoom :: Movie Studio Is No Longer Installed

May 19, 2011

I just installed the 3.1 update and for some reason Movie Studio is no longer installed. Is there somewhere I can re-download it?

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Motorola Xoom :: Tablet Model No Longer Shows

May 12, 2011

Still seems to require the phone fields even though I don't have a Moto phone (just a Wifi Xoom). Also, the serial number selection is not clear since 3G users seem to use the MEID, but I've been asked for my Wifi MAC address before. This time I tried to simply enter my "serial number" as stated in the Xoom status screen. But I can't get past #1 issue above, it is trying to require me to enter a Moto phone as well.

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Motorola Xoom :: FE No Longer Syncs Bookmarks With Chrome?

Mar 12, 2012

I have had my bookmarks syncing successfully since I found out that I could do it. Today, all of my bookmarks on my FE disappeared, and the browser refuses to sync to my Google account. I've logged into Chrome and all of my bookmarks are intact. Also, running stock 3.1 not rooted, no tomfoolery has been had with this device.

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Motorola Xoom :: 3g 3.2 Update No Longer Able To View Attachments

Aug 7, 2011

got the 3.2 update for my 3g Xoom. And now when using my exchange account I can no longer view attachments from email. I have to save the file to the device and view with the aid of a file reader. It worked flawlessly before but now seem broken.

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Motorola Xoom :: No Longer Transfer Files From My Computer

Dec 9, 2012

I have a Xoom tablet ( FE) and after I upgraded to ICS, I can no longer transfer files from my computer to my Xoom. I used a usb cord to copy my Word ducuments to tablet, but the sd card in tablet does not show anything. I did a factory reset and called tech support but nothing works. And there is no way to formet the sd card ( from computer or sd card)

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Motorola Xoom :: Market Place No Longer Able To Update Apps?

Jun 29, 2011

For some reason good for engerprise and tapatalk have an update butnwhen i select it downloads goes to install then failssaying appname failed to install..

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: USB Tethering No Longer Working?

Oct 17, 2011

I bought a new work computer and tried using USB tethering with my Atrix. It installed the NDIS adapter but I was getting the infamous 169.x.x.x address. I decided to try it later since I was in a hurry.Now, the phone will not start USB tethering at all. I plug it in and the USB Tethering check box has a light green checkbox like it's turning on, but never changes. I have rebooted and pulled the battery. No change. What's strange is that I plug the USB in and when I go to the tethering screen the USB checkbox is already checked automatically. I seem to remember having to enable it manually before all this started.

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Motorola Atrix 2 :: LED Notification Is No Longer Working?

Aug 30, 2012

My LED notification is no longer working. Is there some place to adjust this I am missing? Or is mine just broke?

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Yahoo Email Not Working Any Longer?

Mar 1, 2012

My Yahoo was working. Then I installed my work email with Corporate Sync. Yahoo worked for a few hours and then would not update. I have deleted and re-added. I can send emails from my Yahoo account to my work email but cannot download and view the emails in my Yahoo inbox. I have a Photon 4G. I have tried all steps through WI-FI, 4G, and 3G - with same result.

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Motorola Milestone 2 :: Auto-focus No Longer Working

Apr 11, 2012

The autofocus of my Milestone 2 is no longer working. It's not often that I take pictures with my mobile, so I can't say if this is related with the GB-Update or not.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: IVONA Voices No Longer Working

Nov 28, 2011

Ivona used to work fine on my phone, and now it wont. I tried twice to uninstall and reinstall. Ivona tech site is worthless. Ivona shows up as the preferred text to speech app, but the phone keeps using the stock voice.

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Camera Auto-focus No Longer Working?

Apr 24, 2011

The camera on my Droid 2 doesn't autofocus anymore. For the first couple months, I was taking crystal clear pictures without any problems, then one day the camera refused to autofocus and now all my pictures turn out blurry. I can say without a doubt that the lens does not need cleaning because if I take an extreme closeup (just a few inches from the subject) the pictures are clear. Any further than a few inches, the pics come out blurry. Holding the shutter button down a little only causes a red box to come up, not green. Using the touch screen shutter button doesn't make a difference. I tried factory resetting my phone and this didn't solve the issue.

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Motorola Smartactions :: Motion Detector No Longer Working After ICS Update

Jul 2, 2012

The motion detector trigger is no longer working after my ICS update on my Droid Razr. Before that I had battery extender operating with no issues - it turned off background data and syncing when the screen was dimmed plus there was no movement. After, the battery extender will trigger every time my display goes off, ignoring the motion detector. Or other times it won't trigger at all, even when sitting on a flat unmoving surface. I've tried disabling and re-enabling. I've tried clearing the cache. I've deleted the rule and redone it several times. Sometimes I can get it to work if I shake the phone vigorously before place it firmly down, but not always. Before the update to ICS, it had the right sensitivity and worked every time. Currently I'm running Smart Actions version

Is there any way to make this work again? It's such a shame to lose it, but I don't like having the battery extender kick in every time the screen goes off (as, if it times out while I'm looking at it, then I lose all my data while using the phone).

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Motorola Bluetooth Stero Headsets :: Finiti No Longer Working?

May 7, 2011

Alright, over the past week, my bluetooth has been acting rather spotty, then today, it just stopped working completely. Now when I plug it in to charge, the little LED on the side will quickly flash three times in red, then it goes to a long red, then a long green with no break inbetween red and green. When I unplug it and attempt to turn the device on, all I'll get out of the headset is a low tone for a few seconds, then nothing.

