Motorola Motoactv :: Does Time Of Day Automatically Update?
Jun 1, 2012
How time of day is updated on the Motoactv. Since it has gps I assume it can access gps time, but I can't figure out if the device's time is updated, or if one has to update it manually.
Anytime I finish a workout I usually power down my device because it usually drains pretty quickly on "standby" (doesn't last more than a day or two if I'm not using but don't power off). However, two times in the past couple of weeks I've taken my device out and it was always on. I suppose it's possible I forgot to power down, but I doubt I would have done this twice in the past few weeks.
In my Lumia 1320 time sync is not working. I can set it manually.
Few times it got restarted automatically [not frequently though, may be once in a week or so], and from then onward the time reverted back to the old time which was set as manually. If it set to update automatically, time sync is not happening at all.
I would like the watch to show the time continuously without the display getting off. I managed twice the display to show down the time but I can't recall how I did it?
Noticed last few days that the time of day seems about a minute behind what it should be.Does it ever adjusted to the actual time when you do an outdoor workout? Maybe not as did one yesterday and no difference.Got latest software 4.57.97
A few days ago I went for a run, got back, went on [url]... to see my workout... but it wasn't there. At first I thought it just didn't sync yet, manually synced it, still nothing. After playing around with it for a bit, I started reading through the forums and came across the "Class Action Lawsuit" thread where in the guys rant he says "It constantly resets the date and time so you're workout will show up as 4 months in the past ( not ideal for a training log) "
I went for a walk outside so used the great GPS mode but unfortunaley left it in my coat pocket and forgot to turn it off for 10 minutes. Is there anyway to change the time the activity took in this situation.
Third time in a row this evening. Went to the gym, did some workouts, came home and synced up. Couldn't find my session on the portal so checked the watch and found once again that it had changed the time and date. It definitely isn't user error and it's the 3rd time it's happened.
Suddenly, I noticed my time was off by 1 hour. I didn't touch any of the time settings that I knew of....I went into the setting screen for the clock and where it used to say Eastern Time zone now says daylight savings time. Page further into the time settings, I got to the time set page which showed the correct time was set.I backed back out to the clock screen only to see it still showing 1 hour off... I shut the watch off and restarted it... After doing so, the time was now correct..
How do I change the time of day of the workout? I chose the beginner Carmicheal 5K plan and did the first workout today. Before I did the workout I noticed that it had me starting at 4:00 AM. I have no problem getting up early--but I'm not doing any workout at 4:00 AM. I usually start between 7:30 - 8:00 AM. Is there a way to adjust that?
When the workout synced it showed up as just a run and still has me listed for another workout today. In another words it recognized my workout but not as part of the traning plan. I don't think I need to run two of those a day--one is enough! Is there any way to correct that?
The date and time display in the upper left corner is blurred together. The device did not get wet. Also, I turned it off and back on and still no change. Are there any other suggestions? I am running the latest software.
Every single time I connect my watch to the computer via USB cable I get this "Connection Error": "Your MotoActv device cannot connect to the internet if your computer requires a proxy to reach the internet, please click proxy settings." Then I click the "Try Again" button and it successfully connects. This happens every time without fail. It's annoying. Can that be fixed?
1) what "stages" are and how they're used? There is nothing in the manual about them.
2) Is there no way to have the live data screen display the total time and distance since the beginning of the workout? It appears that you can only choose lap, stage, or zone time.
I'm regularly seeing the incorrect time displayed when I wake the device to check the time. I completely understand not rendering an updated clock when the screen is disabled, but this needs to occur instantly when the display is awakened. Currently the lag can be around 10/15 seconds (I've not measured precisely, but I can wake the screen by shaking at least 3 times and let it blank again before an update).
I ran a marathon today and when I crossed the start line (stepped on the mat to start the running chip)I started my watch. A few seconds after finishing I stopped it. The watch is about 3minutes off from my chip time. why this would be different? Could the Marathon time not be accurate or is it the MOTOACTV. I have the 8 gig was fully charged when I started. 3 minutes is a big difference. I didn't lose any signal while running.
We have not seen any releases recently for bug fixes, and support is all but non existant anymore. Tons of features that dont work as advertised. I know they are legally suppose to support repairs/parts for a period of 7 years or so, so I am sure there is some sort of legal obligatioin to deliver a product that functions as advertised.
This morning on my run I noticed that no matter what I did the time of day showed in the top left hand corner. It showed on the workout screen, on the settings screen, you name it. It wouldn't go away. In the attached screenshot that is showing time as well as "Workout" all combined into one. Can this be fixed Motorola?
Anyone notice that when using Factory widgets for the time and weather that the time doesn't update? It work fine before GB. I uninstalled it and then tried the moto and Verizon widgets the work fine.
I have a Samsung Galaxy Nexus with the MOTOACTV app installed. Whenever I try to sync it, I get an error saying"Could not reach the server while attempting sychnronization". It doesn't matter if I am on WiFi or using the cell network. The only way to get it to sync is to log out and back in. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall, but still have the same issue.
I'm a new Motoactv owner. Today is the first time I tried to sync my workouts and view them online. It takes a very long time to complete the sync (5-10 minutes). The first time it supposedly synced, my workouts were not uploaded to the site. When I log onto the website, that is also incredibly slow. Every link I click takes extraordinarilly long. When I try to view my work out, I get an error ("Internal Error has occurred..."), and it tells me to log out and log back in. But that doesn't result in anything different.
When I set a target of type "distance & time" (e.g 5 km in 25 minutes), I can not see my progress against my virtual opponent, that is, I can not see how far or how fast I am doing against that target. Just appears my data, and none from the opponent. I already have the opponent screen enabled. When I compete against a previously saved workout, it works fine.
can I see my progress against the opponent when I set a "distance & time" target, or it only works when I compete against previously saved workouts?
I have seen people having several problems with sync'ing. My problem is probably a variation of the basic underlying problem.I got my Motoactv a couple of days ago. I did a workout, and then tried to sync it wirelessly. I tried several times, but each time it gave me a network error. So then I connected the device to the computer via USB and the sync was successful.The next day, I did a couple of workouts. This time both the wireless and USB syncs failed numerous times. After reading several other posts, I did a factory reset.I then did a workout, and tried the wireless sync, and that failed. I didn't try the USB sync at that time. I went to bed, and when I got up this morning, Motoacdtv said that the sync was successful. So sometime during the night, the wireless sync occurred. I then did another workout today, and then did a USB sync which was successful. Another workout, and then the wireless sync (without intervention) worked.
After using the coached interval feature a couple of times, I have noticed a problem. Once my other workouts are synced, the table in the heart rate zones tab shows the total number of minutes spent in each individual heart rate zone. This is not happening with the programmed interval workouts. I know my zones are being recorded because of the feedback I get during the workout and the color coded graph portion seems to be accurate. The table on my recent 25 minute interval workout reads 1:55 in Z2, 2:32 in Z3, 0:36 in Z4, and 0:00 in both Z1 and Z5. Clearly these durations do not add up.