I've attempted to contact Motorola via the live chat and a 800 number they gave me from there, but all they can tell me is that their system is down and wont be up till early next week. Fine, I just want to know what the flashing means (Obviously it means something otherwise it wouldn't be flashing, right?) and if there's a possible fix I can use to have my headset working again for the time being.

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Motorola Xoom :: 3.1 Movies App Not Working

May 11, 2011

I've rented two movies and I'm unable to watch either one. it says unable to view, click here to try again. and I get nothing when trying again.

Then, I've tried to download the movies and I get error 49.

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Motorola Xoom :: Netflix Not Working With ICS?

Jan 21, 2012

Anyone else having trouble with Netlfix on the Xoom following the upgrade to Android 4.0 (ICS)? I've uninstalled and reinstalled the Netflix app from the Android Market three times and Netflix can't connect to the server.

Netflix now works with ICS after uninstalling TV Guide app.

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Motorola Xoom :: Charger Sometimes Not Working?

Aug 18, 2011

I have noticed on a number of occasions that I have plugged my Xoom into the charger, and come back to find that it was not being charged. Unplugging the Xoom from the end of the charger made no difference, but unplugging the charger from the mains supply and plugging it in again seems to work. This does NOT happen if you plug the Xoom charger into the mains supply, then attach the Xoom, but only if the Xoom charger has been left plugged into the mains for a while without the Xoom being attached.I think this behaviour is by DESIGN - it appears that the Xoom charger switches off internally if left connected to the mains (but NOT connected to the Xoom) for a while. Disconnecting it from, and reconnecting it to, the mains "reboots" the charger, and it works again. This is a good idea, as it decreases the power consumption of the unit (I'm afraid I have loads of non-connected power chargers left plugged into the mains).

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Motorola Xoom :: Wifi: Sensors Not Working?

Dec 28, 2011

I'm new to Android & xoom and being long in the tooth I am enjoying the up hill learning curve. I recently bought a LUVTAB soft case for the xoom which I liked and thought good value but later noticed that the magnetic and orientation sensors weren't working (androSensor app). It took a while to suss out that it was the case causing the fault. With the XOOM 90% into the case all is well, it isn''t until the Motorola logo at the top goes under the case lip that the sensors stop working. So the question is has anyone else noted this effect?

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Motorola Xoom :: Get A Bluetooth Alarm App Working?

May 27, 2011

how to get a Bluetooth alarm app working on the Xoom? Something that connects the Xoom to my phone via Bluetooth and alerts me if the Xoom gets far enough away to lose the Bluetooth connection. I want to use something like 'StayCloseToMe' (in the Market) but I don't see a way to keep the Xoom connecteced to my phone. It doesn't stay connected to the phone like a headset would.

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Motorola Xoom :: Flash On It Still Not Working For Some Sites?

Jul 1, 2011

So, most flash enabled sites work great on my Xoom. However, ESPN, one that I frequent often, does NOT unless I do the following:

1. Type about:debug in url bar

2. Go to options and hit the Dump v8 counters

3. Then hit Dump navigation cache

Then I refresh the ESPN page I was on for video and it works.You have to do this every time you visit the site...

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Motorola Xoom :: 32G With ICS 4.03 - Front Camera Not Working?

Feb 29, 2012

I have OCS pushed to my device (WiFi only) in late January. It's been working well.But today I noticed when trying to do Skype that the front camera no longer works. I deleted Skype and a number of other apps thinking they might be the problem but no change.If I start the camera app it just presents a blank screen and then Stops. I deleted all the application data for the camera and the cache and restarted it. Now the camera works and shows an image from the rear camera. But as soon as I try to switch to the front camera, the app hangs as above and won't start again until I Force Stop it and delete the application data.

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Motorola Xoom :: SD Card Still Not Working In Wifi?

Apr 21, 2011

I just bought a Xoom wifi only because I thought it would be handy to have a tablet that I can use to swap files between my pc and my device, and now I see that though there is an sd slot it's pretty much just a decoration at this point. Does anyone know if there is a way to get this thing to work, or when Motorola/Andriod will fix that?And yes, I do know there are apps that I can use to access PC files over a wireless network, but i wanted to be able to bring a few sd cards worth of movies with me on the road when i travel since after i fill the device up with music and apps there's not a whole lot of room left.

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Motorola Xoom :: Netflix Updated And Working On 3.2?

Jul 20, 2011

Droid-Life is reporting that Netflix 1.3 is working on Xoom 3.2.[URL]Great news for all of the Honeycomb tablets out there wishing they could have Netflix. Today Netflix updated their application to allow support for additional devices, and we sure didn't expect support for tablets. We have confirmation of it working on ASUS Transformer, Motorola XOOM, and Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.

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Motorola Xoom :: Pair With S305 Mic Not Working?

Aug 18, 2011

I have a XOOM 3G and a Motorola S305 headset. I am able to pair but the pairing is only for media. I want to be able to use my S305 for GTalk and other VOIP applications. Support told me that the microphone is application independent but those "settings" don't show up. I have used other Bluetooth devices just fine and able to use the mic and media functions.

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Motorola Xoom :: Auto-Dimming Not Working?

Sep 11, 2011

This is on a brand new Xoom 3G + WiFi. The auto dimming backlight does not dim automatically. The slider works, but "auto" setting does not.

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